
🎉 How Can You Celebrate Every Day?


Sweet friends,

Today is the big day— TransFit’s 3rd birthday!

We celebrate every client and friend who has been a part of TransFit because we are stronger together! We have so many fun things going on in the studio today and throughout the rest of the week!

Today we want you to think about celebration and how can you celebrate every day!

My joy comes from the lord, not from the ease of my day. My identity is found in Him, not in what I do or say. My past will not define me, I have been forgiven, washed, set free. My future secure, by grace this is me.

Let’s celebrate!


We have loved seeing you dress up with us this week! Don’t forget to wear glitter tomorrow and your crazy socks or leggings Friday!


Today is our BIG giveaway! We are giving away one month of FREE TransFit classes!

Make sure you are following our Instagram and Facebook today. We will post this giveaway on our page! Turn on post notifications for us to make sure you don’t miss it!

We still have our 20% off all merchandise sale going on! Make sure to get your favorite shirt, necklace, or bracelet before this sale ends! You can use the code “celebrate” on Etsy or buy your merchandise in the studio.


As we celebrate today, don’t forget we have 2 FREE ebooks you can download!

You do not have to enter any payment information to download these! The link will take you to a page where you click “add to cart.” Simply enter your email address, click continue to skip the payment section, then click purchase! You will be emailed a link to download your ebook!


Celebrate today by making this Celebration Superfood Salad! Try it and let us know what you think— we love when you tag us in your posts and stories on social media!


Celebrate Super Food Salad


  • 4 - 5 ounces spinach or arugula

  • 2 cups strawberries

  • Slivered almonds

  • 2 ounces goat cheese

  • 1/4 sliced avocado

  • 1 tbsp hemp hearts


  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

  • 1 tsp maple syrup


  • Combine all the ingredients for the salad in a large bowl.

  • Combine dressing ingredients, shake, then drizzle on top.

  • Enjoy! Top with grilled chicken or salmon for more protein.

Remember you can always find recipes, workouts, and inspiration on our FREE app!


We are so grateful for each and every one of you! You have inspired us so much over the past 3 years. We love living transformed with you!

Sign up for classes on our FREE app now so you can be in the studio for the rest of our fun birthday celebrations this week!

We are here to serve you! If you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one session, please email us at 


Team TransFit

🙏 Are You Ready to Commit?

Sweet friends,

Change will not come without challenge. Transformation is a process that happens over time that takes commitment and action. We believe in you and are ready to walk with you along this journey!

With our Bible Study starting this Thursday, we want to encourage you to commit to living transformed and accomplishing your specific goals for this year! Our Director of Spiritual Development and Outreach, Pam Adams, will be leading us on a 6 week study through the book of Esther. We are excited about the new bible study and would love for you to join us in the next step in your transformation process! Nothing happens in isolation: body, mind, and spirit are all inter-connected!

You can still sign up for the Bible Study on our free TransFit app HERE!

It will be held on Thursdays from 12-1 pm at the TransFit studio and is open to all women in the community!


A word from our Director of Spiritual Outreach, Pam Adams:

“Friends, we are so excited about starting our Bible Study Esther: The Courage To Commit. My prayer is we will be encouraged and strengthened in our faith as we learn, trust, and apply the truths of God from this dramatic historical narrative.

In The Book of Esther, all the covenant promises to Abraham and David looked to be in jeopardy, but as we will see God is in control of every person and event and His promises will stand. He is the architect ordering our lives. Romans 8:28 says “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” This is a reassuring promise for us when we are fearful, distressed, anxious, doubtful and find ourselves questioning life.”


“A few chapters later, Paul tells us in Romans 15:4 that “whatever was written in earlier times (meaning the Old Testament) was written for our instruction, that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” The Book of Esther instructs us to press on and be encouraged by the truths and promises of God’s Word, and in particular the truths that He is committed to us, His people, and is in every detail of our lives.

We’d love to have you join us in this Bible Study. Sign up on our app or email All women of the community are welcome!”

Love and Blessings,



Speaking of having the courage to commit, it’s not to late to fill out your goal sheet for 2019! We encourage you to find time this week to complete your goal sheet. Don’t forget to include your accountability partner! Remember we truly are stronger together! You can download and print the sheet HERE or ask us to give you one when you come into the studio.

You can find our Live Transformed Bible Study on Amazon HERE! It is a 6 week study to help you dive into the word and live transformed in body, mind, and spirit. We would also love for you to read Pam’s bio on our website HERE!

We are excited and ready to serve you this week! Be on the lookout for some exciting news as we celebrate our TransFit Birthday next week in the studio!

If you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one session, please email us at 


Team TransFit

🏆 Holiday Extravaganza Winners!

Sweet friends,

After an incredible and blessed holiday season, the 2018 Holiday Extravaganza has finally come to an end! Hearing your stories and sharing your excitement with you has been so inspirational. Way to stay strong throughout the holidays and live transformed!

Congratulations to everyone who entered the challenge! We are so proud of you for staying accountable. We are so excited to announce this year’s holiday extravaganza winners! Here are the final results:

  1. Paige Colquitt

  2. Catherine Warner

  3. Krista McLean

  4. Katie Dillard

  5. Allison Abernathy

  6. Fran Hann

  7. Lisa Shirreffs

  8. Eliz Johnson

  9. Kathy Cousart

  10. Pam Matthews

Check out our first place spotlight below for inspiration to help you stay motivated to live transformed in body, mind and spirit. We are so blessed by Paige’s words and motivated by her transformation. Our prayer is that this ignites a spark in you to live transformed and accomplish your goals in 2019!


First Place Winner - Paige Colquitt

“I love competition… not so much competing against others, but competing against myself. I love trying to beat my own score or trying to do better with my goals from one week to the next. So when Caroline mentioned the Holiday Extravaganza, I was all in! I knew losing some pounds would be great, but I was actually more concerned with just feeling better. Some days I ate pretty well, but on the days I didn’t, I felt downright yucky. I felt bloated, was experiencing some digestive issues, and felt some joint pain. I knew certain foods I was putting in my body were causing this. Cleaning up my act with food choices became my priority during the holidays. I knew if I could improve my nutrition during the hardest eating time of the year, I could set myself up for success when 2019 rolled around. 

     My name is Paige Colquitt and I’m a retired kindergarten teacher. I love to read, hike, bike, paddle board, garden, volunteer, and I especially love to cook. With the cooking, I’ve tended in the past to focus on creating lots of ‘southern dishes,’ because those are the recipes I grew up eating. I knew I needed to change that. Since coming to TransFit over a year and a half ago, I do feel as if I have gotten better with creating and eating healthier meals and snacks. Being consistent, however, has been an obstacle. I would eat salads during the week, but I would scarf down pizza or fried pork chops on the weekend. Or I would do great with my water intake for four days straight, then hardly pick up the water bottle the next four days. It’s like I had all the pieces of the puzzle (knowing what I needed to do) but the pieces weren’t fitting together to complete the entire puzzle. 

    This past fall during our Bible Study, Pam Adams recommended a book to me entitled Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. The premise of the book is to crave God, not food, and therefore, allow God to have control over this area of your life. After reading the book (I highly recommend it!), I realized that is what I needed to do because it certainly wasn’t working with me being in charge. Reading this book has changed my perspective on food. Now before I eat something, I ask, “God, is this something you want me to put in my mouth?” I’m not perfect by any means, but putting God above food has been a huge paradigm shift for me.”


“Caroline mentions a word often that I’ve actually adopted as my word for 2019 … INTENTIONALITY. I’ve intentionally started looking on Pinterest for clean-eating recipes. I’ve intentionally planned my meals ahead for the week by writing them down, making sure my fridge is stocked with the ingredients, and making it a point to stick to my meal plans each day, unless some emergency of some sort comes up. My breakfasts have consisted of smoothies (cinnamon almond is my favorite), Greek yogurt with berries and walnuts, and egg muffins. Salads with lots of fresh veggies and a protein are a must now for lunch. And dinner is usually a slice of lean meat with lots of vegetables (broccoli and brussels sprouts are my favorites). I’ve loved trying out new recipes on Pinterest like Italian Beef Soup or One Pan Turkey Meatballs with veggies. Sweet potatoes have become one of my favorites now … for breakfast, in my salad, or as a snack! I’ve limited my simple carbs to just fruits and even introduced ghee and almond butter into my diet. Saying goodbye to peanut butter has been hard! I intentionally make it a point to carry my water bottle with me everywhere now, getting in at least 80 ounces of water each day. My body feels so much better now, and I’m sleeping more soundly too!

        My husband and I visited New Orleans during the holidays so I knew that would be the true test of my eating. You can’t think of New Orleans without thinking of all that good food! I just gave it to God and took it one day at a time. I brought my own snacks (Lara Bars and almonds) and enjoyed the food, just making sure I ate small portions. I think all the walking in the city helped too! Again, just trying to be intentional with my choices helped a lot.

    Something else that was very beneficial was the weight check-in with Caroline each Monday morning after class. She was (and is) such a great encourager whether I met my goal each week or not. She continued to remind me that it’s not just about the weight, it’s about seeing myself the way God sees me. She also reminded me that transformation is a process that occurs over time. That has stuck with me a lot because it is so true. It does not happen overnight. 

     I love the Transformer classes! I’m an early bird so I normally attend the 5:30 a.m. class. It gets my day off to a fantastic start. On the other days, I get in my cardio swimming laps at Ramsey. Swimming is such a wonderful all-over workout! Caroline’s exercises in the back of her Bible Study book are awesome too. Those came in handy when I was in New Orleans. 

     It has not been a perfect last couple of weeks but I have tried to put more consistency and intentionality in what I do when it comes to food. Allowing God to be in the driver’s seat has been a game changer as well. I look forward to continuing this journey of good health, exercise, and nutrition! And I’m so thankful for TransFit and the change it has instilled in my life!” -Paige

WOW, Paige! We are so inspired by your journey! Living transformed is an ongoing process and Paige shows us exactly how capable we all are of meeting our goals this year one day at a time!

For more inspiration, check out our YouTube channel and app for free recipes and workouts!


Another Winner - Krista McLean

“The Holiday Extravaganza came at just the right time! I felt yucky and my clothes were just not fitting the way they should anymore! So, I decided to enter the challenge and really go for it! First step was to cut out the Dr. Pepper! Once I did that the rest of the sugar was easy to avoid.  I cut out almost all sugar, pasta, bread (except for the occasional splurge) and began training for a half marathon. All of that, especially the changes in my diet are what worked for me!  I feel so much better and my pants fit again!” -Krista


While we take in these words of encouragement and inspiration, remember it’s not too late to purchase our January Jump Start packages! We would love to have you join us in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle this year. This can be purchased on our FREE APP or on the website by clicking the button below!


We encourage you to fill out our 2019 goals sheet to help you stay accountable this year! Fill this sheet out and hang it somewhere as a daily reminder that you can do it! You can download and print the sheet HERE or ask us to give you one when you come into the studio!


Don’t forget about our awesome events going on in January!

Bible Study starts Thursday January 24th! It will be on held on Thursdays from 12 - 1 pm. The cost of the book is $20 and you can sign up on our app!

Middle School Girls Sessions will begin this Wednesday, January 16th from 4:15 - 5:15 pm! These sessions are for 4th - 7th grade girls. You can sign your girls up for sessions on our app!

Keep praying over your dreams and goals for 2019 and remember we are here to serve you! If you have any questions or want to schedule a on-on-one counseling session, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Confession of a Perfectionist Trying to Let Go…

Sweet Friends,

Does anyone else start to feel the pressure as we head into the holiday season? Why do I do this to myself every year?  Do you feel the pressure to have the perfectly decorated house, the most delicious Thanksgiving meal, and of course, the perfect party dress? Anybody else reading my mail? 

As we enter into the holiday season this year, I crave for things to be different. I am passionate about the saying “I AM ENOUGH.” I want to believe this statement and trust Him in the process.

Sweet sisters, today let’s all replace these lies we perfectionist’s face with what is true. Let’s say these words loud and clear together:

“I am cherished”

“I am beloved”

“I am good enough”

Because of what our incredible Christ has already done for us; yes, YOU are adored by a faithful God.  What amazing news that is and what a relief when we can actually believe in our hearts what is true about who we really are!

That is why my life mission at this stage in life is to inspire women to transform not only their physical bodies, but their entire lives. Our goal is to help women overcome the lies that we all battle everyday of “the perfect life” and to embrace the gifts they have been given to be able to walk in confidence in who they were meant to be

Our annual contest Holiday Extravaganza helps us to maintain our weight over the holidays. Why do we do it?  Because we are called to give our best with what we have been given or should I say gifted. We are called to glorify Him and love others well. We can do this when our physical bodies are at their best. 

You are right, physical transformation is the before and after photos of women losing 50 pounds. We know that good nutrition and proper exercise can lead to weight loss; however, losing weight is not what life is all about. Losing weight or getting to a “number” on the scale doesn’t lead to true happiness. It’s a fleeting jolt of bliss but will never lead to real joy. 

Real transformation has little to do with our body shape and has everything to do with the truths we are putting deep in our hearts and minds.  When His word permeates through our veins daily we can have a genuine life change, and enjoy the process of transformation daily. It’s this transformative journey where we experience deep relationship and the true joy with our God and our community. 

How the truths seep into your veins is not by some physical activity that you do, or by some kind act you performed. The process of transformation is something He does in you over time. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”  He grants us grace when He formed us specifically in the palm of His mighty hand. He is the one who will transform you from the inside out. He can replace the lies that we have to be perfect with the truth that we are cherished and adored. Enough.

I started this business 8 years ago because my mind was leading me in all the wrong directions, and I was in a pit of depression and despair. I had fallen prey to the “not perfect life” so it’s “not worth it life.” However, what was “perfect" in the world was not real. God transformed my life by instilling real truths about my body, my “perfect life”, and what really should be filling my soul.  

He still is transforming me daily, and can transform you. WHY?  Because He loves us and He choose us.  He does this not because we are “a number on a scale” or because we have done all the right things. He made us enough just the way are— today. Right now, this hour, this minute. So remind yourself of that truth. YOU ARE ENOUGH. A scale or a pair of jeans doesn’t need to control you and ruin your day.  You were put on this earth to love, not feel guilt or to beat yourself up over a size or number. Jesus reminds us over and over in His word to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” 

Why is it hard for us to accept this and live this out? And how do we do this, really? 

We start by seeking self-respect, security, and significance in Christ. We start to know Him, spend time with Him, and love Him to be able to truly love ourselves. 

So stop right now telling yourself: “I’m too fat, I’m too old, I’m too tired, or I’m too flawed”

Silence that inner critic who says you can’t, you won’t or you aren’t…because YES you are imperfect; we all are, but YOU ARE ENOUGH. Because of Him, you are worthy, you are loved, you are strong enough to get through whatever comes in your life journey.

So my challenge to you is this: start treating yourself with love, self-respect, and significance.  

You were fearfully and wonderfully made and specifically designed for an amazing life purpose. You are loved and you are enough.

Today is the day to take action on your goals, your life, your health, and your body. Treat the temple you have been given with utmost care and respect. Love and honor yourself by taking care of yourself. Remind yourself daily, no, hourly who you really are:

You are enough, and you are adored by a mighty and powerful King.

How can we help you, care for you, pray for you? Our staff wants to know you, connect with you and encourage you. Please reach out to us at We would love to schedule one-on-one time for coffee, or a walk or healthy lunch!

Love and Blessings,


Meet our #ChooseJoy Client Spotlight!

Sweet friends,

Thank you, thank you! We have loved seeing you be ALL IN for our theme Optimism in October! We have challenged you to be active and to STRETCH every day! We are so proud of you, and we want to encourage you to achieve your goals!

Our #ChooseJoy October Client Spotlight is an INCREDIBLE example to all of us of how exercise can change your mindset and truly transform your body and spirit! Sarah Kate Jones brings such positivity, light, and love into this community, and it is contagious. You can’t help but feel uplifted up when you spend time with her. She will always be honest with you, saying every day is not a cake-walk. Goals of finding her confidence in Christ not in the size of her clothes or in other opinions is a daily struggle. Many days are difficult to make exercise and nutrition a priority but she is consistent and committed with her daily exercise and has really worked to eliminate sugar in her daily nutrition plan. This amazing college women exudes confidence now and is living transformed one hour, one day at time. Progress daily leads to big results over time!

We are so proud of her, and we hope you get to give her a big hug next time you see her bright, sweet face!


Sarah Kate’s Transformation Story:

“Growing up, I played competitive soccer which entailed a strict work out regime of practice and games five to six days a week. I was accustomed to eating healthy, homemade meals thanks to my mom, and exercising was second nature. When I got to college, it seemed all I knew flew out the door, and the “Freshman 15” I was so scared of became a reality for me. I grew increasingly discouraged, comparing myself to other girls constantly. I didn’t know how to get back to where I once was. About a year ago, I was sitting with my mom crying over how out-of-shape I had become. She introduced TransFit to me, which was just the jumpstart I needed.


After the first month of classes, I noticed I was both physically and emotionally healthier. I began making better food choices, as well as actually desiring to exercise. All of Freshman year, I had to drag myself to the gym just to get on the treadmill, and now I was excited. Each time I would leave TransFit, I felt stronger and encouraged. The confidence in myself increased, and I remember looking in the mirror being proud of how far I had come.

Exercise truly makes me feel alive. Not only does it keep my body in shape, but it promotes positive self-esteem. The most challenging aspect to it is definitely the initial start. If I miss a few days, it’s much harder to get myself to work out or make the right food choices. Typically, I work out four days a week, which consists of going to TransFit twice and running on my off days. I have been going to TransFit for the last year, and I think what I am most proud of is how I am content with who I am. It used to be about the number on the scale, but now I know it’s not that. It’s about being active, making good food choices, and trying your best. I try not to get caught up in the “I hate my fill-in-the-blank” or the negativity with comparison. TransFit has changed the way I speak to myself and think about myself.


Goals I am currently working on is consistency in making healthy choices in the kitchen. Living a healthy lifestyle affects my spiritual life, my day-to-day plans, my thought life—everything. When I work out, I feel rejuvenated. I am more apt to make better food choices, I have more energy throughout the day, and I think about myself more positively. TransFit truly got me out of the self-negativity rut, and I am so thankful.

It is a joy to get to be in the presence of encouraging women as our goals are not just to lose weight, but to feel better about ourselves. Finding our confidence in Christ.”


Below is one of Sarah Kate’s favorite post-workout foods, a Strawberry Shortcake Smoothie. She says it replenishes her energy and tastes delicious! Try it at home after one of your workouts this week! 


Strawberry Shortcake Smoothie


  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

  • ½ frozen banana

  • 1 cup frozen strawberries

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt or 1 serving vanilla protein powder

  • 1 tbsp ground flax-seed

  • 1/2 cup crushed ice

  • Honey or other sweetener, to taste (optional)

  • 1 tsp maple syrup or stevia drops (optional)


  • Add ingredients into the blender in the order they are listed.

  • Pulse until smooth. Serve and drink immediately.

  • Top with fresh strawberries, unsweetened coconut flake, and a few vanilla wafers

  • Add vanilla protein powder for an extra boost of protein to keep you feeling full for longer or to use as a post-exercise drink.

Choose Joy Challenge

Today is also Day 1 of our #ChooseJoyChallenge! We are going to finish Optimism in October strong by challenging you to choose joy every day this week! Today’s challenge is to write down or say out loud your Joy Statement of the Day!

Examples of Joy Statements:

“I will take action to reach my goal.”

“I am strong. I am healthy.”

“My metabolism works effectively.”

“I have boundless energy.”

What is your joy statement today? Share it with us on social media and hashtag #ChooseJoyChallenge!

Strong in September Flyer.jpg

We want to encourage you this week! If you would like to set up a one-on-one with one of our trainers or nutritionists, please email us at


Team TransFit

❗️Is Rest As Important As Exercise & Nutrition? ❗️

Sweet friends,

Seriously, do you ever ask yourself “Is rest really as important for transformation as exercise & nutrition?” Many of us make time for exercise and work on meal planning but neglect proper rest.

In our Lived Transformed Bible Study a few weeks ago, we explored the truth that we are to honor God with our bodies by getting proper rest and sleep. We often talk of caring for our bodies with proper nutrition and exercise, but true rest is a pillar of health we know we need, but don't prioritize. The importance of quality rest and sleep cannot be overemphasized. They are vital to the rhythms of our lives, gifts from God which serve specific physical and spiritual purposes. 


Physically, we must have proper rest and sleep in order to function at our best, but the latest research says lack of sleep has become a public health epidemic. As we sat around the circle at Bible Study, this topic was the one most of us had marked and highlighted as being a personal struggle.

We know we are not getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep, and we are concerned because the evidence shows that sleep deprivation is serious. It’s been linked to obesity, negative effects on hormones, skin aging, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, immune system issues, muscle atrophy, type-2 diabetes, etc. We also know how we feel when we don’t get proper rest and sleep, causing us to be irritable and short-tempered with others.

Something we can do to improve our health is set rest and sleep goals, just like we do for nutrition and exercise. The following are some suggestions:

 For Sleep:

  • Sleep journal (to really be aware of our habits)

  • No TV, no phones, or screen time a minimum of 30 minutes before bedtime

  • Follow a consistent bedtime routine 

  • Relax in an epsom salt bath

  • Use lavender essential oils

  • Take a Melatonin and/or Magnesium supplement 

  • Enjoy a cup of warm Chamomile Tea

  • Use a sound machine with white noise or calming sounds to induce sleep

  • Keep the bedroom dark and temperature cool 

  • Exercise (not the 3 hours before bedtime)

  • Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows 

  • PRAY for good rest and sleep and memorize and meditate on scriptures like Psalm 3:3-5, Psalm 46:10, Proverbs 3:24 

For Daily Rest:

  • Practice deep breathing

  • Allow margin in your schedule

  • Take mini vacations/stay-cations doing something you really enjoy

  • Invest in a devotional and have a “quiet time” with the Lord daily

  • Take a leisurely walk 

  • Lay on your back with your feet up on the wall

  • Get together with friends that are life-giving

  • Splurge occasionally on a massage

  • Unplug from social media for a day, weekend, week or month


Leg Up the Wall Pose

Legs Up the Wall Pose is a restorative yoga posture that allows the mind and the body to relax, relieving stress and tension. The benefits of this passive posture are transforming.

Getting into the pose

Start by setting up a clean space around a wall. Next, move your hips as close to the wall as possible, then walk your feet up the wall until your body is in a somewhat L-shaped position. Make any adjustments to facilitate a more relaxing space-- maybe place a pillow under your head, or let your arms rest on your belly or out to the sides. At this point, focus on your breath-- try elongating your breath, taking a deep, slow inhale through your nose- “calm” and a deep, slow exhale through your nose to “let go”.

Try not to bring the body to a full 90 degree angle as this can impede circulation at the hips. Instead slide your hips a few inches from the wall and/or elevate your hips by placing a cushion under your sacrum.

Attempt to stay in the pose for at least 5 minutes for optimal benefits.

 Benefits of Legs Up the Wall Pose


The semi-supine aspect of the pose combined with controlled breathing leads to a slowing down within your body. This exhibits itself in a lowered heart rate which elicits a relaxation response and, in turn, helps lower anxiety, stress and insomnia.

Facilitates venous drainage and increases circulation

Elevating the legs promotes drainage from excess fluid build-up. In addition, gravity assists circulation by facilitating the return of blood back to the heart.

Soothes swollen or cramped feet and legs

Inverting the legs/feet has long been known as an effective treatment for reducing swelling and pain in the lower extremities. This can be therapeutic after flying, physical activity or from the detrimental effects of sitting/standing during the day.

Stretches the hamstrings and lower back

The angle of the body reduces the curve of the lumbar spine, which will elongate and stretch the back muscles. The closer your hips are to the wall, the more stretch you'll create in your hamstrings.

Relieves lower back tension

Pressure is released from the spine in a supine position (especially on a bed or cushion), relieving the back from mild strain.

Studies have shown that restorative yoga poses, specifically, Legs Up the Wall, can be beneficial for those suffering from the negative effects of Fibromyalgia, Varicose Veins, Cancer, Menopause Restless Leg Syndrome, Metabolic Syndrome.

 Spiritually, God has made our bodies to need rest and sleep. They are good gifts given in order that we would acknowledge and praise Him. He is the creator. We are His creation. We learn in Genesis that God rested after the six days of creation, not because He was tired (and He never sleeps), but because He was pleased with His creation.

We can honor God with our bodies when we take intentional time to rest, reflecting on our many blessings and having grateful hearts, acknowledging our dependence on Him. In the Old Testament, God instituted the Sabbath as a day when His people were to honor Him and do no work. But in the New Testament, the Sabbath is no longer a certain day, but a person-Jesus! If we've placed our faith in the finished work of Jesus, then He is our Sabbath rest now and for eternity! 

In our anxiety driven, broken world, we can lay our heads down on our pillows at night and have sweet sleep knowing we have peace with God. 

Thank you Pam for those helpful tips on how to rest our bodies and minds. Remember nothing happens separately. All pieces of the puzzle work together to keep on the journey to transformation. Please let us know how we can serve you.


Try one of our new stretch videos on our YouTube channel HERE, come to bible study, or a new TransFit session to worship with us!

Strong in September Flyer.jpg

If you have any questions or would like to meet with a trainer, please email us at We want to help you transform your mind body and spirit in the last quarter of 2018!


Team TransFit

Our Inspiration of COMMITMENT This August!

Sweet friend, 

It has been a wonderful month at the studio. School is back in full swing and you are ready to set new goals! We love seeing you all back with smiles ready to COMMIT this August! We have challenged each of you to get active for 30 minutes a day and drink at least 80 oz. of water! We believe in you and know you can do it. The winner of the challenge will be entered into a raffle for a MONTH of FREE sessions!

Today, we have the privilege of sharing an amazing client spotlight with you. Erika and Marren are our August client spotlights! These two ladies have been so dedicated and focused on making small changes daily which have led to amazing BIG results! Erika and Marren inspired our theme of COMMIT this month, as that is the word to define their transformation stories. We are so proud of this incredible mother daughter duo and are excited for you to read about their journey! 


Erika's Transformation Story: 

"I started at TransFit two years ago as I wanted to get physically stronger/healthier, wanted to be a positive example to my kids and wanted to get rid of the flappy “bat wings” on my arms. I knew Caroline from church and knew several people that had only positive things to say about working out with the TransFit team. While I had enjoyed serious hikes and backpacking in my twenties, and even became a pretend runner for a short while and ran a couple marathons (bonus – if you are one of the slowest runners, they let your husband ride his bike beside you to sing songs and scout out bathrooms!), my workout efforts for the past 20 years have been totally sporadic. I needed a way to view exercise differently and have been SO thankful for the TransFit approach of focusing not only on our bodies but our minds and spirits as well. Remembering to see this as a form of worship makes all the difference! And this is why I felt confident in having Marren get involved at TransFit – I knew it would be a safe and helpful place for a teenage girl to learn about long-term health and what that really means.

Last year, Marren joined me in the weekly yoga sessions at TransFit and it was great for us physically, but also a great bonding time. So much so that when we were planning a 6-week, 10K mile family road trip for this summer, Marren and I knew we wanted to focus on staying healthy with our eating and workouts. We talked about the best way to do this and we came up with bracelets to wear each day as reminders and Marren came up with the word “Commit” so we had them made and wore them each day – we still do. What a totally different road trip from the previous ones! Our normal “car foods” were changed – instead of chips, special cookies, and marshmallow trail mix, we had apples and bananas. We made an effort to hike more and work out at hotel fitness centers, and we did squats or some kind of exercise at every gas station stop.  Sometimes other travelers joined us! My big feat – I only had one bag of Cheetos during the entire trip. Total record for me!  But while on the trip, we also knew we wanted to start the Fall with stronger bodies and committed schedules for working out so we set up personal training sessions 3x per week for 5 weeks in July/Aug for a jump start. It was awesome and we are geared up for an exciting year!

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I enjoy seeing my body take shape in ways I’ve never known in my life and the feeling of satisfaction after a tough workout. It makes me so thankful to have a body that can work out like this – even though I’m not the fastest, strongest and far from the most coordinated – God has given me a strong body and the TransFit team reminds us to be grateful and not compare.  And I SO enjoy seeing the other women at TransFit who inspire me each and every session. They amaze and encourage me in great ways they don’t even realize! 

Most challenging is making sure I’ve had enough water to drink as I can tell that makes a huge difference in my exercising success. I am one of those people that is never thirsty, I don’t drink with meals and drinking my daily water takes planning and effort. Lame but true. I have implemented several “tricks” to make it easier – I fill the bottles at night so they are room temp in the AM (I don’t like it cold), I number my water bottles so I can feel a sense of accomplishment as I complete them, and I will sometimes cut up strawberries to flavor them. I am so bad at drinking water that I added it as a “daily chore“ for my kids from the time they were little and it has worked – they both drink tons of water each day since it is now a habit. 


I’m excited for our new routine which is 2 small group sessions and 1 yoga session per week at TransFit and then walking or playing badminton at home for 30 minutes on the other days. We also plan on adding in weights and bands for home use. Having a workout warrior buddy living in the same house with me keeps me accountable and encouraged as I don’t have to do this alone!

Both of my kids have vastly different, but very strict food restrictions and diets. It is God’s sense of humor that someone like me – who likes protein bars, cheese hot dogs, Spaghettios from the can, and anything packaged that can be microwaved/not cooked – has kids that require “real” food to be top-of-mind every moment of every day. But what an incredible blessing that both of them have healthy brains and bodies greatly based on the food that goes in them. The fact that they both manage their own diets, know what they can/can’t eat and know the science behind their diets is great, but they also don’t complain. Our big saying is “it’s just food” and we take our own everywhere. It doesn’t have to match what everyone else is having. That they can manage their health in this positive way will help them for life and I’m thankful my husband and I were able to help guide this – with a ton of support from professionals and prayer warriors. Additionally, my kids having their “own faith” was our number one goal for their lives and we’ve been so thankful to see that happen. 


The main goal is to keep up the sustained level of working out 3x a week at TransFit and then at home as well. We are scheduling for the full month so I don’t inadvertently double book any meetings or activities during those times. We see this as a top commitment and my goal is to treat it as such. 

I’m also continuing to work on my water intake. I think this one will have to remain on my goal list for a long, long time!

While I’m generally an energetic person, working out provides a more sustained level of energy throughout the day both mentally and physically. Also, I’m more “eager” to move big limbs in the yard or climb stairs in the house than I would have been before – just because I know I can. And it provides great time and memories with my daughter – from working out to planning our food to talking about the music or devotions we heard at TransFit that day!

And I have learned the wonders of having a baseball hat and clean t-shirt as quick changes when I must get to a meeting/event without having time to shower."

Erika's Favorite Recipe: Vega Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Snack Bar


Marren’s Transformation Story:

"I first started at TransFit last year by attending weekly yoga sessions with my mom. Those were great, and I had been doing a C25K program and some exercise at home as well. But 2 ½ months ago, I got serious about changing my habits. This summer, my family went on a 6-week cross-country trip, and I realized I wanted to have more consistent workouts when we returned so we scheduled personal training sessions to help jump-start the process. When we came back from the trip, I started going to TransFit with my amazing mom 3 times a week for 5 weeks straight and we worked out at home 3 other days of the week. It was exciting to see the changes!

Also, a few weeks before we left on our trip, I started working with Katie Shurling, the TransFit registered dietitian, who is awesome!  She has helped us SO MUCH with my PKU, which is a genetic metabolic disorder that essentially requires me to eat way less protein than most people. (I like to say I’m a mutant and I’m sure there has to be a superpower within me because of it!) This means no meat, no dairy, etc. so it is hard to ever feel really full and hard to find good food options. But Kaeti has given me so many yummy food choices that are healthy and low in protein and help fill me up. She also works with me on the MyFitnessPal app so I can track my protein and calories in one place, which is much easier.

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I LOVE the way exercising makes me feel! When I am done working out, I (usually) feel invigorated and ready to take on the day. Exercising helps me feel less moody and just overall happier throughout the day. The most challenging part for me is actually doing a workout, whether that means going for a walk or coming to TransFit. Some days I just don’t feel like doing anything, but I am always rewarded afterward. 

I exercise about 6 days a week, with one day just of resting. At home, my mom and I usually go for a walk around the block or at OVP or we play badminton together. 

I have dyslexia and have had to work hard to learn the ways my brain functions. I’ve had eye patches that I despised, extra hours of studying, and many frustrating days, but now I LOVE to read and write and I am so thankful to everyone who helped me with this challenge. 

I am working on staying COMMITTED throughout the school year when working out is going to be harder to fit in my schedule. Also, I want to share my new love for working out with others and encourage them that exercising can be so much fun! I just bought a shirt that says “I don’t have to work out. I get to work out” and I fully believe that. 

Now that I have started working out and eating healthier, I feel so much better, physically and emotionally, and I have way more energy. I feel more alert and am excited to see what the day brings. I also feel good about myself and am thankful for the wonderful body God has given me."


Erika and Marren, we are so incredibly proud of you and your transformation. We are thankful to join alongside both of you! We hope that you feel so encouraged after reading their stories! 

If you would like to meet with any of our trainers, nutritionist, or registered dietitian, you can email us at for more information! Let us know how we can help you COMMIT to living transformed! 


Team TransFit

July Client Spotlight You Don't Want to Miss! Diving Into HIS Grace for Transformation!

Sweet friends, 

Can you believe July is almost over?! Each of you has worked so hard this summer! This month our theme was DIVE into GRACE! We made a goal to intentionally dive deep by being more intentional with our bodies, minds, and spirits.  We hope that you felt encouraged by friends, family, and our TransFit community!

Today, we have the pure joy of introducing you to one of our amazing clients, Lauren Douglas!

Lauren is an amazing friend, wife, teacher, and overall incredible woman. She radiates light and love and you instantly feel that when she smiles so brightly or gives you the best heart-felt hug! Lauren is genuine, kind, and one of the hardest working women I know! You will love her spotlight as she speaks about giving herself grace though-out this past year. My prayer is that her testimony will inspire you to dive into everything you do with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength while giving yourself the grace to be uniquely YOU

Lauren, like many of our clients, has been exercising diligently through all 9 months of her pregnancy. We all have something these days: an injury, an illness, a hard day, or some type of stumbling block. We are stronger together and when we show up, TOGETHER, we can transform whatever we put our minds to! Let's do this friend! 

Congrats sweet lady! Thank you for giving your all and for inspiring all women that by giving your best one hour, one day at a time you can reach your goals! 


When my husband, Will, and I found out we were expecting our first baby at the end of July I made a plan to keep myself physically and emotionally healthy throughout my pregnancy. It helped to know that what I was doing for myself was having a direct effect on my growing baby. Part of that self-care included extending myself a lot of grace, especially during the first trimester! I found myself extremely tired and nauseous at the end of the day so made a simple goal to maintain one strength based workout per week and go on one walk/run per week. This felt doable without feeling I was over-exerting myself. I started counting afternoon naps as an integral part of my self-care: ). Once I was feeling like myself again I made three goals to focus on. 1) Get in three workouts a week, 2) drink 100 ounces of water a day, and 3) eat greens every day. Again these were achievable and I knew would benefit me and our growing baby boy.


I had a friend encourage me early on to just keep showing up, no matter how many reps you get to in a session or how out of breath you feel, just keep coming back. She promised that I would feel better during pregnancy and once the baby was here. That was some of the best advice! When I showed up to the TransFormer classes I was so encouraged by Caroline, Lisa, Mallory, Katie, and all the women I was working out alongside. So thank you for encouraging me and lifting me up each time I stepped foot into TransFit! There were days where I didn’t get to a mile during the cardio block or I had to stop and take a breather after only 10 reps, but the support and encouragement I felt from the TransFit community kept me coming back. Just showing up benefited not only my physical health but my emotional health as well. 


I tracked my measurements to help keep me accountable, but also celebrate the work my body was doing to grow this baby. At first, it was hard/scary to see those numbers grow, but I knew it was needed to support a healthy baby. I focused on meeting my goals each week and saw the growing numbers as important work my body was doing. 

Smoothies became my best friend. I throw so many good things in there and know I am getting the nutrition I need. Kale, spinach, cauliflower, protein, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, yogurt for the probiotics, avocado for the healthy fats, were all things I’ve incorporated into a smoothie. They’re an easy way to pack in nutrients when you may not feel like eating yet another salad.


Here is one of my favorite smoothies:

  • 1 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 scoop vanilla vega protein powder
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1/2 cup frozen cauliflower
  • 1/2 cup frozen peaches
  • 1 tbsp hemp/chia/flax seed mixture
  • Blend until smooth

We are calling it the BeaUtiful Skin Smoothie


This smoothie is a delicious, energizing meal replacement and is so good for your body, mind, and especially your skin. The high protein smoothie is great for post workout! The avocado has good healthy fat for elasticity with your skin and will help keep you full! By adding in a tablespoon of Chia seeds, you will receive Omega 3 three fatty acid’s which are so good for your bones, skin, and heart! The added spinach and cauliflower bring in tons of Vitamin A and C great for your immune system! We added just a sprinkle of almonds on top because we like a crunch, but that’s optional.


I’m days away from meeting our baby boy and am excited to introduce him to the TransFit community! I know once he’s here it will be important for me to get back to working out but plan to extend a lot of grace as I navigate this new adventure of being a mom.


Lauren, we are SO proud of you! We can't wait to meet your sweet baby boy! 

Ladies, we hope you feel encouraged and inspired by Lauren's story! What a testament to diving into HIS GRACE this month! Let us know how we can help you to live transformed. Make it count this July- let's finish July strong! 

Email us at if you have any questions! 


Team TransFit

How can you Jump Start Your January & make 2018 the best year yet?

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Hello friends! 

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas spent with friends and family! Amazing ladies who are participating in the Holiday Extravaganza- let's finish strong and remember why you started this challenge! Remember the challenge is not a diet meant to restrict, but Holiday Extravaganza is meant to encourage you to treat your body as a temple and reward you for doing so over the holiday weeks! 

So many prizes for the top winners of the contest so give each day your best: drink your water, eat your greens, and get moving! 

We all have a clean slate going into this new year.....and we are excited to announce the new  TransFit January Jump Start Packages! These packages will provide you a healthy all-inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! The January Jump Start packages will get you on the right track to make 2018 the best year yet, body mind, and spirit! 


January Jump Start Package - $49

(4 week body, mind & spirit plan to jump start your transformation)

  • 4 weeks of healthy lifestyle meal plans, recipes, shopping lists (over 40 recipes)

  • Blank Meal Plan template for you to customize

  • 2 home workouts per week (8 total home sheet workouts) plus weekly inspiration

  • One month Transform Your Body Exercise Plan

  • January Jump Start Getting Started Guide and 10 New Year's Steps to Success

  • 2018 TransFit Goal Work Sheet

  • Transform Your Body Accountability Chart

  • TransFit January calendar with weekly challenges to keep you motivated

  • Weekly inspiration and email support **** Jump Start Package will be emailed to you via pdf on January 1st! This package can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below.


January Jump Start Package Elite- $85

January Jump Start Package Elite (all of the above) plus add in a 25 minute personal  consultation with body composition (body fat & % measurements) with any of our Certified Nutrition Consultants or Personal Trainers  to completely assess your body, help you set specific goals,  and come up with a specific plan to help you transform and reach your goals for 2018. This package can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below. 


January Jump Start Package Platinum (*awesome savings*)- $195

January Jump Start Package Platinum (all of the above) plus 10 TransFormer sessions to be used in January 2018!  You will have all the meal plans, recipes, home workouts, and consultation to develop your transformation plan and add in extra awesome strength, cardio, and flexibility sessions in the TransFit studio! This package can be purchased on our website HERE or on our app by clicking the button below, so you can receive and book your 10 TransFormer sessions, too!


January Jump Start Package ULTIMATE $395

January Jump Start Package ULTIMATE (all of the above) plus an additional weekly 30 minute session with Caroline Ward to customize your transformation and hold you accountable! You will reach your goals and reset your body, mind, and spirit. This package can be purchased on our website HERE or on our app by clicking the button below. You will find it under the 1-1 Personal Training tab on the app. 


If you have any questions about any of these packages, please email us at for more information! To purchase any of these packages, go to our app HERE! January Jump Start packages purchased on the app will be emailed out to you! We look forward to seeing you in the studio in the new year! We are so thankful for each of you and the blessing you are to our business! 


Team TransFit

Let's Finish This Year Strong! Check out our December Client Spotlight- Fran Hahn

Happy Friday, sweet friend! 

It has been such an awesome week in the studio as we start this month! This week we challenged each of you to try the TransFIVE sugar challenge. If you didn't get to try the challenge this week, challenge yourself to complete it next week! It's never too late to start! 

Today we want to introduce you to one of our clients, Fran Hahn who has taken on our challenges and seen transformation, as a result! Fran inspires each one of us at TransFit when she walks into the studio with her bright smile! She makes the best smoothies and always encourages US by sharing her favorite healthy snacks and recipes! Another quality we love about our friend, Fran, is her commitment to whole body health, not just exercise! 


The week after Christmas in 1983, I got lost from my group of Auburn friends at a conference with about 20,000 other college students, and sat next to this hot, redheaded guy. One of the first things I said to him was: “If we got married, we would have all redheaded kids!” We did and we do! I have four redheaded kids, three daughters and a son, two sons-in-law (not redheaded), and a sweet granddaughter (not a redhead either).


Paul and I have moved twelve times in our thirty-one years of marriage. We are so happy to have landed in Athens in the summer of 2016. Although I am a Tiger in a Dawg world, this is for sure one of my favorite places we have called home.

My good friend, Laura Wilfong, brought me to TransFit about a year ago, and I have loved coming ever since. Working out here is consistently one of my weekly highlights.

Believe it or not, I was the 1981 Alabama state high school champion in the two-mile run. And since then, I have tried it all when it comes to fitness: from Jane Fonda’s aerobics tapes in the 80’s, to long distance running and swimming in the 90’s, to track workouts with the family in the 00’s, to CrossFit and hot yoga this decade. I have pretty much tried it all! As I grew a bit older, I fell into an ugly spin cycle of working out hard, getting injured, resting a little, then diving back in, only to get injured again. And I have tried every wacky diet plan known to mankind.


So, coming here to TransFit has brought some much-needed consistency, balance and challenge in my approaches to food and exercise. TransFit incorporates exercises which don’t kill my body, but strengthen it. And, I am encouraged to stay on course with my diet.  

My big challenge at this point in my journey is in being consumed with how I look. I want a 25-year-old body at 55. And that just isn’t going to happen, no matter how hard I work or obsess. I am learning how to lean into Jesus and be thankful that I have the privilege to exercise, and to enjoy him as I do. And though it may sound silly, drinking my daily water allotment is always a struggle for me!

Aside from running a few races and just staying in the game at my age, I don’t have any huge fitness achievements. But, Jesus has been good to me; he meets in sweet ways as I work out, and in all parts of my life. I am truly grateful.     


Fran, we are so proud of you! Thank you for sharing your story with us! You are such an inspiration! Ladies, let's finish the TransFIVE challenge STRONG and make this our best and healthiest holiday season, yet! We believe in you and know that you can do it. If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Thanksgiving Day Inspiration! 🙏🏼

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Sweet friends, 

We are so grateful for you! This week has already been full of family and friends and it has been on our mind how thankful we are for our amazing clients, friends, and family. As Thursday approaches, let's stay focused on everything we are thankful for- especially the opportunity we have to live our healthiest life. Let's remember we can stay on track, even in the holiday season! Our Challenge this week for Holiday Extravaganza is to do cardio for 30 minutes each day! You can do it! 

During Thanksgiving, the main idea is to remember PORTION CONTROL. You do not have to avoid dessert completely, but focus on being mindful with your portionsModeration is the key! Maybe decide ahead of time which treat you want to have, and then decide which you could give up. For example- maybe skip the rolls and mashed potatoes, instead choose a sweet potato with honey and turkey, vegetables, and cranberry sauce, and then have a smaller piece or just a few bites of pumpkin pie. Toast some pecans for a healthier treat! Below are 3 Thanksgiving Tips to help you have a healthier and happier Thanksgiving Holiday! 

3 Holiday Tips:

  1. Make a list of why you started your fitness journey  and read it before going to your party or meal over the holidays! Keep your goals you set at the beginning of the month in mind! 
  2. It is okay to say "NO" to all the food pushers. You don't have to try everyone's famous recipe or try each of the foods that are sitting out. Check our healthy Thanksgiving recipes from our blog HERE
  3. Exercise over the holidays: Be ready to be flexible, your usually workout time may not work, so try to fit it somewhere else in your schedule. Join us at the Give Thanks 8K Thursday morning! 
Picture from Fire and Flavor

Picture from Fire and Flavor

Take an afternoon walk before or after your meal, admiring the beauty outside and spending some time to be thankful for all He has blessed you with. Enjoy celebrating your health and spending time with those you love, and have an incredible start to this wonderful holiday season. Our Transfit Staff is grateful for you! 

Make sure to check back Friday morning for our Black Friday DEAL! 


Team TransFit

Fall is in the Air! 🍁🍂

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"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power." Ephesians 6:10

Where do you find strength to keep going? Yes, fall is in the air and the air seems energizing; however, I know some days I feel weary, tired, and down. That is why I want to encourage you today friends! You can keep going and stay focused on your goals. We believe in you! We all need an extra dose of encouragement to keep going and stay focused on our goals and dreams.

Living transformed means once you make a decision to do something, you make a commitment. Commit to whole body health everyday, take action on your goals, and ask Him daily to give you the strength to do whatever it is that you are setting out to do!  Trust in the truth that with God's help you can accomplish anything. 


This fall weekend, Athens will be filled with activities for you and your family! Check out all these fun and active weekend events! 

Friday night- Light the Night is a walk raising support for Leukemia. This is a great event to join with friends and family to walk for a cause and spend time enjoying this beautiful fall weather!  Join Team Jain Gang

Saturday- AthHalf 5K- AthHalf is offering a 5K this year! The race will begin at 3:30 PM. Sign up and walk or run with your friends and family! Come out and support our TransFit runners and the entire Athens community of runner and walkers! 

Sunday- ATHHALF! We are so proud of each of you who are participating in the race and can't wait to see you cross that finish line! If you aren't running, come out and cheer on all the runner! The AthHalf will begin at 7:30 AM!  


Let us continue today, to give our best, no matter how we have done in the rest of the week or this month, to push harder, grow stronger and seek to know the Lord more than we ever have! Each opportunity and moment is precious- so let us dedicate every moment of today to living a healthy, joy-filled life.

Our TransFit Team is praying for you this month, sweet friends!

If you would like to start walking or running, our running coach Lisa Patton would LOVE to meet with you! You can sign up for 1-1 sessions with Lisa on our FREE app HERE! We also have running packages and eBooks on our website! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Does What you Think Help Transform your Body?

Happy Thursday! We have loved spending this October with you! Please let our Team encourage and uplift you as we go into the holiday months. Our theme this month has been optimism in October. It is easy to get down on ourselves and feel that we are not good enough in certain areas, or maybe all areas. But, we want to encourage you and tell you that YOU ARE ENOUGH. You are strong, beautiful, hard working, and dedicated and you are enough.

TransFit Trainer Demetria  "D" is sharing the importance of positive self talk! Take just a few minutes to reset and refocus your thoughts and enjoy her post on positive self talk! 

Do you ever hear that little voice in your head that either speaks confident positive thoughts continuously or maybe even negative thoughts? Although no one else hears that voice, it greatly impacts our lives on a day to day basis. That little voice is what is call self talk. Although you may not realize it, you are already practicing self-talk, without even actually vocalizing these thoughts. Self-talk has a HUGE impact on confidence and even motivation.  Developing better or positive self-talk takes hard work but is an essential piece to living healthy body, mind, and spirit. 

Benefits of positive self-talk:

  • Truly feeling better about yourself
  • Boosting your confidence
  • Building your self esteem
  • Reducing stress
  • Beginning to recognize the optimistic voice in your head
  • Feeling a sense of clarity

3 Ways to practice positive self talk.

1. Listen in - we don’t always consciously take note of that we’re saying in our minds. The first step in improving your self-talk is to actually notice what your inner voice is saying. Take some time each day to listen, and even write down, what you’re thinking.

2. Monitor- is your self-talk more positive or negative? Start questioning your self-talk asking things like:

·      Is there a more positive way of looking at this?

·      Am I keeping everything in perspective?

·      Can I do anything to change what I’m feeling bad about?

3. Adjust- changing your self-talk it easier said than done, but definitely worth working on. Try by countering your negative thoughts with positive ones by shifting your focus on I will, or I can thoughts. For example: Thinking things like:

·      I am capable.

·      I know who I am and I am enough.

·      I choose to be present in all that I do.

·      I choose to think thoughts that serve me well.

·      I choose to reach for a better feeling.

·      I share my happiness with those around me.

·      My body is my vehicle in life; I choose to fill it with goodness.

"For as she thinks within herself, so she is..." Proverbs 23:7

"For as she thinks within herself, so she is..." Proverbs 23:7

Continue to work hard this month ladies and focus on your self talk. It is so important to fill our minds with thoughts of things above. The October Challenge is coming to an end soon! Continue to push yourself to do some sort of exercise daily. One of your exercises could be to come to our new HIIT Cardio class at 5:30 AM on Thursday mornings! You can sign up on the app or MindBody! We would love for you to join us! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

INCREDIBLE Client Spotlight- Dr. Tina Carpenter

This week at TransFit in while we are gearing up for the Holiday Extravaganza  we are challenging eveyone to do a food journal for 5 days! If you do you food journal Monday- Friday and email it to my on Friday you will be entered in to win an awesome prize!! Amazing client spotlight Tina Carpenter has been so diligent and has been food journaling for 80 days straight and has had huge success! Tina is such an inspiration for all busy women! I am so proud of Tina for her commitment to her living transformed- body, mind, and spirit!  I can't wait for you to read her story and be encouraged to reach your health and wellness goals! 

Unlock the key to your total transformation!

Unlock the key to your total transformation!

 Each new month can be a fresh start with renewed motivation and willpower to reach our new  goals and follow a healthy lifestyle. However as we all know, the month goes on and the craziness of life begins to set in and we often will struggle to remain as driven and focused as we were at first. Is this natural? Completely! So, today I want to offer you a solution to this problem of falling off track and becoming disappointed and frustrated. One of the keys I have found for many clients in reaching their goals for lasting transformation!  

That solution is to find an accountability partner!  This could someone who is seeking to live a healthy lifestyle as well, and someone who can encourage you in all areas of life- body, mind and spirit.

This is your "go-to" person when you are feeling stressed over meal planning, don't think you have time to fit in a workout, have struggled to have a quality quiet time all week or are facing any of life's many obstacles. As we see in Proverbs 27:17, we weren't meant to do this life alone. God has intended for us to live this life together, and by doing so we "sharpen" one another and make each other better.  No weights, not enough time ....below is an awesome TRANSFORM BODY WEIGHT WORKOUT you can do with your partner or by yourself! Have an amazing weekend! 

Mental Strength- Sticking to an "I will" Statement

Mental Strength- Sticking to an "I will" Statement

Beginning our days with an "I will" statement allows us to live intentionally. God calls us in Colossians 4:5 to "Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity." In order to truly make the most of every opportunity, we have got to live our lives with an "I will" mindset. We have to seek to find opportunities to share the love of Jesus in every moment of every day.

Client Spotlight: Amazing Katie Collins!

Katie Collins and I met over a year ago! She is the most amazing wife, mother (of two precious boys), and friend! How she finds time to do it all—I will never know! She has committed to changing her lifestyle over the past year by exercising 2 days a week at TransFit, running, walking and doing yoga and has seen great changes physically, mentally and emotionally! She has lowered her body weight significantly but primarily has decreased body fat multiple percentage points! Katie always has a positive attitude in the TransFit studio and in every workout she trys to push herself to the next level! Her hard-working attitude and determination is contagious and inspiring to all who are around her!! Katie is a real life example that hard work, sweat, and dedication really do pay off!! Congratulations Katie- so proud of you- continue to reach your goals!!! 


Two years ago, my family began building our new home in Bishop & everyone had new changes ahead of them.  I wanted a healthier lifestyle for myself & my family to be one of those changes.  I knew of Caroline & her successful & inspirational fitness program & I finally had the opportunity to join TransFit!
So, 14 months ago & 20 pounds heavier, I began my journey towards healthier choices.  Working on one thing at a time, initially, my goal was to get back on a consistent weekly exercise program.  Finding motivation to exercise is not an issue with me, it is making the time during the day.  2-3 days of strength training, 2-3 days of cardio training & 1-2 days of yoga/toning is what I decided to schedule.  With my kids in school, my motivation, & Caroline's accountability, that change was an easy adjustment.  
After several months of a consistent exercise routine with not much change in my body composition, I knew my nutrition needed to be more of my focus.  WILL POWER is my biggest enemy.  Caroline's tips about portion control & more thought into meal planning was the turning point.   Once I began taking the extra time to plan our weekly meals, then I made better decisions for myself & my family.  As an added bonus, our eating out habits decreased, our household produced less trash, our grocery store trips & bills decreased, & we were having ENJOYABLE family meals together AT HOME! 
My most recent accomplishment was, again, inspired by Caroline. 
She offered me an entry 5 DAYS PRIOR to the Chick-fil-A half marathon.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I read her text.  My first thought was "REALLY!  Who just up & decides they can go for a 13-mile run without training?!?"  I've always had 3-4 months to prepare my body &, more importantly, my mind!  So, after initially declining her offer, the thought kept eating at me.  I knew I had the endurance & the strength & I decided that I was going to be "THAT GIRL" who decides to go run a little 13-mile race! I didn't finish with a PR or anything, but I felt good afterwards & was so glad I decided to run!
I still have a ways to go to reach more goals I've set for myself, but I'm beginning to see changes in how my clothes fit, I'm receiving compliments on how I look, I feel good & most importantly, to me, the healthy choices I'm making are automatic some days.  Previously, I had to think about when I was going to fit in exercise or what my lunch would be for the day.  Now, because I'm getting used to a routine & I have healthy choices readily available; I don't have to think so much!
Nutrition & food choices are still a daily battle for me.  But, I can honestly say I am more conscience about the foods I am eating & realizing just one bad choice doesn't have to snowball into bad choices for the rest of the day or continue on all week.
I'm trying to incorporate more vegetables into my diet and I am not very creative, nor do I really enjoy being in the kitchen cooking for long periods of time.  So, when I find easy, quick, healthy, recipes I stick with them.  I will say my children haven't gotten on board with these side items, but my husband has, so that's a start!
I have truly enjoyed my weekly workouts with Caroline, but meeting & working out with all her amazing & inspiring clients makes it that much better.  So, THANK YOU ALL  FOR helping me with my journey, as well!!!!
Thank you Katie! You decided on a lifestyle change and stuck to that decision amidst all the things going on in your life!
Here is a recipe that has Katie and her whole family enjoys! Check it out below:

Blueberry Chicken Salad



3 chicken breasts

Olive oil for coating, plus 1 tbsp.

Good quality sea salt and fresh-ground black pepper to taste

4 oz. Greek-style yogurt (can substitute plain yogurt)

2 tbsp. white wine vinegar

1 tsp. finely chopped fresh lavender leaves (can substitute herbes de Provence)

1 small apple, peeled and chopped

½ red onion, finely diced (you can leave out if necessary)

1 cup fresh blueberries, washed and dried

¼ cup roasted chopped almonds

Spinach for serving

Directions:    Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Coat the skin on the chicken breasts with the olive oil, salt, and pepper and roast for 30 minutes, or until no pink remains. Cool. In a small bowl, whisk the 1 tbsp. of the olive oil, yogurt, vinegar, lavender, 1 tsp. of the salt, and 1 tsp. of the black pepper. Add the apple and stir to prevent browning. Add the onion, blueberries, and almonds; mix well. Remove the skin from the chicken breasts and discard (or freeze for use in making stock). Separate the chicken and shred or cut into 1-inch pieces. Add the chicken to the yogurt-blueberry mixture; stir gently to combine. Serve on a bed of crisp lettuce or spinach or in a whole wheat pita.



February Client Spotlight: Lauren McElhannon


The month of February we are trying to focus on LOVING our bodies. What can we focus on to treat our bodies well?  Exercising, eating well, nurturing our skin and our spirits can help us appreciate what God has blessed us with-- wonderfully made bodies.

February's client spotlight is someone who has truly been an inspiration to me and many others. She is perfect for the month of LOVE Client Spotlight! Lauren McElhannon's consistent hard work and dedication to healthy living is incredible! She constantly pushes herself harder and strives to incorporate her positive energy into everything she does. She has also completely transformed her family's habits by adding yoga to their weekly routines and including healthier foods in their meals. When I asked for a picture of her this week, she said she "definitely wanted a family picture since this is such a family effort!" I love this thought, and I love watching Lauren continue to transform her life!  Congrats Lauren!!! So proud of you!!!

Lauren McElhannon with her family

The summer of 2012 I had a 1 year old, 5 year old and 6 year old and was in a slump.  I wasn’t sleeping well (lots of night waking kiddos), not exercising consistently other than a yoga class here and there, and my eating was not well planned out.  Being a full -time working mom of 3 young children, not a lot of time was dedicated to me.  Some of my friends were working out with Caroline and I decided to try it, even though it meant less sleep!  But I was ready for a change and needed to push myself.

I tend to prefer to handle change gradually (if possible) -- I’m such a creature of habit.  So when Caroline said for my goal to be exercising 5 times a week, I knew that was unrealistic for me – going from 0-1 times a week to 5?  No way, not right away (but definitely at some point).  In my mind, I was inching toward my 5 times a week goal slowly and exercising 1-2 times a week was more do-able and realistic for me at the time.  After that, exercise became a habit, I increased my days every month or so and now am exercising most days of every week!  I usually go to Caroline’s 2 times a week, run 2-3 times (about 4 miles) and do yoga almost every day at home with my family, and at least 1 time a week at 5 points yoga.  Now that my children are 3, 6 and 8, I’m sleeping better, exercising consistently and eating so much better.  We all have our own yoga mats and exercise balls and enjoy family time exercising in the living room!  

For awhile there (before the cold set in), my husband and I were running a 5K a month.  We liked the idea of having the event to keep us moving, to support worthy causes, and to do something fun and healthy together!  We are looking forward to running the Barrow Boogie 5K at the end of February!  

As far as my diet and nutrition goes, when I became a parent I started paying much more attention to what I ate, what I was feeding my children, where the food came from, etc.  But with children also came the snacks and crazy schedule, which ultimately led to too much snacking and rushed meals.  After almost a year of working out with Caroline consistently, I wasn’t seeing the weight coming off as it should have been, so I started nutrition counseling with her, started meal planning and being very conscious of my eating (journaling).  I loved the meal planning – I knew what I was supposed to eat, no big questions or concerns!  I have lists of snacks/breakfasts/lunches/dinners and pull from the list every week.  That way I don’t make a thoughtless choice very often!  The nutrition counseling really helped me move forward with weight loss and helped me learn more about portions, balancing my diet and self-control.  I have done a 3 day Journey Juice cleanse 2 times now and have encouraged so many friends and family members to try it too.  By cleansing in this way, I really reflect on my eating choices, habits, reasons for eating, and feel more in control after.

Tea is something that I drink daily – my mom is a medicinal herbalist, organic gardener and more, so she’s always telling me about teas I should be drinking and bringing me freshly dried herbs right over!  One of my favorite mixes right now is lemongrass, holy basil and peppermint – delicious hot or cold.  The nutritional benefits are amazing – lots of vitamins in these herbs!   I try my best to live as green as possible, and to eat local, fresh and organic.

I’ve lost  weight, feel lighter, healthier and stronger now, but I still have more work to do.  Currently, my goals are to keep exercising most days of the week, eat at least 8 servings of fruits/veggies a day, and to drink half my body weight in oz of water daily (and for my children to do the same).

Something I like most about exercising is reaching my goal, then going further.  And being excited about making new goals to conquer.  I live off of lists, calendars, reminders, deadlines, so setting goals works for me – check it off the list and keep going!  No extra time is what makes exercising hard.  Being a working mom, there’s some guilt about spending what little extra time I have away from my children, but they and my husband are huge supporters of me on this journey!  I’ve definitely rubbed off on them in positive ways – they are so much more conscious of making healthy decisions.  Right now they are ON IT with our water challenge!  Most days there’s something that doesn’t get done because I’ve chosen to spend a little time exercising, but I’ve learned to let that go.  Exercising is THAT important to me – for my mind and body – that I’m okay with the chores never really being “done.”  Are they ever anyway??

I’m so thankful for all that Caroline has helped me with!  I really attribute so much of where I am today to her, her support and encouragement!

Something I eat almost every day is homemade granola – I make a big batch over the weekends and eat about a cup a day.  It’s great with cottage cheese, yogurt, sprinkled over oatmeal, sprinkled in pancake mix or all by itself!  There are so many optional yummy things to add – make it your original!

Lauren’s Granola:


  • 3 cups whole organic oats
  • 1 cup brown rice cereal (I get mine from Earthfare)
  • 1 TBSP cinnamon
  • 1 TBSP pumpkin pie spices (or ¼ tsp ground ginger)
  • A few shakes of salt
  • ½ cup raisins (or dried cherries, cranberries, chopped apricots, etc.)**do not bake – add after
  • ½ cup roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds (or any chopped nuts you like)
  • ½ cup raw pumpkin seeds
  • ½ cup ground flax meal
  • 1/3 cup local honey or agave
  • 2 heaping TBSP refined coconut oil
  • 1 TBSP vanilla

Heat oven to 300 degrees.  Mix all dry ingredients.  Mix wet ingredients (honey, oil and vanilla) – you’ll need to mash and chop the oil up.  Pour dry ingredients into 2 large baking trays, then plop evenly the honey mixture over the dry ingredients.  Put trays in oven for 2 minutes so the oil can melt a little, then take out and stir, allowing the honey mixture to coat the oat mixture.  Once coated, put trays back in oven and bake 10 minutes, stir, then bake 10 more minutes.  Cool granola for about 10 minutes before breaking up and placing in container.

**I do not bake granola with raisins so they stay moist, I add them after granola cools.

**If you like more clumps of granola, increase amount of wet ingredients to make more coating!

**My favorite way of eating this is plain or 1 cup granola, 1 cup cottage cheese and ½ cup frozen or fresh blueberries (they melt quickly).

December Client Spotlight - Valerie Langley


I am so excited to share with you such an amazing client spotlight for December! Valerie Langley has made such a healthy life change this past year! Valerie has been working out at TransFit for almost one year and by exercising five days a week and changing her eating habits, Valerie, has lost over 15 pounds, and has decreased her body fat significantly!  What I love about Valerie is that she always has a positive attitude and kind spirit! Valerie does everything she does with such heart and involves her husband and three small children in her efforts to have a healthy family. For example, Valerie messaged me daily that she completed the ab challenge two weeks ago and her 5-year-old daughter was doing planks with her!

Valerie Langley December Client Spotlight!

So many accomplishments for Valerie in 2013 as she also ran her first half marathon this past October! Nothing stands in the way of this beautiful, hard-working nurse, and mother of three!   Congratulations Valerie for reaching your healthy goals for 2013- can’t wait to see what the future will hold for you!

In her own words, “So last January I made the decision to get in shape and drop the "baby weight" I was carrying around. I decided to meet with Caroline and start making a change. I remember he first time we met she told me she wanted me to workout 5 days a week -- and I thought that was a crazy!  But I was ready to make a change, so I did my best to get in 5 days a week. She also encouraged me to get in more fruits and veggies and to drink at least eight glasses of water. Finally this summer I really changed my diet cutting out most processed foods, sugar and artificial flavors and coloring. I now eat fruits and veggies with every meal and add in more protein (which I really had to be aware of). I have really learned how to make good decisions when eating out and now I'm cooking at home a lot more. ). I have to say I feel so much better physically and mentally. I have more energy and am trying to be a good example to my family of what a healthy lifestyle looks like. Here are a few of my favorite recipes!”

Rosemary Chicken  Easy Weeknight Favorite

Rosemary Chicken Easy Weeknight Favorite

 4-6 Chicken breasts


 2 tbsp of Dijon mustard

 2 tbsp of olive oil

1-2 cloves of garlic crushed

 2 tbsp Worcestershire

Juice of 1 large or 2 small lemon

 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary chopped

 Salt and pepper to taste

 Place the chicken in the mixture and let marinate over night if you have time or ok just for a few hours.  I usually grill the chicken but it's also great baked and full of flavor! Serve with quinoa and roasted vegetables.

Salsa Pork Tenderloin Picture by  Steamy Kitchen

 Simple Salsa Crock Pot Pork Tenderloin

1 unseasoned pork loin

1 jar of fresh salsa

1 tbsp olive oil

Pour oil in the crock pot then place the tenderloin. Pour the entire jar of salsa over the pork.

Cook on low for 4-6 hours. Serve with brown rice and black beans for a Mexican style dish!

 Blessings friends don't forget about the December challenges! 

Here is the link for the calendars if you need to print one out!


Velena Vego- December Client Spotlight & TransFit new website!!!

TRANSFIT has a new website! Please go to and take a peek at our new site! Give the gift of good health for the holidays by giving a TRANSFIT gift certificate to a friend or family member! Please read below about an amazing friend and client and her life transformation!

Velena Vego is the type of woman who you really want to get to know! Velena is the booking manager at the 40 Watt in Athens and Buckhead Theatre in Atlanta. Velena also started a record label, ticket company, and manages bands. Velena obviously works hard and is so talented in everything that she does, so starting a new exercise routine was just one more task for her to accomplish! Velena has completely transformed her lifestyle and through her transformation has inspired her husband to start a consistent exercise routine as well! Velena has made major changes to her diet and to her exercise routine such as not eating late at night and doing a mix of cardiovascular and strength training consistently.

velena photo (13)

"Eight months ago, I turned 50 and decided to do something for myself. For the past two years I had spent all my time on work-work-work! I was out of shape, my energy level was low, and I had gained 15 pounds. I blamed it on hormones/age, booking two venues, and managing two bands.

My friend, Cindy Clark, owner of Nuance was looking better and better every time I saw her. Finally, I asked what she was doing and she told me all about her weekly exercise routine and her personal trainer Caroline Ward. I immediately signed up!

Caroline has taught me so much about nutrition and how important weight training is to create strong muscles and to lose body fat. She always says "you gotta keep moving" so my new passion is Zumba. Not only am I burning calories but it's alot of fun! My new go to food is Greek yogurt. I eat it for breakfast and for a snack if I'm craving something sweet. YUM!

I've already lost 10lbs and my cholesterol is down so my doctor is happy. He even said, "You go girl!" I've learned it's never too late to get back into shape. Not only do I feel younger, but I feel like myself again."

Even when traveling to cities all over the US, Velena still finds time to exercise and eat her Greek yogurt! We have reached many of her goals and we are excited about the next phase in her healthy lifestyle! Congratulations Velena, YOU ARE AMAZING!

Finishing this race of life is better than starting. Patience is better than pride. Ecclesiastes 7:8