Holiday Extravaganza

Excitement is in the air with Dawgs ON TOP and holidays almost here‼️ Thanksgiving week is just 2 WEEKS away, we are beginning our holiday traditions here at TransFit with the HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA 2022!
This is a challenge that creates a fun, great way to keep you accountable during the holidays. Check out the details of the challenge below and how to join in on the accountability . We are thrilled to be doing this holiday challenge with all of you and can't wait to finish 2022 physically, mentally, and spiritually stronger than ever!

What is Holiday Extravaganza?

We all love the holidays -- the weather, shopping, spirit, spending time with friends and family, and of course, lots of yummy food and sweet treats! Do you need accountability during this holiday season to eat healthier and move your body? This is the challenge for you! We would love for you to join us for the Holiday Extravaganza this year and feel the best you during the most wonderful time of the year. Join us at TransFit in studio or virtually for great workouts to begin our Holiday Extravaganza TOGETHER!!

What are the CHALLENGES?

~ 2 Challenges ~

1. 1 Mile a day challenge (walk, run, or jog) every day until December 31st (start this week), keep track and show us December 31st and be entered in to win a FREE month of sessions in January! 

2. Holiday Extravaganza: Weigh-in anytime next week November 14th-25th at TransFit Athens or TransFit Oconee, record your starting weight (confidential) and put $20 in the bucket. Do your best over Christmas, & New Years. Come back the week before January 7th and if your weight stays the same - you get your money back (option to donate to ESP), if it doesn't - your money stays in the bucket for the biggest looser who will take home the cash price and any remaining funds will be donated to ESP.  Previous winners have won $500-$1200!  Prizes will be awarded to the top 5 winners! 🏆. 

Do You Want to Discuss Your Goals?

Here at TransFit, we love encouraging you in the studio as you work toward achieving your personal goals! Our trainers would love to meet with you for a FREE “goals” check-in, whether you have reached your goals or want to make new ones! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com to set up a time with one of our trainers or Registered Dietician to talk about your specific goals!

Pumkin Energy Balls:

High in protein, and vitamin A & C these pumpkin balls will be your new favorite and are such a fun holiday snack! 

Open Strength:

Join us Monday - Thursday for a transforming strength or cardio workout. You get what you need at this new session time. Please sign up on the TransFit App.

November News:

Stay faithful, friends, we can keep strong in Christ in the everyday! Remember it is the small steps forward daily that lead to the big results over time. We are all work in progress.

 Let’s keep NOURISHING our bodies, minds, and spirits this month so we can best live out God’s purpose for our lives! We can’t wait to encourage you in the studio and virtually to live transformed!

Thank you for all that you do by being such an inspiring woman in this community! We are truly stronger together.

Check out our website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

HIIT Knowledge

We have finished September STRONG and are starting October STRONGER -- and in pink! With only three months left in 2022, take a moment to reflect on the growth and accomplishments that have already transcended last year and lock your focus in on goals you want to complete before the end of the year! Let's continue to inspire each other to live TRANSFORMED: body, mind, and spirit!

During our session you are likely to hear one of the personal trainers talking about CARDIO. "Let's get the heart rate up!" "We are getting our cardio in!" "You need to be breathing through cardio!"

There is a reason behind all of our chatter! Cardio is SO beneficial to having a healthy body! One AMAZING option of getting cardio into your week is HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)! HIIT is a great opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and do something amazing for your body!

But What is HIIT? Is it for Everybody?

Basics of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

The TransFit HIIT workout is designed for women of all ages and ability levels!

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, was named one of the top fitness trends in the world for 2021, based on an annual survey by the American College of Sports Medicine.

HIIT is comprised of short, hard bursts of cardio exercise—anywhere from 10 seconds to 2 minutes in length—broken up by brief recovery periods. New studies on the benefits of HIIT make the news regularly. Reasearch shows that just two minutes of sprint interval training (in this case, four 30-second max-effort sprints followed by four and a half minutes of recovery for a total of 20 minutes) improves mitochondrial function— which is the process of how your cells convert sugars and carbohydrates into energy in your cells— just as well as 30 minutes of moderate exercise in a group of active men and women. In other words, going ALL out two minutes of really hard INTERVALS can give you the same fitness benefits as a 30 minute steady, moderate pace workout.

Workouts may involve light jumping, lateral movements, sprints, plyometrics, and quick bodyweight segments, light weight high rep activity. However, you don't have to jump to get your heart rate up to receive the benefits of HIIT.

How much recovery you take between intervals depends on your goals. Short intervals are usually paired with equally short or even shorter recovery periods so your body can adapt to repeated maximal efforts. And because your heart rate stays elevated during the recovery periods, your aerobic energy system gets a training benefit, as well.

3 Ways HIIT Can Help You Live Transformed:

1. Lose abdominal fat: In a study of sedentary women, 20 minutes of HIIT were compared with 40 minutes of steady-state exercise, and the HIIT subjects were the only ones who lost fat— primarily excess abdominal fat!

2. Protect your heart: Research shows, depending on how fit you are when you begin, HIIT can boost your VO2 max (how much oxygen you can use) up to 46 percent in 24 weeks. It can also increase your stroke volume (how much blood your heart pumps out per beat) by 10 percent after eight weeks of training and significantly lower your resting heart rate.

3. Recharge your cells and boost your hormones: HIIT is proven to make more proteins for your energy-producing mitochondria, which helps slow down aging and boost youth hormones! It fires up the production of your body’s growth hormones that help you maintain muscle and burn fat for hours AFTER you’re done, and it lowers insulin resistance for better blood sugar control.

4. Improves Cognitive Functions: HIIT is also amazing for your mind. Research shows that high-intensity workouts improve cognitive function and increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) more than easier exercise. BDNF is essential for learning, memory, and mood regulation, and your brain uses it to repair and maintain brain cells.

Here is a great example of an at-home HIIT
workout you can do today!

Amazing Opportunities!

We are so excited about this fall and we have several important dates to keep in mind! Don't forget to add them to your calendar!

TransFit Girls Tuesdays 4:30pm
We are so thrilled to inspire our Middle School Girls and strengthen them in body, mind, and spirit! TransFit Girls will be on Tuesdays at 4:30pm. Sign up your strong girl today to reserve her space in this encouraging strength session!

TransFit's Bible Study Wednesdays at 12:00pm
We have started our study through Priscilla Shirer's book, Armor of God. Sign up on the TransFit App so we can plan accordingly. Open to the community.

Small Group Strength Sessions
Monday and Wednesday 10:30am we offer small group strength training sessions.

Who's ready for some FALL RECIPES? Try this AMAZING pumpkin bread to warm you up on a chilly day!

1 cup packed light brown sugar
2 large egg whites
1 cup pure pumpkin
1/4 cup canola oil
1/3 cup low-fat plain yogurt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.- Spray 8 1/2 inch by 4 1/2 inch metal loaf pan with nonstick cooking spray and flour.- In a large bowl, with wire whisk, combine brown sugar and egg whites. Add pumpkin, oil, yogurt, and vanilla extract and stir to combine.- In a medium bowl, combined AP flour whole wheat flour, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking soda, and salt.- Add flour mixture to pumpkin mixture and stir until combined. Do not overmix!- Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for 45-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center of loaf comes out clean.
- Cool in pan for 10 minutes and invert pumpkin bread onto wire rack to cool completely.

- Enjoy!

Shop our Stamped and Finch handmade jewelry as well as a large variety of other appeal. Brands include Lululemon, SPLITS59, and Free People.

🙌 Exciting News to Come Alive in April!

Sweet friends,

It’s time to come ALIVE in April! Are you feeling stuck in your health and fitness routine? It’s a new month— time for you to revive and renew your body, mind, and spirit! Today is the day! Read all of the exciting news below to learn about how to come alive this April!

Don’t forget to turn in your March calendar this week! We want to see how you stayed ABSolutely committed last month! You can bring your calendar into the studio, email us a picture to transfitathens@gmail.com, or text a picture to our staff. When you complete a monthly challenge and turn your calendar in, we reward your hard work with a prize!

Be sure to check the schedule this week, as there are a couple of session cancellations and changes due to spring break! You can find great workouts to do while on vacation on our website HERE and on our app HERE!

April Bible Reading Plan

“I talk about God whispers and God winks often and I know He leads us through these little nudges. I know for certain that nothing happens by accident, but some days I want Him to speak audibly to me! I want and need clear direction. But then, I realize He is asking me to trust Him fully. 

A wise friend recently told me, “Caroline,
if you want to hear God speak to you, read the word of God out loud!” I don’t know why this one sentence hit me so hard. The Bible is the written word of God and truth transforms! We have to read it, say it, and live it. 

The more I read God’s word, the more I feel its power and I began to understand God’s love for me. Today, with all the dismal headlines in the news, I find hope on the pages of His word and
I find joy that sustains me in my weak moments regardless of my circumstances.

Every time I make time to open the Bible it surprises me! God’s Word is alive and active because the Holy Spirit brings it to life! The Bible is a living book with a timeless message.
The more we read it, the more God’s words fill us up and can pour out of us unto others.  We find wisdom and guidance for how to deal with our busy lives, peace for our troubled hearts, and hope for the hardest moments. 

I want to challenge you to open God’s word this month and dive in with me. 
The Gospel of Luke is one we can read over and over again and find the wisdom and comfort we need. Join me and our TransFit community this month as we push ourselves out of our comfort zones and immerse ourselves in truth. See how you are transformed by this experience!” -Caroline Ward

As Easter approaches this month, we encourage you to join the TransFit community in our April Bible Reading Plan! We will read through the book of Luke in one month and will transform our minds with His word. Download our FREE April Reading Plan ebook by clicking the button below OR get it from our website HERE!


April Calendar Challenge

New month, new challenge and April is all about building strong arms! Complete these short arm workouts every day this month and color in each day on your calendar as you go. Share these calendars with us at the end of the month and we’ll reward your dedication!


Fit for a Miracle 5K

If you have not registered for our Fit for a Miracle 5K yet, now is the time! Registration is $25 with a t-shirt for the 5K and $15 with a t-shirt for the Miracle Mile through April 26th, which is just a few weeks away!

The race is scheduled to take place on May 4, 2019 at 5:00 pm. We will also have a Miracle Mile (1 mile fun run) at 4:30 pm. We are SO excited about this opportunity to support ESP Miracle League, which will provide transformative experiences for individuals with disabilities to thrive through the magic of accessible play and inclusive baseball.

You can register for this event online HERE or download the mail-in registration form below. All of the proceeds from this event will be donated toward Extra Special People and help to fund the new Miracle League Complex. If you or your business would like to help sponsor this event please email us HERE!


Prayer Walks

We have exciting news! TransFit’s Director of Spiritual Development and Outreach, Pam Adams, will be leading prayer walks this month building up to our Fit for a Miracle 5K! Starting this Wednesday, April 3rd, meet outside the TransFit studio Wednesdays at 9:30 am where Pam will lead us in prayer and meditation as we walk the Miracle Mile route twice (2 miles total).

The goal of prayer walking is to “pray onsite with insight” as we will simply be using our senses to engage mind, body, and spirit in the ministry of prayer, keeping alert for how the Lord leads us to pray for the Fit for a Miracle 5k and the community around us where we will “set our foot” (Joshua 1:3) along the routes. Our greatest prayer is that God will be glorified as we seek the be a blessing to others in the ministry of prayer and service.

Email Pam HERE if you have any questions!


TransFit Running Group

We had such an incredible time at our Healthy Running Lunch & Learn last Thursday! TransFit Running Director, Lisa Patton, taught us so many insightful techniques and tips for running/walking efficiently! If you want to learn more, Lisa leads a running group every Monday at 8:20 am. The group will be running parts of the 5K course, so this is an incredible way to train for our upcoming Fit for a Miracle 5K, as well as any personal goals you have! Email here HERE if you have any questions!

More April Events

We will continue to have our 5:30 am HIIT cardio sessions on Tuesdays this month! Getting in a cardio workout in the morning is such an incredible way to start the day!

We will also continue our TransFit Girls sessions Wednesdays at 4:15! We love spending time with these sweet girls and helping them transform!

You can sign up for any of these sessions on our FREE app HERE!


Contact a TransFit Staff Member

Lisa Patton: As mentioned earlier, Lisa has a running group every Monday at 8:20! She is also available to train you or provide you with a plan to accomplish your fitness goals, whatever they may be! Want to run a 5k or a marathon? Lisa can create a plan to fit your needs. To schedule a one-on-one with Lisa, contact her HERE.

Eliza Harris: Eliza is our new amazing personal trainer who is so excited to meet everyone and help them with their personal fitness goals. Email Eliza to schedule a one-on-one HERE!

Kaeti Shurling: Kaeti is our registered dietician here at TransFit! She can help you with nutrition and meal planning to meet your goals no matter where you are in your journey! Additionally, she has experience working with various dietary restrictions. Contact Kaeti to set up a one-on-one HERE.

Caroline Ward: Meet with Caroline to discuss any of your whole body health and fitness goals for the month of April. We are excited to serve you! Message Caroline HERE.

Pam Adams: Pam would love to meet with you about any of your spiritual goals or prayer requests! Email her to set up a meeting HERE.

If you would like to meet with any other TransFit Personal Trainers or staff, email us HERE!

We can’t wait to see you COME ALIVE in the studio this month!

Check out our website for more blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit


🔥 The New HIIT Workout Will Transform Your Metabolism!


Sweet friends, 

We hope February is off you a great start for you! We have some exciting things going on in the studio this week for Valentine’s Day, so make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date!

We wanted to share the importance of High-Intensity Interval Training and how HIIT can help you reach your goals and transform your body, mind, and spirit! Each of our TransFormer sessions in the studio this month will have multiple High-Intensity Intervals throughout the strength workout and we have dedicated sessions for HIIT Cardio workouts every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30!  

High-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, was named one of the top fitness trends in the world for 2019, based on an annual survey by the American College of Sports Medicine. HIIT is comprised of short, hard bouts of cardio exercise—anywhere from 10 seconds to 3 minutes in length—broken up by brief recovery periods.


How hard is hard? That depends on the interval length and your body, but the key is to go as hard as you can for the duration of the effort. So, you’re working in your VO2 max zone, or about 90-95% of your max heart rate (or a 9 on a scale of 1 to 10) for the duration of the high interval.

Then you recover - your bring your heart rate down.
How much recovery you take between intervals depends on your goals. Short intervals are usually paired with equally short or even shorter recovery periods so your body can adapt to repeated maximal efforts. And because your heart rate stays elevated during the recovery periods, your aerobic energy system gets a training benefit, as well.


New studies on the benefits of HIIT make the news regularly. Take, for example, this one from the November 2018 issue of American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. Researchers found that just two minutes of sprint interval training (in this case, four 30-second max-effort sprints followed by four and a half minutes of recovery for a total of 20 minutes) improved mitochondrial function—when your cells can change fuel to energy quickly—just as well as 30 minutes of moderate exercise in a group of active men and women. In other words, going ALL out for two minutes of really hard INTERVAL training can give you the same fitness benefits as a 30 minute steady, moderate pace workout.


No surprise, HIIT training is outstanding for your cardiovascular system. Research shows, depending on how fit you are when you begin, HIIT can boost your VO2 max (how much oxygen you can use) up to 46 percent in 24 weeks. It can also increase your stroke volume (how much blood your heart pumps out per beat) by 10 percent after eight weeks of training and significantly lower your resting heart rate. ♥️

It also makes your body a furnace of a fat burner. 🔥HIIT fires up production of your body’s growth hormones that help you maintain muscle and burn fat for hours after you’re done, and it lowers insulin resistance for better blood sugar control.

And it does more than benefit your body! HIIT is amazing for your mind. Research shows that high-intensity workouts improve cognitive function and increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) more than an easier exercise. BDNF is essential for learning, memory, and mood regulation, and your brain uses it to repair and maintain brain cells.


3 Ways HIIT Can Help You Live Transformed:

  1. Lose abdominal fat: In a study of sedentary women, 20 minutes of HIIT were compared with 40 minutes of steady-state exercise, and the HIIT subjects were the only ones who lost fat— primarily excess abdominal fat!

2. Protect your heart: A study of nearly 5000 people with heart disease showed that HIIT did more to protect them from future heart problems than moderate workouts.

3. Recharge your cells and boost your hormones: HIIT is proven to make more proteins for your energy-producing mitochondria, which helps slow down aging and boost youth hormones!


Check out our NEW Transformer HIIT workout! The photos throughout post demonstrate different high and low intensity exercises on the workout below!

Try this Transformer HIIT workout to revive your metabolism and live heart healthy this February! No matter your age or activity level, YOU can do some form of a HIIT workout — your body is a temple! You can still get the benefits of HIIT just by adjusting whatever exercises you do!

View all of your exercise as a form of worship and get moving today!

Click the button below to see us a video of us doing this workout on our YOUTUBE!


Don’t forget to sign up for this month’s lunch and learn! It is on February 22nd from 12-1 pm and we’ll be doing a self defense class taught by Borders! Spots in this event are limited so sign up on our app HERE before they run out! Cost is $15 to cover lunch from The Pine.


We hope you will join us in the studio for any of our sessions to transform. Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions!


Team TransFit

Here's How You Can Reach Your Goals and Transform Your Body with HIIT!

Sweet friends, 

We hope April is off to a great start for you!! We challenge you to take our April Arms Calendar challenge! When you complete the challenge at the end of the month, turn in your calendar for a chance to win a MONTH OF FREE SESSIONS

We wanted to share the importance of High-Intensity Interval Training and how HIIT can help you reach your goals and transform your body! Each of our TransFormer sessions has 4 High-Intensity Intervals but now we will have dedicated sessions for HIIT workouts throughout the week!  

High-Intensity Interval Training Workouts include the duration, frequency, and intensity of work intervals and recovery intervals. HIIT training improves aerobic and anaerobic fitness, blood pressure, cardiovascular health, cholesterol profiles, and abdominal fat and body weight while maintaining muscle mass. HIIT training can be modified for people of all fitness levels! These workouts provide a similar fitness benefit as a long endurance workout but can occur in shorter periods of time.  You should challenge yourself to get at least one HIIT workout in each week! Our new HIIT training session starting next Tuesday at 9:30 will allow you to go all out through quick, bursts of exercise with recovery periods. HIIT workouts allow you to keep your heart rate up and burn more fat in less time.  


Here are the top 3 reasons to do HIIT:

1. Increases your Metabolism- These workouts include high intensity with short recovery periods. It boosts your metabolism for up to 48 hours after completing the workout, so your body is still burning fat even after the workout! 

2. Quick and You Can do ANYWHERE! These workouts can be done anywhere, whether at home, the TransFit studio, or the gym in a hotel. Aim for a 30 minute HIIT workout! Learn the movements in the studio and take them home for your own HIIT sessions! 

3. All You Need is Body Weight- You don't need any equipment to achieve a HIIT workout. Use your body weight to get your heart rate up and then keep it up throughout the workout! 


Here is a great HIIT workout you can do ANYWHERE! Save this workout and add it to your workout plan while you are on vacation! Your body will thank you! 

transformer HIIT.PNG

We hope you will join us in the studio for great sessions! If you can't make it to the studio, try th new workout! You can find other workouts and videos on our website HERE or on YOUTUBE here! Let us know how we can help you live transformed and come ALIVE this April


Team TransFit

Set Goals and Finish December Strong!

Happy Friday friends! 

Can you believe December is already here? It seems like this year has flown by! However we still have one month left- let's strive to make it our best month yet! 

Here at TransFit we have a lot of exciting things going on in December! 

First, the Holiday Extravaganza is underway!! For those of you who joined in- keep up the great work! We have heard some awesome stories of discipline at holiday events and diligence in working out! GREAT job! Even if you weren't able to join the contest, join us in spirit and make new goals that you can and will achieve this month! Here is a December calendar full of challenges to help you make and achieve short term goals this month and press on through the end of the year! Goals are so important and help us strive to get to the place in our lives where we long to be! Friends, it is NEVER too late to make a new goal! Push yourself in this last month and finish 2015 out strong! Like our December theme you have to truly believe you can do it! 

While your schedule gets busier and busier and you are tempted to put your health and fitness goals- remember why you have started this journey! You long to be healthier in your mind, body and spirit. While I know you may struggle more during this season to get sessions in or make it to the gym, here is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout that you can do anywhere (garage, bedroom, outside, etc)!! It will get your heart rate pumping and help you to continue to torch calories long after you've finished! To make the most of your time, give it your absolute best for the 15-20 minutes it takes and then feel great about the workout you got in among all of the tasks you have for the day! It can be easily printed out and taken with you wherever you go! 


This HIIT workout, along with other full-body workouts can be found in the 14 Day Recharge eBook! TransFit was so excited to release our first ever eBook on Black Friday and you can get it TODAY still at a discounted price! Today is the day to begin really recharging your fitness- especially right before Christmas! If you start today you will be finished just in time to be feeling your best mind , body and spirit as you go into the holiday week! You can purchase the eBook for the discounted price here.


Friends, let's make the most of this wonderful season. Take in all the smells, lights and the wonderful feeling that lingers in the air this time of year. Take the time to cherish your family and friends more than ever before, and make the most of every day. Choose to pray more, give more and love more in the coming month perhaps than you have all year- always remembering the true meaning of this season! Happy December sweet friends!!  

