Set Goals and Finish December Strong!

Happy Friday friends! 

Can you believe December is already here? It seems like this year has flown by! However we still have one month left- let's strive to make it our best month yet! 

Here at TransFit we have a lot of exciting things going on in December! 

First, the Holiday Extravaganza is underway!! For those of you who joined in- keep up the great work! We have heard some awesome stories of discipline at holiday events and diligence in working out! GREAT job! Even if you weren't able to join the contest, join us in spirit and make new goals that you can and will achieve this month! Here is a December calendar full of challenges to help you make and achieve short term goals this month and press on through the end of the year! Goals are so important and help us strive to get to the place in our lives where we long to be! Friends, it is NEVER too late to make a new goal! Push yourself in this last month and finish 2015 out strong! Like our December theme you have to truly believe you can do it! 

While your schedule gets busier and busier and you are tempted to put your health and fitness goals- remember why you have started this journey! You long to be healthier in your mind, body and spirit. While I know you may struggle more during this season to get sessions in or make it to the gym, here is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout that you can do anywhere (garage, bedroom, outside, etc)!! It will get your heart rate pumping and help you to continue to torch calories long after you've finished! To make the most of your time, give it your absolute best for the 15-20 minutes it takes and then feel great about the workout you got in among all of the tasks you have for the day! It can be easily printed out and taken with you wherever you go! 


This HIIT workout, along with other full-body workouts can be found in the 14 Day Recharge eBook! TransFit was so excited to release our first ever eBook on Black Friday and you can get it TODAY still at a discounted price! Today is the day to begin really recharging your fitness- especially right before Christmas! If you start today you will be finished just in time to be feeling your best mind , body and spirit as you go into the holiday week! You can purchase the eBook for the discounted price here.

Friends, let's make the most of this wonderful season. Take in all the smells, lights and the wonderful feeling that lingers in the air this time of year. Take the time to cherish your family and friends more than ever before, and make the most of every day. Choose to pray more, give more and love more in the coming month perhaps than you have all year- always remembering the true meaning of this season! Happy December sweet friends!!  



5 Tips to keep you on track for your best Thanksgiving!

Hello friends! 


Can you believe it's Thanksgiving week already? What an energizing day of workouts in the TransFit Studio yesterday! Congrats to Amy O'Neil for winning the Food Journal Challenge and thanks to so many ladies who give 150% in the TransFit studio each day! Already, this week has been full of family and friends and it has been on my mind especially how thankful I am for my amazing clients, friends and family. My clients continually bless me and inspire me as they strive to live healthier in body, mind, and spirit and my friends and family make my life so bright! My cup overflows! 

As Thursday approaches friends, let's stay focused on everything we are thankful for--especially the opportunity we have to live our healthiest life. While this seems very hard to do during the holidays, let's remember that we CAN stay on track! 

Holiday Extravaganza is well underway and there is a lot of money in the pot to date! You still have until today at 8pm to weigh in before holidays! The goal of this game is to keep you accountable to keep your weight the same over the holidays or to become the BIGGEST LOOSER and WIN the cash money in the POT or one of the amazing prizes (like the FULL OUTFIT from lululemon)!!!

During Thanksgiving, the main idea is to remember PORTION CONTROL! It is okay to have a few “taboo” foods. You do not have to avoid dessert completely, just focus on moderation! Maybe decide ahead of time which treat you want to have, and then decide which you could give up. For example- maybe skip the rolls and mashed potatoes, choose a sweet potato with honey instead and turkey, vegetables and cranberry sauce then have a smaller piece of pumpkin pie (a MUCH better choice than pecan- which can hold over 500 calories per slice!!) This week, let us remain focused on striving for our goals- and be on the lookout for a SPECIAL BLACK FRIDAY RELEASE with TransFit!! 

We are releasing our first e-book!! It will be a 14 Day Recharge to totally recharge your holidays in body, mind, and spirit, stimulate your metabolism, and have a break though in your healthy lifestyle!! The 14 Day Recharge will be released Friday at a SPECIAL discount price so get ready!! 

Moving into Thursday- try these 5 Holiday tips:

 1. Make a list of why you started working out and read it before going to social events over the holidays! Keep your goals in mind.

 2.  Its okay to say “NO” to all the food pushers! You don’t have to try everyone’s “famous recipe”. Compliment the host in other wonderful areas.

3. Exercise over the holidays: Be ready to be flexible; your usual workout times may not work especially when so many parties and get together are happening. Instead of skipping your normal workout time all together, try to fit it somewhere else in your schedule (20 minutes may be all you can get one day). Here is a great HIIT workout for this holiday season that can be done ANYWHERE at any time!

4. Make exercise into a fun family event! (ex. Trip to stone mountain, walk in the park, family bike ride). Also, think of exercise as a form of worship! 

5. Keep up the November  Holiday Extravaganza challenge – this week is the cardio challenge!!

Take an afternoon walk before or after your meal, looking at all the beautiful leaves and spending some time be thankful for all He has blessed you with. It will be the sweetest Thanksgiving yet!  You will be left feeling so much better in every area- body, mind and spirit.  Enjoy celebrating your health and spending time with those you love, and have an incredible start to this wonderful holiday season.



Give Thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
— Psalm 107:1

INCREDIBLE Client Spotlight- Dr. Tina Carpenter

This week at TransFit in while we are gearing up for the Holiday Extravaganza  we are challenging eveyone to do a food journal for 5 days! If you do you food journal Monday- Friday and email it to my on Friday you will be entered in to win an awesome prize!! Amazing client spotlight Tina Carpenter has been so diligent and has been food journaling for 80 days straight and has had huge success! Tina is such an inspiration for all busy women! I am so proud of Tina for her commitment to her living transformed- body, mind, and spirit!  I can't wait for you to read her story and be encouraged to reach your health and wellness goals! 

How YOU can NOURISH Your Body in November!

Today, let's focus on being thankful to be able to have a full life! God has blessed us with so many opportunities and relationships that we are able to spend our days filled to the brim with activities!! Let us focus on using our busy schedules to bring Him glory. In everything we do throughout our day- let's turn to Him and do each and every task as though it was for His glory and nothing else. When we do this, God will bless the time that we do have and we will find ourselves renewed amidst our busy lives. 

Unlock the key to your total transformation!

Unlock the key to your total transformation!

 Each new month can be a fresh start with renewed motivation and willpower to reach our new  goals and follow a healthy lifestyle. However as we all know, the month goes on and the craziness of life begins to set in and we often will struggle to remain as driven and focused as we were at first. Is this natural? Completely! So, today I want to offer you a solution to this problem of falling off track and becoming disappointed and frustrated. One of the keys I have found for many clients in reaching their goals for lasting transformation!  

That solution is to find an accountability partner!  This could someone who is seeking to live a healthy lifestyle as well, and someone who can encourage you in all areas of life- body, mind and spirit.

This is your "go-to" person when you are feeling stressed over meal planning, don't think you have time to fit in a workout, have struggled to have a quality quiet time all week or are facing any of life's many obstacles. As we see in Proverbs 27:17, we weren't meant to do this life alone. God has intended for us to live this life together, and by doing so we "sharpen" one another and make each other better.  No weights, not enough time ....below is an awesome TRANSFORM BODY WEIGHT WORKOUT you can do with your partner or by yourself! Have an amazing weekend! 

Amazing Client Spotlight- Sarah Ellen Cain

Amazing Client Spotlight-                    Sarah Ellen Cain

This month at Transfit, we are going to be focused on optimism! With Optimism in October, we will remain positive and focused by using accountability partners and by keeping a daily food journal that includes a gratitude for each day. 

This month, our client spotlight is an incredible example of staying motivated and optimistic as she strives for her goals. Amazing Sarah Ellen Cain, a sweet college student who comes to the Transformers session at TransFit is taking control of her health by staying dedicated, committed, and motivated through college with her body, mind, and spirit!  I hope your are inspired by her story! 

The best SQUAT Workout + delicious & easy Southwestern Salad

The best SQUAT Workout + delicious & easy Southwestern Salad

My hope is that with the cooler air your will be refreshed and revived – ready for a successful week where you continue to inch closer to achieving your goals. Remember; strive for progress- daily- not perfection! Remind yourself of your September goals! Here are two quick things that may make your life a little healthier and happier this week- a recipe and an At Home, TRANSFORMATIONAL SQUAT workout!!

Strength in September

Strength in September

In the month of September we are going to reach for new goals and do a new monthly challenge! While we want to use this challenge as a means to reach new personal goals and get stronger and leaner in the month of September, we are also going to include a squat challenge that we can all push ourselves to complete! 

14 days to recharge your body, mind, and spirit!

14 days to recharge your body, mind, and spirit!

With September right around the corner and things falling back into a steady routine, NOW is the time to refocus your health priorities. September is the perfect month to make and achieve a new goal. Let’s take these last few days of August to really prepare our minds and hearts and get ready to reach all new goals in September. A 14 day recharge be what you need to get focused to reach your goals.

Kids get active! Family Couch to 5k Program!



Summer is a great time to be outside -running for fun, or training for a race. I love talking with mothers who are doing both, and they tell me how much their kids want to run with them. It's always a great idea to get your child to start a healthy habit, but we need to be cautious about the right way to do so. Just because children seem hyperactive and energetic, doesn't mean they'll be ready to run a few miles right off the bat! Kids need a plan, just as adults do, and they need incentives along the way. Download the chart below for a Kids Couch to 5k Program. This program is designed to gradually build up endurance through 10 stages until they are ready to run for 30 minutes straight! Add in games like a scavenger hunt,capture the flag, or dodge ball as fun running games! Start this program with your kids for some fun family bonding, and you may even spark a passion for a lifetime of running on the way!

kids couch to 5k

kids couch to 5k

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Even though this program is designed for children, it can be used by anyone to train for a 5k. If you find it hard to start the regimen by yourself or with your children Transfit offers customized running plans for people of all ages and levels- we love walkers too!!!

Please email me at if you would like to discuss a customized running program or visit

Remember to stay hydrated and to stretch with any physical activity for best results!



Happy running,


Totally Transform Your Arms! 5 best arm exercises to strengthen your arms!


Summertime is a perfect opportunity to show off those strong arms you've put such hard work into all year. If you're not quite there yet, don't despair because this amazing 30 minute TransForm Your Arms workout will whip your arms in shape in no time! Try doing these exercises two-three times a week in addition to your normal exercise routine and see the difference it makes in not only the appearance of your arms and shoulders, but your total upper body strength.

Final TransForm Your Arms Workout

The verse in Psalms reminds us to keep our bodies strong and able to serve.  "He trains my arms for battle, so my arms can bend a bow of bronze" Psalms 18:34

This TransForm Your ARMS workout would also be helpful to those participating in the July Push-up Challenge! Stronger upper body strength will help to increase the number of push-ups that you're able to do! Remember that the friend able to  show the most improvement in the number of push-ups by the end of July will receive one FREE session!

Plank alternating knees in!

Downward facing dog is a great exercise to qquickly snap those arms in shape!

Forward Lunge with Lateral Raise

Can't wait to see the improvement in all of you! Good luck!  I would love to hear your favorite arm exercise!



How to find True Freedom- body.mind. & spirit

Freedom in Him TF

July has officially arrived and the theme for this month is Freedom in Him! True freedom in Him means never losing hope. God promises us peace, joy, and eternal life when we trust in him. Nurture this hope by getting encouragement from friends and family and making time for prayer and mediation.

Isaiah 26:3 says "You, Lord, give true peace and freedom to those who depend on you-when they trust in you."

Let's find true freedom in Him and honor God in our bodies!

This July I would like to challenge all friends to a July push-up challenge! I would love to help you build arm and core strength, and we're doing that with a contest! This week take a video or picture  of how many push ups you can do in one minute, practice your pushups and maintain consistency throughout the month of July, and retest your one minute pushup challenge the last week of July. The freind able to show the most improvement in arm strength and  do more push ups than at the beginning of the month will receive a free session! Post videos of before and after videos on Instagram and tag @TransFitAthens to qualify and a chance to be featured on the TransFit Instagram page!  Good Luck!

The kids and I trying our hand at the push-up challenge!

Can't wait to your progress with increasing arm and core strength by doing   push-ups this month while you find Freedom in Him!



Power Up with this Plyometrics Workout!


plyo wokout

Happy Monday everyone!

This June Transfit wants to light a fire in you, and this plyometric workout is just the way to begin the flame. Plyometrics used to be called "jump training" when it emerged back in the 1980s. It mimics fun activities kids do, like jumping on the trampoline, playing hopscotch, and skipping, and is a high impact workout that boosts muscle power, strength, power, and agility.  If you aren't already in shape you may want to start slow with this exercise. Plyometrics can help people to train for any activity which involves explosive movement, including basketball, volleyball, running and football. Just in case consistency is an issue for you this summer this plyometrics workout can be done less frequently and still deliver powerful results! Plyometrics are also great for summer months and vacations because it can be done with little to no equipment! All you need is a sturdy bench or step!

Check out pics of Kaitlyn and I demonstrating some explosive moves from this workout while kitten sitting our lovable new kittens!

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Kaitlyn & I holding planks while kitten sitting

TF plyo workout

Think you're up for the challenge? Here is a regimen for the whole workout! For best results the plyometric workout should be done 2 times a week, always add in strength training, and steady cardio on additional days!


Hope this workout is effective for you! With determination and perseverance you'll be sure to see results in no time!



Turn Up the Heat: Light a Fire this June in YOU!


Time to turn up the heat! In the TransFit Studio, your homes or vacation destinations! I love the theme for the month of June! Turn Up the Heat- Light a Fire in Me!!!  My prayer for each of you this month is that we have a flame of passion for whole body health! Enjoying exercise, eating nutritious foods, drinking water and staying focused on what really matters in this life . I know many of you are in and out of town the next two months but try to get in 2 strength workouts, and 3-4 cardio workouts each week. I have many workouts posted on the blog you can do!

Please message me if you are in town and would like extra workouts in the TransFit studio! I am excited to see you this week as we light a fire- body.mind.spirit!





9:30am (TransFormers)



or by appointment

Summer Packages are a great way to stay committed to your health- you can start a package at anytime!


Photo by OneResult

Looking to jump-start your body, mind, & spirit for a successful Summer 2015??? The TransFit packages will provide you a healthy all- inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! The packages will get you on the right track to make 2015 the best year yet!


3 month commitment 3-Once-a- month- 25 minute consultations with body composition (body fat % & measurements)

TransFit Advanced Fitness Guide Binder

 4 weeks healthy meal plans & recipes 3 month exercise plan 2015 Spring/Summer Goal Sheet

Accountability Chart

Once a week at home checkin’s & accountability via email

Weekly Phone/Email Support

$95/ per month

Will be emailed directly to you in PDF format


3 month commitment

All of the above PLUS -  8 at home workouts per month (2 per week)

$115/ per month


All of the above PLUS - 2 Transformer in studio workout sessions

$215/ per month

Weekly Healthy Family Meal Planning


Email to sign up

Blessings, Caroline

​For our God is a consuming Fire.... Hebrews 12:29​

5 Ways to Get a Workout in on Vacation

We all know the feeling. You leave for a vacation with the best intentions to stay active, but before you know it the week is over and you've done nothing. It's easy to make excuses- "oh I didn't have a gym to go to" or "there was just no time"- but you are better than excuses! You find time in your day to day life to exercise, and there are lots of great workouts you can do without a gym!

chest fly on ground

1. Pack a resistance band and a jump rope in your suitcase. These take up virtually no space, but can help you take a workout to the next level on a vacation. The jump rope is a great way to boost your cardio for the day, so try jumping for a few minutes before every workout or when you first wake up in the morning. Use the resistance band for a variety of exercises such as lateral raises, standing chest presses, bent over rows, and lateral band walks.

2. Walk it out. In a place with lots of cool sites to visit?  Wear a pedometer or a FitBit and try to hit at least 10,000 steps a day. Want to take it to the next level? Go for a run around these sites instead!

3. Get out of your comfort zone. Oftentimes vacation spots have the opportunity for you to try new sports like kayaking, paddle boarding, or surfing. Take an afternoon to try something new, and I guarantee you'll be sore in new places before you know it!

4. Catch up with family. If you're visiting relatives, you'll want to spend some time catching each other up on the changes in your lives. Instead of doing this on a couch, take a walk around the neighborhood. You'll get to hear new things, and you'll get your endorphins flowing which will help you bond more!

5. Start your day with a body weight workout! Pushups, crunches, Russian twists, squats, etc. are an excellent way to build muscle without needing access to gym equipment. Alternate sets of exercise with periods of rest for a full body workout.

We can reach YOUR goals!

Try this TURN UP THE HEAT FULL BODY WORKOUT on your vacation or anytime you need a full body workout!  All you need is one set of dumbbells and your phone or a timer. Set your timer for 45 seconds of work, and 15 seconds of rest! I did this workout many times in my parents living room in North Carolina when I couldn't get out to the gym for a workout. I was energized after completeing 2 rounds and each of the major muscle groups where used! Can't wait to hear your success stories!

Turn Up The Heat Workout!



Advance Your Athleticism: April Arms Challenge!

April is the perfect time to advance your fitness and nutrition goals. One important step is advancing your athleticism, which is why this month's challenge is the April Arms Challenge! Send me a picture of you doing each exercise on the calendar and you will be entered to win an awesome prize! Get your family and friends to join you too. This is a great way to tone up your muscles and get in the habit of doing exercises daily. Click on the link below to download the calendar and get started!

April Arms Challenge

April Arms Challenge

Here are some of the exercises!







Staying AB-solutely Committed

March is off to a great start! I'm so happy to be working with some great people in the Maximize Your Motivation for March program! If you would like to join, please email me at to get started.

What is your TRUE motivation? 

To truly maximize your motivation you have to

KNOW your motivation!

What is your MOTIVATION for better health???


  1. ___________________________________________________________

One of our key focuses for the Maximize Your Motivation for March program is commitment.


"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you" -Psalm 37:5

God is not promising things will always be easy, in fact it is the tree which weathers the most storms that often grows to be the strongest! We must trust that we can handle the challenges he sets before us, and commit to seeing our goals through.

This week let's commit to strengthening our core by working on our abdominal muscles. Set aside 10 minutes every day to get in a great workout that will help lay the foundation for future exercises. Watch the video below for one of my favorite ab routines (with my favorite assistant)!

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Jump Rope for Heart Health

I will praise you, O Lord, with all of my heart; I will speak of all of your wonders. Psalm 9:1

Keep your heart strong and your spirit invigorated with a challenging jump rope workout! A jump rope is often one of the most overlooked pieces of fitness equipment. They are inexpensive, easy to transport, and can be used anywhere. Jumping rope is a great way to burn calories and get a cardio workout finished in a short period of time. 

The ideal jump rope workout uses short intervals of different exercises to alternate between cardio and strength work. This allows you to have a full body workout while strengthening your heart through the cardio exercises. Your family will also like this fun workout -kids love to jump rope! Screen Shot 2015-02-16 at 10.11.02 PM

Remember to  warm up beforehand and stretch afterwards to prevent injuries!

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A short demonstration video is on Instagram (@transfitathens) and can be seen above!  Can't wait for you to give this workout a try! Let me know how you like it! If you need help designing your home workout plan, nutrition plan, or exercise plan please email me at

