
Our Inspiration of COMMITMENT This August!

Sweet friend, 

It has been a wonderful month at the studio. School is back in full swing and you are ready to set new goals! We love seeing you all back with smiles ready to COMMIT this August! We have challenged each of you to get active for 30 minutes a day and drink at least 80 oz. of water! We believe in you and know you can do it. The winner of the challenge will be entered into a raffle for a MONTH of FREE sessions!

Today, we have the privilege of sharing an amazing client spotlight with you. Erika and Marren are our August client spotlights! These two ladies have been so dedicated and focused on making small changes daily which have led to amazing BIG results! Erika and Marren inspired our theme of COMMIT this month, as that is the word to define their transformation stories. We are so proud of this incredible mother daughter duo and are excited for you to read about their journey! 


Erika's Transformation Story: 

"I started at TransFit two years ago as I wanted to get physically stronger/healthier, wanted to be a positive example to my kids and wanted to get rid of the flappy “bat wings” on my arms. I knew Caroline from church and knew several people that had only positive things to say about working out with the TransFit team. While I had enjoyed serious hikes and backpacking in my twenties, and even became a pretend runner for a short while and ran a couple marathons (bonus – if you are one of the slowest runners, they let your husband ride his bike beside you to sing songs and scout out bathrooms!), my workout efforts for the past 20 years have been totally sporadic. I needed a way to view exercise differently and have been SO thankful for the TransFit approach of focusing not only on our bodies but our minds and spirits as well. Remembering to see this as a form of worship makes all the difference! And this is why I felt confident in having Marren get involved at TransFit – I knew it would be a safe and helpful place for a teenage girl to learn about long-term health and what that really means.

Last year, Marren joined me in the weekly yoga sessions at TransFit and it was great for us physically, but also a great bonding time. So much so that when we were planning a 6-week, 10K mile family road trip for this summer, Marren and I knew we wanted to focus on staying healthy with our eating and workouts. We talked about the best way to do this and we came up with bracelets to wear each day as reminders and Marren came up with the word “Commit” so we had them made and wore them each day – we still do. What a totally different road trip from the previous ones! Our normal “car foods” were changed – instead of chips, special cookies, and marshmallow trail mix, we had apples and bananas. We made an effort to hike more and work out at hotel fitness centers, and we did squats or some kind of exercise at every gas station stop.  Sometimes other travelers joined us! My big feat – I only had one bag of Cheetos during the entire trip. Total record for me!  But while on the trip, we also knew we wanted to start the Fall with stronger bodies and committed schedules for working out so we set up personal training sessions 3x per week for 5 weeks in July/Aug for a jump start. It was awesome and we are geared up for an exciting year!

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I enjoy seeing my body take shape in ways I’ve never known in my life and the feeling of satisfaction after a tough workout. It makes me so thankful to have a body that can work out like this – even though I’m not the fastest, strongest and far from the most coordinated – God has given me a strong body and the TransFit team reminds us to be grateful and not compare.  And I SO enjoy seeing the other women at TransFit who inspire me each and every session. They amaze and encourage me in great ways they don’t even realize! 

Most challenging is making sure I’ve had enough water to drink as I can tell that makes a huge difference in my exercising success. I am one of those people that is never thirsty, I don’t drink with meals and drinking my daily water takes planning and effort. Lame but true. I have implemented several “tricks” to make it easier – I fill the bottles at night so they are room temp in the AM (I don’t like it cold), I number my water bottles so I can feel a sense of accomplishment as I complete them, and I will sometimes cut up strawberries to flavor them. I am so bad at drinking water that I added it as a “daily chore“ for my kids from the time they were little and it has worked – they both drink tons of water each day since it is now a habit. 


I’m excited for our new routine which is 2 small group sessions and 1 yoga session per week at TransFit and then walking or playing badminton at home for 30 minutes on the other days. We also plan on adding in weights and bands for home use. Having a workout warrior buddy living in the same house with me keeps me accountable and encouraged as I don’t have to do this alone!

Both of my kids have vastly different, but very strict food restrictions and diets. It is God’s sense of humor that someone like me – who likes protein bars, cheese hot dogs, Spaghettios from the can, and anything packaged that can be microwaved/not cooked – has kids that require “real” food to be top-of-mind every moment of every day. But what an incredible blessing that both of them have healthy brains and bodies greatly based on the food that goes in them. The fact that they both manage their own diets, know what they can/can’t eat and know the science behind their diets is great, but they also don’t complain. Our big saying is “it’s just food” and we take our own everywhere. It doesn’t have to match what everyone else is having. That they can manage their health in this positive way will help them for life and I’m thankful my husband and I were able to help guide this – with a ton of support from professionals and prayer warriors. Additionally, my kids having their “own faith” was our number one goal for their lives and we’ve been so thankful to see that happen. 


The main goal is to keep up the sustained level of working out 3x a week at TransFit and then at home as well. We are scheduling for the full month so I don’t inadvertently double book any meetings or activities during those times. We see this as a top commitment and my goal is to treat it as such. 

I’m also continuing to work on my water intake. I think this one will have to remain on my goal list for a long, long time!

While I’m generally an energetic person, working out provides a more sustained level of energy throughout the day both mentally and physically. Also, I’m more “eager” to move big limbs in the yard or climb stairs in the house than I would have been before – just because I know I can. And it provides great time and memories with my daughter – from working out to planning our food to talking about the music or devotions we heard at TransFit that day!

And I have learned the wonders of having a baseball hat and clean t-shirt as quick changes when I must get to a meeting/event without having time to shower."

Erika's Favorite Recipe: Vega Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Snack Bar


Marren’s Transformation Story:

"I first started at TransFit last year by attending weekly yoga sessions with my mom. Those were great, and I had been doing a C25K program and some exercise at home as well. But 2 ½ months ago, I got serious about changing my habits. This summer, my family went on a 6-week cross-country trip, and I realized I wanted to have more consistent workouts when we returned so we scheduled personal training sessions to help jump-start the process. When we came back from the trip, I started going to TransFit with my amazing mom 3 times a week for 5 weeks straight and we worked out at home 3 other days of the week. It was exciting to see the changes!

Also, a few weeks before we left on our trip, I started working with Katie Shurling, the TransFit registered dietitian, who is awesome!  She has helped us SO MUCH with my PKU, which is a genetic metabolic disorder that essentially requires me to eat way less protein than most people. (I like to say I’m a mutant and I’m sure there has to be a superpower within me because of it!) This means no meat, no dairy, etc. so it is hard to ever feel really full and hard to find good food options. But Kaeti has given me so many yummy food choices that are healthy and low in protein and help fill me up. She also works with me on the MyFitnessPal app so I can track my protein and calories in one place, which is much easier.

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I LOVE the way exercising makes me feel! When I am done working out, I (usually) feel invigorated and ready to take on the day. Exercising helps me feel less moody and just overall happier throughout the day. The most challenging part for me is actually doing a workout, whether that means going for a walk or coming to TransFit. Some days I just don’t feel like doing anything, but I am always rewarded afterward. 

I exercise about 6 days a week, with one day just of resting. At home, my mom and I usually go for a walk around the block or at OVP or we play badminton together. 

I have dyslexia and have had to work hard to learn the ways my brain functions. I’ve had eye patches that I despised, extra hours of studying, and many frustrating days, but now I LOVE to read and write and I am so thankful to everyone who helped me with this challenge. 

I am working on staying COMMITTED throughout the school year when working out is going to be harder to fit in my schedule. Also, I want to share my new love for working out with others and encourage them that exercising can be so much fun! I just bought a shirt that says “I don’t have to work out. I get to work out” and I fully believe that. 

Now that I have started working out and eating healthier, I feel so much better, physically and emotionally, and I have way more energy. I feel more alert and am excited to see what the day brings. I also feel good about myself and am thankful for the wonderful body God has given me."


Erika and Marren, we are so incredibly proud of you and your transformation. We are thankful to join alongside both of you! We hope that you feel so encouraged after reading their stories! 

If you would like to meet with any of our trainers, nutritionist, or registered dietitian, you can email us at for more information! Let us know how we can help you COMMIT to living transformed! 


Team TransFit

COMMIT to Your Nutrition- FREE Back to School Meal Plan!

Hey, sweet friends!

What an awesome start to August this week in the studio! We are so excited you are COMMITTING to your whole body health this August! Let's reset, recharge, and stay focused to make August our best month, yet!

A lot of you have young ones starting back to school over the next couple weeks, and just like you all, we are ready to get back into our routine of healthy lunches and dinners! Sometimes, though, the thought of planning out meals might seem overwhelming to you. That’s why we’re going to help you jump back into this school year one step ahead! We want to serve you, amazing friend! 

TransFit Nutrition Consultant, Katie Woodall & Dietitian Kaeti Shurling are sharing a full week's meal plan with you (on the TRANSFORM section of the website or click HERE), so your meals and workouts are already planned out for you and your family! Wahoo! A week’s worth of family-friendly meals with recipes are laid out for you to help make this transition back to school a smooth one! We’re even giving you a shopping list so you can breeze your way through the grocery aisles!

A new school year is a great time to get your kids to try some new healthy foods! But let’s not get crazy — remember we have to ease them into it, right? Let’s be real. Most kids could eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every single day (or is that just mine?) Give yourself and your kiddos some grace but set a goal to some new healthier recipes this month.  We are here to help any way you need to get your family back on track.

In addition to our meal plan, we want to provide 5 packing items that you should include in your child's lunch for school! These five items allow you to ensure that your child is getting in their nutrition needs for the day! 

1. Protein. 

The protein doesn’t have to come from meat! Sure you can roll up a couple slices of deli meat, like roast beef, turkey, chicken or ham, but try a variety of protein sources — like a cheese stick (or shredded cheese as my child prefers!), yogurt (just look for low-sugar kinds and resist any artificial sweeteners). You can use different nuts or nut butter (great for dipping, too), beans, hummus or hard-boiled eggs.

2. Whole grains.

Buy whole grains when you can, like whole wheat bread or pasta. Substitute two slices of bread with a whole grain wrap. Add in some whole grain crackers for dipping. You can also try the 1/2 and 1/2 trick for a while to help transition your kids to whole wheat!

3. Colorful fruits and vegetables.

This is a great way to add in fiber and antioxidants. Whole pieces of fruit are great — apples, bananas, oranges, or get creative with the mini fruit kabobs using grapes and berries. Slice up veggies, like a bright red bell pepper or celery. Along with carrots, these vegetables are great for dipping so include a container with a yogurt-based Ranch dressing, fresh salsa, hummus or even guacamole!

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4. Sweet and salty snacks. 

Mix up a healthy trail mix, or include raw nuts, dried fruits or pretzels. You can freeze tubes of yogurt for a cool treat. Enlist your child’s help over the weekend to prepare homemade energy balls or granola bars for their lunches, too.

5. Hydration.

Pack a mini-bottled water or an organic low-fat milk. When you can, avoid fruit juices. Stick to whole fruit options in their lunchbox to avoid any added sugars.

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Use this lunchbox prep time as a chance to connect with your children! Take time to ask them about school or their friendships. Encourage them, and of course, use this opportunity to talk about why we choose healthy, nutritious foods!

And remember, you’re setting an example for your family! These little ones are watching you — taking a little extra time to prepare for the week can be a way of showing your family that you’re honoring your body with healthy foods at lunchtime, too!

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Reflect on our verse for this month: Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” Just like your workouts, commit to planning healthy lunches and dinner for your family. We believe in YOU! If you would like to meet with our Nutrition Consultants or Registered Dietitian to help you with a plan for feeling your best please email us!

In addition, our middle school (5-8th grade sessions and our 4th grade sessions) will begin THIS Wednesday! We hope that your school year will be off to a great start! We are praying for each of you as the school year begins! 

Love & Blessings, 

Team TransFit

COMMIT This August! 🙌🏼

Happy August!

Wow, we can hardly believe August is here! This month we are going to COMMIT--in all that you do, whether it is your exercise, your nutrition, or your spiritual journey we want to help you to COMMIT to your goals and dreams this month! 


"Commit to the LORD, whatever you do, and He will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3

Here is a great acronym to help you be inspired this month! 

C- CONFIDENCE- "You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7

Remember this truth from scripture and be bold and CONFIDENT because YOU have been specifically created in God's image for something amazing. Walk in the light of confidence today. 

O- OBEDIENCE- "He replied, 'Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.'" Luke 11:28

We were not called to an easy life, but blessed are we who give our best with what we have! Every detail, even the mundane tasks of laundry and cleaning can bring glory to God! Exercising and eating well some days will not be easy, but your body is capable of more than you can dream of and by treating your body well you're honoring God. 

M- MOTIVATION- "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23

Let's be ALL IN this month! Even the days you don't feel like it, just show up, give yourself grace, and give your best surrendering every ounce of yourself- heart, mind, body, spirit to His loving hands. A smaller dress size or a weekend party can be temporary motivation, but the ultimate prize- living fully for Christ- is the true motivation.  Start today and let's encourage each other.

M- MINDFULNESS-  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillippians 4:6-7

When we shift our thoughts to thanksgiving, our attitude shifts and our hearts soften. Turn your grumbling into gratitude and be HERE! Be present and be thankful for the blessings that you have! Daily or hourly, repeat this truth and believe that all things are possible when we present our request to Him. 

I- INTENTIONAL-  "Commit to the Lord, whatever you do, and He will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3

"Whatever you do", let these words speak to your heart! Surrender and submit yourself daily to Him first and He will guide you. What YOU focus on grows- be intentional with your time, your thoughts, your goals, and your dreams.  Schedule your exercise, meals, quiet time intentionally this month! 

T- TRANSFORM- "Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2

Remember beautiful friend that comparison is the thief of joy. Here is what is true: you are strong, you are confident, you are enough just as you are, and you are a beloved daughter of the King. Renewing your mind is a minute by minute decision to think thoughts that are true about the person you really are! Believe it and transform your life by taking action on your goals and dreams and LIVE transformed by His amazing love for you. 

Commitment is an ACT, not a word! You can determine the person you want to be! Take action each minute this August! Commit to being ALL IN today!

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As our summer schedules come to an end and the school year begins, I want you to activate your mind, body, and spirit to make August the best month yet! Our goal in AUGUST is to be ACTIVE EVERY DAY and COMMIT to the WATER CHALLENGE! Even if it is a quick walk around the neighborhood, a nice walk with the family, swimming with the kids, yoga, or stretching, anything counts! Just get up and move for at least 30 minutes each day! Click on the calendar below to download the August COMMIT challenge and August Water Challenge to help keep track of your exercise and progress! Fill in each day with your activity and record your water intake and then email it to us at the end of the month for a chance to win a month of FREE sessions!

We can do it! COMMIT to your whole body health in August! We would love to inspire one another, as we COMMIT this August! With school getting started back and schedules filling with extracurricular activities, it’s important to set your goals ahead of time and focus on COMMITTING to them each day. You’ve got this! We are stronger together!! 💪

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If you have any questions, please email us at Send us your July push up challenge calendars to be entered into a raffle for a MONTH of FREE sessions!

Commit this August! We believe in YOU!


Team TransFit


ACTIVATE! Let's Get Active this August!

Happy August!

Wow, we can hardly believe August is here! Our TransFit Team is so excited to share our August theme with you! This month we are going to ACTIVATE! In all that you do, whether it is your exercise, your nutrition, or a your spiritual journey we want to help you to activate your goals and dreams this month! As our summer schedules come to an end and the school year beings, we want you to activate your mind, body, and spirit to make August the best month yet! Our goal in AUGUST is to be ACTIVE EVERYDAY! Even if it is a quick jog around the neighborhood, a nice walk with the family, swimming with the kids, yoga, or stretching, anything counts! Just get up and move for at least 30 minutes each day! Click on the calendar below to download the August ACTIVATE challenge to help keep track of your exercises and progress! Fill in each day with you activity and then email it to us at the end of the month for a chance to win a month of FREE sessions!

Exercise is such an important part of our lives. It benefits us more than just in the way that we look and feel. Here is the importance of getting a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise daily:

  • Activity can improve your quality of life and can have immediate and long-term health benefits, especially when it is done daily.
  • If you are regularly physically active, you may:
    • reduce your risk of heart attack
    • manage your weight better
    • have a lower blood cholesterol level
    • lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers
    • have lower blood pressure
    • have stronger bones
    • lower your risk of falls
    • improve heart-lung and muscle fitness
    • feel better - with more energy, a better mood, feel more relaxed and sleep better!
  • Daily activity of up to 30 minutes can lead to a healthier state of mind.
  • Prevent weight gain, promotes weight loss (when combined with a lower-calorie diet), and helps keep weight off after weight loss.
  • Having a daily exercise routine can increase motivation to slowly increase your exercise period each day. Starting at 30 minutes is a great place to start!

We can do it! ACTIVATE your whole body in August! Starting this month, we will now offer a 4:15 PM Transformer session on Monday's! Our middle school girls session will meet at 4:30 PM on Wednesday's! Additionally, our Bible Study/Prayer time will begin on Thursday, August 17 at 12:00 PM!

We have encouraged our staff and encourage you to join us in reading through the book of Romans this month! We would love to inspire one another, as we ACTIVATE our August! We are so thrilled about our new sessions and starting our Bible Study and Middle School sessions, again! We hope that you will join us!   

If you have any questions, please email us at Send us your July push up challenge calendars to be entered into a raffle for a MONTH of FREE sessions!


Team TransFit

TransFit Middle School Girls!

Hi sweet friend! We hope you are off to a strong start this August and are focusing on your goals you have set for this month. Goals are so important and can be used in all areas of life, including faith, friends, family, and fitness. We are excited to give you the opportunity to help middle school girls set goals and gain strength in body, mind, and spirit at TransFit Athens!  The 55 MINUTE training session for girls will help them to love their bodies and to empower them to feel confident, beautiful, and strong! 

Our first middle school session will begin August 15- September 23. The six week session will meet twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 PM. We will teach the girls about whole body health through mind, body, and spirit. We will focus on learning how to correctly perform exercises, the importance of nutrition, and how to feel your best on the inside and outside!  The sessions will allow the girls to work hard, laugh, sweat and finish with a time of stretching and inspiration in the 55 minute full body session.

Here is a brief outline of the topics to be discussed during the workouts each week! 

  Week 1:

Theme: Your life is a gift!

Discussion: How can you honor your body?

Through exercise, nutrition, and rest.

Set goals

Week 2:

Theme: Power of Positive Thinking/ Encouragement

Verse: Philippians 4:8

Discussion: What you think is how you act. How can you encourage others?

Try a 1 day no negative words challenge!

Importance of breathing & relaxation

Week 3:

Theme: You are strong. Have confidence!

Female Speaker from UGA College Sports Team

Verse: Ephesians 6:10 Be strong in the Lord….

Discussion: How can you be strong?

Best strength exercises for specific sports.

Week 4:

Theme: Commitment/Nutrition

Don’t compare your self to others

Discussion: You are what you eat. Healthy snacks.

Set specific nutrition goals for week ahead

Week 5:

Theme: Perseverance/Discipline/Trials

Verse: James 2:4 Consider it pure joy when you face trials…

Discussion:  We have to know that everything happens for a reason in His perfect timing. When have you had a trial or something bad happen? What would you do differently next time?

Week 6:

Theme: Endurance

Verse: Hebrew 12:1 Run the race with endurance….

Discussion: Never give up on your goals. Review goals and discuss never giving up on your goals- set new ones for future! How can you live transformed each day?

Partner exercises for our middle school girls! 

Partner exercises for our middle school girls! 

If you or someone you know is interested, please have them sign up at or on our our new TransFit app! You can purchase the full package, allowing her to come twice a week for the session or you can purchase the half package, allowing her to come once a week for the session! 

We are extremely excited about this opportunity to extend our TransFit community to all generations of women and look forward teaching them about whole body health! If you have any questions, please email us at


Team TransFit 

FREE Back to School Meal Plan & Healthy Kitchen Tips

Hey, sweet friends!! What an awesome start to August this week in the studio! We are so excited about the goals you have shared with our team and can’t wait to see you reach them — one meal, one workout at a time!

A lot of you have young ones starting back to school over the next couple weeks, and just like you all, we are also ready to get back into our routine of healthy lunches and dinners! Just the thought of planning out meals might seem overwhelming to you. That’s why we’re going to help you jump back into this school year one step ahead!

TransFit Nutrition Consultant, Katie Woodall is sharing a full week’s meal plan with you (below - for FREE) so your meals and workouts are already planned out for you and your family! Wahoo! A week’s worth of family-friendly meals with recipes are laid out for you to help make this transition back to school a smooth one! We’re even giving you a shopping list so you can breeze your way through the grocery aisles!

Included are simple breakfasts your whole family can enjoy, and we’re recommending healthy mason jar salads for your lunches this week! Since your lunches are all planned out, you’re probably wondering what your kids will eat for lunch. We want to help you with that, too.

A new school year is a great time to get your kids to try some new healthy foods! But let’s not get crazy — remember we have to ease them into it, right? Let’s be real. Most kids could eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every single day (or is that just mine?)

Pack foods your kids will eat! 

Sure we’d love it if all our kids would eat carrots, broccoli, sliced turkey and edamame. But let’s face it, not all kids will eat this and they need nourishment for school and after-school activities! Pack them a variety of foods so they have choices and be sure to include a couple items they already like.

We talk in the studio a lot about fueling our bodies for our workouts. Our kids need that fuel, too, so they can perform their best at school!

Let your kids pack their lunch. 

From kindergarten to 12th grade, each kiddo can help even if it’s a small task! Find a way they can be a part of choosing healthy foods for their lunchbox and feeling like it was “their idea.” 

Make it fun!

 Use bright or seasonal muffin cups to separate foods. Add toothpicks or make mini fruit kabobs. Send along a sweet card or note to make them smile! My kids love a funny joke, so I buy a couple books with tear-out lunchbox jokes, and I send one each day with a simple, “I love you!”

What to pack!

1. Protein.

The protein doesn’t have to come from meat! Sure you can roll up a couple slices of deli meat, like roast beef, turkey, chicken or ham, but try a variety of protein sources — like a cheese stick (or shredded cheese as my child prefers!), yogurt (just look for low-sugar kinds and resist any artificial sweeteners). You can use different nuts or nut butters (great for dipping, too), beans, hummus or hard-boiled eggs.

2. Whole grains.

Buy whole grains when you can, like whole wheat bread or pasta. Substitute two slices of bread with a whole grain wrap. Add in some whole grain crackers for dipping. You can also try the 1/2 and 1/2 trick for a while to help transition your kids to whole wheat!

3. Colorful fruits and vegetables.

This is a great way to add in fiber and antioxidants. Whole pieces of fruit are great — apples, bananas, oranges, or get creative with the mini fruit kabobs using grapes and berries. Slice up veggies, like a bright red bell pepper or celery. Along with carrots, these vegetables are great for dipping so include a container with a yogurt-based Ranch dressing, fresh salsa, hummus or even guacamole!

4. Sweet and salty snacks.

Mix up a healthy trail mix, or include raw nuts, dried fruits or pretzels. You can freeze tubes of yogurt for a cool treat. Enlist your child’s help over the weekend to prepare homemade energy balls or granola bars for their lunches, too.

5. Hydration.

Pack a mini-bottled water or an organic low-fat milk. When you can, avoid fruit juices. Stick to whole fruit options in their lunchbox to avoid any added sugars.

Use this lunchbox prep time as a chance to connect with your children! Take time to ask them about school or their friendships. Encourage them, and of course, use this opportunity to talk about why we choose healthy, nutritious foods!

And remember, you’re setting an example for your family! These little ones are watching you — taking a little extra time to prepare your salads for the week can be a way of showing your family that you’re honoring your body with healthy foods at lunchtime, too!

Reflect on our verse for this week: Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” Just like your workouts, commit to this family meal plan and planning out healthy lunches for your family. We believe in YOU!


Team TransFit

CLICK the image to download the app! 

CLICK the image to download the app!