strength training

Top 5 Reasons Why Women Need Strength Training🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

Hey sweet friend, 

June 2022 is almost over, but not quite! Let's work to reach the goals that we have set for this month—step outside of your comfort zone. Try incorporating Strength Training 3x per week to reach your maximum strength potential and boost your metabolism. 

TransFit is unique because it provides Strength Training Workouts in an uplifting environment specifically designed for women to help you achieve the results you want to achieve. 

These workouts will transform you—body, mind, and spirit.

You may be thinking, “doesn’t lifting weights make me ‘bulky’”? Thank goodness that isn’t true. Today, we clear up the misconceptions! 

Below are some key facts and benefits to help you understand why we, as strong, healthy women, need to build strength training into our weekly fitness plan.

Strength Training 101:

Strength training involves resistance bands and balls, hand weights, barbells, kettlebells and even your own body weight in order to boost your metabolism and lean out your muscles to create a sculpted, toned, strong body.

More importantly, Strength training is just what your body needs to fight the loss of muscle, and increase bone density and build muscular strength that women normally lose with with age.

Top 5 Reasons Women Need Strength Training:


1. Improves body composition & increases lean body mass (builds and maintains muscles mass) If you would like to meet with a Personal Trainer to assess your body composition (body fat %) please email us here or ask!! 

2. Increases metabolic efficiency (burns fat and aids in weight management)

3. Increases joint strength and stability

4. Improves your cardiovascular health

5. Increases bone density

MORE Important Reasons WHY Strength Training:

  • Decreases psychological stress 

  • Increases energy levels and mood, and aids in mental health

  • Icreases balance

Never too late to join:

The Summer Transformation Challenge has strength training workouts for you! 

Keep TRANSFORMING over the summer with our Summer Transformation Plan! Includes recipes, workouts, and encouragement to keep you going strong!

Interested in TRANSFORMING with the whole family? Check out our Kids-Couch-to-5K running plan on our websight!

High Protein Recipe for Strength:

The Simple Summer Salmon recipe is high in protein and great for building strength! Try it out and let us know how you like it! 

We can’t wait to see you in the studio or virtually!

TransFormer sessions are strength training based metabolic conditioning sessions are offered multiple times a day.  HIIT sessions are cardio endurance focused. Our new Bone Strength Session is 9:30am on Thursday. TransFit Yoga is now offered 2x week. Friday sessions are a combination of strength + HIIT.

We are grateful to serve you.

If you have any questions, please email us at

If you would like to do a 1-1 or semi-private session with one of our Personal Trainers or Nutrition Consultant please reach out. We are here to serve you and want to help you live transformed!


Team TransFit

Why YOU Need Strength Training to Transform Your Body! Awesome Olympic HIIT Workout!

Happy Saturday, sweet friends!

We love seeing each of your smiling faces in the studio! Each day is one step closer in the right direction when you are staying accountable to your goals! Continue to strive for progress- this weekend! Come join us this morning at 8 AM or at 10 AM for our NEW Saturday session! Today, we want to share about the importance of strength training and a fun Olympics workout!


Strength training is just what your body needs to fight the loss of muscle, bone mass and strength that comes with age. Resistance bands and balls, hand weights, barbells, and even your own body weight can be used as resistance when designing a strength-training program. Even better, all that new muscle and strength pays off in a long-term boost to your metabolism, which helps keep your body lean and sculpted. Suddenly, dumbbells sound like a smart idea! Below are some extra benefits to help explain why we as women need to build strength training into our weekly fitness plan. 

Benefits of strength training for women:

  • Improved body composition & increase lean body mass
  • Increased metabolic efficiency (burn fat!)
  • Increased bone density
  • Decreased psychological stress 
  • Increased energy levels and mood

Here is an awesome workout we want to share with YOU! This workout can be done anywhere and is great to take with you when you travel.

winter olympic HIIT workout.PNG

Let's work to finish this February strong! We know that you can achieve those goals you set at the beginning of the month. For more workouts, videos, recipes, and inspiration check out our app and website under the HEALTHY LIVING tab!

We want to invite you to save the date for our March Lunch and Learn with Peter Dale! The Lunch and Learn will be March 8 at 11 AM and we will meet at The National to hear more about the delicious and healthy power lunch! We hope you will join us! Sign up on the app

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you! 


Team TransFit

Why you need strength training to transform your body! Awesome Olympic HIIT Workout!

Happy Saturday, sweet friends! It has been another awesome week in the studio. We love seeing each of your smiling faces! Each day is on step closer to the right direction when you are staying accountable to your goals! Continue to strive for progress- this weekend! Please try to book your exercise sessions for the week ahead and come 11:30 Tuesday to the FREE Transforming Goal Workshop! Sign up online, email us, or use the app (Special Events tab) so we know how many to expect! The lululemon ladies will be teaching all about how to reach your goals and we will have fun prizes & giveaways! 

Caroline Ward, Demetria Hunte, & Katie Woodall

Caroline Ward, Demetria Hunte, & Katie Woodall

Dee wanted to share with you why she feels strength training is so important to transform your body! 

It has been such an amazing 2 weeks working full time at TransFit and continuing to meet so many inspiring and dedicated women! What an amazing constant reminder of how much of a blessing TransFit and the TransFit family have been in my life. I am looking forward to a new season of growth and inspiration!

TransFit is so unique in that it provides for women something that is so commonly left out, strength training! Strength training is just what your body needs to fight the loss of muscle, bone mass and strength that comes with age. Resistance bands and balls, hand weights, barbells, and even your own body weight can be used as resistance when designing a strength-training program. Even better, all that new muscle and strength pays off in a long-term boost to your metabolism, which helps keep your body lean and sculpted. Suddenly, dumbbells sound like a smart idea! Below are some extra benefits to help explain why we as women should and need to build resistance training into our fitness plan.


Benefits of strength training for women:

  • Improved body composition & increase lean body mass
  • Increased metabolic efficiency (burn fat!)
  • Increased bone density
  • Decreased psychological stress
  • Increased energy levels and mood

Here is an awesome workout we want to share with YOU! This workout can be done anywhere and is great to take with you when you travel! Check out the video below!  

Olympic HITT Workout- TransFit Athens

Dee is pictured doing the squat with shoulder press here! 

Let's work to finish this August strong! We know that you can achieve those goals you set at the beginning of the month. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you! 


Team TransFit

Kickin' It Into High Gear For Summer: A Brand New Total Body Workout

Happy Friday sweet friends! We made it though another awesome week in the TransFit studio! Many of you have met our amazing new trainer Demertria Hunt and if you haven't yet you are in for a treat this summer! "D"  has the most most beautiful smile, a heart that loves the Lord, and a passion for whole body health. Her favorite type of exercise is to incorporate kickboxing in with her strength training for a total body fat blasting session! Below she explains her favorite exercises! Join "D" this summer in a total body TransFit kickboxing session Tuesday and Thursdays at 7:30 am or Wednesdays at 11:30! Hope to see you knocking it out in the TransFit kickboxing rink! 

What a  blessing to meet and familiarize myself with so many new faces these past few weeks in the TransFit studio! I am so excited to connect and share a little bit about myself as I continue to build relationships with each one of you! I truly cherish everyday that I get the privilege to come in contact with such amazing and faith driven ladies and hopefully this blog will be a great way for you all to get a feel of how I love to live transformed!

Many times with a busy schedule or a cardio routine that tends to stay the same it can become easy to get bored, or even make it difficult to challenge ourselves daily. As a former athlete, I have become very comfortable with having a specific set schedule and specific workout regimen, however with a change of schedule and new responsibilities it has been a blessing in that I now have the opportunity to foster my love for learning new ways to put a twist on my cardio routine. More specifically I have fallen in love with cardio kickboxing. There are so many different approaches to getting in your cardio each day and week, so why not switch it up from time to time?

Kickboxing can serve as an amazing outlet to free yourself of any judgment, and really let loose. When you are working out you can find your special place, give it everything you've got, or even challenge your self to step out of your comfort zone! Kickboxing also functions as a great source of cardio and muscle endurance work on a busy day when you may not have enough time for a full cardio session. Although it is exciting to have an official punching bag, all of these exercises can even be done without a punching bag! Kicking, punching, and plyometric repetition can become your new secret weapon in the gym, or at home just like it has become mine! I would love to share and let you all take a peak into some of my favorite kickboxing mini circuits!


1.Jab Punch, Cross Punch, Round Kick, Cross punch -- repeat for 3 min


2.            Right Hook high, Right Hook low (10x) - 2 Front Kicks, 1 Burpee -- repeat for 3 min

3.            Squat to Jab punch, Cross punch (10x)- 10 Plank Punch Outs - 5 Sit Up to Punch -- repeat for 3 min


As with any high intensity workout be sure to pay close attention to your breathing as you complete these exercises. Focusing on inhaling and getting oxygen into your lungs and exhaling as you execute the exercise! Most of all let loose, have fun with it, and get your sweat on! Looking forward to seeing you in the TransFit studio to kickbox that stress out! 

Here is a preview of our June schedule! Please email with any questions. All sessions can be scheduled on our new Mind Body App or online at


Caroline & "D"





How YOU can NOURISH Your Body in November!

Today, let's focus on being thankful to be able to have a full life! God has blessed us with so many opportunities and relationships that we are able to spend our days filled to the brim with activities!! Let us focus on using our busy schedules to bring Him glory. In everything we do throughout our day- let's turn to Him and do each and every task as though it was for His glory and nothing else. When we do this, God will bless the time that we do have and we will find ourselves renewed amidst our busy lives. 

Strength in September

Strength in September

In the month of September we are going to reach for new goals and do a new monthly challenge! While we want to use this challenge as a means to reach new personal goals and get stronger and leaner in the month of September, we are also going to include a squat challenge that we can all push ourselves to complete! 

Fall In Love With Running- The Ultimate Runner's Workout!

Fall is an amazing time of the year for running or brisk walking. The early start of the day is now bright for morning runs. Thankfully, here in Georgia, the afternoons are still warm and sunny, making quick lunchtime runs or brisk walks a treat!

Lyla & Ayn Paker at a local run having a blast!

Fall is also the season for a lot of races, from 5ks to marathons, and it's the perfect time to start training for spring races. While training for running races, it's easy to just focus on building up mileage or doing interval training. However, it is also beneficial to include some strength training to properly develop your muscles and help prevent injuries. With that in mind, I've developed a workout designed with runners in mind.  You can do this workout at home, all you need is a stability ball, dumbbells, and a bench or a step! Have fun with this full body runner's workout!

Ultimate Workout for Runners

One way to make running more rewarding is involve your family. My kids love going on short runs and participating in fun runs. However, just because kids seem full of energy, doesn't mean they're ready to jump right in to a full 5k. Properly training for a race is just as important for kids as it is for adults, if not more so since kids are still growing and developing. Practice good habits with your children like developing a good post run stretching routine and slowly increasing the amount of time spent running or walking. The following plan is one that my children and my friends have used with great success.


The most important part of running is having fun! So try the strength workout, go for a walk or jog with your kids, and get outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. Fall in love with running or walking to enjoy your healthy lifestyle!

