
❤️ Happy Healthy Valentine’s Day Inspiration and Recipes!

Sweet friends,

Happy early Valentine’s Day! We hope you have exciting plans to celebrate with your loved ones! As we all know, tomorrow is Valentine's Day and that typically that means lots of candy and sweets everywhere. Valentine's Day is such a perfect holiday to take extra time to show others how you love them! Take a moment to call an old friend and tell them hello. Along with loving others well this week, also take some extra time to love your body, mind and spirit this Valentine's Day! Breathe in God’s love for you. Below is truth about how much you are beloved.


Take some time to dwell on this verse. These are the Lord's thoughts about you! He has created you exactly as you are for a purpose. You are so beautiful and perfectly made in His sight! Take some time today to write down things you love about the way God made you. Now, go share this verse with a friend! Encourage your sweet friends today in their own beauty, inside and out. Valentine’s Day is the day of love! Let's be intentional about spreading love and blessings.


We know many of you will be spending Valentine's Day with your families, so we wanted to share a few of our favorite healthy Valentine's Day recipes with you all! We guarantee these will satisfy your sweet tooth just as well as that box of Russell Stover — but without compromising your nutrition goals! These are treats you can feel good about, because  they will not only make your taste buds happy but make your body happy as well. 

If you DO have precious kiddos that are going to be receiving Valentine's bags from school, taking cards and expecting a small treat from Mom and Dad, this is the perfect opportunity to practice non-food rewards for your kids! Instead of loading them up with bags of candy, make Valentine's Day fun in other ways!


5 Ways to Have a Healthy Valentine’s Day

1. Make a Valentine's celebration breakfast! Make some fun Strawberry Love Parfaits to start your day with a sweet, healthy breakfast that tastes like a treat! Take some time to say 5 reasons why you love each other as you eat your breakfast. 

2. Celebrate with non-food items! If you're sending your kids to school with Valentines, try sending cards along with temporary tattoos, stickers, pencils or other fun little toys instead of candy. Be sure to emphasize that these are things they can enjoy over and over, instead of just once! If you're a college student, get together with some friends and make Valentines together! Get crafty and make fun, homemade cards with markers, watercolors, etc.

3. Spread out the sweets! Naturally, we're all going to eat some sweet treats on Valentine's Day. However, all of these treats don't have to be eaten on this one day! Pick 1-2 of your top choices for today, and then put the rest away to enjoy in moderation for days to come. The longer you spread it out, the more times you get to enjoy the treats! 

4. Try a new, healthy recipe! Below you will find several of our most favorite healthy and easy sweet treats! Try making these for you and your family, friends or significant other! 

5. Celebrate with red foods! See how many delicious and nutritious red foods you can put into your diet that day! Maybe try strawberries on a spinach salad for lunch, our beet and red onion side dish for a romantic dinner (recipe below), Tomato Tulips as an appetizer (just cut a plus sign on the top of a cherry tomato, fill with cottage cheese, then use chives as the stems) or Share the Love rice krispie treats (recipe below)


Dark Chocolate Granola Bark


  • 2 cups dark chocolate chips

  • 1 cup Kroger Ancient Grain granola (or granola of your choice)

  • 2 tsp. orange zest

  • 1 tsp. cinnamon

  • 1/2 cup dried tart cherries

  • 1/4 tsp sea salt


  • Line baking sheet with wax paper

  • Melt chocolate

  • Stir in granola, zest and cinnamon

  • Spread out onto baking sheet and top with cherries and salt.

  • Chill for 30 mins or until firm. Enjoy!  

Strawberry Love Yogurt Parfait


  • 1 large container of greek yogurt

  • 1 container strawberries

  • Granola cereal (lower sugar)

  • Stevia drops or honey to taste


  • Take 1 cup of strawberries and blend in blender until smooth.

  • Hull the rest of the strawberries and cut them into slices.

  • Mix the yogurt with the blended berries.

  • Begin layering the Mini Trifles. Start with a layer of greek yogurt. Add a layer of strawberries. Next sprinkle granola on top of the strawberry layer. Repeat layers until the mini trifles are full. 

  • Garnish with strawberries and/or granola.

Roasted Carrots, Beets, and Red Onion Wedges

Serves 4; 1/2 cup per serving


  • Cooking spray

  • 2 medium beets (about 5 ounces each), peeled, cut into 1/2-inch wedges, and patted dry with paper towels

  • 3 small carrots (about 2 ounces each), cut crosswise into 2-inch pieces (not baby carrots)

  • 1 medium red onion (about 4 ounces), cut into 1/2-inch wedges

  • 2 teaspoons olive oil

  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, crumbled

  • 1/8 teaspoon salt


  • Preheat the oven to 425°F. Line a large baking sheet with aluminum foil to keep it from getting stained. Lightly spray the foil with cooking spray.

  • Put the beets, carrots, and onion wedges on the foil. Drizzle the oil and sprinkle the oregano and salt over the vegetables, stirring gently to coat. Arrange the vegetables in a single layer so they don’t touch.

  • Roast for 15 minutes. Stir. Roast for 10 minutes, or until the vegetables are just tender when pierced with a fork.

Cook’s Tip: Avoid getting beet stains on your hands by peeling the beets under cold running water.


Share the Love Healthier Rice Krispie Treats


  • 1 tablespoons butter

  • 3 cups miniature marshmallows

  • 6 cups Whole Grain Brown Rice Krispie Cereal (I actually found this at Target and the kids had no clue!)

  • 1 Cup Fresh sliced strawberries (blend or chop finely)


  • In a large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add in marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat.

  • Add Brown Rice Krispie Cereal and stir until fully coated.

  • Flatten the mixture on wax paper and use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out hearts or use your hands to shape the mixture into hearts.

  • Top the hearts with fresh sliced strawberries and gently press down to seal them. (You could also mix the strawberries in with the marshmallows).

  • Cool before serving.

Don’t forget to sign up for this month’s lunch and learn! It is on February 22nd from 12-1 pm and we’ll be doing a self defense class taught by Borders! Spots in this event are limited so click the button below to sign up on our app before they run out! Cost is $15 to cover lunch from The Pine.

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at if you have any questions or want to schedule a on-on-one!


Team TransFit

5 Tips You Need to Spring Clean Your Week!

Sweet friends, 

We were thinking about all the people who have been inquiring the past few months about wanting to make a change in their life--a new refreshing change toward a healthy lifestyle! Like all of you who were spring cleaning your closets this past week; now is the time to spring clean your lifestyle!! Just making a few small changes can help you feel more organized, refreshed, and focused on your health. We have 5 tips that you can do this week to reset your body, mind, and spirit!


5 tips that help you revive your healthy lifestyle!

Tip 1: Start on Sundays or Mondays

Sit down with your newspaper, see what is in season and fresh and plan your weekly menu. Get the kids involved ask each family member what they would like to eat (within reason) and plan accordingly. We use a dry erase board and write out breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. The children love helping decide what is for dinner and it helps them to learn about food groups and what you need to make a balanced meal. Meal prep is essential! Here is a FREE meal plan! Click HERE

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Tip 2: Pre-cook Protein for the week on the day purchased

Buy chicken, pork, and other meets and try cooking them all the day purchased. Bake or Grill 4-8 chicken breasts with little seasonings then throughout the week you can chop and put in a salad, a tortilla, or make chicken salad. The easy step of pre-cooking protein will help you to eat more at home for meals and not feel so rushed in the evenings.

Tip 3: Wash & Cut veggies and fruit for half of the week and store in grab-n-go containers or plastic bags for easy access.  Make a veggie tray for the week and try to keep in the fridge and bring out for the family as afternoon snack or appetizer before dinner.


Tip 4: Make snack baskets for your children and for you!

The premise of the snack basket is that everyone is not rummaging through the pantry multiple times a day.  Pre-make snacks a the beginning of the week in portion controlled bags and the snacks will be ready for active families! Snack baskets for adults are also ideal as a post-workout snack or afternoon pick-me-up!


Step 5: Make an appointment for exercise

Your doctor, hair, and other appointments are important and your health should be top on your list. Make an appointment with yourself, a friend, or a trainer to exercise 5 times a week. YOU are worth it! Put it on the calendar and stick with that time consistently! Don't forget our new HIIT class is tomorrow and Thursday at 9:30 AM! This is a great way to revive your cardio workout! 


We are so proud of you and your goals to get healthy! You will start to see that when you make these healthy decisions, your family and friends will, too! You are an inspiration. If you would like to meet with our Registered Dietitian or Nutrition Consultants, you can purchase a session on our website HERE or app HERE! If you have any questions, please email us at Let us know how we can help you live transformed! 


Team TransFit

10 Ways To Get Your Family Healthy This Spring!

Happy Spring, sweet friends! 

Can you believe we are halfway through March?! Remember to keep up with your March Calendar Challenge of being ABSolutely motivated daily! Amazing client Molly Efland won our February Challenge and gained one month of free sessions by completing her February calendar! Get your family into the challenge too- even if you start today by committing to finishing March strong!

Today, we want to encourage you and help your family make better decisions to live a healthier lifestyle one day at a time! Yes, we know it is challenging to find a meal that pleases everyone and so hard to get the kids moving some days but here are

10 ways we hope to inspire you!


10 ways to get your family healthy! 


1. Set an example!

Your kids and other family members are watching you — when you take time out of your day to exercise when you choose an apple over a bag of potato chips when you refill your water bottle when you choose steamed veggies over french fries. They’re watching! And though we aren’t always perfect in our choices, we can make a big impact on our family with all the small choices we make day in and day out!


2. Feed your family what you’re eating!

Instead of fixing your family a separate meal, serve them the same foods you’re eating but add in one food on their plate that they will eat and like. If you’ve baked fish with steamed veggies and rice for yourself, don’t hesitate to put the same foods on their plates. Add in some fruit on the side that they can nibble on! They might not be as excited as you are about your healthy meal, but don’t let that discourage you. And don’t give up! Even if they aren’t thrilled about this meal the first time you offer it to them, offer it to them again…and again! 

3. Offer incentives.

Kids love sticker charts, $5 gift cards,  and earning rewards! Use an incentive that motivates your kids. We have tried earning “stars” for every new food our kids try. Once they earn 10 stars, they get a $5 gift card to Target! It works, and they get very excited! Rewards don’t always have to come in the form of sugar!

4. Take them grocery shopping.

It may not be your idea of fun, but we encourage you to get the whole family involved in grocery shopping! Let the kids pick out the produce! Or let them try using the scales to weigh the vegetables you’re purchasing — any way to get them excited about new fruits and vegetables! Helping you at the store might be another way for them to likely try the foods they (not you!) put in the cart.


5. Let them help you in the kitchen!

If everyone has a helping hand in dinner, it might encourage them to eat what they’ve worked so hard to prepare! Even if it’s washing fruit and vegetables (or if you’re comfortable, they can chop, too), give them a specific task!

Put them in charge of re-filling snack baskets. If you have the snack-sized Ziplock bags, they can pre-portion out their snacks for school, too!

6. Use meal planning charts!

Instead of you sitting down to plan out your families’ meals alone each week, enlist your help from your family! This would be a great opportunity to talk about the fruits and vegetables that are currently in season and let them pick which ones they’d like along with the main dish. And once it’s on the chart, there’s no fuss about breakfast, lunch or dinner — it’s already been discussed and planned! Another bonus: you’re organized for the whole week! This will simplify grocery shopping as well!

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7. Let your kids help prepare their own lunch boxes.

Make it fun — use shapes and a variety of colors. Cut their sandwiches, cheese, and fruit into different shapes. Mix it up with color, like green cucumbers, red strawberries, orange carrots or yellow bell peppers. And send healthy dips to go along! Try finding a yogurt-based Ranch for dipping, hummus or peanut butter. Use muffin cups to separate foods and add color. You could also roll up sliced turkey with cheese and add a toothpick!

8. Make exercising fun!

Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Get a stopwatch and have a relay race or see how many jumping jacks they can do in 1 minute! Get out the jump ropes and hula-hoops. Turn on some fun music and have a dance contest! If the weather is nice, ask them to join you for a jog! Sign up for family races or 5k events that have a Family Fun Run. Let them see you honoring your body through exercise! Most likely, if your kids see you on the floor doing push-ups, they’re going to want to join in! And if not, ask them — that might be all it takes is an invitation from you!


9. Have patience.

Just like in your journey to a whole body transformation, it takes time for their bodies and minds to adjust to new habits. Changes don't happen overnight. Extend extra compassion, love, and patience to them. Eventually, they will enjoy time in the kitchen, trips to the grocery store and exercising with you.

10. Praise!

We all need affirmation and encouragement in our lives. They need to hear from us, “Great job!” or “I am so proud of you!” So any chance you get, take it! Tell them, show them, affirm them every single day!


We encourage you to help motivate your family to have a healthier lifestyle! We believe in you and know you can do it!

Another place to find tips and healthy recipes are in our, Healthy Families Handbook eBook. You can purchase it HERE! This is a great resource to use when it comes to better whole-body health for your family!

If you plan a meal with your family or get in a family workout, please send us a picture! We would love to see what you and your family do! If you have any questions, please email us at 

Please join us this coming Thursday night 6 PM for a fun, free, community workout event benefiting HOPE 139! Sign up on the app to reserve your spot (limited number available).


Team TransFit

Try a New Healthy Dinner Recipe from our NEW Registered Dietitian: Kaeti Shurling

Happy Monday, sweet friends! A new week and a fresh start! Get excited about the energy in the air with the AthHalf marathon here this weekend and our lululemon POP Up Shop! Our TransFit staff will energize youwith strong body mind and spirit workouts in the studio all week! 

We are thrilled to introduce you to our new registered dietitian Kaeti Shurling!

Kaeti will be sharing new healthy recipes for you and will be taking new nutrition clients Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the TransFit Studio. 

Kaeti Shurling MS, RD, LD is the registered dietitian behind KaetiRD, a nutrition counseling practice and Perfect Portions LLC, a healthy, prepared meal service.  Kaeti graduated from the University of Georgia in 2013 with a degree in Dietetics and went on to obtain her Masters of Nutrition Science at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2015.  While working in the clinical nutrition field for almost 3 years, her entrepreneurial nature and enthusiasm for proper nutrition education did not fade.  After moving back to Athens in March of 2017 she decided she was ready to help a new population meet their nutrition goals.  Kaeti's nutrition counseling techniques and Perfect Portions work hand-in-hand to help her clients comprehend the reality of good nutrition, but also to act on it by fueling themselves and their families with healthy meals.  Kaeti is fully devoted to helping clientsreach health & nutrition goals through small changes and accountability.  

We are so excited to welcome Kaeti to the TransFit Team!

Kaeti Shurling

Kaeti Shurling

Here is an amazing recipe from Kaeti that we wanted to share with you-

Grilled Mediterranean Turkey Meatballs




  • 1 pound ground turkey meat , 95% lean
  • 1/3 cup plain panko crumbs or plain bread crumbs
  • 1/2 cup crumbled fat free feta cheese
  • 1/2 cup chopped STAR Reduced Sodium Pimiento Stuffed Olives
  • 2 green onions , cut into thin slices (trim the tops and ends and discard)
  • 3 garlic cloves , minced
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • salt and fresh ground pepper , to taste
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten


  • 8 to 10 bamboo skewers
  • green , red, and orange pepper, cut into 1-inch squares (I use the mini bell peppers)


  1. Heat a grill to medium-high.

  2. In a large mixing bowl combine turkey meat, bread crumbs, feta, olives, green onions, garlic, parsley, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper and egg; mix well to combine.

  3. With moistened hands, shape mixture into 16 meatballs, about 2 inches in diameter.

  4. Thread the meatballs and peppers alternately onto skewers.

  5. Lightly oil the grates of the grill.

  6. Place the meatball skewers on the grill and cook for 12 to 15 minutes, rotating about every 3 minutes to cook evenly. Meatballs should be just cooked through, but not overcooked.

  7. Serve warm with Garlic Yogurt Sauce 

We can't wait for you to meet Kaeti! You can book sessions with Kaeti for nutrition consultations on our app HERE! If you have any questions, please email us at 

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Come join us today and tomorrow at the studio for awesome sessions and to check out the pop-up shop with Lululemon featuring their new fall line! Lululemon will be in the studio from 8-11 AM! 


Team TransFit


Total Body Transformation Home Workout!

Hello friends! We are so excited to share this awesome workout you can do at home or on vacation using only one resistance band to tone and strengthen your entire body!! 

We realize that changing your daily habits to incorporate regular exercise can be challenging --the key is to set small daily goals this will make your health a priority! One daily goal for March can be to do some type of exercise each day! 

To get you started, here’s a workout you can do anywhere, any time! With spring break trips coming up and weekend travel as the weather warms, it’s good to plan ahead for your workouts as you would plan ahead what clothes to pack. Keep up your healthy lifestyle on your vacation to feel great and energized on your trip, then slip right back into your regular exercise routine when you return home! Toss a resistance band into your bag and you can do this workout on the go! Always be sure to warm up for at least 5 minutes before your workout, adding a cool down and stretch afterwards.

Set an interval timer for rounds of 1 minute of work with a 30 second cardio interval in between (jumping jacks, jump rope, high knees). You will get cardio and strength training in this workout by alternating through each!  Challenge yourself here!  Check out the video for demonstrations of the exercises!

Cool down and stretch, or repeat workout! Let us know how you do! Tag us on Instagram @transfitathens #transfittravels #exerciseisworship! A video of this workout can be found in the Transform section of our website as well as here on YouTube!

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Give this workout a try this weekend! We look forward to seeing you in the studio next week for more amazing strength training and fat burning workouts. Book your sessions in advance, and commit to giving your best and honoring your body through exercise! If you have any questions, please email us at  



Team TransFit

Incredible Client Spotlight: Lisa Shirreffs

Happy Thursday! September is flying by and each of you are working so hard to achieve your goals you set at the beginning of the month. Continue to give your best this month! We know you can do it. Today, we are excited to introduce you to our client spotlight, Lisa Shirreffs! Lisa is an inspirational mother, wife, and friend! We love how each time Lisa comes into TransFit she has this enthusiasm and spark in her eye! She always gives 100% and has seen such a transformation in loss of body fat over her time at TransFit! Lisa has been consistent with weight training weekly and is adding in exercise one travel vacations!  Keep giving your best Lisa and inspiring so many women that no matter your age - you can live transformed! 


                                                                       LISA & HER FAMILY


"In February, I began my workouts with Caroline after trying numerous other "work out" plans in town.  I've always been an active person but a life-long and regular work out warrior, not so much.  I did not do an organized "aerobics" class until well after college. I was in and out of work out programs while in Atlanta, DC and after I married and moved to Delaware.  I (and my husband) realized quickly that working out was a great physical release but also a HUGE mental equalizer. I have always struggled to make my workout a priority. I need an appointment time and personal accountability. Caroline's motivation and energy have helped me continue to stay on task. I love that I make an "appointment" and have it on my calendar. No excuses and I block out an hour for my personal physical and mental health.

I've reached a point in my life where my fitness is a priority. I work out at Transfit at least a couple of times a week and get regular cardio and stretching a few times a week. I'm on the road a lot in the fall to see my boys in college and try to get in workouts on the road. Walks, tennis, TransFit sessions and the past couple of weeks - great hikes have helped me keep on track. 

My diet is probably my biggest challenge. I love healthy food.... but there isn't much that I don't like. I've been lucky to be able eat pretty freely but as I get older and want to stay healthier, I recognize I have to be more cognizant of what I put in my body. As I began to work with Caroline and TransFit, I logged my food... for the first time ever.  I became much more aware of the nutrients that I need and the "other stuff" that I don't. Though I don't always eat what I should, I do have a much better understanding of what I am consuming and it's effect on my body, energy and well-being. 

After being diagnosed with osteopenia a couple of years ago and given the fact that my Mom and sister both have had osteoporosis, I am considered high risk and need to increase my bone and muscle mass. I also have had back issues for the past few years and Caroline is very careful to adjust exercises for my individual needs and check in with me to see how my back is feeling. 

I married into an extremely athletic family and have two sons (now 19 and 21) who I had to learn and continue to try to keep up with. I was really humbled this spring when they came home from college and noticed a difference in me. They were so excited that I had muscle definition, seemed to be in better shape and healthier that I had before. Thanks to Transfit, I'm probably in the best shape ever."

Way yo go Lisa! You are incredible! Let's all strive to make progress on day at a time! In order to finish September strong, we are encouraging you to join us for our TransFIVE challenge starting next Monday. The challenge is 5 days of completely restoring your body, and will revamp your health in a new way. This challenge can help you focus on removing sugar and toxins from your body. 

Let us know if you have any questions!


Team TransFit

How to Live Transformed on Vacation

Friends, it’s sweet summertime! The kids are out of school and that much anticipated summer vacation has finally arrived! Each of you have worked so hard in the studio toward your summer fitness goals. Thank you for giving your best! 

Just because you’re traveling and away from your normal daily routine, doesn’t mean you must compromise good nutrition and exercise! You’ve put in too many hours of strength training and cardio sessions to throw it all away! Right?!

You want to feel your best before, during and after your vacation! We want to help you enjoy your vacation and come home feeling relaxed and refreshed — instead of feeling guilty or like you’ve blown your transformation goals!

Just like with everyday life, preparation is key! Planning ahead can help you avoid any slip-ups with your goals and your whole body transformation! So let us help you with 5 simple strategies for Living Transformed when you’re on vacation!

1. Pack smart!

First things first, grab your workout gear! Throw your tennis shoes and exercise clothes into your suitcase. Take your tennis racket if courts will be available.

Pack your favorite healthy snacks. Lots of fruit, nuts and protein bars. Apples and oranges are easy to throw into your carry-on luggage or purse. Pick up a box of the 100-calorie packs of raw nuts. On-the-go packs of roasted edamame can also be found at your local grocery store. And protein bars are an easy snack to pack — just remember to check the nutrition labels and pick bars with 5 grams or less of sugar!

Also, consider packing a shaker bottle and a few servings of protein powder. You can portion out individual servings in snack-sized Ziplock bags. Or Blender Bottle has a shaker bottle that comes with separate containers for storing protein powder.

2. Research ahead of time!

Get online and see what’s close to your hotel or rental. Is there a grocery store nearby? What healthy, local restaurants are close?

Also, if you’re staying in a hotel, find out if there’s a kitchenette or mini-fridge available in your room. Does the facility have a fitness center available?

3. Hydrate!

So many of us neglect hydrating our bodies while traveling even though dehydration is very common during trips. Pack extra water bottles (in a cooler if there’s space) or take your favorite water bottle to refill along the way. Drink water as soon as you get up in the morning, and when you sit down at each meal, drink a large glass of water first!

4. Make smart choices when dining out!

Most importantly, choose restaurants that offer healthy options that support your lifestyle! So many restaurants post their menus online now so you can look it up before you dine. Then you’re prepared to order when you arrive and aren’t tempted with less healthy options.

Don’t be afraid to ask for a healthier option or to customize your meal. Most restaurants are used to this now and don’t mind accommodating your needs!

Choose seafood, chicken or another lean meat option and order them steamed, broiled, grilled or roasted. If fried is your only option on the menu, remember don’t be afraid to ask for another option!

Order your potato baked, boiled or roasted instead of fried! And ask to leave off the butter and sour cream! Consider ordering a sweet potato instead of white potato!

To avoid over-eating, eat small meals throughout the day so you’re not starving at dinner. Take your time eating your meal, enjoy every bite as well as your company at the table!

Of course it’s vacation, so relax and enjoy a cocktail! Just don’t overdo it! And make sure that you’ve hydrated throughout the day.

5. Sweat!

You know the feeling you have after you’ve worked out, so why sacrifice a good sweat session when you’re on the road? That’s why you packed your workout gear — so use it!

Lace up your tennis shoes and hit the pavement (or sand!) This is a great way to explore the city you’re in, too. And since you researched ahead of time, you already know the parks or running trails nearby! We promise that you will not regret a workout!

If you want a good strength workout during your trip, here are a couple options you can do anywhere without any weights:

Five, very simple things you can do to take your transformed lifestyle with you on the road! We are so proud of you and all your hard work you put in through the winter and spring months! You look amazing and deserve a vacation! Enjoy this quality time with your family!

If you would like to meet with our Nutrition Consultant, Katie Woodall, to discuss nutrition and assist you in meal planning, please contact her at Additionally, you can purchase our eBook- Healthy Families Handbook. This eBook has a full week of meal plans, "family tested" recipes, family devotions, a kids couch to 5K program, and workouts for the whole family!  

Awesome new classes are being added in June — check them out on MindBody! TransFit is offering Kickboxing, Kettlebell, Flexibility and running sessions. Sign up for something new this month! If you have any questions about MindBody or our summer schedule, please email us at We look forward to seeing you in the studio and hearing about your summer travels and your new summer goals!

How to have a healthy, joy-filled Easter!

As a child, I always loved Easter. I loved the egg hunts and the Easter baskets, but most of all I loved being able to do these things with my family. As I grew up, I noticed that in stores Easter started seeming less about our risen Savior and more about gifts, prizes, and candy. I could walk down the grocery aisles and see shelf after shelf of sweet tarts and chocolate bunnies. These bunnies always seem so promising on the outside but are hollow inside, much like Easter is becoming to many families. This Easter I challenge you to step away from the candy and overconsumption, and instead focus on the real reason for the holiday Jesus' resurrection, and the blessings He has given you! Praise!

"It is not good to eat much honey, nor is it glorious to seek one's own glory" Proverbs 25:27

There are so many ways to make Easter a healthy, fun day for your family!

  1. Having an Easter egg hunt? Fill the eggs with small toys like army men or bouncy balls, sea shells, stickers, temporary tattoos, secret notes, or any coins you may have lying around the house.
  2. Can't decide what to put in an Easter basket? Make a fun theme for each of your kids and fill the basket with items accordingly. If your child's spring break is after Easter, try a beach basket filled with toys for the sand and a towel. If your child loves making art, like my Lyla does, fill their basket with coloring books, markers, stickers, etc. If your child likes getting their hands dirty, include some flower pots and seeds in their basket. If you've got a sports fan on your hands, toss in a football and then get some practice in the backyard later.
  3. Need some cute snack ideas? Try the following recipes!

    Photo by: The Today Show

    Add baby carrots to a small flowerpot full of hummus for a fresh snack. Serve with additional veggies or crackers.

    Add sesame seed and carrot faces to hard boiled eggs for a cute, protein filled snack.

    Add sesame seed eyes and a carrot nose to hard-boiled eggs for a protein filled snack.

    Slice sweet potatoes length wise, then use a bunny cookie cutter to cut out shapes. Bake for 15 minutes in a 415 degree oven.

Slice sweet potatoes length wise, then use a bunny cookie cutter to cut out shapes. Toss in olive oil, sea salt, and freshly ground pepper. Bake for 15 minutes in a 415 degree oven.

Healthy & Fun Easter Basket

Above all remember to give thanks to God for a wonderful day spent with family, friends, food, and love.

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" Corinthians 10:31



How can I get my kids to eat more healthy?

When we think of teaching our children, we often focus on lessons we can tell them and show them. For instance, being on time, completing homework, and helping out with chores around the house. These are all valuable lessons, but what we can fail to consider are the lessons our children are absorbing from our behaviors. My 3 spirited kiddos each have their own struggles, of course, but Kelly & I try our best to lead more by example not so much by words alone.  I believe the best way to get your kids to eat healthy is to focus on "everything in moderation" and leading by example! Below are some great tips to help you and your family on your quest for a healthy lifestyle! 

Family Dinner at the Ward House!

"In everything set them an example by doing what is good" Titus 2:7

  1. Model healthy habits. Children who see their parents buying and eating healthy food, as well as exercising on a regular basis, are more likely to adopt these habits themselves. 
  2. Start good habits at an early age. Help your children establish good eating, sleeping, and exercising habits at a young age so you won't have to break them of bad habits later. Try exposing your children to a variety of different flavors by mixing healthy ingredients into foods they already know and enjoy. In addition, make sure to model good behaviors like playing outside instead of watching TV so your children will adopt these habits too!
  3. Keep healthy foods at home. By keeping the pantry and fridge stocked with healthy foods, you will be more likely to cook and eat healthy foods, which in turn will make your children more likely to do the same. This doesn't mean you have to swear off all sweet foods--try frozen yogurt or frozen berries instead of ice cream for dessert and top with fresh fruit instead of sprinkles.
  4. Make eating healthy easy. Oftentimes when hungry we reach for whatever is the most convenient. Make eating healthy easy for you and your family by planning nutritious snacks in advance and having them available. Cut up veggies such as celery and carrots and keep snack sized portions in individual bags for quick snacks.
  5. Have meals as a family. Research has shown that in families who shared at least three meals a week, children were 24 percent more likely to be eating healthy foods than those in families who ate few or no meals together. The children were also 12 percent less likely to be overweight, 20 percent less likely to eat unhealthy foods and 35 percent less likely to engage in dangerous weight-loss efforts like taking diet pills and laxatives, or vomiting. As a bonus, you'll be able to connect over meaningful dinnertime conversations and save money as compared to eating out.

Here is a great recipe you can make with your family- that everyone will enjoy! My sweet friend, Gena Knox shared one of her families favorites!  You can bake in a loaf pan or mini muffin pans and add flax or chia seeds if desired.

Whole Grain Banana Bread 

By Gena Knox

Prep Time:  15 minutes

Cook Time:  50 minutes

Yields:  16 slices

1 cup whole wheat flour

½ cup plain flour

¼ cup ground flaxseed or chia seeds (optional)

¾ teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon ground allspice

1½ cups mashed, ripe banana (about 2 medium)

1/3 cup nonfat Greek yogurt

5 tablespoons melted coconut oil

2 large eggs

½ cup brown sugar

¼ cup plain sugar

FIRST  Preheat oven to 350°F.  In a medium bowl, combine flours, flaxseed, baking soda, cinnamon, salt, and allspice and set aside.NEXT  Using a food processor or mixer, combine bananas, yogurt and eggs.  Gradually add sugars and beat until combined.  ¼ cup at a time add flour mixture to banana mixture until combined. LAST  Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake for 50 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.  Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes.  Remove bread from pan and let cool on wire rack.  Slice and serve with fresh fruit.

Georgia Mae Knox enjoying Banana Bread!

In order to help some of my friends who wanted to start making healthy choices and modeling healthy decisions for their families, this past month I offered a January Jump Start program. It was so successful, that I have created a new program called Faithfully Fit February for the upcoming month. The Faithfully Fit February Program will include 4 workouts you can do at home, 4 weekly meal plans and recipes, weekly bible verses and inspirations, a February workout calendar, and recipes for healthy Valentine's Day snacks for only $75. If this interests you, please email me at or click the PayPal link below to sign up.


