middle school

COMMIT to Your Nutrition- FREE Back to School Meal Plan!

Hey, sweet friends!

What an awesome start to August this week in the studio! We are so excited you are COMMITTING to your whole body health this August! Let's reset, recharge, and stay focused to make August our best month, yet!

A lot of you have young ones starting back to school over the next couple weeks, and just like you all, we are ready to get back into our routine of healthy lunches and dinners! Sometimes, though, the thought of planning out meals might seem overwhelming to you. That’s why we’re going to help you jump back into this school year one step ahead! We want to serve you, amazing friend! 

TransFit Nutrition Consultant, Katie Woodall & Dietitian Kaeti Shurling are sharing a full week's meal plan with you (on the TRANSFORM section of the website or click HERE), so your meals and workouts are already planned out for you and your family! Wahoo! A week’s worth of family-friendly meals with recipes are laid out for you to help make this transition back to school a smooth one! We’re even giving you a shopping list so you can breeze your way through the grocery aisles!

A new school year is a great time to get your kids to try some new healthy foods! But let’s not get crazy — remember we have to ease them into it, right? Let’s be real. Most kids could eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every single day (or is that just mine?) Give yourself and your kiddos some grace but set a goal to some new healthier recipes this month.  We are here to help any way you need to get your family back on track.

In addition to our meal plan, we want to provide 5 packing items that you should include in your child's lunch for school! These five items allow you to ensure that your child is getting in their nutrition needs for the day! 

1. Protein. 

The protein doesn’t have to come from meat! Sure you can roll up a couple slices of deli meat, like roast beef, turkey, chicken or ham, but try a variety of protein sources — like a cheese stick (or shredded cheese as my child prefers!), yogurt (just look for low-sugar kinds and resist any artificial sweeteners). You can use different nuts or nut butter (great for dipping, too), beans, hummus or hard-boiled eggs.

2. Whole grains.

Buy whole grains when you can, like whole wheat bread or pasta. Substitute two slices of bread with a whole grain wrap. Add in some whole grain crackers for dipping. You can also try the 1/2 and 1/2 trick for a while to help transition your kids to whole wheat!

3. Colorful fruits and vegetables.

This is a great way to add in fiber and antioxidants. Whole pieces of fruit are great — apples, bananas, oranges, or get creative with the mini fruit kabobs using grapes and berries. Slice up veggies, like a bright red bell pepper or celery. Along with carrots, these vegetables are great for dipping so include a container with a yogurt-based Ranch dressing, fresh salsa, hummus or even guacamole!

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4. Sweet and salty snacks. 

Mix up a healthy trail mix, or include raw nuts, dried fruits or pretzels. You can freeze tubes of yogurt for a cool treat. Enlist your child’s help over the weekend to prepare homemade energy balls or granola bars for their lunches, too.

5. Hydration.

Pack a mini-bottled water or an organic low-fat milk. When you can, avoid fruit juices. Stick to whole fruit options in their lunchbox to avoid any added sugars.

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Use this lunchbox prep time as a chance to connect with your children! Take time to ask them about school or their friendships. Encourage them, and of course, use this opportunity to talk about why we choose healthy, nutritious foods!

And remember, you’re setting an example for your family! These little ones are watching you — taking a little extra time to prepare for the week can be a way of showing your family that you’re honoring your body with healthy foods at lunchtime, too!

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Reflect on our verse for this month: Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” Just like your workouts, commit to planning healthy lunches and dinner for your family. We believe in YOU! If you would like to meet with our Nutrition Consultants or Registered Dietitian to help you with a plan for feeling your best please email us!

In addition, our middle school (5-8th grade sessions and our 4th grade sessions) will begin THIS Wednesday! We hope that your school year will be off to a great start! We are praying for each of you as the school year begins! 

Love & Blessings, 

Team TransFit

Inspiring Generations of Women- Spotlight on Amazing Middle School Girls!

Hello Sweet Friends!

Today, we have the joy of hearing from one of our amazing Personal Trainers, Katie Lord, who supports our amazing middle school girls! She adores these middle school girls and comes alongside them to provide encouragement, support, care, and hope as they learn about whole body health! We are so thankful for Katie and our middle school girls who are learning what it means to live transformed! 


Think back to your years in middle school. What thoughts come to mind? Are all of your memories positive, or like me, do you also remember a lot of awkwardness and feeling uncomfortable with your body! I wish someone had come alongside me during middle school to offer encouragement and guidance in how to take care of my body and be confident in how God made me! 


At TransFit, we aspire to do just that for this generation of middle school girls through the TransFit Girls sessions! We teach the girls about whole body health and help them to love their bodies! We hope to empower each girl to be confident in who they are and know that they are beautiful, strong, and unique! 


In the 55 - minute TransFit girls session, we focus on making exercise enjoyable, learning how to correctly perform exercises, and the importance of nutrition and faith. Each week, the girls engage in an energizing and fun workout along with a cooldown time with stretching and inspiration. Some weeks the girls also complete simple crafts or hear a guest speaker that relates to the weekly theme. We help the girls set attainable goals each month and encourage them to stay committed to reaching those goals! We want the girls to give their best not just in the workout, but in everything they do! 


It is such a blessing to spend time with the middle school girls each week and teach them about living transformed! The girls have a blast during the workout! They work hard, all while smiling, laughing, and making new friends. God is changing the hearts of this generation of middle school girls! He is helping them to be confident, strong young women who are lights of kindness, love, and hope to the other girls in their community! Middle school is such an important stage in a young girl's life, and we pray that each of the girls finds inspiration to live transformed - body, mind, and soul. 


It is an honor and joy for us to welcome these sweet middle school girls into the studio. We are so thankful for the joy, sparkle, laughter, and energy each of these girls brings each Wednesday afternoon! If you know someone who would like to join us for our middle school girls session, they can sign up on our FREE app. The middle school girls sessions meet on Wednesday's from 4:30-5:30. We would love for your daughter or friend to join us! 

If you have any questions, please email us at transfitathens@gmail.com. 


Team TransFit

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Tips to Make This Second Half of 2017 Your Best!

Clean slate, yes, it's Monday!  7-17-17 this date must signify a fresh start for YOU! Let's make the 2nd half of 2017 be your best! Today, let's focus on being thankful for the body that you have and set new goals to ensure you are treating your body with care and respect!

One new goal could be to increase the amount of high quality protein that you include in your daily nutrition plan!  Protein is an essential food for repairing muscle tissue, and for keeping you feeling full for longer. High protein snacks should be consumed after 30-45 minutes after workouts for maximum muscle building and repair benefits, or should be consumed as a snack during the day to fight cravings and help manage weight.

Here are my top 4 favorites:

  • 1 hard boiled egg- 8g
  • 1/2 cup chickpeas- 18g
  • 1/2 cup cashews- 16g
  • 3 oz of tuna- 25g

Try out these great high protein snacks and start your healthy lifestyle with a delicious, higher protein nutrition plan!

Here is a high protein healthy popsicle to try this week! 

Strawberry Mango Chai Popsicle


  • 1 1/2 cup – strawberries
  • 1 1/4 cup – coconut water
  • 1 teaspoon – honey
  • 4 teaspoon – chia seeds
  • 1 1/2 cup pieces – mango

Puree strawberries (fresh or frozen) with half of the coconut water in a blender or food processor. Taste the mixture and blend in honey to desired sweetness, if needed. Stir in 2 teaspoons of chia seeds. Set aside. Puree mango (fresh or frozen) with the other half of the coconut water in a blender or food processor. Taste the mixture and blend in honey to desired sweetness, if needed. Stir in the remaining 2 teaspoons of chia seeds. Alternately pour each fruit mixture (for a marbled look) into popsicle molds and freeze until set. Makes 10 (3 ounce) popsicles. If you have the Norpro Ice Pop Maker let it freeze for 45 minutes and then add my wooden sticks so they stay in place better and the lid will come off easier.

We are excited to start our Super Charged Workout Week for middle school girls! Next week, July 24-28 we are offering a session from 3-4 PM on Monday, Wednesday, Friday for our sweet middle school girls! This session will be a kickoff to their school year and a way to recharge, reset, and refocus for the end of the summer ready to start a new school year! You can register for this session on our app HERE! Make sure to choose the Super Charged Workout- 5th through 8th grade girls sessions!

Throughout this session, we are going to focus on improving form while exercising, nutrition tips, learning about our beauty that is found in the Lord, the importance of positive thinking, and having endurance as we run the race the Lord has set before us! We are excited to have these girls in the studio! We hope that you can join us! 

We hope that this second half of 2017 is your best! We believe in YOU! Let us know what your goals are for the second half of the year. We want to encourage you, as you prepare for a great rest of 2017! If you have any questions, please email us at transfitathens@gmail.com. 


Team TransFit

TransFit Middle School Girls!

Hi sweet friend! We hope you are off to a strong start this August and are focusing on your goals you have set for this month. Goals are so important and can be used in all areas of life, including faith, friends, family, and fitness. We are excited to give you the opportunity to help middle school girls set goals and gain strength in body, mind, and spirit at TransFit Athens!  The 55 MINUTE training session for girls will help them to love their bodies and to empower them to feel confident, beautiful, and strong! 

Our first middle school session will begin August 15- September 23. The six week session will meet twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 PM. We will teach the girls about whole body health through mind, body, and spirit. We will focus on learning how to correctly perform exercises, the importance of nutrition, and how to feel your best on the inside and outside!  The sessions will allow the girls to work hard, laugh, sweat and finish with a time of stretching and inspiration in the 55 minute full body session.

Here is a brief outline of the topics to be discussed during the workouts each week! 

  Week 1:

Theme: Your life is a gift!

Discussion: How can you honor your body?

Through exercise, nutrition, and rest.

Set goals

Week 2:

Theme: Power of Positive Thinking/ Encouragement

Verse: Philippians 4:8

Discussion: What you think is how you act. How can you encourage others?

Try a 1 day no negative words challenge!

Importance of breathing & relaxation

Week 3:

Theme: You are strong. Have confidence!

Female Speaker from UGA College Sports Team

Verse: Ephesians 6:10 Be strong in the Lord….

Discussion: How can you be strong?

Best strength exercises for specific sports.

Week 4:

Theme: Commitment/Nutrition

Don’t compare your self to others

Discussion: You are what you eat. Healthy snacks.

Set specific nutrition goals for week ahead

Week 5:

Theme: Perseverance/Discipline/Trials

Verse: James 2:4 Consider it pure joy when you face trials…

Discussion:  We have to know that everything happens for a reason in His perfect timing. When have you had a trial or something bad happen? What would you do differently next time?

Week 6:

Theme: Endurance

Verse: Hebrew 12:1 Run the race with endurance….

Discussion: Never give up on your goals. Review goals and discuss never giving up on your goals- set new ones for future! How can you live transformed each day?

Partner exercises for our middle school girls! 

Partner exercises for our middle school girls! 

If you or someone you know is interested, please have them sign up at transfitathens.com or on our our new TransFit app! You can purchase the full package, allowing her to come twice a week for the session or you can purchase the half package, allowing her to come once a week for the session! 

We are extremely excited about this opportunity to extend our TransFit community to all generations of women and look forward teaching them about whole body health! If you have any questions, please email us at transfitathens@gmail.com


Team TransFit