Lunch & Learn Recap!

Happy Saturday sweet Friend!

Wow! What an AMAZING lunch and learn with YOU, Cynthia Sheperd, Elisabeth Johnson, Cindy Mercer, and our TransFit Staff! If you couldn’t make it we have you covered below! We learned so much about Menopause, Genetic Testing, BMI, Supplements, and how hormones play such a crucial role in whole-body health. We had delicious salads from The Pine and a fun giveaway from Monkees topped off a fantastic event. We want to make sure you have all the information you need to LIVE TRANSFORMED!

Here is the recap of what we learned!

(Please note these are rough notes, please watch the video for a full explanation)

- It is harder to keep weight off as we age

-Short interval training (HIIT) -great for hormones and estrogen levels and bones, heavy weight lifting is key

-Hormone changes lead to more abdominal fat, less muscle 

-Menopause absence of ovarian function, average age 52, starts 5-7 years before and continues 5 years after, 1/3 of a women’s life

-Estradiol decreases - visceral fat increases, raises HDL

-Ozempic shots are for diabetics, these drugs are an easy fix that won’t last, and you will lose muscle mass not fat on these shots 

-Optimize fat loss: intake more protein, monitor your diet (my fitness pal), exercise, add in weights 


*Would you recommend genetic testing for cancer? What age?
-1st degree or 2nd degree, what type of cancer matters…some organs if cancerous are related some are not 

-Talk to doc about family history and then genetic counseling would be the next step- may be no earlier than 20-21 years old 

-Also matters if perimenopause cancer or later

*Is breast cancer and alcohol correlated -> increases risk 

A glass of wine a day is more risky for breast cancer than hormone replacement 

*Struggle with sleep?
melatonin, cutting screen use, tart cherry juice, magnesium 4 hours before bed 

*Non-negotiable supplements 

Diet best but hardest way to get nutrients

Calcium 1200 mg

Vitamin D- most people are deficient hard to overdose 

Magnesium elemental 200-300 mg- LT

Magnesium helps with sleep as well 

Multivitamins are mostly a waste of money 

B complex 

A E K, zinc - these vitamins you can get too much of

Collagen good for joints

Turmeric with pepper- anti-inflammatory 

Be careful taking supplements with thyroid medicines, and talk to a doctor if on other medication about when and if to take 

Bone broth can also be a good source of collagen 

Want 3rd party approved supplement 

*How to determine your best weight at your age?
 Waist circumference, bigger, cardiovascular issues, diabetes 

Body mass- strive for 25

Wrist- big bone or delicate 

Menopausal women often gain 15 pounds 

*How detrimental is caffeine to bone health?

Coffee decreases colon risk


Colas, diet colas, carbonation - not good for bone health

*How to increase muscle mass and decrease fat?
Lift heavy, more protein, time your protein around exercise, divided doses

Average 70 grams - 100 grams (minimum)

Not calorie-focused but macro-nutrient-focused 

Water with electrolytes (protects kidney function)


Walking, weight-bearing walking 

Dr. Sheperd Recommended the Next Level Book 

Dr. Mercer Recommended following Dr. Haver youtube/Instagram Galveston diet 

Top Foods for Hormone Health
1. Organic, Non-GMO, Whole Soy Foods
2. Cruciferous Vegetables
Including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, arugula, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, radishes, and turnips, cruciferous vegetables help process and remove excess estrogen from the body.
3. Fiber
The absolute minimum goal of grams of fiber per day for optimum health in 30g. However, I believe you can and should do better than that! For reference, 1 cup of fiber-rich foods contains about 4 to 5 grams.
4. Protein
Protein is essential for allowing hormones to communicate throughout your body. Protein is also the building block for hormone production in the pituitary gland -- FSH, LH, and TSH. These hormones go on to trigger release of sex hormones, estrogen, testosterones, and progesterone.
5. Essential Fatty Acids
The most important EFAs are Omega-6s and Omega-3s. However, the American diet is typically oversaturated with Omega-6s. A healthy addition of Omega-3s are required for circulation, fighting inflammation, and strong brain health. Nuts, seeds, fatty, cold water fish, olives, avocado, and eggs are all great sources of Omega-3s. 

4 Supplements that are PROVEN Effective 

1. Protein 

2. Vitamin D 

3. Creatine 

4. Caffeine  

To Conclude:
We are all fearfully and wonderfully made by out Creator, different and beautiful. We all need a different approach to whole body health at different ages and stages in our lives. Reach out to any of the panel speakers to schedule a 1-1 to determine your best full body approach to achieving your specific goals!  We are here to serve you.

🔹Mark your calendars, Bible Study WEDNESDAY 12PM & 7PM, TransFit Girls 5:30pm Wednesdays. TransFit App has updated schedules. 

 ⭐️ Note: our new 7am & 4:30pm sessions.

❗️Our updated cancellation policy: if you need to cancel your session, please give us at least 12 hours notice for 1-1 sessions and group sessions (or you will be charged a session fee $25), so we can fill your spot. Many sessions have waitlists.  Thank you kindly. 

Our Team is praying for you and we want to help you transform. Please reach out to us with prayer requests or how we can serve you best! Please email us at

If you would like to do a 1-1 or semi-private session with one of our Personal Trainers please reach out. We are here to serve you and want to help you live transformed!


Team TransFit