
🔥 The New HIIT Workout Will Transform Your Metabolism!


Sweet friends, 

We hope February is off you a great start for you! We have some exciting things going on in the studio this week for Valentine’s Day, so make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date!

We wanted to share the importance of High-Intensity Interval Training and how HIIT can help you reach your goals and transform your body, mind, and spirit! Each of our TransFormer sessions in the studio this month will have multiple High-Intensity Intervals throughout the strength workout and we have dedicated sessions for HIIT Cardio workouts every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30!  

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, was named one of the top fitness trends in the world for 2019, based on an annual survey by the American College of Sports Medicine. HIIT is comprised of short, hard bouts of cardio exercise—anywhere from 10 seconds to 3 minutes in length—broken up by brief recovery periods.


How hard is hard? That depends on the interval length and your body, but the key is to go as hard as you can for the duration of the effort. So, you’re working in your VO2 max zone, or about 90-95% of your max heart rate (or a 9 on a scale of 1 to 10) for the duration of the high interval.

Then you recover - your bring your heart rate down.
How much recovery you take between intervals depends on your goals. Short intervals are usually paired with equally short or even shorter recovery periods so your body can adapt to repeated maximal efforts. And because your heart rate stays elevated during the recovery periods, your aerobic energy system gets a training benefit, as well.


New studies on the benefits of HIIT make the news regularly. Take, for example, this one from the November 2018 issue of American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. Researchers found that just two minutes of sprint interval training (in this case, four 30-second max-effort sprints followed by four and a half minutes of recovery for a total of 20 minutes) improved mitochondrial function—when your cells can change fuel to energy quickly—just as well as 30 minutes of moderate exercise in a group of active men and women. In other words, going ALL out for two minutes of really hard INTERVAL training can give you the same fitness benefits as a 30 minute steady, moderate pace workout.


No surprise, HIIT training is outstanding for your cardiovascular system. Research shows, depending on how fit you are when you begin, HIIT can boost your VO2 max (how much oxygen you can use) up to 46 percent in 24 weeks. It can also increase your stroke volume (how much blood your heart pumps out per beat) by 10 percent after eight weeks of training and significantly lower your resting heart rate. ♥️

It also makes your body a furnace of a fat burner. 🔥HIIT fires up production of your body’s growth hormones that help you maintain muscle and burn fat for hours after you’re done, and it lowers insulin resistance for better blood sugar control.

And it does more than benefit your body! HIIT is amazing for your mind. Research shows that high-intensity workouts improve cognitive function and increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) more than an easier exercise. BDNF is essential for learning, memory, and mood regulation, and your brain uses it to repair and maintain brain cells.


3 Ways HIIT Can Help You Live Transformed:

  1. Lose abdominal fat: In a study of sedentary women, 20 minutes of HIIT were compared with 40 minutes of steady-state exercise, and the HIIT subjects were the only ones who lost fat— primarily excess abdominal fat!

2. Protect your heart: A study of nearly 5000 people with heart disease showed that HIIT did more to protect them from future heart problems than moderate workouts.

3. Recharge your cells and boost your hormones: HIIT is proven to make more proteins for your energy-producing mitochondria, which helps slow down aging and boost youth hormones!


Check out our NEW Transformer HIIT workout! The photos throughout post demonstrate different high and low intensity exercises on the workout below!

Try this Transformer HIIT workout to revive your metabolism and live heart healthy this February! No matter your age or activity level, YOU can do some form of a HIIT workout — your body is a temple! You can still get the benefits of HIIT just by adjusting whatever exercises you do!

View all of your exercise as a form of worship and get moving today!

Click the button below to see us a video of us doing this workout on our YOUTUBE!


Don’t forget to sign up for this month’s lunch and learn! It is on February 22nd from 12-1 pm and we’ll be doing a self defense class taught by Borders! Spots in this event are limited so sign up on our app HERE before they run out! Cost is $15 to cover lunch from The Pine.


We hope you will join us in the studio for any of our sessions to transform. Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at if you have any questions!


Team TransFit

Transforming workouts & a Lunch and Learn You Don't Want to Miss!


Sweet friends, 

Happy Monday! Each new day can be a fresh start with renewed motivation and willpower to reach our goals and follow a healthy lifestyle. However, as we all know, the month goes on and the craziness of life begins to set in and we often will struggle to remain as driven and focused as we were in January. Is this natural? Completely!

So, today we want to offer you a solution to this problem of falling off track and becoming disappointed and frustrated. One of the keys we have found for many clients in reaching their goals for lasting transformation! That solution is to find an accountability partner and if one person, maybe it is a group of people who inspire you daily! This could be someone or a group of women who are seeking to live a healthy lifestyle as well, and who can encourage you in all areas of life- body, mind, and spirit.


This is your "go-to" person when you are feeling stressed over meal planning, don't think you have time to fit in a workout, have struggled to have a quality quiet time all week or are facing any of life's many obstacles. As we see in Proverbs 27:17, we weren't meant to do this life alone. God has intended for us to live this life together, and by doing so we "sharpen" one another and make each other better. This proves to be true for any area of life! When you work together with a friend or group, you will be much more apt to achieve goals and live life to the fullest! Let us know how we can serve you! 

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We would love for you to join us at the TransFit Athens studio on April 25, 2018 at 12:00 PM. During the April Lunch and Learn we will hear from Valerie Langley and enjoy a Transformer lunch from Kaeti Shurling with Perfect Portions. Valerie will lead us through a short meditation to begin and then we will begin to learn about essential oils. She will discuss the 5 most common oils to use for Health and wellness, covering Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, and OnGuard. She will explain how the oils heal your body physically and explain the different ways to use the oils, like diffusing, ingesting and topically. She will also teach how to make chemical free products with these oils that you can use around your home.


You can register for this event on our app under SPECIAL EVENTS! Have your accountability partner come join you at our Lunch and Learn! 

Take time today to seek out an accountability partner or group of inspiring friends. Pray about who this person could be in your life and then reach out to them! Have an honest discussion about how you will both be able to walk through life together, growing physically, mentally and spiritually and helping each other every step of the way.

If you have questions, please email us at


Team TransFit

5 Tips You Need to Spring Clean Your Week!

Sweet friends, 

We were thinking about all the people who have been inquiring the past few months about wanting to make a change in their life--a new refreshing change toward a healthy lifestyle! Like all of you who were spring cleaning your closets this past week; now is the time to spring clean your lifestyle!! Just making a few small changes can help you feel more organized, refreshed, and focused on your health. We have 5 tips that you can do this week to reset your body, mind, and spirit!


5 tips that help you revive your healthy lifestyle!

Tip 1: Start on Sundays or Mondays

Sit down with your newspaper, see what is in season and fresh and plan your weekly menu. Get the kids involved ask each family member what they would like to eat (within reason) and plan accordingly. We use a dry erase board and write out breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. The children love helping decide what is for dinner and it helps them to learn about food groups and what you need to make a balanced meal. Meal prep is essential! Here is a FREE meal plan! Click HERE

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Tip 2: Pre-cook Protein for the week on the day purchased

Buy chicken, pork, and other meets and try cooking them all the day purchased. Bake or Grill 4-8 chicken breasts with little seasonings then throughout the week you can chop and put in a salad, a tortilla, or make chicken salad. The easy step of pre-cooking protein will help you to eat more at home for meals and not feel so rushed in the evenings.

Tip 3: Wash & Cut veggies and fruit for half of the week and store in grab-n-go containers or plastic bags for easy access.  Make a veggie tray for the week and try to keep in the fridge and bring out for the family as afternoon snack or appetizer before dinner.


Tip 4: Make snack baskets for your children and for you!

The premise of the snack basket is that everyone is not rummaging through the pantry multiple times a day.  Pre-make snacks a the beginning of the week in portion controlled bags and the snacks will be ready for active families! Snack baskets for adults are also ideal as a post-workout snack or afternoon pick-me-up!


Step 5: Make an appointment for exercise

Your doctor, hair, and other appointments are important and your health should be top on your list. Make an appointment with yourself, a friend, or a trainer to exercise 5 times a week. YOU are worth it! Put it on the calendar and stick with that time consistently! Don't forget our new HIIT class is tomorrow and Thursday at 9:30 AM! This is a great way to revive your cardio workout! 


We are so proud of you and your goals to get healthy! You will start to see that when you make these healthy decisions, your family and friends will, too! You are an inspiration. If you would like to meet with our Registered Dietitian or Nutrition Consultants, you can purchase a session on our website HERE or app HERE! If you have any questions, please email us at Let us know how we can help you live transformed! 


Team TransFit

5 Tips to get your kids back on track for a healthy New Year!

Hey sweet friends!

Many of you, like me, sent your sweet little muffins back to school this week after a wonderful holiday season with them! For many of us, the holiday season is a time full of Christmas cookies, desserts and LOTS of sugar! With all the yummy treats, we also tend to move and exercise much less during the holidays! While the time of rest is much needed, now is time to get our families back on track as school and work start back again. We have started the January Jump Start here in the TransFit studio, but  I wanted to take the time to offer some advice on jump-starting the New Year for your sweet little ones! Teaching them about the importance of nutrition and exercise from a young age will make a lasting impression on them as they grow up, and lead them on the right path in having their best  life! To start this week and month, here are 5 ways you can begin to help your children choose health and see that fit is FUN! I hope you enjoy these tips, recipes and our printable TransFit Kids "Fit is Fun food Journal"!

5 Tips to get your family on track with whole body health:

1. Plan AheadWhether you're eating on-the-run or running out to eat, you can find healthy food for the kids (and yourself) if you make advance plans. Meal plan and prep for the week! Get your kids involved and let them plan to have some of their favorite recipes this week! Maybe let them try helping you make some of these dishes too! Find a few great kid-approved recipes below they will want to plan in every week!

2. Make time for breakfastGive your family a good start with the most important meal of the day. Breakfast helps boost concentration in the boardroom or classroom, may aid in maintaining a healthy weight, and provides the energy needed for morning activities. Try a quick smoothie, healthy cereal, Kind bar or energy bites! Get ready the night before! Set out bowls, spoons, and cereal boxes. Or put out plates and forks, then whip up a few eggs first thing in the morning. If you're in a rush, take something with you! Toss pre-sliced fruit and cheese into a plastic container, top a toasted bagel with peanut butter, or blend up a fruit smoothie.

3. Keep Quick and/or Car-Friendly Snacks on handPack healthy snacks for after school that kids can manage themselves, including shelf-stable foods and fresh foods (pack a cooler if you have the time). Kid-friendly, healthy foods can include:

  • Fresh, easy-to-eat produce like apples, bananas, grapes
  • Dried fruit such as cranberries, raisins, apricots, apples, and pineapple
  • Trail Mix with nuts, dried fruit, and whole grain cereal
  • Whole-grain crackers with peanut/almond/sun butter
  • Low-Sugar granola bars
  • Turkey and cheese roll ups
  • Single serving yogurt
  • Cheese sticks or wedges
  • Ready to eat veggies with hummus

4. Eat out smarter - Find restaurants that serve healthier options for kids by knowing where you're going before you get there. Focus on places with healthy options like locally-owned restaurants, spots with salad bars , and fresh seafood restaurants. Luckily, many places now offer healthy swaps in kids meals such as fruit in place of fries, water in place of soda, and grilled nuggets instead of fried. 

5. Get the kids involved in your health journey - Your little ones are always watching you to see what you do. If they see you making healthy choices and doing it with excitement and joy, they will want to too! You- being a good role model for your children  is the best teacher of whole body health.

It may sound obvious, but kids need to be taught about eating right. It's not necessarily obvious why an apple is a better snack than a candy bar, so talk kindly with your kids about nutrition. Discuss subjects like why some foods are part of everyday healthy eating, and why other foods are a special treat.Teach kids where their food comes from with a visit to a local farm or farmer's market. Show them how to read and follow a recipe. Help your kids plant and tend a garden, then teach them to prepare the food they've grown. Show your children how to read nutrition labels, how to compare prepackaged foods in the supermarket, and how to shop. Us momma know it is not always easy to change your children's diet and win kids over to healthier foods. But it comes with a great bonus: once they're eating right, it's likely that you are, too! A few favorite recipes below and page on healthy lunches!

Strawberry Love Smoothie

  • 1 cup almond milk 1⁄2 frozen banana
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt or 1 serving vanilla protien powder 1 tbsp ground flax seed
  • **1 tsp maple syrup or stevia drops (optional)
  • 1 cup crushed ice
  • (top fresh strawberries and unsweetened coconut flakes)

No Bake Energy Balls

  • 1 cup oatmeal (I put this in the blender 1st)
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (or other favorite nut butter or sun butter)
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1 cup coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup ground flaxseed (GO FIBER!)
  • 1⁄2 cup chocolate chips (optional) 1 tsp vanilla

Directions: Stir all ingredients together in a medium bowl until thoroughly mixed. Let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour. Once chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you would like. (Mine were about 1′′ in diameter.) Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.

Get your kids excited about their health! Make it like a game! Print off this sheet and hang it up somewhere where your kids can plan out and track their meals, fruits, veggies, water and exercise! Sit down with them at the beginning of the week and get ready to have your best week yet! They will love getting to plan their week out and it will be a great habit to get them into early!! 

Send pictures of your recipes, filled out sheets and fun times to we would love to see! If you post them tag us @transfitathens!! If you want the pdf version of this chart, email us and we will be glad to send you one! Have a wonderful, healthy week with your sweet kids this week! 



10 Practical Ways to start 2016 healthier than ever- body, mind and spirit!

10 Practical Ways to start 2016 healthier than ever- body, mind and spirit!

I am so looking forward to this new year with you friends. Let’s make the most of every single day we are given, and make the most of every opportunity we have to be healthier in every area of life. Don’t wait another second, realize that you CAN change any area of your life that you want to. I want to take this journey with you and can’t wait to see how much you achieve! 

Set Goals and Finish December Strong!

Happy Friday friends! 

Can you believe December is already here? It seems like this year has flown by! However we still have one month left- let's strive to make it our best month yet! 

Here at TransFit we have a lot of exciting things going on in December! 

First, the Holiday Extravaganza is underway!! For those of you who joined in- keep up the great work! We have heard some awesome stories of discipline at holiday events and diligence in working out! GREAT job! Even if you weren't able to join the contest, join us in spirit and make new goals that you can and will achieve this month! Here is a December calendar full of challenges to help you make and achieve short term goals this month and press on through the end of the year! Goals are so important and help us strive to get to the place in our lives where we long to be! Friends, it is NEVER too late to make a new goal! Push yourself in this last month and finish 2015 out strong! Like our December theme you have to truly believe you can do it! 

While your schedule gets busier and busier and you are tempted to put your health and fitness goals- remember why you have started this journey! You long to be healthier in your mind, body and spirit. While I know you may struggle more during this season to get sessions in or make it to the gym, here is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout that you can do anywhere (garage, bedroom, outside, etc)!! It will get your heart rate pumping and help you to continue to torch calories long after you've finished! To make the most of your time, give it your absolute best for the 15-20 minutes it takes and then feel great about the workout you got in among all of the tasks you have for the day! It can be easily printed out and taken with you wherever you go! 


This HIIT workout, along with other full-body workouts can be found in the 14 Day Recharge eBook! TransFit was so excited to release our first ever eBook on Black Friday and you can get it TODAY still at a discounted price! Today is the day to begin really recharging your fitness- especially right before Christmas! If you start today you will be finished just in time to be feeling your best mind , body and spirit as you go into the holiday week! You can purchase the eBook for the discounted price here.

Friends, let's make the most of this wonderful season. Take in all the smells, lights and the wonderful feeling that lingers in the air this time of year. Take the time to cherish your family and friends more than ever before, and make the most of every day. Choose to pray more, give more and love more in the coming month perhaps than you have all year- always remembering the true meaning of this season! Happy December sweet friends!!  



5 Tips to keep you on track for your best Thanksgiving!

Hello friends! 


Can you believe it's Thanksgiving week already? What an energizing day of workouts in the TransFit Studio yesterday! Congrats to Amy O'Neil for winning the Food Journal Challenge and thanks to so many ladies who give 150% in the TransFit studio each day! Already, this week has been full of family and friends and it has been on my mind especially how thankful I am for my amazing clients, friends and family. My clients continually bless me and inspire me as they strive to live healthier in body, mind, and spirit and my friends and family make my life so bright! My cup overflows! 

As Thursday approaches friends, let's stay focused on everything we are thankful for--especially the opportunity we have to live our healthiest life. While this seems very hard to do during the holidays, let's remember that we CAN stay on track! 

Holiday Extravaganza is well underway and there is a lot of money in the pot to date! You still have until today at 8pm to weigh in before holidays! The goal of this game is to keep you accountable to keep your weight the same over the holidays or to become the BIGGEST LOOSER and WIN the cash money in the POT or one of the amazing prizes (like the FULL OUTFIT from lululemon)!!!

During Thanksgiving, the main idea is to remember PORTION CONTROL! It is okay to have a few “taboo” foods. You do not have to avoid dessert completely, just focus on moderation! Maybe decide ahead of time which treat you want to have, and then decide which you could give up. For example- maybe skip the rolls and mashed potatoes, choose a sweet potato with honey instead and turkey, vegetables and cranberry sauce then have a smaller piece of pumpkin pie (a MUCH better choice than pecan- which can hold over 500 calories per slice!!) This week, let us remain focused on striving for our goals- and be on the lookout for a SPECIAL BLACK FRIDAY RELEASE with TransFit!! 

We are releasing our first e-book!! It will be a 14 Day Recharge to totally recharge your holidays in body, mind, and spirit, stimulate your metabolism, and have a break though in your healthy lifestyle!! The 14 Day Recharge will be released Friday at a SPECIAL discount price so get ready!! 

Moving into Thursday- try these 5 Holiday tips:

 1. Make a list of why you started working out and read it before going to social events over the holidays! Keep your goals in mind.

 2.  Its okay to say “NO” to all the food pushers! You don’t have to try everyone’s “famous recipe”. Compliment the host in other wonderful areas.

3. Exercise over the holidays: Be ready to be flexible; your usual workout times may not work especially when so many parties and get together are happening. Instead of skipping your normal workout time all together, try to fit it somewhere else in your schedule (20 minutes may be all you can get one day). Here is a great HIIT workout for this holiday season that can be done ANYWHERE at any time!

4. Make exercise into a fun family event! (ex. Trip to stone mountain, walk in the park, family bike ride). Also, think of exercise as a form of worship! 

5. Keep up the November  Holiday Extravaganza challenge – this week is the cardio challenge!!

Take an afternoon walk before or after your meal, looking at all the beautiful leaves and spending some time be thankful for all He has blessed you with. It will be the sweetest Thanksgiving yet!  You will be left feeling so much better in every area- body, mind and spirit.  Enjoy celebrating your health and spending time with those you love, and have an incredible start to this wonderful holiday season.



Give Thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
— Psalm 107:1

INCREDIBLE Client Spotlight- Dr. Tina Carpenter

This week at TransFit in while we are gearing up for the Holiday Extravaganza  we are challenging eveyone to do a food journal for 5 days! If you do you food journal Monday- Friday and email it to my on Friday you will be entered in to win an awesome prize!! Amazing client spotlight Tina Carpenter has been so diligent and has been food journaling for 80 days straight and has had huge success! Tina is such an inspiration for all busy women! I am so proud of Tina for her commitment to her living transformed- body, mind, and spirit!  I can't wait for you to read her story and be encouraged to reach your health and wellness goals! 

How YOU can NOURISH Your Body in November!

Today, let's focus on being thankful to be able to have a full life! God has blessed us with so many opportunities and relationships that we are able to spend our days filled to the brim with activities!! Let us focus on using our busy schedules to bring Him glory. In everything we do throughout our day- let's turn to Him and do each and every task as though it was for His glory and nothing else. When we do this, God will bless the time that we do have and we will find ourselves renewed amidst our busy lives.