Weekly Set Up + Strong Glutes: Why Women Need Them + How We Get Them

It's officially client appreciation week at TransFit! Stop by the studio all week for amazing workouts, giveaways, treats, and fun! We are so grateful for our community of encouraging women. Wear pink or red all week long to celebrate with us! You can sign up for all your sessions on our brand-new TransFit App. If you have any questions, please email us here.

Did you know strength training plays a massive role in increasing glute strength? Did you know strength training plays a massive role in increasing glute strength? The gluteal complex is the powerhouse of your body. It also happens to be the biggest and strongest muscle in the body-- at least, it should be. All women need strong glutes. Because, whether you realize it or not, your glutes do so much for you every single day. Need to extend or laterally rotate your hip? What about tilting your pelvis or sitting on the toilet? With every step you take, your glutes are working to stabilize your hips and lower back.

5 Reasons Why Glute Strength Should Be at the Forefront of Your Training Program:

1. Prevent Injuries

If you're trying to get in shape or stay in shape, you likely know that one of the easiest ways to delay your progress is to get injured. You can avoid and recover from injury in your lower back, hips, knees, and ankles by creating proper alignment and stability by having strong, functional gluteal and hip muscles. People with weaker glutes might have "dynamic valgus" at the knee, when the knee caves towards your other leg as you go down into a squat, particularly in single-leg movement patterns (including walking and running). Dynamic valgus is an excellent indicator of whether someone is at risk of injury. The pelvis drops at the hip towards the opposite side when the knee caves in. The femur (thigh bone) rotates inward, a typical dysfunctional pattern that can lead to injuries from your lower back to your feet and ankles. The good news is that you can improve and prevent valgus by strengthening your glutes and surrounding hip muscles and reducing your chance of injury.

2. Improve Athletic Performance

Have you ever seen a powerful athlete with a flat butt? No. When you think of the fundamental movement patterns in sports, you likely think of running, jumping, locomotion, swinging, driving through the legs and hips, twisting through the hips, and/or quick changes in direction. What do all of these patterns have in common? There is a need for power and stability in the glutes and hips! Studies show that athletes who focus on developing strength and power in their glutes, hips, and posterior chains perform better.

3. Improve Your Posture

When your glutes, hips, and core are strong and stable, you can avoid common dysfunctional movement patterns that cause pain, like dynamic valgus and lower cross syndrome.  When your lower body and pelvis align, this will also help keep your shoulders, neck, and back aligned (AKA, good posture). Let's take knee valgus, for example. When your hips shift, your spine and shoulders will also shift. Misalignment can cause many issues, including painful, tight, or achy muscles and joints extending even into your upper back and neck. When you are out of alignment, it's often because some muscles have become shortened and some have become weak. For example, modern-day desk jobs have contributed to postural imbalances. Sitting at a desk all day can lead to weak or "sleepy" glutes, shortened hip flexors, and weak upper back muscles. Low back pain can mean your glutes are not properly engaging.

4. Balance and Support

Improved glute strength means improved balance and improved quality of life as we age. It is so important as we get older to ensure we have strength in our lower body. We don't want to say, "I've fallen and I can't get up!"

5. Aesthetically Pleasing

This one is a given and is the primary reason people decide to start working on their glutes (but definitely not the most important one.) In any case, it's a valid goal, and if chasing a good-looking backside gets you to work on your glute strength, we encourage you to go for it!

Common Mistakes With Glute Training

Maybe you already know about most of these factors in strong glutes, and you actively train your glutes a few times a week. You can’t seem to “turn your glutes” on during training sessions. Maybe you feel all the glute dominant exercises in your quad and lower back. 

Keep your core engaged, chin down, and pelvis tucked to prevent this. While you may not be able to extend your hips as high, this should help you feel the exercises in your glutes. The root of this issue could also be a weak core. Without the ability to keep your core engaged, stability in the trunk will be compromised, and you will likely have difficulty activating your glutes.

The Three Muscles Are:

  • Gluteus Maximus (largest)

  • Gluteus Medius

  • Gluteus Minimus (smallest)

What Is the Functions of the Glutes?

We've established that the glutes are the largest muscle in the body, but what does all that muscle do? 

  • Extends and rotates the hip

  • It provides stability around the hip

  • Aids in standing up, climbing stairs, and maintaining an upright posture

How to Train for Strong Glutes:

The truth is that you need to train every function of your gluteal complex. You must train in hip extension, abduction, external rotation, and single-leg balance and stability. Because your glutes contain fast and slow twitch fibers, you should train them in high and low rep ranges, slow and fast tempos, and isometric holds. Here are 7 of the best glute exercises to strengthen your glutes that should be part of any glute training program if strength, power, stability, and size are your goals!

  • Glute Bridges

  • Goblet Squat

  • Suitcase

  • Split Squat

  • Deadlift

  • Reverse Lunges

  • Elevated Heel Squats

Set your week for success today, plan and prep your nutrition, and book your sessions. Thank you for all that you do by being such an inspiring woman in this community! We are truly stronger together. Check out our website for blogs, recipes, workouts, and more! Let us know how we can serve you. Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one. 


Team TransFit

Heart Healthy Foods You Need to Thrive This Weekend

Good Morning!

We are so thankful for all of you! Stay focused on your intentional goals with the Iron Sharpens Iron Challenge. Let’s keep encouraging one another to continue going strong and to stay committed. Join us for a strong Saturday Strength at 9am or the new 10:30am class.

Remember to sign up for all of your sessions in advance on our new app to ensure you get the session times that work best for you! It is the BLUE TransFit App.

For the month of February we are all about heart health. We have discussed the importance of HIIT for our hearts and shared some amazing recipes. Today, we will be focusing on heart-healthy foods. These are the foods that help your body and heart function to the best of their ability. Here are the TOP 6 heart-healthy foods you need to add to your grocery list this weekend.

  1. Hemp Hearts

    Hemp Hearts are the “heart” of a shelled hemp seed. They are rich in protein and have almost the highest balance of protein, fat, vitamins, and enzymes. Hemp Hearts have been shown to decrease blood pressure, as well as lower the risks of colon and prostate cancer. They also aid in digestion. They can be enjoyed sprinkled over a salad, smoothie, or your yogurt!

  2. Avocado

    Avocados are full of healthy fats and contains many vital nutrients and fibers that your body and heart need.

  3. Leafy Greens

    Leafy Greens contain nitrate. This allows the heart to pump blood more efficiently and allows for overall better blood flow.

  4. Tomatoes

    The nutrients found in tomatoes help prevent cardiovascular disease. Additionally, tomatoes have nutrients that can protect and reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

  5. Berries

    Berries are a great source of micronutrients and fiber. They support your heart through decreased activity of carbohydrate digestive enzymes and prohibit inflammatory gene expression and cell formation. If the cell formation and gene expression are not kept under control, it can result in heart disease and lower, decreased heart health. Raspberries are the highest in fiber and lowest in sugar fruit.

  6. Beets

    Beets are full of healthy nutrients, like calcium, iron, potassium, and protein. Beets contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents which have shown to improve cardiorespiratory endurance and increases overall efficiency.

Looking for some heart healthy recipes to try? Check out our Recipes page!

February News:

Next week is Client Appreciation Week! Wear your Red and Pink to celebrate.

Galentines Event with Kelly Dean Thursday February 13th at 6:30pm

New TransFit Girls session on Wednesdays at 5:30pm Bible Study

In Studio Bible Study Wednesday at 12pm— open to all!

College Bible Study Wednesday Nights at 7pm

Our updated cancellation policy: if you need to cancel your session, please give us at least 12 hours notice for 1-1 sessions and group sessions (or you will be charged a $25 session fee) so we can fill your spot. Thank you!

Let us know how we can help you achieve your goals! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

Why Women Need Heart Healthy HIIT

Happy Thursday!

We love hearing all of your goals and healthy habits for the Iron Sharpens Iron Challenge, and we will continue to encourage you towards progress daily! Reminder to download our New TransFit App as all sessions are booked through our new app starting today.

Let’s continue to commit to our goals this month. You are strong!

This month is all about Healthy Heart HIIT!

But what is HIIT anyway?

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, was named one of the top fitness trends in the world based on an annual survey by the American College of Sports Medicine. HIIT is comprised of short, hard bouts of cardio exercise (anywhere from 10 seconds to 2 minutes in length) broken up by brief recovery periods.

How hard is hard?

That depends on the interval length, and your body but the key is to go as hard as you can for the duration of the exercise. You want work in your VO2 max zone or about 90 percent of your max heart rate (a 9 on a scale of 1-10) for the duration of the high interval. Then during the recovery period you bring your heart rate down.

How much recovery do you take?

The recovery period between intervals depends on your goals. Short intervals are usually paired with equally short or even shorter recovery periods so your body can adapt to repeated maximal efforts. Because your heart rate stays elevated during the recovery periods, your aerobic energy system gets a training benefit, as well.

It is no surprise that HIIT is outstanding for your cardiovascular system. Research shows, depending on how fit you are when you begin, HIIT can boost your VO2 max (how much oxygen you can use) up to 46 percent in 24 weeks; increase your stroke volume (how much blood your heart pumps out per beat) by 10 percent after eight weeks of training, and significantly lower your resting heart rate. It also makes your body a furnace of a fat burner. HIIT fires up production of your body’s growth hormones that help you maintain muscle and burn fat for hours after you’re done, and it lowers insulin resistance for better blood sugar control.

It does more than benefit your body. HIIT is also amazing for your mind. Research shows that HIIT workouts improve cognitive function and increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) more than easier exercise. BDNF is essential for learning, memory, and mood regulation, and your brain uses it to repair and maintain brain cells. HIIT really can help you live transformed in body, mind, and spirit!

New TransFit App is here!

This innovative platform is designed to take your fitness and faith journey to the next level anytime, anywhere. The TransFit App is where we will be booking all sessions starting today. Can’t make it to the studio? Now with TransFit Personal Training you have access to at home, and gym-friendly workouts that are completely custom to your needs and goals. We are ready to help you be accountable with progress tracking, community support and direct access to our expert trainers. We want to support you not just physically, but spiritually as well through our in app devotions and bible studies. Download today!

Reminder for your day: “We were not called to be flawless, we were called to be faithful.” Keep showing up and giving your best for you, for today.

We are so excited to help you reach your goals. Let us know how we can help you!


Team TransFit

Exciting News! TransFit's Personal Training App is LIVE

Happy February Friends!

A month of Valentines, Black History, Groundhogs, and you guessed it… TRANSFORMATION! We love watching your progress and hearing all of your wins through Transform30, Build and Burn, and weekly sessions in the studio.

We are so excited to announce that after months of hard work and prayer, the launch of our new Transformational Fitness App is here! This innovative platform is designed to take your fitness and faith journey to the next level anytime, anywhere.

What you can expect from the app:

  • Book your TransFit Sessions.

  • Personalized workout plans tailored to YOUR goals.

  • On-demand and live training sessions.

  • Nutrition guidance and meal tracking.

  • Keeps you motivated in your goals through progress tracking.

  • Community support and direct access to our expert trainers.

Our clients have exclusive, VIP access to our brand new Transformational Fitness App. We are so excited to see how this app transforms your fitness and faith journey. Stay tuned for more updates and be ready to train starters, move better, and reach your goals. Below are some instructions to help you access your brand new TransFit App:

  1. Go to your App Store and search for TransFit Personal Training. The new app is Blue.

  2. Check your email for a welcome email from TransFit. This will queue you to login to the new app with the same email address used in our previous app (MindBody). The email will give you a temporary password. All of your passes and packages will be transferred and ready to use in the new app.

  3. You will use the temporary password that was included in the email from TransFit to login to the app. From there, you will go to your profile and change it to a password of your choosing. After that, update your profile to include a profile picture and get to booking! Peek around all tabs on the app footer and sidebar. There are so many great features for you to explore!

  4. Celebrate the release with us! We are praying this serves you even better on your health journey.

We know this week there will be some transition time. MINDBODY app will continue to be open until February 8th but beginning this week we would like all classes to be booked through the new TransFit App. If you are experiencing any difficulty transitioning to the new app or have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or call. We are here to serve YOU!

As iron sharpens iron,
so a friend sharpens a friend.
— Proverbs 27:17

This year is just getting started though. During the month of February, TransFit will be doing the Iron Sharpens Iron Challenge. We want to embody Proverbs 27:17 and lift each other up in our accomplishments. Let's help each other up along the way to our goals! Print out this challenge, fill the lines at the bottom with your personal goals and action steps, and go for it! Progress over perfection!

This February at TransFit:

  • 10:30am Small Group Sessions/Bone Strength Daily

    Strengthen your bones, increase balance and mobility in our small group and bone strength sessions.

  • NEW 7am and 4:30pm Strength Sessions

    More sessions for you to transform! Check our updated schedule on the app to book your session.

  • Bible Study

    Wednesday at 12pm we are reading through Galatians. These sessions are a knowledge and truth filled hour. Please join us as we learn how to incorporate God in every aspect of our lives every day.

  • TransFit Girls

    We have fun and get strong in our TransFit Girls Strength sessions every Wednesday at 5:30pm.

  • Galentines Event

    Join Kelli Dean and our TransFit Staff for a fun dance cardio session February 13th at 6:30pm. Details to come soon.

We are so proud of y’all for staying strong throughout January and we can’t wait to see you all live transformed in February!


Team TransFit

Episode 8 of LTP is LIVE

Happy Wednesday sweet friends, 

We want to encourage you to finish this 2024 strong and confident in Christ!  We have the episode you can listen to today to help you start the 2nd half of your week with tools to equip and empower you in your wellness journey.  We are thrilled to share with Episode 8 of  The Living Transformed Podcast.  This topic is so impactful to our TransFit community as our TransFit theme verse Romans 12:2 is center of the discussion. 

The Life-Changing Power of Renewing Your Mind & 5 Habits for Success

Body, mind, and spirit: it’s all connected! Wherever you are, let’s make the world a better place by living transformed together. 

Listen Today 

The Living Transformed Podcast, has strategies and encouragement to empower and enable you to live your life with confidence and joy- body, mind and spirit.

Episode 8: Brooke Lovingood is the Women's Ministry Director at Watkinsville First Baptist Church. Brooke is married to Tyler and is a proud new mom to 10-month-old Ella. She also works out at TransFit. As a mom and ministry leader, Brooke’s days revolve around caring for her daughter and passionately supporting women in the local church. She’s dedicated to equipping and encouraging women, making a meaningful impact in her community every day.

On the podcast you will be empowered to embrace God’s grace in new and transformative ways. You will learn practicalstrategies for taking captive anxious thoughts, offering spiritual insights and actionable steps to find peace amidst life’s challenges. Brooke shares her journey through cancer at a young age and how her challenges have transformed her walk with Christ. 

Whether you're navigating motherhood, ministry, or daily anxieties, this episode invites you to deepen your trust in God and gain a renewed sense of strength and clarity in managing your thoughts.

You will learn 5 Habits for Successfully Renewing Your Mind and so much more. You will want to take notes for this one! 

Tune in to hear Brooke’s wise insights on renewing the mind. Please reach out to Brooke or Caroline with any questions. All the contact information is in the show notes to the episode. 

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
— Romans 12:12

We love your comments and appreciate you listening. We are praying that the podcast will encourage you wherever you are! Thank you, friends. We would be honored if you would subscribe and leave review with us on the podcast. We are deeply grateful to serve you.  

Next week we will celebrate the finale with a podcast party on Thursday morning (November 21st), so mark your calendars! 


Caroline & Team TransFit

Strength Exercises To Improve Balance + Your Weekly Set Up

It’s time to OPTIMIZE your health!  A full week of October is here, let’s go for it— set your week up for success. Plan your workouts and your nutrition today!

We have NEW sessions daily to serve you and many opportunities to transform. Try one of our new 7am or afternoon sessions this week!  We are here to help you feel your best and live life fully!

5 Strength Exercises to Improve Your Balance:

Are you looking to improve your strength and balance? Look no further than 5 of the best training exercises! Balance training exercises are a great way to increase your body's coordination, stability, and strength. These 5 balance training exercises will help you get the most out of your workouts and improve your overall fitness level.

1) The Single-Leg Deadlift

The single-leg deadlift is one of the best balance training exercises out there. It requires coordination and balance while working several muscle groups at the same time. It can be used as part of a warm-up before a workout, or as a main strength exercise.
The single-leg deadlift is an incredibly effective balance training exercise that can help improve your coordination and stability while strengthening the muscles in your hips, glutes, and hamstrings.

2) The Side Plank

The side plank is a great exercise to help improve your balance and coordination. This simple exercise helps to strengthen your core, shoulders, arms, and legs while also engaging your balance. To do this exercise, start by lying on your right side with your feet stacked together. Bend your right elbow to raise your body up and form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Make sure you keep your hips lifted and core engaged the entire time. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds then switch sides. The side plank can be a great way to target different muscles in your body and is especially beneficial for core strength and stability.

3) The Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl

The Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl is an effective exercise for improving balance and coordination. It targets the glutes, hamstrings and core muscles and can be modified to increase or decrease difficulty as needed.
This exercise helps to strengthen the hamstrings while increasing stability in the hips and core. As you move through the range of motion, focus on engaging all of your core muscles, which will help to improve balance and coordination. Make sure to keep your hips level throughout the exercise and to avoid over-arching your lower back. Additionally, you can make this exercise more difficult by lifting your arms off the ground and performing single leg lifts. This will help to challenge your balance even further.

4) The Walking Lunge

The walking lunge is an excellent exercise to help improve your balance and coordination. It is a great way to add some dynamic movement into your workout and is perfect for any fitness level.

The walking lunge is an excellent exercise to target the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core muscles. It will help build strength and stability in the lower body and challenge your balance at the same time. For an added challenge, you can hold dumbbells or kettlebells in each hand while performing the exercise.
Try adding walking lunges into your workouts for improved balance and coordination!

5) The Bosu Squat

The Ball Squat is a great balance training exercise to improve your strength and coordination. The exercise is performed by standing on the flat side of the ball, positioning the feet hip-width apart, and slowly squatting down until the thighs are parallel to the floor. From there, you should push off with the heels and return to standing. When performing the Squat, make sure to keep your back straight, shoulders pulled back and your core engaged. It's important to maintain your balance throughout the exercise, as this will help build up your stabilizing muscles. Additionally, this exercise helps to strengthen the quads and glutes, making it an effective way to build up strength in those areas.

Weekly Set Up:

We want to help you be intentional and committed to your goals. Schedule your workouts like a doctors appointment and make a nutrition menu plan that can support your week.  If you need accountability we are here to encourage you.  Try this HIGH PROTEIN MEAL to set your nutrition.

Browse our Meal Plan and Recipe section on our website to make a plan for success this week. Book your workout classes or make your own exercise calendar.

Podcasts For You:

Thank you for your support with the Living Transformed Podcast.   Listen to Personal Trainer & Running Coach, Lisa Patton talking about how YOU can OPTIMIZE your health!  The episode will encourage you.  

We are thankful to serve you in your whole body health goals. Keep showing up, giving your best for you, for today.

Please sign up for sessions 24 hours in advance and if you need to reschedule, please do so within 12 hours so that other people can have your spot, or you will be charged a late cancel fee, spaces are limited.

If you would like to take your whole body health goals to the next level meet with our Personal Trainers. Please check out our website for more blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can help you reach your goals and dreams! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

Episode 5 of Living Transformed is LIVE

Happy Wednesday friends!

We want to encourage you to optimize your health: body, mind, and spirit. We have the episode you can listen to today to help you smile and say, “YES I CAN”! We are thrilled to share with Episode 5 of The Living Transformed Podcast. 

Body, Mind, and Spirit: it’s all connected! Wherever you are let’s make the world a better place by living transformed together.

The Living Transformed Podcast, has strategies and encouragement to empower and enable you to live your life with confidence and joy— body, mind and spirit.

Episode 5: Lisa Patton, will encourage you in optimizing your health. She will inspire you to Run a Faster, Stronger Race: 5K, 10K, ½ or Full Marathon.

In detail she will dive into these topics: 

What does a basic running plan include?

  • Running can be tailored to any speed or distance, making it accessible for all fitness levels.

  • Success requires commitment and consistency in following a structured plan.

  • Include easy or recovery runs to aid muscle recovery and prevent overtraining.

  • Cross-training and strength training are essential for improving overall fitness and preventing injury.

Key workouts for an effective running program:

  • Intervals: Short bursts of high-speed running followed by rest or slow jogging for recovery.

  • Tempo Runs: Sustained efforts at a "comfortably hard" pace to build endurance and speed.

  • Long Runs: Extended distance runs to improve stamina and aerobic capacity.

Lisa’s Prescription for Improving Speed:

  • Be patient and consistent—allow your body time to adapt.

  • Focus on key workouts: intervals, tempo runs, long runs, and strength training.

  • Increase cadence to maintain a quicker, more efficient step rhythm.

  • Prioritize strength training for improved form, balance, and injury prevention.

  • Ensure proper recovery: prioritize sleep, stretching, foam rolling, and cold therapy.

Nutrition for Runners:

  • Protein waffles with banana and almond butter.

  • Oatmeal with berries and Greek yogurt.

  • Sweet potatoes for long-lasting energy.

  • Whole grain toast for slow-releasing carbs.

  • Caffeine can be an effective supplement, but understand your body’s response.

Key Takeaways for Seeking God While Running:

  • Meditate on Scripture while running.

  • Draw strength from God through prayer.

  • Overcome mental and physical obstacles to build character and faith.

  • Shift focus from performance outcomes to running as an act of worship.

  • Find purpose beyond winning, grounded in faith and personal growth.

Truths to encourage you in your faith.
Hebrews 12:1-2:  

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

Colossians 3:23-24:  

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Optimize Your Mental Health

We encourage you to start this month strong and confident in Christ! This week's podcast with Licensed Professional counselor Tara Lowry will give you encouragement and practical insights to support your mental health journey. We are thrilled to share Episode 3 of The Living Transformed Podcast with you

Body, mind, and spirit: it’s all connected! Wherever you are, let’s make the world a better place by living transformed together.

Be still before the Lord and wait for Him.
— Psalm 37:7

The Living Transformed Podcast offers strategies and encouragement to empower and enable you to live your life with confidence and joy—in body, mind, and spirit.

Episode 3: Tara Lowry is a licensed counselor with a master's in professional counseling. She specializes in family systems and structural family therapy, integrating attachment theories to help clients understand how early family dynamics shape their relationships. Tara provides trauma-informed care, using internal family systems to support emotional regulation and personal growth.

Tara shares valuable tools for emotional regulation, coping strategies, and understanding the impact of family dynamics on relationships. She will empower you to navigate challenges with greater resilience and self-awareness, offering hope for personal transformation and healing from the inside out.

You can also watch the podcast on our YouTube channel!

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
— Proverbs 13:12

In today’s In today’s Podcast, 

Practical Tips for Combating Anxiety: 
    •    Recognize sensations
    •    Listen to your body’s responses
    •    Acknowledge the emotion - express and externalize it
    •    E(motion) - move your body!

Book Recommendation from Tara:  From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
— 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Living Transformed Episode Two is Here!

Happy Wednesday Friends!

We want to encourage you to finish this month strong and confident in Christ! We have the episode you can listen to today to help you smile and say, “YES I CAN!” We are thrilled to share with Episode 2 of  The Living Transformed Podcast. Body, mind, and spirit: it’s all connected! Wherever you are, let’s make the world a better place by living transformed together. 

Listen Today!

The Living Transformed Podcast, has strategies and encouragement to empower and enable you to live your life with confidence and joy- body, mind and spirit.

In Episode 2, Brittany Sjogren, founder of Loverly Grey, launched her brand eight years ago with a mission to empower women to feel their best while spreading kindness. Through her platform, she shares her passion for style, offers tips on the latest sales, and inspires her audience to embrace confidence.

Brittany lives by the motto, "Confidence comes when you step into who you are truly meant to be." Her uplifting spirit and passion for life bring joy and encouragement to us today. In this episode, she shares how living fully and authentically helps her inspire others to find their true identity in Christ and grow in strength and confidence.

Tune in to hear Brittany's insights on faith, fashion, and spreading kindness, and leave feeling empowered to embrace who God has created you to be.

You Can Also Watch The Podcast On Our YouTube Channel! 

In today’s Podcast, 

  • Staple closet items for fall

  • Fall fashion trends

  • Encouragement in finding your gifts 

Encouragement from Scripture:

  • Psalm 108

  • Genesis 50:20

  • Proverbs 16:3

4 key takeaways: 

  1. Sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves.

  2. Romanticize your life by doing activities that make you feel empowered.

  3. Take time to move your body and be mindful of what you’re putting in your body.

  4. Reflect on what people thank you for.

We would be honored if you would subscribe and leave review or share a comment with us on the podcast. Please also share any topics or questions you would like answered on future podcasts! We are deeply grateful to serve you. 


Caroline & Team TransFit

Why Fiber is Important in your Daily Nutrition!

Happy Worship Wednesday! 

There are so many questions about gut health and how the gut affects our body and mind. Recent studies show that the balance or imbalance of bacteria in your digestive system is linked to overall health and disease. A healthy gut contains healthy bacteria and immune cells that ward off infectious agents like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. A healthy gut also communicates with the brain through nerves and hormones, which helps maintain your physical health and mental well-being.

Set a goal this month❤️ to be intentional with your gut health and see how it affects every part of your health journey! 

Gut Health Info and Facts!
It is essential to maintain a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. There are many reasons how the delicate balance of a healthy gut is compromised. We eat diets of sugar, processed foods, and alcohol. We consume antibiotics and have too much stress. These areas create an imbalance causing the bad bacteria to shift from a single cell of yeast into a mycelial fungus. Thus, causing gut diseases and other problems in our bodies.

Here are FIVE tips to help your GUT HEALTH which can also reduce bloating and stomach tension!

1). Cutting back on sugar, processed foods, antibiotics, steroids, and synthetic hormones.

2). Cut back on stress. Stress is harmful to our health and is actually the second cause of unbalanced gut flora. Take more deep breathes, meditate, try yoga, and use physical exercise to de-stress.

3). Read food labels to decrease added sugar and processed foods.

4). Increase your Fiber intake. Eat whole, live, raw foods.

5). Supplement with a quality probiotic (kombucha, supplement, or fermented foods)

The colon (gut) has at least 500 different kinds of bacteria! One of the bacteria is the bifidobacteria, which makes up the majority of the "good" bacteria in your gut. This good bacteria is benefited by the intake of probiotics.

Probiotics can help your digestive tract and help take up space in your stomach that could be taken over by a less healthful product or organism. Probiotics can be found in foods that have live and active cultures. A great source of probiotics is found in yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, Kombucha, and sauerkraut. Add in one today! 

The Benefits of Probiotics

  • Probiotics can help prevent or treat diarrhea caused by infections or antibiotics.

  • Probiotics can improve systems of irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Probiotics can boost the immune system.

  • Probiotics can reduce inflammation and allergies.

Gut Health Fact:
The number one predictor of a healthy microbiome in your gut is the DIVERSITY of PLANTS in your diet! Start counting the number of unique plants on your plate. When you prioritize 30+ servings of different plants during your week, you’ll notice better digestion, clearer skin, potential weight loss, and overall health improvement. You can also add in a prebiotic in the morning to jumpstart your gut healing! Here is a highly recommended book! 

Why Add More Fiber:

Women need fiber. Fiber aids in digestion promotes regular bowel movements and helps prevent constipation. 

A high-fiber diet can lower the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. 

Fiber can contribute to weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness, which can help prevent overeating. 

⭐️OVERALL: incorporating fiber-rich foods into a woman’s diet is essential for maintaining good health and well-being!

🎉NEW FIBER GUIDE HAS LAUNCHED🎉You can download this guide on our website! We have nutrition consultants on staff and would love to meet with you regarding your specific nutrition needs!

We sure do LOVE you people! Blessed by each of you! Thank you for all that you do by being such inspiring woman in this community! Please let us know how we can serve YOU better! We are truly stronger together! Wear your RED all week in honor of Heart Health Awareness.❣️

Check out our website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions, want to offer a suggestion, or want to schedule a one-on-one Personal Training or Nutrition Session.


Team TransFit

Bloating: What is it & How Do We Combat it?

Sweet friends,

We hope you are having a wonderful week! To continue this week strong, here are 4 words to hold onto:

1. Preparation : Plan to succeed in your workouts, your nutrition, and other specific goal! 

2. Accountability : Find a partner or a group to help you stay focused on your dreams.

3. Intentionality : Colossians 3:2 "Set your mind on things above, not earthly things". Be intentional about how you want to finish January.

4. Dedication : You are dedicated and you are a strong finisher. Will it be easy; no, but transformation occurs outside of your comfort zone! GO for it! 

We want to encourage you to finish STRONG! 2024 can be THE year and TransFit wants to help you reach your goals. Let's continue to work and stay positive through everything. We RISE together!

We want to tell you about the many opportunities to TRANSFORM with TransFit! Stay tuned! We are so excited for these options to grow in our fitness, nutrition, and spiritual journeys.

How Can You Combat Bloating?
Bloating is defined as when the belly feels or looks painfully stuffed, swollen, or filled with gas especially following a meal. While occasional bloating is common and usually harmless, chronic bloating can indicate underlying digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, or food intolerances. Preventing bloating is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and comfort. Excessive bloating can lead to decreased appetite, reduced quality of life, and discomfort in daily activities. By adopting healthy habits like staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet rich in fiber, avoiding carbonated beverages, and moderating intake of gas-producing foods, individuals can mitigate bloating and promote digestive health. We are going to give you some tips and foods to help EASE bloating!

Here is a list of foods that work wonders for the body!


These pear-shaped fruits (yep, they’re fruits!) are packed with potassium. Your body needs potassium to manage its sodium levels, which in turn controls the amount of water you hang onto. The better that system works, the less bloat you’ll have.

2. Bananas

Bananas deliver a potassium punch. One study showed that women who ate a banana before each meal bloated less than those who didn’t. Experts think that’s because they deliver certain gut bacteria that help calm gas production in the belly.

3. Celery

Crunch into some celery for a hydration boost to get your digestion moving. As a bonus, celery also provides certain flavonoids (tiny plant molecules) that reduce inflammation in your body -- including in your gut.

4. Turmeric

This spice that gives curry its yellow color contains a good bit of the compound curcumin. Studies show curcumin can tame IBS symptoms, easing discomfort, regulating the digestive system, and reducing bloating.

5. Peppermint

Studies show peppermint capsules can help relax the muscles in your digestive system. This helps push gas through to relieve stomach bloat. Peppermint tea can have the same calming effect.

6. Ginger

Spicy-tasting ginger gets your gut juices flowing. This aids your digestion and helps your stomach empty faster, which prevents bloating.

7. Asparagus

 Known for making your pee stink, asparagus is a good source of inulin, an insoluble fiber that feeds the good bacteria in your gut and helps keep you full.

8. Fennel

This root veggie and its seeds have a compound that relaxes spasms in your GI tract. With fewer spasms, gas can get through your gut more easily so bloat doesn’t build.

9. Tomatoes

A diet that includes tomatoes will load you up on lycopene, an antioxidant that works as an anti-inflammatory all over your body. Tomatoes are also full of potassium, which lowers levels of bloat-causing sodium in your body.

10. Kefir

Some studies say drinking kefir, a fermented yogurt-like beverage, takes away stomach gas by as much as 70%. Kefir helps break down the sugar in milk which can lead to bloating and pain.

Here is how you can beat the bloat:

1. Eat Slowly, consume smaller, more frequent meals

2. Chew your food well

3. Drink beverages at room temperature

4. Increase physical activity

5. Sit up straight after eating

6. Take a 10-minute walk after eating

If you feel uncomfortable or bloated after meals, it might be time to look at the types of foods you are eating. Foods that cause bloating include:

  • Broccoli

  • Cabbage

  • Kale

  • Legumes

  • Dairy

  • Salty foods

  • Onions and garlic

  • Wheat

Instead, try these foods above and others that may help alleviate bloating:

  •  Cucumbers

  •  Asparagus

  •  Celery

  •  Chicken and fish

  •  Banana

  •  Pineapple

  •  Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries

  •  Yogurt with probiotics

  •  Kombucha and kefir

  •  Fennel seeds

  •  Ginger

  •  Peppermint and chamomile

  •  Turmeric

  •  Cinnamon

Performance Ready Nutrition
We are SO excited to provide the services of Performance Ready Nutrition at Transfit! We will serve as a pickup location for pre-ordered food from Performance Ready Nutrition. They focus on providing easy access to healthy, macro-balanced meals that are just as tasty as they are good for you!! You will order your meals for the week from their website and then it will be delivered to us for you to pick up!

We also offer protein bars and muffins in the studio every day! This is a great way to get your proteins in after class!

We would love you to serve ESP with us in planning our RISE TOGETHER 5k! Join our Team! The race is May 5th 3pm!

Did you miss out on our lunch and learn from a few weeks ago? No worries! You can find it here on Youtube, or read a more detailed description on our blog!

Our 1-1 Personal Training Sessions and the Exercise & Nutrition Packages will provide you with a healthy inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! These packages will get you on the right track to make 2024 the best year yet, body, mind, and spirit! 

You can purchase packages on our FREE TransFit app AND website!

We are here for YOU! Please Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com with any questions, prayer requests, or suggestions!


Team TransFit

Lunch & Learn Recap!

Happy Saturday sweet Friend!

Wow! What an AMAZING lunch and learn with YOU, Cynthia Sheperd, Elisabeth Johnson, Cindy Mercer, and our TransFit Staff! If you couldn’t make it we have you covered below! We learned so much about Menopause, Genetic Testing, BMI, Supplements, and how hormones play such a crucial role in whole-body health. We had delicious salads from The Pine and a fun giveaway from Monkees topped off a fantastic event. We want to make sure you have all the information you need to LIVE TRANSFORMED!

Here is the recap of what we learned!

(Please note these are rough notes, please watch the video for a full explanation)

- It is harder to keep weight off as we age

-Short interval training (HIIT) -great for hormones and estrogen levels and bones, heavy weight lifting is key

-Hormone changes lead to more abdominal fat, less muscle 

-Menopause absence of ovarian function, average age 52, starts 5-7 years before and continues 5 years after, 1/3 of a women’s life

-Estradiol decreases - visceral fat increases, raises HDL

-Ozempic shots are for diabetics, these drugs are an easy fix that won’t last, and you will lose muscle mass not fat on these shots 

-Optimize fat loss: intake more protein, monitor your diet (my fitness pal), exercise, add in weights 


*Would you recommend genetic testing for cancer? What age?
-1st degree or 2nd degree, what type of cancer matters…some organs if cancerous are related some are not 

-Talk to doc about family history and then genetic counseling would be the next step- may be no earlier than 20-21 years old 

-Also matters if perimenopause cancer or later

*Is breast cancer and alcohol correlated -> increases risk 

A glass of wine a day is more risky for breast cancer than hormone replacement 

*Struggle with sleep?
melatonin, cutting screen use, tart cherry juice, magnesium 4 hours before bed 

*Non-negotiable supplements 

Diet best but hardest way to get nutrients

Calcium 1200 mg

Vitamin D- most people are deficient hard to overdose 

Magnesium elemental 200-300 mg- LT

Magnesium helps with sleep as well 

Multivitamins are mostly a waste of money 

B complex 

A E K, zinc - these vitamins you can get too much of

Collagen good for joints

Turmeric with pepper- anti-inflammatory 

Be careful taking supplements with thyroid medicines, and talk to a doctor if on other medication about when and if to take 

Bone broth can also be a good source of collagen 

Want 3rd party approved supplement 

*How to determine your best weight at your age?
 Waist circumference, bigger, cardiovascular issues, diabetes 

Body mass- strive for 25

Wrist- big bone or delicate 

Menopausal women often gain 15 pounds 

*How detrimental is caffeine to bone health?

Coffee decreases colon risk


Colas, diet colas, carbonation - not good for bone health

*How to increase muscle mass and decrease fat?
Lift heavy, more protein, time your protein around exercise, divided doses

Average 70 grams - 100 grams (minimum)

Not calorie-focused but macro-nutrient-focused 

Water with electrolytes (protects kidney function)


Walking, weight-bearing walking 

Dr. Sheperd Recommended the Next Level Book 

Dr. Mercer Recommended following Dr. Haver youtube/Instagram Galveston diet 

Top Foods for Hormone Health
1. Organic, Non-GMO, Whole Soy Foods
2. Cruciferous Vegetables
Including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, arugula, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, radishes, and turnips, cruciferous vegetables help process and remove excess estrogen from the body.
3. Fiber
The absolute minimum goal of grams of fiber per day for optimum health in 30g. However, I believe you can and should do better than that! For reference, 1 cup of fiber-rich foods contains about 4 to 5 grams.
4. Protein
Protein is essential for allowing hormones to communicate throughout your body. Protein is also the building block for hormone production in the pituitary gland -- FSH, LH, and TSH. These hormones go on to trigger release of sex hormones, estrogen, testosterones, and progesterone.
5. Essential Fatty Acids
The most important EFAs are Omega-6s and Omega-3s. However, the American diet is typically oversaturated with Omega-6s. A healthy addition of Omega-3s are required for circulation, fighting inflammation, and strong brain health. Nuts, seeds, fatty, cold water fish, olives, avocado, and eggs are all great sources of Omega-3s. 

4 Supplements that are PROVEN Effective 

1. Protein 

2. Vitamin D 

3. Creatine 

4. Caffeine  

To Conclude:
We are all fearfully and wonderfully made by out Creator, different and beautiful. We all need a different approach to whole body health at different ages and stages in our lives. Reach out to any of the panel speakers to schedule a 1-1 to determine your best full body approach to achieving your specific goals!  We are here to serve you.

🔹Mark your calendars, Bible Study WEDNESDAY 12PM & 7PM, TransFit Girls 5:30pm Wednesdays. TransFit App has updated schedules. 

 ⭐️ Note: our new 7am & 4:30pm sessions.

❗️Our updated cancellation policy: if you need to cancel your session, please give us at least 12 hours notice for 1-1 sessions and group sessions (or you will be charged a session fee $25), so we can fill your spot. Many sessions have waitlists.  Thank you kindly. 

Our Team is praying for you and we want to help you transform. Please reach out to us with prayer requests or how we can serve you best! Please email us at transfitathens@gmail.com.

If you would like to do a 1-1 or semi-private session with one of our Personal Trainers please reach out. We are here to serve you and want to help you live transformed!


Team TransFit

5 Evidenced Based Supplements To Reduce Brian Fog

  Good Morning sweet friend,                     

The short week had me all discombobulated. I was forgetful and felt off kilter all week. As I dug into extra research on brain fog, I loved reading and learning more about specific supplements and how they can help us. I hope this information below will help you as you move into your weekend. It’s time to reset, renew, and revive your body and mind!  September here we come! 

 Excited to challenge, inspire and encourage you,

What is Brain Fog?

“Brain fog” is not a medical condition but a group of symptoms like memory trouble, lack of focus, fatigue, and scattered thoughts. Low nutrient levels can be a cause, so taking supplements may be beneficial. Always check with your physician before taking supplements and make sure products are third party approved. 

Many factors, including nutrient deficiencies or inadequacies, may contribute to brain fog symptoms. These are more common in people with medical conditions commonly associated with brain fog . 

The information below  covers 5 evidenced-based supplements that may help with brain fog.

5 Supplements for Brain Fog

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient necessary for immune system function, brain health, and more.

Having low or deficient Vitamin D levels may negatively impact cognitive health and contribute to brain fog symptoms.

People who have depression or depressive symptoms often experience brain fog symptoms such as poor concentration and memory problems. 

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of depressive symptoms. Research suggests that vitamin D supplements can help increase vitamin D levels and may help improve depressive symptoms, including brain fog . 

Other studies show that vitamin D supplementation may improve overall mental health — including mood, negative thoughts, and symptoms of anxiety and depression — in certain people . 

Also, a small study in 42 postmenopausal women who were low in vitamin D found that those who supplemented with 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day for 1 year performed better in learning and memory tests than those who took 600-IU or 4,000-IU doses. 

2. Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids are well known for their impressive health effects. Taking concentrated omega-3 supplements may benefit brain health and improve certain symptoms of brain fog, including difficulties with attention and memory. 

Studies show that supplementing with the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may support brain health, including memory, attention, and mood.

A study including 176 adults with low omega-3 intake found that supplementing with 1.16 grams of DHA per day for 6 months led to improvements in episodic and working memory compared with a placebo.

Omega-3 supplements may also improve depressive symptoms and boost mood, which may help reduce symptoms of brain fog.

What’s more, omega-3 supplements may help improve anxiety symptoms. People who experience anxiety may report symptoms of brain fog because anxiety can negatively affect mood, concentration, and memory. Our hormone health meal plan includes multiple recipes with Omega-3’s.

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral that’s in beans, seeds, and spinach. It’s necessary for many essential body functions, such as enzymatic reactions, energy production, nerve function, and blood pressure regulation. 

Many people don’t get enough magnesium in their diet, which may negatively impact brain health and lead to brain fog symptoms such as difficulty concentrating.

Low magnesium levels are common in those who are stressed and can even increase susceptibility to stress. 

Stress can cause memory impairment, poor concentration, and anxiety symptoms. 

For this reason, maintaining optimal magnesium levels through supplementation may help reduce susceptibility to stress and therefore improve stress-related cognitive impairment and brain fog symptoms.

Some research suggests that magnesium supplements may also help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression, which may improve symptoms of brain fog related to these common mental health conditions.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well known for its role in immune health, but this nutrient also supports many other important functions in the body, including brain health.

A study that included 80 healthy adults found that those with adequate blood levels of vitamin C performed significantly better in tests assessing memory, attention, reaction time, and focus than those with low vitamin C levels.

Low vitamin C levels may also negatively affect mood, and vitamin C deficiency is linked to depression and cognitive impairment.

5. L-theanine

L-theanine is a compound that’s concentrated in green tea and other plants.

Some studies suggest that taking an L-theanine supplement may help improve mental alertness, reaction time, and memory.

A recent study in 69 adults ages 50–69 found that a single dose of 100.6 mg of L-theanine improved reaction time and working memory on cognitive tests.

L-theanine supplements may also reduce tension and enhance calmness and relaxation.

What’s more, a small study found that 200 mg of L-theanine per day helped reduce stress-related symptoms and improve sleep and certain aspects of cognitive health compared with a placebo.

In Summary

Reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and supporting cognitive health may all help relieve brain fog.


Multiple factors may be contributing to your brain fog, so it’s important to work with a medical professional to get to the bottom of why you’re experiencing these symptoms and create a treatment plan. Whole body health and wellness is at the center of what we do at TransFit. Please let us know how we can serve you. 

Our Hormone Health Recipe Book Has Many Recipes to Help You Feel Your Best

Goal Sheet
Another helpful handout for you is our FREE
goal sheet  and habit tracker on the TransFit website to help keep track of your new healthy habit, whatever it is for!

TransFit Goal Sheet!

TransFit Bible Study Wednesday’s 12pm September 13th

We will start our study through Priscilla Shirer's book,
Gideon, this Wednesday, September 13, 2023. Get the book herePlease sign up on the TransFit App so we can plan accordingly. Open to the community.💙

Join the Bible Study GroupMe!

1-on-1 Sessions To Reach Your Goals
Interested in a 1-on-1 personal training or nutrition session to work on your specific goals? Schedule a time to meet with one of our Certified Personal Trainers 1-on-1 through the TransFit app or through the website! 

Schedule a 1-on-1 Here!

🔷We are excited and READY to inspire you this week.  🔷

At TransFit, we love to serve you in anyway to help you stay committed to your health goals, in
 body, mind, and spirit!

We do have 4:15pm & 4:30pm Strength sessions this week! Check out our
website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Thank you and please let us know how we can serve you! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one. We are excited to serve you! 


Team TransFit

Healthy Back to School Recipes 🍓🍉🍏

Sweet friend,

What an awesome way to finish up July! It's almost a new month! Let's reset, recharge, and be renewed to make August the best month, yet!

It's almost back to school time! 📚 Let's get back into our routine of healthy lunches and dinners! Some days, the thought of planning out meals may seem overwhelming. We are excited to help you jump back into this school year one step ahead!

We have so many amazing options for weekly meal plans along with tips and tricks to get your family back into a healthy routine on our website! Plan out your meals and workouts ahead of time to give you the kick-start you need to get back on track! The Back to School Meal Plan has a week’s worth of family-friendly healthy meals with recipes that are laid out for you to help make this transition back to school a smooth one! Download the meal plan & recipes below and check out the “Back to School Tips and Tricks!”

Recipes the Whole Family Will Love!

Get excited! These recipes will be a hit for your whole family - leaving every plate empty! With busy schedules during the week, set time aside to meal prep on a day that works for you- possibly over the weekend! Meal Prep is a key to your success in reaching your goals! Meal prepping weekly will help you feel more organized and less rushed when it comes to making meals for your family. Download these tasty recipes and start your meal prep today!

We also have a variety of new meal plans to meet whatever your nutrition goals are for the upcoming month! Whether you're wanting to get in more protein or start practicing the Mediterranean Diet, we can help! These are also full of recipes that your family will love! Check out those meal plans here! 🥗

We also have a new & improved meal plan for college students! Check that out here!

Lunch Box Essentials

In addition to our meal plan, we want to provide 5 packing items that you should include in your child's lunch for school! These five items allow you to ensure that your child is getting in their nutrition needs for the day!

1. Protein

The protein doesn’t have to come from meat! Sure you can roll up a couple slices of deli meat, like roast beef, turkey, chicken or ham, but try a variety of protein sources — like a cheese stick (or shredded cheese as my child prefers!), yogurt (just look for low-sugar kinds and resist any artificial sweeteners). You can use different nuts or nut butters (great for dipping, too), beans, hummus or hard-boiled eggs. *Check out our previous blog on protein here! *

2. Whole grains

Buy whole grains when you can, like whole wheat bread or pasta. Substitute two slices of bread with a whole grain wrap. Add in some whole grain crackers for dipping. You can also try the 1/2 and 1/2 trick for a while to help transition your kids to whole wheat!

3. Colorful fruits and vegetables

This is a great way to add in fiber and antioxidants. Whole pieces of fruit are great: apples, bananas, oranges, grapes or get creative with the mini fruit kabobs using grapes and berries. Slice up veggies, like a bright red bell pepper or celery. Along with carrots, these vegetables are great for dipping so include a container with a yogurt-based Ranch dressing, fresh salsa, hummus or even guacamole!

4. Sweet and salty snacks

Mix up a healthy trail mix, or include raw nuts, dried fruits or pretzels. You can freeze tubes of yogurt for a cool treat. Enlist your child’s help over the weekend to prepare homemade energy balls or granola bars for their lunches, too.

5. Hydration

Pack a mini-bottled water or an organic low-fat milk. When you can, avoid fruit juices. Stick to whole fruit options in their lunchbox to avoid any added sugars. Add in electrolytes to your child’s lunch can also help them stay hydrated! 

Back to School Tips and Tricks

Check out these awesome tips and tricks to help your family get back in the routine of eating healthy! It’s important to get your kids involved in the process of choosing and making healthy recipes to keep them intrigued and excited! Check out the tips and tricks below to incorporate into your meal prepping!

Meal Prep Mason Jar Salads for Your Healthy Lunch!

We hope you enjoy the Back to School Meal Plan and recipes! We are excited to help you kick-start August with these recipes to help you COMMIT to your nutrition goals! Take a picture when you try these awesome recipes and send them to transfitathens@gmail.com!

Get ready for the updated Fall schedule! Starting August 8th for TransFit Athens, check the App for TransFit Oconee new updates hours.
Check the
 TransFit App for the updated schedule and session times and sign up for your session at least 24 hours in advance to ensure you get the time you need. Please arrive 5 minutes before your session starts and bring your sparkle towel.

Thank you for all that you do by being such inspiring women in this community! We are truly stronger together.

Check out our website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

Mediterranean Diet & Recipes!

Happy Thursday! This week was AWESOME at both studios. We love seeing the progress and determination that is being put forward!  The community at TransFit is inspiring and that can only happen with you! Thanks for the hard work and encouragement.

I am so thankful to be back in the studio with you after an amazing European Vacation. We enjoyed delicious food from France, Italy, and my favorite, Greece. Now I know why everyone really loves the Mediterranean diet so much!! 

I had the opportunity to speak at length with our Sailboat Captain, Stratous, about his lifestyle growing up in Crete. He said most everyone on the island has their own mini garden, where they grow olives, lemons, and other crops. They eat whole fresh foods and tons of seafood. Most live long, healthy lives. He made us lunch on the sailboat of homemade bruschetta, pasta, feta, olives, and shrimp. Unbelievably fresh, delicious and felt so light. Such a gift.~Caroline 
With the Mediterranean diet, following this way of eating is more of a lifestyle than a diet. The Mediterranean Plan is based on eating in moderation and giving your body the nutrients, it needs daily through whole foods. Below are some lists of food groups and all about the Mediterranean diet and how YOU can incorporate it into your weekly meal plan. Also, we are so excited to announce our NEW MEDITERRANEAN RECIPE & MEAL PLAN EBOOKS! 

What is the Mediterranean Diet?!
As you can imagine, the diet is composed of foods that can be found along the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Ranging from veggies to red meat to yogurt this diet is full of bright colors and delicious flavors. Some of the main food groups as listed below.

  • Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts ad legumes all minimally processed and grown locally preferable.

  • Olive oil as the principle source of fat

  • Cheese and Yogurt consumed in low amounts

  • Red Meat (high quality) consumed infrequently and in low amounts

  • Fresh fruit for desserts and sweets containing added sugar only eaten a few times a week

  • Wine consumed in low to moderate amounts, with meals

Easy Ways to Incorporate A Mediterranean Diet Into Your Life

 It all starts with small changes. You can start with the changes you think will be easiest for YOU first.

  • Switch from butter or margarine to olive oil. Olive oil is great to cook with or fry an egg in a pan with! Another great way to incorporate this healthy fat into your meals is to replace cream-based salad dressings with an olive oil dressing. Some great ingredients make your own salad dressing with are vinegar, Dijon mustard, parsley, garlic, oregano, and lemon.

  • Eat nuts and olives as snacks. This is a great replacement for a processed snack.

  • Replace bread with whole-grain products. A popular, sprouted grain bread is Ezekiel 4:9 Bread. This bread combines 6 grains and legumes that create health benefits you normally cannot get from breads, pastas, and cereals including amino acids, protein, vitamins, and fiber. Other whole grains that are awesome are bulgur, barley, farro, and couscous.

  • Begin each meal with a salad. This way you become more full-on greens! Choose crisp, dark greens and add lots of color!

  • Eat more legumes! This includes lentils, chickpeas, beans, and peas.

  • Eat lean meat.

  • Cut out sugary beverages.

  • Seek out the best quality food available.

  • Farmer’s markets are an EXCELLENT source of locally grown and in season foods. While farmers markets aren’t open now, buying produce in season allows for cheaper and more nutritious fruits and vegetables.

  • Lastly Mediterranean meals are most often shared family style!

Recipes from our NEW Mediterranean Recipe Book 
(Click and hold the recipe too save)

We are so excited about these new Mediterranean Meal Plans and Recipes. We hope they can serve you in reviving your healthy kitchen. If you would like to meet with one of our staff in a 1-1 for nutrition or personal training please email us here. 

Let’s all work the rest of this week to increase our water, increase our protein, and eat more Mediterranean foods. Thank you and please let us know how we can serve you! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one. Check out our website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more! We are excited to serve you! 


Team TransFit

Strong Arms: The Importance of Triceps!

Happy Motivation Monday!!! Let’s keep focused on our goals as we enter a new week. Lots of women are restarting the Transform 30 Challenge. Print one from the link below and join us!

In March, we are focusing on strengthening our bodiespushing ourselves out of our comfort zones with heavier weights and challenging exercises!  Today, we want to talk about triceps how important they are to the arm. All the hype follows the biceps, but the tricep makes up for HALF of your entire arm!!! When strengthening a muscle group is important to engage muscles that counteract each other, so when working out biceps, the triceps should be right there with them in the workout. 

 Email us with any questions regarding nutrition consulting, sessions, Bible studies, 1 on 1’s, or prayer requests! We are here for you and would love to talk with you!

Why Train Triceps?
Triceps are the most important muscle in the arms to train.

The triceps muscle makes up 60% of your upper arm, making it a crucial part of the body to exercise regularly, and one that you really ought to pay attention to if you’re looking to tone, define, and strengthen your upper body.

The triceps muscle lies along the back of your upper arm and is twice the size of your bicep muscles, with more muscle fibers per square inch.

The triceps start at the top of the shoulder blade and the arm bone, running down the back of the arm bone, crossing the elbow and inserting into the back of one of our forearm bones. These muscles help stabilize your shoulder joint, and they act as an extensor of the elbow and shoulder.

As your triceps become stronger, the strength and stability of your shoulders and elbows also increases. This in turn will increase the functionality, flexibility and range of motion of your arm, improving your performance in everyday tasks, as well as sports which require arm movements and upper-body strength like tennis, swimming, and basketball.

Most, if not all upper-body exercises will recruit the triceps in some way.

4 Reasons to Train Triceps More

1. Triceps make up 2/3 of your arm
Triceps are the largest muscle group in your arms, running from the elbow to the shoulder. With a main role to straighten the elbow, triceps are made of three bundles of muscles - which means they have more potential to grow. The most prominent are the lateral and long heads which run from the
 shoulder to the elbow. The last head, known as the brachialis or medial head, is under the lateral and long heads. It is usually only visible when looking at the arms from the side. Therefore training these three bundles of muscles will make your arms appear much larger and toned.

2. To help with complex weight training exercises
The triceps are involved in many complex weight training exercises that target different muscle groups (e.g. Military presses, half presses, bench presses, dips). Despite having a strong chest or back, weak triceps can cause imbalanced muscle growth and risk injury, With stronger triceps, you can perform and progress better.
A simple anatomy of the triceps

3. Shoulder stability and functional movements
The triceps are often overlooked when it comes to shoulder stability. In fact, it is attached to the shoulder blades and is involved in rotation and adduction of the arm. Having strong
triceps can help stabilize the shoulder joint at the top of the humerus (bone of the upper arm).
The triceps also fixate the elbow joint when the forearm and hand are used for fine movements like writing. More specifically, the three bundles of muscles have different functions - the long head for force generation, the lateral for movements requiring high-intensity force and the medial for more precise, low-force movements.

4. Isolation & Convenience
This is much less of a reason but more of a fun fact: Triceps muscles can be worked out individually from any other muscle group on your body. Specifically, the tricep extension targets only the triceps without any assistance from other muscle groups. This can help strengthen the tricep muscles and even out any unbalances between sides. The tricep extension exercise can also be done with different types of resistance and in various positions, making it a convenient exercise to incorporate into your workout routine

Favorite Tricep Exercises:

Diamond Pushups
To execute a Diamond Pushup correctly, begin in the high plank hold position with your hands placed close enough so that your thumbs and index fingers are touching, forming a diamond shape.
Then, lower your body to your hands slowly while keeping your elbows tight to the body and explode up, lifting your body off the ground and returning to the Diamond Pushup position.

 Side Dips
Side Dips are an effective way to isolate the tricep muscles. This exercise requires no equipment and can be performed by athletes of varying fitness levels.
Start by laying down in a straight line on your right side. Place your left hand on the ground in front of you, and push your upper body up off the ground. Your hips and feet should remain touching the ground at all times.

More Tricep Exercises to LOVE:
Tricep extensions
Tricep Dips
Tricep press downs
Skull crushers
Close grip press
Tricep Kickbacks

Avocado Chicken Salad


  • 2-3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

  • 1 avocado

  • 1/4 cup chopped onion

  • Juice of 1/2 a lime

  • 2 tbsp cilantro

  • Salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook chicken breasts and let cool.

2. Shred chicken.

3. Chop up and cream avocado with a mixer.

4. Combine shredded chicken, avocado, and all other ingredients.

Want to be a part of something amazing? Consider helping with the RISE TOGETHER 5K!
We are so excited to have our annual Rise Together 5K again this year! This is a special 5K benefiting ESP and is a great way to meet a goal and run with family and friends. Sign up today! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com with any questions!

Please check out our website for more blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can help you reach your goals and dreams! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

💙💃💪 Happy International Women's Day!!!

Happy International Women's Day! What an honor it is to know you and to have you as a part of the TransFit community! Thank you for being you! TransFit is proud to celebrate International Women's Day and honored to be able to lift up so many incredible women!!! We 💙 our community and can't wait to continue to TRANSFORM in mind, body, and spirit with y'all!

Our team wants to help you achieve your goals and dreams! Sign-up for a session, one on one, or nutrition consultation today! Join us in 5 Points, Watkinsville, or online today. 💪

Friends, to celebrate International women's Day here are some pictures of the fun we've had recently transforming!

Strong Women Get Their Protein In!
Protein is so so important in our diets everyday!! In session we always discuss the importance of getting in your daily protein, especially after you have exercised. Refueling our bodies is just as important as moving them. Here is a link to an article with great protein sources!

Pomegranate Cherry Yogurt Parfait
This is one of our favorite recipes from our Transform at Home Program!

Did you know that:

👏🏼 Greek yogurt is super high in protein
👏🏼Pomegranates are really high in nutrients
👏🏼 Greek yogurt is a great source of protein
👏🏼 Pomegranates are great for runners & recovery

Check out our website for more blogs, inspiration, free recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you!  Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

Does Muscle Actually Weigh More than Fat?

What an awesome week we've had to end to February!

Lent has begun, and we celebrated Mardi Gras Tuesday in studio. The weather is beginning to warm up and the flowers are beginning to bloom. What an exciting time of year! The commitment in 2023 has been INCREDIBLE, and we are so thankful for the TransFit community. Let's continue to TRANSFORM as we transition into spring over the next few weeks!

Muscle vs. Fat: Clearing Up The Misconception 

Muscle mass is denser than fat mass, and you will undoubtedly gain weight from lean muscle gains. While your clothes may feel looser, the scale may tell you otherwise. Common sense tells us that a pound of muscle and fat have to weigh the same but differ in density. If you look at five pounds of muscle and five pounds of fat side by side, the fat takes up more volume, or space, than the muscle. That's important when you're on a nutrition plan , and part of your goal is to have a lean look of muscle.

Muscle vs. Fat: The Benefits of Muscle

Muscle boosts a person’s metabolism, so a pound of muscle will burn more calories at rest than a pound of fat. What does this mean? Even when you’re not exercising — you could be sitting on the couch watching TV — you will be burning more calories just by having more muscle. Muscle has other benefits, too. It’s critical in improving bone density and helps prevent the loss of muscle mass that occurs with aging, allowing people to stay active as they get older.

Does Muscle Actually Weigh More Than Fat?

The short answer: Yes, muscle does weigh more than fat—by volume. The muscle will weigh more if you take a bowl of fat and compare it to a same-sized bowl of muscle. The catch: That number on the scale shouldn't matter here because the benefits of having more muscle in the body outweigh having more fat tissue.

How Having More Muscle Affects Your Health

Muscles are a star player in keeping your body happy and healthy long-term for several reasons. For starters, lean muscle mass can help manage blood sugar, keeping Type 2 diabetes at bay. "The number one consumer of blood sugar in the human body is skeletal muscle," explained Tim Church, MD, MPH, Ph.D., professor of preventive medicine at Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University. So, the more muscle you have, the greater your potential to stabilize your blood sugar. As a bonus, the blood sugar-regulating effect is instant and lasts after exercise. So, if you do a workout today, your muscles will utilize blood sugar better over the next 72 hours. Also, as you age, you'll want a healthy amount of muscle rather than fat. "Muscle is a commonly overlooked marker of healthy aging," Church said. You start losing muscle mass around age 40 or 45. This age-related decline in muscle is known as sarcopenia, one of the biggest reasons many older adults can have trouble doing simple tasks without help. Even better news is that muscle can help you maintain a healthy weight by raising your basal metabolic rate or the number of calories you burn at rest. Exactly how many extra calories you'll burn by adding muscle is unclear. We know that the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism. Lastly—and least importantly, in terms of health—the muscle density might cause it to weigh more, which also means it takes up less space in the body. "If someone gains 10 pounds of muscle, a lot of times they'll barely notice that on their body," Seedman said, "whereas, if you gain five or 10 pounds of fat, you definitely notice that."

How To Lose Fat and Gain Muscle in a Healthy Way

Strength training is the most effective way to build muscle and cut back on fat. "If you only have a limited amount of time to work out, strength training is exponentially more powerful," Seedman said and added that you could manipulate work and rest ratios to get more cardio benefits from your strength routine. It is recommended doing a full-body strength routine at least two- three times a week. Try lifting to the point of near-failure in each set—that means those last one or two reps should feel nearly impossible to do without breaking form.If you're trying to shed fat while building muscle, keep the rest periods short between sets (30 to 60 seconds) to increase the intensity of the session. 

We love answering your questions and please email us more here. Transformer Strength Sessions, Small Group, Bone Strength, and 1-1 Sessions are a great way to to build muscular strength and lean muscle mass. A new month is approaching a perfect time to reach a new goal! 

Dinner Bells


  • 5 medium red or orange bell peppers

  • 1 lb. lean ground turkey

  • 1 cup chopped onion

  • 2 1/2 tsp. dried Italian seasoning

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1/2 tsp. salt

  • 1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa

  • 1 jar (25 oz.) marinara sauce

  • 1/2 cup water


  • Cut off tops of peppers. Clean out completely and discard seeds. Place peppers upright in a 4-6 quart crock pot.

  • Combine turkey, onion, Italian seasoning, garlic and salt. Stir in rice (or Quinoa). Spoon into peppers.

  • Pour most of the marinara sauce over peppers. Add water to remaining sauce in jar. Cover jar and shake. Pour over peppers.

  • Cover and cook on low-heat setting for 6 hours or on high-heat setting for 4 hours.

  • Transfer peppers to serving plates. Spoon sauce over top. Let stand for 5 minutes

We are so excited to have our annual Rise Together 5K again this year! This is a special 5K benefiting ESP and is a great way to meet a goal and run with family and friends. We are so grateful for everyone who has helped out in the past and we would love for volunteers again this year! We need You to make this the best 5k of 2022! If you are interested in being on a 5K planning committee or would like to volunteer to help on race day, please fill out this short survey HERE!

Our 1-1 Personal Training Sessions and the Exercise & Nutrition Packages will provide you a healthy inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! 

Our 30 day ALL ACCESS Package is on exclusive for $150 now. Move your body everyday, try our new Tuesday evening 6pm Yoga Session, or 4:30pm Strength Session.

These packages will get you on the right track to make 2023 the best year yet, body, mind, and spirit! Please book your sessions in advance so you can ensure the time that works best for you. If you are on the waitlist, you will be notified via email when a spot opens. Thank you! 

You can purchase packages on our FREE TransFit app AND website!

We are here for YOU! Please Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com with any questions, prayer requests, suggestions!


Team TransFit

February Lunch and Learn - Happy Hormones, Skin, and Body 2023

Wow! What an AMAZING lunch and learn with YOU, Brookes Vaghn, Kaylan Ashford, Laura Francis Smith, and our TransFit Staff! We learned so much about nutrition, movement, skin care and how hormones play such a crucial role in whole body health. We had delicious salads from The National which topped off a fantastic event! We want to make sure you have all the information you need to TRANSFORMING! We can make the most of every day! 
Here is the recap of what we learned!

KEY TAKEAWAYS from the Lunch & Learn!

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream to tissues or organs and work slowly over time to impact mood, metabolism, growth, reproduction, temperature regulation, and more! When hormones get out of whack, there can be far reaching consequences in terms of symptoms and effects. Hormone imbalance is often a red flag that other systems in our body are out of balance. 

Hormone imbalance may look like: 

Infertility and irregular periods

-Weight gain or weight loss that is unexplained and not due to intentional changes in your diet

- Depression and anxiety

- Fatigue

- Insomnia

- Low libido

- Digestive issues

- Hair loss and hair thinning

- Hot flashes and night sweats

- Brain Fog

 How to Balance our Hormones 

o   Eat whole foods, largely plant-based
o   Mediterranean style diet
o   Consider adding organic non-GMO soy products to combat hot flashes
o   Targeted supplementation of Magnesium, Fiber, Vitamin D, DHEA, B12, and Omega 3a depending on diet
o   Balance your HIIT and cardio workouts with low impact strength exercises

Get in touch with Brookes Vaughn Here!

To schedule an appointment with Brookes at the Ashford Center call 706-353-2550.
Also follow her @thewomenshealthcompany on Instagram!

Top Foods for Hormone Health

1. Organic, Non-GMO, Whole Soy Foods

2. Cruciferous Vegetables
Including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, arugula, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, radishes, and turnips, cruciferous vegetables help process and remove excess estrogen from the body.
3. Fiber
The absolute minimum goal of grams of fiber per day for optimum health in 30g. However, I believe you can and should do better than that! For reference, 1 cup of fiber-rich foods contains about 4 to 5 grams.
4. Protein
Protein is essential for allowing hormones to communicate throughout your body. Protein is also the building block for hormone production in the pituitary gland -- FSH, LH, and TSH. These hormones go on to trigger release of sex hormones, estrogen, testosterones, and progesterone. The recommended value is .8 to 1.2g of protein per body weight.
5. Essential Fatty Acids
The most important EFAs are Omega-6s and Omega-3s. However, the American diet is typically oversaturated with Omega-6s. A healthy addition of Omega-3s are required for circulation, fighting inflammation, and strong brain health. Nuts, seeds, fatty, cold water fish, olives, avocado, and eggs are all great sources of Omega-3s. 

4 Supplements that are PROVEN Effective 

1. Protein 

2. Vitamin D 

3. Creatine 

4. Caffeine  

Skin Health

Kaylan Ashford and Laura Francis Smith discussed the important  of Sunscreen, Retinol, and Vitamin C serum. They arms discussed the difference between all the facial treatments available for creating and  maintaining vibrant skin.   The first step to treating problematic skin is to correctly diagnose the problem. At your initial appointment a comprehensive medical and skin care history will help to direct your  treatment. 

To Conclude:

We are all fearfully and wonderfully made by out Creator, different and beautiful. We all need a different approach to whole body health at different ages and stages in our lives. Reach out to any of the panel speakers to schedule a 1-1 to determine your best full body approach to achieving your specific goals!  We are here to serve. 

💗Celebrate with us tomorrow! Galantines Workouts tomorrow wear your pink or red. 💗. 

Our NEW CLIENT ACCESS 30 Day Package is $120 today, and current clients ALL ACCESS is $150! A great opportunity to transform.

Our Team is praying for you and we want to help you transform. Please reach out to us with prayer requests or how we can serve you best! Please email us at

If you would like to do a 1-1 or semi-private session with one of our Personal Trainers please reach out. We are here to serve you and want to help you live transformed!


Team TransFit

February Client Spotlight - Shelley Stearns 2023

Happy MindRight Monday! We hope everyone had a restful, fulfilling weekend and is ready to be INSPIRED by our February client spotlight to get into the studio, drink you water, and try a new healthy habit.

Our client spotlight embodies our February theme of Iron Sharpens Iron. Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpens iron, so one personal sharpens another.”

Incredible Client Spotlight

Shelley Stearns

We are so excited to spotlight our first TransFit Oconee client—Shelley Stearns! “For years, I  have passed Shelley countless times walking these country roads on my way home.  Even on freezing cold winter mornings, Shelley would be bundled up walking! She  would inspire me then to bundle up and soak in the sunshine and get my own steps in! 

I didn’t know Shelley well then, but I knew one thing — she is consistent! She is also  motivated! She strives to be healthy, to serve her family with love, and she honors her  body through movement. I was thrilled when she came to try out the new Oconee studio. She is always up to try new exercises, to step out of her comfort zone, to go the  few extra reps and try a slight heavier weight! I am so proud of her progress! Week after  week, she prioritizes her workouts — even if that means getting in a strength workout at  5:30 am!

Shelley, what an inspiration you are to your family and to so many women in our  community, including me. I am grateful for her commitment to whole-body health, and it  has brought me so much joy watching her get stronger each workout at TransFit  Oconee! 

You will see in her pictures that Shelley and her husband Dave have a beautiful family!  Not only do I get the honor of training her, but also a few of her daughters as well! Just  another example of how we are all stronger together!! 
Katie Woodall, TransFit Oconee

Words from Shelley

“I began working out at TransFit Oconee in October. I have always exercised; my mom  modeled exercise as being important when I was growing up. I had just gotten out of the  habit of strength training when Covid-19 hit. As I was getting older, I wanted to be strong  for my family...especially as more grandchildren were entering our world. I also realized  that as I was approaching my mid 50s, it was easier to gain 5 pounds and harder to take  it off. So, besides gaining strength, I wanted to lose a few pounds. 

I have always enjoyed the camaraderie of exercise. Meeting new women, developing  friendships with them, and encouraging each other has been something I've enjoyed  over the years. When I first started TransFit, pushups were impossible! My goal was to  be able to do just one. I'm thankful to have reached that goal and more! Katie has been such an  encouragement to me and very patient with me when I can't remember from one set to  another how to do the exercise. Adding TransFit to my weekly routine has been  relatively easy for me because by nature I am a fairly consistent person who thrives on  routine. I regularly go to TransFit 3 times a week. Besides TransFit, I have enjoyed  walking with friends over the years as a form of exercise. 

After my first baby was born (when I gained over 60 pounds and she was only 6  pounds, 5 ounces), a friend put me on a walking weight loss plan. I knew if I didn't lose my weight quickly, I probably never would. So within 3 months of giving birth, I was back  to my pre-pregnancy weight. 

My husband and I have six biological children and one adopted son. In 2011, we moved  to Zambia, Africa for a year to serve Christ on the mission field. We were able to do this  because at the time we were homeschooling all of our children and my husband was  self-employed and able to leave the business for 13 months. While there we met,  fostered, and adopted our son, Samson. My greatest blessing has been the privilege of  raising these 7 children alongside my husband, Dave, to be warriors for Christ. Through  the ups and the downs, we believe that our responsibility is to show our children what  an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ looks like and to pray that they would love  Jesus and want to serve Him with their life. 

Being healthy is important to both Dave and me. We try and eat healthy (mostly at  home) and exercise. I love homemaking....cooking, cleaning, sewing, reading...so  having supper around the dinner table was a normal occurrence for our children.”

Shelley, You are an inspiration and encouragement to us in so many ways! We are so proud of your dedication to whole body health and wellness for God’s glory! You sharpen us all! We celebrate you! 

Recipes from Shelley:

Peach Smoothie! (Some say it's better than Chick-fil-A'a)

1 cup ice 

1 cup favorite milk 

1 serving vanilla protein powder 

1 cup frozen peaches 

Quick and easy!

Easy Banana Bread!

It's 7 ingredients and they are all “1”....except for the bananas, so you can memorize it  easily: 

1 cup Flour 

1 cup Sugar 

1 stick of melted butter 

1 egg 

1tsp baking soda 

1 tsp salt 

3 ripe bananas 

Mix all together in a mixer. Pour into a loaf pan that you have sprayed and dusted with  flour. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

Check out our website for more blogs, inspiration, free recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit