
🍴How to Stay On Track During Thanksgiving Festivities🍴

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Happy Black Friday! 

We hope each of you had a great Thanksgiving day and were able to spend time with friends and family! We each have so much to be thankful for!  

Today, we are excited to offer YOU a TransFit Black Friday DEAL! We are offering 20% off ANY package, session, or item on our website & the TransFit app. This means that you can purchase ANY item, whether it is personal training, transformer sessions, or a nutrition consultation, for 20% off! You can purchase these packages on our TransFit app or our website and use the code BLACKFRIDAY to receive the discount! Each package will have an expiration of 3 months!

You can also use our BLACK FRIDAY deal on our merchandise on ETSY! Click HERE to go to our Etsy store! 

Enjoy this time with family, but remember to continue to exercise and focus on nutrition. Continue to make everyday count so you can be the biggest loser for Holiday Extravaganza! Check out our appwebsite, and YouTube channel for recipes and workouts! We can't wait to see you in the studio next week! 


Team TransFit 

Thanksgiving Day Inspiration! 🙏🏼

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Sweet friends, 

We are so grateful for you! This week has already been full of family and friends and it has been on our mind how thankful we are for our amazing clients, friends, and family. As Thursday approaches, let's stay focused on everything we are thankful for- especially the opportunity we have to live our healthiest life. Let's remember we can stay on track, even in the holiday season! Our Challenge this week for Holiday Extravaganza is to do cardio for 30 minutes each day! You can do it! 

During Thanksgiving, the main idea is to remember PORTION CONTROL. You do not have to avoid dessert completely, but focus on being mindful with your portionsModeration is the key! Maybe decide ahead of time which treat you want to have, and then decide which you could give up. For example- maybe skip the rolls and mashed potatoes, instead choose a sweet potato with honey and turkey, vegetables, and cranberry sauce, and then have a smaller piece or just a few bites of pumpkin pie. Toast some pecans for a healthier treat! Below are 3 Thanksgiving Tips to help you have a healthier and happier Thanksgiving Holiday! 

3 Holiday Tips:

  1. Make a list of why you started your fitness journey  and read it before going to your party or meal over the holidays! Keep your goals you set at the beginning of the month in mind! 
  2. It is okay to say "NO" to all the food pushers. You don't have to try everyone's famous recipe or try each of the foods that are sitting out. Check our healthy Thanksgiving recipes from our blog HERE
  3. Exercise over the holidays: Be ready to be flexible, your usually workout time may not work, so try to fit it somewhere else in your schedule. Join us at the Give Thanks 8K Thursday morning! 
Picture from Fire and Flavor

Picture from Fire and Flavor

Take an afternoon walk before or after your meal, admiring the beauty outside and spending some time to be thankful for all He has blessed you with. Enjoy celebrating your health and spending time with those you love, and have an incredible start to this wonderful holiday season. Our Transfit Staff is grateful for you! 

Make sure to check back Friday morning for our Black Friday DEAL! 


Team TransFit

Are you ALL IN this Holiday Season?!


Happy Sunday, friends! 

Hope you are finding some rest and recovery and time to recharge today. Last week, the TransFit studio was buzzing with excitement and we loved seeing your hard work and dedication to your health! We had the privilege of recently hearing from our new TransFit Registered Dietitian, Kaeti Shurling at our Lunch and Learn. We wanted to share these two key takeaways with you to help you be ALL IN this Holiday Season-

  1. Drink 80 oz of water daily and add frozen fruit to make it more flavorful! 
  2. Try to eat at least 2-3 servings of fish a week!                                                                        - Fish is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that have a number of health benefits.   Eating a diet with omega -3 fatty acids can reduce memory loss, lower the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation, and can lower blood pressure! 

These are two tips that you can add to your weekly meal plan today, so that you can live transformed mind, body, and spirit. Kaeti has shared this incredible Grain Bowl recipe with us. Set aside time today to meal prep (download a FREE MEAL PLAN HERE) and plan out your workouts for the week will help you stay focused on your goals and help you stay committed to being ALL IN this Holiday Season! Holiday Extravaganza weigh-in's start this week so bring your $20 and join the transforming holiday challenge! 

Perfect Portions: Grain Bowl 

(500 kcal/portion)

Ingredients (4 Portions):

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  • 1.5 Onion
  • 10 oz Frozen shelled Edamame, thawed
  • 1.25 c Uncooked Quinoa
  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 tsp Minced Garlic
  • 2 Zucchini, diced
  • 2 cup Chicken Stock
  • 2 oz, Walnuts
  • 4 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • Pepper to Taste


1. In a medium pot, cook quinoa according to quinoa package instructions, using chicken stock instead of water.  

2. Finely dice onion. Zest, then halve lemon.

3. On a baking sheet, toss shelled edamame, diced zucchini, and a drizzle of olive oil. Season generously with pepper. Roast in oven until nicely browned, 15-20 minutes, tossing halfway through.

4. Saute onion and garlic until fragrant and onion is soft and translucent. 

We can tell that you are ready for Holiday Extravaganza! If you missed our last blog, check it out HERE. But, get's time for HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA! Grab your $20 and come join us! Weigh ins start TOMORROW! We hope that you are ready to compete for a chance to win the BIG prize! If you, someone in your family, or a friend own a business and would like to join us in the Holiday Extravaganza giveaway baskets and gifts, please email us at We would love any and all donations for prizes weekly and for the top 10 biggest losers!

We are so thankful for each of you! Let's get ready for an amazing Holiday Extravaganza! If you have any questions, please email us at Don't forget to use our app for inspiration, workouts, and recipes! Also shop all our inspirational products on our new TransFit Fashion Etsy Shop! Excited to see you in the studio this week!


Team TransFit

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Are you ready for the most TRANSFORMING Holiday Challenge?

Sweet friend, 

Are you READY to TRANFORM?  Don't let these holidays months fly by and your back to square one in January friends!  Thank you for participating in our October calendar challenge --we are SO proud of each of you! We are so excited to announce our winner, Ellen Sabatini! Ellen exercised everyday in October and had the goal of positive thoughts daily! Ellen and her whole family are the true TRANSFORMERS! Ellen is inspiring our community and teaching children about whole body health. Together, she and the Barrow Buddies at Barrow Elementary School are the winners in the race of life! Thank you, Ellen, for giving your best one day at a time and renewing your body, mind, and spirit- living transformed! 

BUT... now that October has come and gone it's time for everyone to compete for a chance in the BIG Holiday competition and win BIG!

You guessed it... it's time for HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA! 

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Time for the Holiday Extravaganza, the best holiday challenge to keep you accountable to your goals over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years!  If you would like to participate this year, please e-mail us,, to find a time for you to come weigh in or weigh in before or after a session! Feel free to invite friends & family to play as well. The pot will be huge this year, but hopefully everyone will take their money back! 


Starts the week of November 13th - Finish week of January 8th

Here's how it works: Challenge begins the week of November 13th. In order to play, any person who wants to play puts $20 in the bucket. You will weigh in (cinfdentially) and do your best over the holidays to eat right, exercise, drink water, and do our weekly challenges. On the week of January 8th we will weigh in again. 

If your weight stays the same- you get your $20 BACK! If you gain weight, your money stays in the bucket and you contribute to the biggest looser prize! 

If you are the biggest loser (we use % of weight lost) you get to keep all the money in the bucket! Our top five winners will also receive a special gift basket! The Holiday Extravaganzas is the best way to keep you accountable over the holiday season! Let's do it! 

Last year our 1st place winner won $950 cash!!


If you have any questions, please email us at We can't wait to enter into one of our favorite times of the year! Let's hold each other accountable and make this the best holiday season for our body, mind, and spirit. We believe in YOU! We hope you will join us! 


Team TransFit

AND Biblical Meditation the first Tuesday of every month from 12-1 PM! 

AND Biblical Meditation the first Tuesday of every month from 12-1 PM! 

November is HERE! How can you kickstart your nutrition this month?

Happy November sweet friends!

All of a sudden, November is here and the holidays are right around the corner! Often it seems we associate the holidays with being surrounded by unhealthy foods and lack of exercise; however, November is the best time of year to focus on nutrition and cardiovascular exercise! In light of Thanksgiving we want to focus on being thankful for our bodies by respecting and taking care of them. You can do this viewing exercise as worship and proper nutrition as a way to be thankful for the healthy body you have! Practicing these healthy habits diligently and staying accountable to your goals through the holiday season will help you honor your body! 

Friends, let’s light a fire down deep and have a passion to become more motivated than we have all year in time for this holiday season.  You can stick to your plan and reach your goals through the holidays! At TransFit we believe in you and we are excited to help you be the best YOU!  

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We would love for you to come join us Friday at 12:30 PM for our Lunch and Learn. We will discuss the importance nutrition, tips for the holiday season, and how to feel your best for to finish 2017 strong . You will have the opportunity to hear from our new registered dietitian, Kaeti Shurling, and eat and fellowship together.  Please sign up on our app under SPECIAL EVENTS! If you have any questions, please email us at


We wanted to share one of our new fall recipes with you, today! Enjoy! 

Chopped Kale Salad with Butternut Squash & Chickpeas



For the Salad

  • 1 large bunch of kale 
  • 4 cups of any other green lettuce (chopped spinach, broccoli slaw, more kale)
  • 2-3 cups large diced butternut squash
  • 1 15 ounce can chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained and rinsed
  • 1 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • Kosher salt
  • ½ cup toasted pecan
  • OPTIONAL: Chopped chicken or other protein, pomagranate

For the Dressing

  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt


  1. Prep kale by cutting out the tough ribs of the kale and discard. Chop kale and add to a large bowl.  
  2. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Add the diced butternut squash and rinsed chickpeas to a baking sheet lined with foil. Drizzle with the extra virgin olive oil, curry powder and cayenne. Mix until the squash and chickpeas are well coated. Sprinkle with kosher salt and bake for 20-25 minutes or until squash is tender and chickpeas are lightly browned.
  3. Meanwhile add the dressing ingredients to a small mason jar. Shake to mix and taste for more seasoning or vinegar if desired.
  4. Transfer the butternut squash and chickpeas to the bowl of kale. Add the pecans and drizzle with the tahini dressing. Toss to coat. Allow to rest for 10 to 30 minutes before serving so kale softens. Add chicken or other protein! Enjoy!

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We want to spend November focused on being grateful for the body we have and that we have the abilities to treat our bodies well. Let’s choose to make choices today and every day to treat our bodies with love and respect. 

We are excited to reach new goals with you this month and watch you achieve new things and begin living an even healthier lifestyle! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit 


Nourish Your Body In November

Happy November sweet friends! 

Way to finish October strong! Loved hearing how so many of you exercised daily in October and had such success with your goals! Excited to share our TransFit theme for November: "NOURISH your body in November".  The November theme will walk us through this month as we focus on nourishing our bodies, minds, and spirits. 

Today, we realize this time of year is very FULL for all of us. With the holidays quickly approaching and the semester coming to an end, we have a never ending to-do list that seems to get longer and longer with every passing day. Let's focus this month on:

  • Being ready to make the most of every moment! 
  • Getting ready for the holiday season ahead! 
  • Getting motivated to reach new goals and live healthier this month! 

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We are so proud of each of you that participated in our October challenge! Continue to do some type of movement daily! Our October challenge winner is Ellen Sabitini

Ellen started at TransFit in May 2016 and has made many life changes with nutrition and exercise. She has lost many inches, pounds, and body fat over the past few months and has transformed not only her body but her mind and spirit as well! Ellen exercised everyday in October!! Way to go Ellen! We are so proud of you!  You will be inspired by Ellen and her transformation story!  

"I started my first appointment with Transfit on May 26. I had tried different exercise and nutrition plans with a little success but could never maintain it for long. Many of my friends and colleagues were “TransFit success stories”, and while it crossed my mind many times, I had many excuses why Transfit  wouldn’t work for me: I was too out of shape, it wouldn’t work for my busy schedule, etc. Eventually, I hit a point where I needed to do something different! I was not feeling good about myself or my health. I felt I needed to try something more individualized, with someone who could motivate me and hold me accountable. I was so impressed with others who worked out at Transfit that I decided to give it a try, kind of as a last straw! I feel fortunate to work in a place where I am surrounded by strong and beautiful woman who inspire me to be my best everyday!

I started small group personal training sessions this past summer, which was a great way for me to start and get more personalized attention and instruction on how to best do the exercises. Once the school year started, I began attending Transformers classes 3 days a week. At home, I walk everyday and I’ve recently started adding some running intervals to my walks.  

My favorite thing about exercising is learning to do new exercises that I couldn’t previously do (like all the various plank exercises and the jungle gym!) and feeling stronger! I also love exercising outside and being active with my family. My husband, son, and dog accompany me on my walks/runs and motivate me too! A challenge for me is trying new things-I tend to stick to a routine. That’s another reason I like Transfit so much-every session is different and keeps me challenged!

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My current goals are to eat more salads, find good fruit and vegetables in the winter, continue to exercise and follow my nutrition plan through the holidays and the winter season.

Living a healthy lifestyle has definitely made me feel more confident in all areas of my life. I feel like I am a more positive person and more encouraging of others. I have more energy to do all the things in life I want to do!

Strategies that have been most helpful to me:

  •    Meal planning and prep every week
  • Bringing my snacks and lunches to work everyday and cooking at home
  • Food journaling-I’ve food journaled 158 days in a row!
  • Signing up for classes in advance each week
  • Not using food as a reward or celebration or as a stress buster!

I have a lot of favorite foods, that’s one of the problems! My recent most favorite recipes:

 Roasted Vegetables

  • 1 lg Vidalia or sweet onion
  • 1 lb carrots
  • 2 medium zucchini
  • 1 bag of cut butternut squash (such as Trader Joe’s)
  • 2 cups of cherry tomatoes, cut in half
  • 3 T olive oil
  • ¼ cup goat cheese crumbled (optional)
  • Egg, fried (optional)
  • Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Cut all veggies into bite-sized (1”) chunks or wedges.  Add onions and carrots to a large roasting pan or casserole. Add 1-2 T of olive oil, salt and pepper and toss. Roast for 25 minutes, stirring once. Add zucchini and butternut squash. Add 1 T olive oil and toss. Roast for another 15 minutes. Add tomatoes and roast for 10 more minutes.

To serve as a main dish: top each serving of roasted vegetables with a 1 tsp of goat cheese and a fried egg. Can also serve on ½ cup cooked quinoa. Leftovers also work great as a savory breakfast or easy lunch.


Tofu Tacos (adapted from Mark Bittman)

I know many people do not love tofu, but this is a great way to make it if you want to give it a try!

  • 8 6” soft corn tortillas
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 1 small red onion, chopped
  • 1 small red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 T chopped garlic
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1-1 ½ lb of firm tofu
  • 1 T taco seasoning (salt-free if possible)
  • Juice from 1-2 limes
  • ¼ cup fresh cilantro
  • ¼ cup chopped scallions
  • 1-2 avocados, sliced

Heat olive oil in a skillet. Cook onion, red pepper, and garlic 3-5 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Crumble tofu in pan (with your hands) and cook, stirring/scraping pan until tofu browns, about 20 minutes. Add taco seasoning and ½ of lime juice.

Cook corn tortillas in a 350 degree oven until warm and slightly crisp (about 6 minutes).

To make tacos: On each corn tortilla, add 2 T tofu mixture, cilantro, scallions, lime juice, and sliced avocado."

Clients, Jen Leahy and Ellen Sabitini 

Clients, Jen Leahy and Ellen Sabitini 

Here is the workout schedule at TransFit looks for November! Please come join us if you are here in Athens! If you are not in Athens OR you've had to cancel/reschedule your class, never fear! We have an awesome section to the website called Transform. Here you can find workouts along with videos that you can do right from home! Some without any equipment at all so you can still get in a great workout no matter where you are or how busy life gets! Additionally, you can check our TransFit Athens App for workouts, recipes, and inspiration! 

We are praying for you friends, and so excited to see what this month holds! Let us start November off stronger than ever, ready to finish out this YEAR the healthiest and strongest we have ever been- mind, body, and spirit. Let us offer up our bodies gratefully, choosing to honor God with our bodies!  Remembering that exercise is worship!  


Team TransFit