
4 Day Live Transformed Challenge starts today!!!

Such a sweet friend that I got to share this experience with!

Such a sweet friend that I got to share this experience with!

I had the biggest privilege of being able to speak to the sweet girls at Kappa Delta at UGA last night with my great friend Stacey. We were able to talk about beginning a total lifestyle transformation one step at a time in one of the most crucial times in your life- your college years. I was able to share my story with these girls as well as leave them with a fun 4 day live transformed challenge to make goals of their own and strive to reach them this week.


The challenge I have given them I would LOVE to extend to you all as well! For the next 4 days, I want you to make one goal  and try to accomplish that goal each day for the next four days. The person who remains the most diligent in reaching their health and nutrition goals for the next four days will win a special gift card!!


All you have to do to enter the challenge is email us at, tell us your goals for the next 4 days, and send us a picture each time you complete your goal(s) for that day!!! The winner will be announced Saturday morning!

This challenge will perfectly tie into our Optimism in October theme! One of your goals could be something like "Write down 5 things I am grateful for" each day or "Choose to see the best in each situation" each day. I encourage you to have a goal like this in addition to your health and fitness goals!!

Starting a challenge for four days is an incredible exercise to get you in the practice of setting and achieving goals. Four days is a perfect amount of time to keep our motivation high and reach these goals we set for ourselves. We are so excited to begin leaning into the challenge mindset because as some of you know we have a HUGE challenge coming up soon.... The Holiday Extravaganza! So get warmed up with a few of these smaller challenges and begin building up endurance for this longer but incredibly rewarding challenge coming soon! 

Have an incredible week, send us those goals!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up
— Galatians 6:9











Sample Goals

Drink at least 64 oz water

Exercise at least 30 minutes daily

Have at least one salad daily

Try a green smoothie

No added sugar or candy

No processed foods

No sodas

"Kitchen is closed" no grazing after 7:30pm  

Amazing Client Spotlight- Sarah Ellen Cain

Amazing Client Spotlight-                    Sarah Ellen Cain

This month at Transfit, we are going to be focused on optimism! With Optimism in October, we will remain positive and focused by using accountability partners and by keeping a daily food journal that includes a gratitude for each day. 

This month, our client spotlight is an incredible example of staying motivated and optimistic as she strives for her goals. Amazing Sarah Ellen Cain, a sweet college student who comes to the Transformers session at TransFit is taking control of her health by staying dedicated, committed, and motivated through college with her body, mind, and spirit!  I hope your are inspired by her story!