Holiday Extravanza

Holiday Extravaganza

Excitement is in the air with Dawgs ON TOP and holidays almost here‼️ Thanksgiving week is just 2 WEEKS away, we are beginning our holiday traditions here at TransFit with the HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA 2022!
This is a challenge that creates a fun, great way to keep you accountable during the holidays. Check out the details of the challenge below and how to join in on the accountability . We are thrilled to be doing this holiday challenge with all of you and can't wait to finish 2022 physically, mentally, and spiritually stronger than ever!

What is Holiday Extravaganza?

We all love the holidays -- the weather, shopping, spirit, spending time with friends and family, and of course, lots of yummy food and sweet treats! Do you need accountability during this holiday season to eat healthier and move your body? This is the challenge for you! We would love for you to join us for the Holiday Extravaganza this year and feel the best you during the most wonderful time of the year. Join us at TransFit in studio or virtually for great workouts to begin our Holiday Extravaganza TOGETHER!!

What are the CHALLENGES?

~ 2 Challenges ~

1. 1 Mile a day challenge (walk, run, or jog) every day until December 31st (start this week), keep track and show us December 31st and be entered in to win a FREE month of sessions in January! 

2. Holiday Extravaganza: Weigh-in anytime next week November 14th-25th at TransFit Athens or TransFit Oconee, record your starting weight (confidential) and put $20 in the bucket. Do your best over Christmas, & New Years. Come back the week before January 7th and if your weight stays the same - you get your money back (option to donate to ESP), if it doesn't - your money stays in the bucket for the biggest looser who will take home the cash price and any remaining funds will be donated to ESP.  Previous winners have won $500-$1200!  Prizes will be awarded to the top 5 winners! 🏆. 

Do You Want to Discuss Your Goals?

Here at TransFit, we love encouraging you in the studio as you work toward achieving your personal goals! Our trainers would love to meet with you for a FREE “goals” check-in, whether you have reached your goals or want to make new ones! Email us at to set up a time with one of our trainers or Registered Dietician to talk about your specific goals!

Pumkin Energy Balls:

High in protein, and vitamin A & C these pumpkin balls will be your new favorite and are such a fun holiday snack! 

Open Strength:

Join us Monday - Thursday for a transforming strength or cardio workout. You get what you need at this new session time. Please sign up on the TransFit App.

November News:

Stay faithful, friends, we can keep strong in Christ in the everyday! Remember it is the small steps forward daily that lead to the big results over time. We are all work in progress.

 Let’s keep NOURISHING our bodies, minds, and spirits this month so we can best live out God’s purpose for our lives! We can’t wait to encourage you in the studio and virtually to live transformed!

Thank you for all that you do by being such an inspiring woman in this community! We are truly stronger together.

Check out our website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

The Winner of the Holiday Extravaganza…..

After a wonderful holiday season, the Holiday Extravaganza has finally come to a close! We have been so encouraged by the stories from so many competitors, and we had a blast doing this again with you all! Over 100 people participated and over half of the participants received their money back! That means they kept their weight the same or lost weight over the holidays! WOW- that’s hard! Congrats to EVERYONE who participated! You should be proud of yourself for being accountable over the holidays! Here are the final results: 

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1- Julie Bayne

2- Catherine Warner

3- Wendy Weiglein

4- Laura Moore

5- Joy Cooper

6- Rebecca Stone

7- Hope Cook

8- Ashley Smith

9- Virginia McKenna

10- Deanna Cozart

11- Lauren Harrell

12. Mary Anna Terrell

13. Pam Matthews

14. Molly Efland

15. Charlotte Lewis

16. Kelli Dean

17. Allison Abernathy

18. Paige Colquit

19. Lacy Sinkwich

20. Fran Hahn

WAY TO GO LADIES! All of your hard work paid off and we are so proud of you.

Shoutout to our amazing sponsors!

  • Fleet Feet

  • Georgia Skin and Aesthetic Dermatology

  • Fox Hill Honey Company

First Place - Julie Bayne


Julie has lost 8.445% body fat and has gained such confidence! This transformation journey has no been a quick fix, but yes, making healthy habits and small changes daily do lead to HUGE results, like Julie’s! Changing your mind (Romans 12:2) to believe that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, is what living transformed is all about!

We are so proud of you and are excited to help you reach your next set of goals for 2020! 


Julie’s Journey:

One of the best things I did when we moved to Athens 2 ½ years ago was to walk in the doors at TransFit. The community I found here has been such a huge support as I transitioned to a new town and adjusted to my new life as a retired teacher and grandma!  I knew it was important for me to focus on my health and fitness so I could stay strong for all that God has planned for me in this next phase of life. Although I haven’t always been as consistent as I should be in getting my workouts in, Caroline has always checked on me, and kept on encouraging me. I have made so many new friends, and have also really loved the recipes and meal plans, as well as the Bible studies that TransFit offers.”

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“At the beginning of 2019, I had a real desire to be more committed and consistent with my workouts and healthy eating. Early in the year, I heard a message that really spoke to me. Jeff Henderson talked about the consistency effect, where small things consistently over time lead to big things.  He said one thing that really stuck with me, “Commitment will get you to the starting line, but consistency will get you to the finish line.”   We were challenged to pray each day, “Lord, I need you.  Please give me your strength for today.”  Instead of jumping on the latest diet like I often did in the past, I began the new year committing to consistently eat healthfully and mindfully the majority of the time, and move in some way every day.

I searched the Bible to find what God’s word had to say about being consistent, and the word “steadfast” jumped out at me, so I chose this as my word last year.  The Bible is full of things to say about being steadfast. I began to think about how to be steadfast in the area of my health: drink more water (that 100 0z is a challenge!} , move every day, eat clean, and get enough rest. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs through the past year, for sure, but staying close to this principle of being consistent/steadfast has helped me get back on track when I’ve let myself get derailed. I’ve become a lot better at focusing on the process and being grateful for progress, even if it is slow!”

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How She Won Holiday Extravaganza…

I got up every morning a little earlier to spend time in God’s word. That really helped me to keep my focus in the right place, on Him instead of food. Each night, I wrote down my food for the next day and committed to only eating that the next day. This really helped me to not be constantly thinking about food and making choices at the last moment. I ate three meals a day and tried to cut out snacking because I was doing too much of that. I weighed and measured my food at each meal to be sure I was eating the right portions. I eliminated sugar and flour, because I knew they were triggers for me, especially during the holiday season! They both make me feel pretty yucky! I made sure to get protein at each meal and ate lots of vegetables and fruits.

I tried to move in some way every day for at least 30 minutes – I love coming to TransFit yoga, small group or Transformer classes 3-4 times each week, but when I couldn’t, I walked every day or did yoga or a weight work out at home or the YMCA. Also, I found a great new wellness planner on Amazon called Life & Apples that I used during this time.  It has a place to record gratitudes, positive thoughts/scriptures, my activity, meals, etc. all in one place and has been so key in helping me to stay on track! When I stopped focusing on my weight and just focused on being consistent with all these pieces of the puzzle each day, my weight did begin to come off.”

WOW. You inspire each of us, Julie! We can’t wait to continue to pursue the Heavenly Father and glorify him in all that you do! If you see Julie in the studio, make sure to congratulate her!


Bible Study THIS Thursday (1/16) @ 12pm.

Caroline and Lisa will be leading us through Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons. The 5 week study will meet in the studio from 12-1 pm on Thursdays starting January 16th. The cost of the book and the 5-week study is $30. Please sign up on the app for this transforming study teaching us to find peace and purpose in our life.

Rhythms of Renewal is a message of relief. And hope. And peace. this study is going to be a life-line for those of us whose are out of balance, stressed, and over-scheduled, those of us who aren’t take care of ourselves and our emotional, physical and spiritual health.”

Well done to all contestants! We are so incredibly proud of everyone who competed! Remember that the January Jump Start can still be purchased! We would love to have you join us in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle this year! 

NEW 6:00pm TransFormer Sessions

We are super excited to be able to add 3 new TransFormer sessions on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings at 6:00pm. This is your chance to get a workout in after work and before dinner if you aren’t able to make the morning sessions.

Join the TransFit Running Club!

Tuesday morning runs take place at the UGA Track @ 5:30am. This is your chance to get in a great run alongside other TransFit members. You have the freedom to choose your distance, time, and run with the accountability of other women. Meet at the track for a quick group warmup!

Saturday Group Runs at 6:30am! Who doesn’t love exploring Athens with your TransFit sisters? This is designed for you to get in a great run before the busy weekend starts.

Email or text us to be added to the runner GroupMe!

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Are you looking to be apart of something that will change your life AND others!?

We are looking for wonderful people, like YOU, to join our committee for the Extra Special People’s (ESP) Fit for a Miracle 5k in May. TransFit is hosting and supporting the fun-run and we need all the help we can get with planning, networking, organizing, and volunteering. Our goal is to raise over $30,000!

The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 29th, at 11:30 in the TransFit studio

If you are at all interested in giving back and helping put on this incredible event, click the link below!

We would love to see you at these exciting new events and sessions! We also want you to be diligently praying about your dreams and goals for 2020. We are here to serve you! If you would like to meet one-on-one with any other our trainers please let us know!

You can sign up for all events and sessions on our FREE TransFit app HERE! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

🍴How to Stay On Track During Thanksgiving Festivities🍴

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Happy Black Friday! 

We hope each of you had a great Thanksgiving day and were able to spend time with friends and family! We each have so much to be thankful for!  

Today, we are excited to offer YOU a TransFit Black Friday DEAL! We are offering 20% off ANY package, session, or item on our website & the TransFit app. This means that you can purchase ANY item, whether it is personal training, transformer sessions, or a nutrition consultation, for 20% off! You can purchase these packages on our TransFit app or our website and use the code BLACKFRIDAY to receive the discount! Each package will have an expiration of 3 months!

You can also use our BLACK FRIDAY deal on our merchandise on ETSY! Click HERE to go to our Etsy store! 

Enjoy this time with family, but remember to continue to exercise and focus on nutrition. Continue to make everyday count so you can be the biggest loser for Holiday Extravaganza! Check out our appwebsite, and YouTube channel for recipes and workouts! We can't wait to see you in the studio next week! 


Team TransFit 

Are you ready for the most TRANSFORMING Holiday Challenge?

Sweet friend, 

Are you READY to TRANFORM?  Don't let these holidays months fly by and your back to square one in January friends!  Thank you for participating in our October calendar challenge --we are SO proud of each of you! We are so excited to announce our winner, Ellen Sabatini! Ellen exercised everyday in October and had the goal of positive thoughts daily! Ellen and her whole family are the true TRANSFORMERS! Ellen is inspiring our community and teaching children about whole body health. Together, she and the Barrow Buddies at Barrow Elementary School are the winners in the race of life! Thank you, Ellen, for giving your best one day at a time and renewing your body, mind, and spirit- living transformed! 

BUT... now that October has come and gone it's time for everyone to compete for a chance in the BIG Holiday competition and win BIG!

You guessed it... it's time for HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA! 

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Time for the Holiday Extravaganza, the best holiday challenge to keep you accountable to your goals over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years!  If you would like to participate this year, please e-mail us,, to find a time for you to come weigh in or weigh in before or after a session! Feel free to invite friends & family to play as well. The pot will be huge this year, but hopefully everyone will take their money back! 


Starts the week of November 13th - Finish week of January 8th

Here's how it works: Challenge begins the week of November 13th. In order to play, any person who wants to play puts $20 in the bucket. You will weigh in (cinfdentially) and do your best over the holidays to eat right, exercise, drink water, and do our weekly challenges. On the week of January 8th we will weigh in again. 

If your weight stays the same- you get your $20 BACK! If you gain weight, your money stays in the bucket and you contribute to the biggest looser prize! 

If you are the biggest loser (we use % of weight lost) you get to keep all the money in the bucket! Our top five winners will also receive a special gift basket! The Holiday Extravaganzas is the best way to keep you accountable over the holiday season! Let's do it! 

Last year our 1st place winner won $950 cash!!


If you have any questions, please email us at We can't wait to enter into one of our favorite times of the year! Let's hold each other accountable and make this the best holiday season for our body, mind, and spirit. We believe in YOU! We hope you will join us! 


Team TransFit

AND Biblical Meditation the first Tuesday of every month from 12-1 PM! 

AND Biblical Meditation the first Tuesday of every month from 12-1 PM! 

The Winners Holiday Extravaganza!

After a wonderful holiday season, the 2016 Holiday Extravaganza has finally come to a close! We have been so encouraged by the stories from so many competitors, and we had a blast doing this again with you all! Over 80 people played and over half of the participants received their money back! That means they kept their weight the same or lost weight over the holidays! WOW- that is hard! Congrats to EVERYONE who played! You should be proud of yourself for being accountable over the holidays! Here are the final results: 


1- Catherine Warner

2- Jennifer Richard

3- Brionne Antwine

4- Adrianna Creech

5- Amanda Farmer

6- Alison Abernathy

7- Pam Adams

8- Katherine Byrne

9- Cynthia Shepherd

10- Ellen Sabitine

We will do a spotlight on our winners though out the month! We encourage you to read these spotlights and draw inspiration from these hard working ladies! We are so blessed by their words and we are so motivated by their transformations!  Our prayer is that the spotlights will light a spark in YOU to give your best this year!

 Way to go ladies! 

Also a shoutout to our amazing sponsors! Here are some that were included in the top 10 prize giveaways:

  • Smoothie King

  • Rodan and Fields

  • The Pine

  • The Hub

  • Lululemon

  • Fire and Flavor

  • Andree's

First Place- Catherine Warner

Catherine has lost over 10% of her body weight, has lost 10% body fat and has gained such confidence! When we see Catherine now in the studio she has a radiant glow of living transformed. The transformation journey is not a quick fix, but yes, making healthy habits and small changes daily do lead to HUGE results!  Changing your mind (Romans 12:2) to believe that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to- is what living transformed is all about! Congrats Cat! We are so proud of you and are excited to help you reach your next set of goals for 2017! 

As a wife and mother of 3 boys, I have continually put my needs and schedule secondary to my family's, but that all changed 10 months ago. My journey with TransFit began in February 2016 when I was inspired by my friend Amy O'Neill's amazing transformation. At the time I was recovering from my 4th major surgery in 3 years and physical therapy was my only form of exercise. Highly motivated, I joined Transfit and had a 1 on 1 with Shelley Tanner. I began with Transformer classes 2 times a week during the month of March.  By May, I joined unlimited and began going 4-5 times per week. Today, I continue to workout 4-5 times per week at TransFit participating in Small Groups, Transformer Classes and Yoga. 

During my 10 Months at TransFit, I have been encouraged and inspired by Caroline, Katie, Shelley, Melynda and Lisa as well as all the amazing women I workout with everyday!  The cool down is my favorite part of the workout because it helps me remain focused on my goals taking them one hour, one day at a time. I have been consistent with classes from the beginning, but have struggled with my cardio and nutrition goals. This past fall, I joined the TransFit Bible Study and found the support, encouragement and tools I need to help me reach those goals as well. With the added excitement of "Holiday Extravaganza," I was motivated to eat clean and lean and lost more than I thought possible (It's amazing what happens when you drink the water and eat TransFit-approved!). I still have a long way to go, but know with the support and encouragement of my TransFit family, I can reach the goals I have set for 2017. Thank you to all of my friends for your support and encouragement. We are all on a journey together and we are not alone! Blessings for an amazing 2017 to you all!!!

Family : Corky, Tommy (16), Will (13), and Ben (8)

Favorite Dinner:  Wilted spinach and salmon or other wild caught fish

Favorite Lunch: "Romaine Lettuce boats" with grilled chicken and veggies with Balsamic glaze

Favorite snack:  Turkey rolls or Almond Butter

Tip:  I buy Justin's individual packets of almond butter to control my portions! 

Well done to all contestants! We are so incredibly proud of everyone who competed! Remember that the January Jump Start can still be purchased! We would love to have you join us in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle this year! 


Team TransFit

BELIEVE You Can Finish 2016 Feeling Your Best!

Happy December sweet friends!

Our theme this month is BELIEVE. We want you to believe in yourself as you finish this year stronger and feeling your best! These next few weeks, remember your goals and go after them. You are stronger than you think you are, so never stop!

This holiday season, we have an amazing December Holiday Salad that has everything you need to stop sugar cravings! Whether you use it as a side or with your favorite protein as a main meal, it will be delicious! We love fueling our bodies with healthy foods that also taste great. Pomegranates are a good source of vitamin-C and provide about 17% per 100 g of daily requirement! This helps boost your immunity keeping a resistance against infectious agents!


December Holiday Salad

Serves: 2

Prep time:  5 minutes

 • 4 cups spinach or mixed greens

• 1 oz goat cheese

• ¼ cup walnuts

• 1 Bartlett pear, ripe

• ¼ cup pomegranate seeds (use a splash of pomegranate juice in the dressing)

c olive oil

c white wine vinegar

• ½ tsp minced garlic

• Pepper

Instructions: In a jar with an airtight lid, shake last 4 ingredients. Toss with greens, top with cheese, walnuts, ripe pear, pomegranate. Add in grilled chicken or other protein for complete meal! Toasting walnuts (400* 6-8 minutes) brings out such a rich flavor.

Friends, let's make the most of this wonderful season. Take in all the smells, lights and the wonderful feeling that lingers in the air this time of year. Take the time to cherish your family and friends more than ever before, and make the most of every day. Choose to pray more, give more and love more in the coming month perhaps than you have all year- always remembering the true meaning of this season! Happy December sweet friends!! Join us December 8th for our Lunch and Learn event! 


Team TransFit

Set Goals and Finish December Strong!

Happy Friday friends! 

Can you believe December is already here? It seems like this year has flown by! However we still have one month left- let's strive to make it our best month yet! 

Here at TransFit we have a lot of exciting things going on in December! 

First, the Holiday Extravaganza is underway!! For those of you who joined in- keep up the great work! We have heard some awesome stories of discipline at holiday events and diligence in working out! GREAT job! Even if you weren't able to join the contest, join us in spirit and make new goals that you can and will achieve this month! Here is a December calendar full of challenges to help you make and achieve short term goals this month and press on through the end of the year! Goals are so important and help us strive to get to the place in our lives where we long to be! Friends, it is NEVER too late to make a new goal! Push yourself in this last month and finish 2015 out strong! Like our December theme you have to truly believe you can do it! 

While your schedule gets busier and busier and you are tempted to put your health and fitness goals- remember why you have started this journey! You long to be healthier in your mind, body and spirit. While I know you may struggle more during this season to get sessions in or make it to the gym, here is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout that you can do anywhere (garage, bedroom, outside, etc)!! It will get your heart rate pumping and help you to continue to torch calories long after you've finished! To make the most of your time, give it your absolute best for the 15-20 minutes it takes and then feel great about the workout you got in among all of the tasks you have for the day! It can be easily printed out and taken with you wherever you go! 


This HIIT workout, along with other full-body workouts can be found in the 14 Day Recharge eBook! TransFit was so excited to release our first ever eBook on Black Friday and you can get it TODAY still at a discounted price! Today is the day to begin really recharging your fitness- especially right before Christmas! If you start today you will be finished just in time to be feeling your best mind , body and spirit as you go into the holiday week! You can purchase the eBook for the discounted price here.

Friends, let's make the most of this wonderful season. Take in all the smells, lights and the wonderful feeling that lingers in the air this time of year. Take the time to cherish your family and friends more than ever before, and make the most of every day. Choose to pray more, give more and love more in the coming month perhaps than you have all year- always remembering the true meaning of this season! Happy December sweet friends!!  

