Transform "Hard Core" Ab Workout

Hello sweet friends! It's time to finish April strong and come alive! This week we want to challenge you to come alive through a touching ab workout! You can add in this ab workout with our April challenge! You can find this workout on our YouTube page HERE


Abs are one of the major areas where our diet plays a key role. Everyone always wants to work on their abs, "love handles," and the core of the body. Your core is a major part of all movement. Having a strong core will help you be able to do every day tasks better and with ease. We've got a great ab workout for you that, when paired with a healthy diet, will torch unwanted belly fat and assist in creating a super strong core! 

Four key components to a strong core

  1. Exercise- Doing a healthy balance of strength training and cardio is essential to toning your mid-section! You'll notice at the end of this awesome workout there is a jump rope minute! This minute of cardio gets your heart rate UP and helps you burn more fat! 
  2. Diet- Eating a balanced, healthy diet is KEY to maintaining a lean midsection! Fill your diet with greek leafy vegetables, lean protein and other nutrient dense foods to reveal those abdominal muscles! 
  3. Sleep- Rest is essentail to burning fat! Allow your body recovery time in order for it to burn fat most effectively! 
  4. Stress management- For many reasons, stress is detrimental to maintaining a trim waistline. When we are stressed, we not only tend to exercise less and eat less healthy- we cause stress on our bodies which hinders it from burning fat.

We are ending this month strong as we advance our entire body health in ways that we may never have before. Remember friends it is not about being perfect - it is about being better than you were yesterday! Keep making awesome progress and invest in your health this month. Please let us know how we can help you reach your goals! For more recipes and workouts, please click HERE to find our Transform section of our website! 


Team TransFit

.....and the Winners of the Maximize your Motivation in March are....

Sweet Friends! 

We are beyond proud all of you who participated in our March Challenge to exercise everyday! You are all winners for attempting the challenge! Be proud of yourself!  Let the challenge continue to motivate you into ACTION this April! Try our April Arms and Abs Challenge to stay motivated! Make everyday count and remember that 15 minutes is better than no minutes of exercise!

We are so thrilled to announce the winners of our Maximize Your Motivation Challenge! These amazing ladies names were pulled out of a hat today after receiving over 100 March calender's! Congrats to everyone who participated- THANK YOU ! 

Our first place winner is Amy O'Neil! Amy has won a month of FREE sessions!

Our second place winner Is Sarah Spicer! Sarah has won 5 FREE sessions!

Our third place winner is Deborah Ragland! Deborah has won one month's worth of meal plans and recipes!


We are so proud of each of you! Thank you for pushing yourself to make March your best month yet! 

This week in the studio we are passing out our April Arms &  Abs Challenge! We have the calendar pictured above with a daily arm workout that we want you to complete! 

Additionally, we have some April DEALS for YOU! 

Our Transformation All Access package for 30 days is on sale for $200! 

Our TransFlex Yoga package for 10 sessions is on sale for $100! 

Our TransFormer 20 session package is $240!

These packages will be on sale through the month of April! To purchase, you can find them on our TransFit App HERE

We believe in you! Let's make this April our best, yet! If you have any questions, please email us at We look forward to seeing you in the studio this week! We love feedback on session times moving into May please let us know if you would like any new session times! 


Team TransFit

How to Come Alive in April- 5 Transformation Tips

Happy April!

April is the perfect time to recharge and come ALIVE! We are encouraging each of you to come alive through this month's challenge- the April Arms Challenge! Challenge yourself daily with the exercises below! Get your family and friends to join you too. This is a great way to tone up your muscles and get in the habit of doing exercises daily. Click on the calendar to get this April challenge started!


A- Action. Take action on your health! 

P- Pray. Take time for reflection and be grateful for your blessings! 

R- Renew. Renew your goals! 

I- Ignite. Ignite passion for exercise. Exercise is worship!

L- Love. Love the body you have and give your best! 

5 Transformation Tips

1. Avoid giving restraints toward God. Allow Him to take ACTION and believe that He can and will work in big ways! Invite Him into your month and ask Him to guide you and your goals!

2. Be in PRAYER. Plan your quiet time and lay it out the night or day before! 

3.RENEW your goals. Rewrite your goals. Challenge yourself to set 2 specific goals for the month and set 1 goal for each day and proud around it! 

4. IGNITE a spark in your exercise and workout with a friend! Accountability is such an important part of living transformed!

5.  Believe that God LOVES you! He sees you as a chosen daughter- enough and beloved! 

Let's come ALIVE in April! We believe in you! We look forward to seeing you in the studio this month, as we take on the April Arms challenge! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Now is the time to take ACTION on your health!

Sweet ladies, 

March is off to a great start! Thank you for filling our studio with smiles, energy, joy, and encouragement! Are you ready to take action on your health? Don't waste another minute! We want to help you reach your goals, dreams, and full potential.  We are now  offering our Maximizing Your Motivation in March Nutrition Package! If you would like to purchase the package, you can find it on our app HERE

What is your true motivation this month? To truly maximize your motivation, you have to KNOW your motivation! What is your motivation for better health??? We all have days where we trip and fall and get discouraged. There are days when we all lack motivation to keep pushing toward our goals. But, we can stay motivated by making a commitment to our goal and by aligning our actions with that decision or goal regardless of how we feel! You may never really "feel" like it but now is the time to take action! We love you and want to encourage you to be your best! 

One of our key focuses for the Maximize your Motivation in March package is commitment. Our theme verse this month is Psalm 37:5- "Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in Him, and He will act."

God is not promising things will always be easy... they will be hard... but be encouraged that  the tree which weathers the most storms often grows to be the strongest! We must trust that we can handle the challenges He sets before us and commit to reaching our goals. Bring your commitments, goals, and dreamsto the Lord  ask Him to give you the strength to do whatever is that you are setting out to do! 

Let's commit to strengthening our core by working on our abdominal muscles. Set aside 10 minutes every day to get in a great abdominal workout! This workout can be used for your March challenge to exercise daily! 

If you have any questions, please contact us at  We are excited to see you this week! 


Team TransFit 

Total Body Transformation Home Workout!

Hello friends! We are so excited to share this awesome workout you can do at home or on vacation using only one resistance band to tone and strengthen your entire body!! 

We realize that changing your daily habits to incorporate regular exercise can be challenging --the key is to set small daily goals this will make your health a priority! One daily goal for March can be to do some type of exercise each day! 

To get you started, here’s a workout you can do anywhere, any time! With spring break trips coming up and weekend travel as the weather warms, it’s good to plan ahead for your workouts as you would plan ahead what clothes to pack. Keep up your healthy lifestyle on your vacation to feel great and energized on your trip, then slip right back into your regular exercise routine when you return home! Toss a resistance band into your bag and you can do this workout on the go! Always be sure to warm up for at least 5 minutes before your workout, adding a cool down and stretch afterwards.

Set an interval timer for rounds of 1 minute of work with a 30 second cardio interval in between (jumping jacks, jump rope, high knees). You will get cardio and strength training in this workout by alternating through each!  Challenge yourself here!  Check out the video for demonstrations of the exercises!

Cool down and stretch, or repeat workout! Let us know how you do! Tag us on Instagram @transfitathens #transfittravels #exerciseisworship! A video of this workout can be found in the Transform section of our website as well as here on YouTube!

Screen Shot 2017-03-01 at 1.24.31 PM.png

Give this workout a try this weekend! We look forward to seeing you in the studio next week for more amazing strength training and fat burning workouts. Book your sessions in advance, and commit to giving your best and honoring your body through exercise! If you have any questions, please email us at  



Team TransFit

How Can You Maximize Your Motivation in March?

Bye Bye February... and Hello March! We are so proud of all the hard work & dedication we've seen this past month! We love hearing from all our friends on how their training and nutrition programs are going. You have stayed committed to your goals! We ended February strong with our Favorite Things Luncheon. What a great turn out and it was so fun sharing all of our favorite things with one another! 

This month we are challenging each of you to Maximize Your Motivation in March! We are attaching the March calendar for the AWESOME challenge this month. We are challenging each of you to exercise DAILY! Remember exercise is worship! Record what activity you completed on your calendar and show it to us March 31st, for the chance to win a month of free sessions! Yes 1st place will win one month of free TransFit sessions, 2nd place will will 5 free sessions and 3rd place will win one month's worth of meal plans and recipes! We want to reenergize you to reach your goals in March!

This month, our theme scripture is Psalm 37:5- "Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in Him and He will act." 

This month we are offering a $100 Maximize Your Motivation in March Nutrition Package. This package will consist of:

  • 1-30 minute nutrition or personal training session
  • 4 weeks of meal plans/ recipes/ shopping list/ inspiration 
  • 4- 1o minute accountability check-ins via phone 

To purchase this package, please go to our app HERE or MindBody HERE! If you have any questions, please contact us at 

Let's make this March the best month! We can do this, ladies! Check out our schedule for new sessions we are offering! Yoga will be offered on Wednesdays and Fridays now at 11:30 with Michelle! 

 If you have any questions or would like to set up a 1-1 session, please email us at 


Team TransFit 

❤️ Love Your Body! New Runner's Home Workout!

Happy Tuesday! 

We want to encourage you to live faithfully fit this February! So many fun 5k races in the coming weeks and we want your to be prepared to be your best! Today, we want to share with you our Transform Runner's Workout! In the midst of your "full" week, this is a great quick workout to help strengthen your core, quads, and glutes! Set your timer for minute intervals, completing the workout for a 45 second blast of exercise with a 15 second rest! Don't forget to get in 2- 3 sets! Check out the video below to see the each exercise! 

transform runner workout.PNG

Check our schedule to see our new sessions! We would love to see you in the studio this week! Come join us Thursday's at 12:30 for our Live Transformed Bible Study! If you have any questions, please email us at for more information! 


Team TransFit 


The Winners Holiday Extravaganza!

After a wonderful holiday season, the 2016 Holiday Extravaganza has finally come to a close! We have been so encouraged by the stories from so many competitors, and we had a blast doing this again with you all! Over 80 people played and over half of the participants received their money back! That means they kept their weight the same or lost weight over the holidays! WOW- that is hard! Congrats to EVERYONE who played! You should be proud of yourself for being accountable over the holidays! Here are the final results: 


1- Catherine Warner

2- Jennifer Richard

3- Brionne Antwine

4- Adrianna Creech

5- Amanda Farmer

6- Alison Abernathy

7- Pam Adams

8- Katherine Byrne

9- Cynthia Shepherd

10- Ellen Sabitine

We will do a spotlight on our winners though out the month! We encourage you to read these spotlights and draw inspiration from these hard working ladies! We are so blessed by their words and we are so motivated by their transformations!  Our prayer is that the spotlights will light a spark in YOU to give your best this year!

 Way to go ladies! 

Also a shoutout to our amazing sponsors! Here are some that were included in the top 10 prize giveaways:

  • Smoothie King

  • Rodan and Fields

  • The Pine

  • The Hub

  • Lululemon

  • Fire and Flavor

  • Andree's

First Place- Catherine Warner

Catherine has lost over 10% of her body weight, has lost 10% body fat and has gained such confidence! When we see Catherine now in the studio she has a radiant glow of living transformed. The transformation journey is not a quick fix, but yes, making healthy habits and small changes daily do lead to HUGE results!  Changing your mind (Romans 12:2) to believe that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to- is what living transformed is all about! Congrats Cat! We are so proud of you and are excited to help you reach your next set of goals for 2017! 

As a wife and mother of 3 boys, I have continually put my needs and schedule secondary to my family's, but that all changed 10 months ago. My journey with TransFit began in February 2016 when I was inspired by my friend Amy O'Neill's amazing transformation. At the time I was recovering from my 4th major surgery in 3 years and physical therapy was my only form of exercise. Highly motivated, I joined Transfit and had a 1 on 1 with Shelley Tanner. I began with Transformer classes 2 times a week during the month of March.  By May, I joined unlimited and began going 4-5 times per week. Today, I continue to workout 4-5 times per week at TransFit participating in Small Groups, Transformer Classes and Yoga. 

During my 10 Months at TransFit, I have been encouraged and inspired by Caroline, Katie, Shelley, Melynda and Lisa as well as all the amazing women I workout with everyday!  The cool down is my favorite part of the workout because it helps me remain focused on my goals taking them one hour, one day at a time. I have been consistent with classes from the beginning, but have struggled with my cardio and nutrition goals. This past fall, I joined the TransFit Bible Study and found the support, encouragement and tools I need to help me reach those goals as well. With the added excitement of "Holiday Extravaganza," I was motivated to eat clean and lean and lost more than I thought possible (It's amazing what happens when you drink the water and eat TransFit-approved!). I still have a long way to go, but know with the support and encouragement of my TransFit family, I can reach the goals I have set for 2017. Thank you to all of my friends for your support and encouragement. We are all on a journey together and we are not alone! Blessings for an amazing 2017 to you all!!!

Family : Corky, Tommy (16), Will (13), and Ben (8)

Favorite Dinner:  Wilted spinach and salmon or other wild caught fish

Favorite Lunch: "Romaine Lettuce boats" with grilled chicken and veggies with Balsamic glaze

Favorite snack:  Turkey rolls or Almond Butter

Tip:  I buy Justin's individual packets of almond butter to control my portions! 

Well done to all contestants! We are so incredibly proud of everyone who competed! Remember that the January Jump Start can still be purchased! We would love to have you join us in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle this year! 


Team TransFit

Happy New Year! You can commit to your health this year!


Happy New Year! We are looking forward to an amazing 2017 with you! Let's make the most of every single day we are given, and make the most of every opportunity we have to be healthier in each area of our life! Don't wait another second, realize that you CAN change any aspect of your life that you want to!  How can you commit to your health and reach your goals this year? Accountability is the key to unlocking your success in 2017! Our TransFit Team wants to know you and help you reach your goals!  We want to take this journey with you and we know you can achieve your goals! 


Thinking about the New Year- Are you going to be looking to jump start your body, mind, and spirit for a successful 2017? The TransFit January Jump Start package will provide you a healthy inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! The January Jump Start packages will get you on the right track to make 2017 the best year yet, body, mind, and spirit! Our January Jump Start package and all other packages  will be offered to you today for 10% OFF! Use the code TFNEWYEAR when you checkout! You can purchase packages on our app or through MindBody



We want to say that you so much for another incredible year. God has continued to bless TransFit and we have loved watching Him use TransFit as an amazing ministry. You all inspire us each day, and we could not be more grateful to do what we love and serve you! 


Team TransFit

How can you Jump Start Your January & make 2017 the best year yet?

Hello friends! 

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas spent with friends and family! Amazing ladies who are participating in the Holiday Extravaganza- let's finish strong and remember why you started this challenge! Remember the challenge is not a diet or a diet meant to restrict, but Holiday Extravaganza meant to encourage you to treat your body as a temple and reward you for doing so over the holiday weeks! 

We all have a clean slate going into this new year.....and we are excited to announce the TransFit January Jump Start Packages! These packages will provide you a healthy all-inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! The January Jump Start packages will get you on the right track to make 2017 the best year yet, body mind, and spirit! 

January Jump Start Package - $49

(4 week body, mind & spirit plan to jump start your transformation)

  • 4 weeks of healthy lifestyle meal plans, recipes, shopping lists (over 40 recipes)
  • Blank Meal Plan template for you to customize
  • 2 home workouts per week (8 total home sheet workouts) plus weekly inspiration
  • One month Transform Your Body Exercise Plan
  • January Jump Start Getting Started Guide and 10 New Year's Steps to Success
  • 2017  TransFit Goal Work Sheet
  • Transform Your Body Accountability Chart
  • TransFit January calendar with weekly challenges to keep you motivated
  • Weekly inspiration and email support                                                                                          **** Jump Start Package will be emailed to you via pdf on January 1st! 

January Jump Start Package Elite- $85

January Jump Start Package (all of the above) plus add in a 25 minute personal  consultation with body composition (body fat & % measurements) with Certified Nutrition Consultants Katie Woodall or Caroline Ward to completely assess your body, help you set specific goals,  and come up with a specific plan to help you transform and reach your goals for 2017.

January Jump Start Package Platinum (*awesome savings*)- $185

January Jump Start Package Elite (all of the above) plus 10 TransFormer sessions to be used in January 2017!  You will have all the meal plans, recipes, home workouts, and meeting to develop your specific  plan and add in extra awesome strength, cardio, and flexibility sessions in the TransFit studio! 

If you have any questions about any of these packages, please email us at for more information! To purchase any of these packages, go to our app HERE or MindBody HERE! January Jump Start packages on MindBody will be emailed out to you! We look forward to seeing you in the studio in the new year! We are so thankful for each of you and the blessing you are to our business! 

Please fill out this survey, so that we can better serve you in 2017! Completing this survey will give you $5 OFF your next purchase! Use the code SURVEY!


Team TransFit 


Holiday Hustle workout you can do at home!

Sweet Friends! 

We are off to a great start this week in the studio and we hope you can make it in today or tomorrow before we close for the Christmas season! But... we will be with you in spirit this season! Try this fun, energizing holiday workout with your family! Please share it if you do- we would love to see you sparkling over the holidays! Use our hashtag #TFholidayhustle

I have heard so many awesome stories of success during the Holiday Extravaganza! The pot of cash is HUGE this year and the prizes for the top 10 winners are really great! Keep up the great work! We are  so proud of all of you! You can do it! 

Also, we want to provide TransFit clients all over the United States the most effective whole body experience! We would love if you could take a few minutes to fill out this survey, so that we can better serve you in 2017! Completing this survey will give you $5 OFF your next purchase! Use the code SURVEY!

Start this week off strong! Remember to take part in the week's challenge of 1 mile a day and keep up the GREAT work! Focus this week on being diligent in your meal planning, workouts, and rest as we prepare for Christmas! Let's also take time this week to focus on the true reason for the season! As we go to parties, events, and gatherings let's remember the reason we celebrate- Jesus's birth! 

 Come join us today or tomorrow for your last studio workout of 2016! Please register in advance, so we can prepare each session for you! 


Team TransFit

Is Sleep Really that Important?

Happy Thursday friends!

What incredible start to October! We have loved beginning this month with you and are excited about our October challenge! Yes, you can do something active each day in October! Whole body health is what we strive to help you balance at TransFit and rest is one key that will help to unlock your total transformation ("rest...that that I can do"...I hope you are saying)!  Our TransFit yoga instructor, Melynda McCutcheon is sharing why sleep is vitally important for your body! 

At Transfit we talk about mind, body, and spirit a lot because we are passionate about your whole health body and well-being!  We want you to thrive in your daily lives.  In a world where we hear and see a great deal of value placed on the mom or career woman who can “do it all” while running on fumes, we sometimes get the impression that it is actually a good thing to sleep less and DO more.

Over one third of adults are getting less than the 7 hours of sleep minimum that we need to restore our bodies to health.  In addition to those who aren’t getting enough sleep, there are those of us who wake frequently during the night and who over estimate how much sleep we get as a result of that!  While we are sleeping our immune systems are revamping; our metabolisms are resetting; our muscles are healing and using the nutrients we consumed to create lean muscle mass; and our minds are resting and being restored.  Without ample sleep, we find ourselves feeling sluggish, less effective in our daily tasks, stalled out in our goals for our health and grumpy!  So, yes, wonderful ladies, 

our sleep is just as important as our nutrition and our workouts. 

We have a few simple tips to get you on the right track to a good night’s sleep.

At night…

  • Turn off the TV or your electronics at least 30-45 minutes before lights out
  • Read a devotional
  • Write in a gratitude journal
  • 10 minute yoga/stretching practice
  • Keep a consistent bed time that allows for 7-9 hours of sleep each night
  • Drink a cup of ward chamomile tea
  • Take an epsom salt bath

In the morning... 

  • Avoid the snooze button and get up and moving!
  • Open your curtains or turn on soft lighting to help you body wake more easily
  • Think of the breath you are breathing and be grateful for this new day

Take note of your sleeping patterns and allow yourself to rest more! Rest is so important for your body and truly benefits whole health. Finding our strength in God and honoring Him by resting is vital for your transformation. Through proper rest you will have the mental clarity to focus on your goals and strive for progress. Rest in God's strength and believe that His plan will work for your good! 

The Lord replied, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

Exodus 33:14

If you have any questions, please email us at To sign up for TransFit sessions, click HERE!  Rest well beautiful ladies, we believe in you! 


Team TransFit 

Find your true STRENGTH in September!

Happy September! We can't believe September is already here! Now that we are back into the swing of things with the routine of school, work, and activities settling into place, it's time to focus in on your whole body health! We are talking in the TransFit studio this month about "growing strong in our weakness".  

Does your body need strengthening and toning?  Your nutrition need cleaning up?  Or possibly your attitude toward a certain situation needs lifting? 

WE ALL have weaknesses and the way we grow stronger is to have faith in those times of difficulty. Leaning on the One who loves you unconditionally rather than leaning on your own understanding is how you can grow strong in your weakness

Please take this verse to heart when you need encouragement:

One way you can increase your body strength and stamina is to set a new September goal and work daily towards achieving that goal. In the month of September we are going to reach for new goals and do a new monthly challenge! 

September Squat Challenge

While we want to use this challenge as a means to reach new personal goals and get stronger in body, mind, and spirit in the month of September, we are also going to include a squat challenge that we can do together as a community!

Not only is this a great way to strengthen your lower body, tighten and tone your glutes but clients who do the challenge will be entered in a raffle to receive a FREE SESSION! Each day you successfully complete the day's challenge, check the chart attached or take a picture of yourself doing an exercise and post to social media using the hashtag #tfsquatchallenge

Throughout the month, we will draw a names out of a raffle and the winner will receive one free session in the  TransFit Athens Studio!  If you need a mental reset for September or want to have a 1-1, thirty minute or hour session with one of our personal trainers or nutrition consultants please email us at or book the session on our new TransFit App

. We want to help you reach your goals! Remember accountability is the key to unlocking your success! 


Team TransFit

Why you need strength training to transform your body! Awesome Olympic HIIT Workout!

Happy Saturday, sweet friends! It has been another awesome week in the studio. We love seeing each of your smiling faces! Each day is on step closer to the right direction when you are staying accountable to your goals! Continue to strive for progress- this weekend! Please try to book your exercise sessions for the week ahead and come 11:30 Tuesday to the FREE Transforming Goal Workshop! Sign up online, email us, or use the app (Special Events tab) so we know how many to expect! The lululemon ladies will be teaching all about how to reach your goals and we will have fun prizes & giveaways! 

Caroline Ward, Demetria Hunte, & Katie Woodall

Caroline Ward, Demetria Hunte, & Katie Woodall

Dee wanted to share with you why she feels strength training is so important to transform your body! 

It has been such an amazing 2 weeks working full time at TransFit and continuing to meet so many inspiring and dedicated women! What an amazing constant reminder of how much of a blessing TransFit and the TransFit family have been in my life. I am looking forward to a new season of growth and inspiration!

TransFit is so unique in that it provides for women something that is so commonly left out, strength training! Strength training is just what your body needs to fight the loss of muscle, bone mass and strength that comes with age. Resistance bands and balls, hand weights, barbells, and even your own body weight can be used as resistance when designing a strength-training program. Even better, all that new muscle and strength pays off in a long-term boost to your metabolism, which helps keep your body lean and sculpted. Suddenly, dumbbells sound like a smart idea! Below are some extra benefits to help explain why we as women should and need to build resistance training into our fitness plan.


Benefits of strength training for women:

  • Improved body composition & increase lean body mass
  • Increased metabolic efficiency (burn fat!)
  • Increased bone density
  • Decreased psychological stress
  • Increased energy levels and mood

Here is an awesome workout we want to share with YOU! This workout can be done anywhere and is great to take with you when you travel! Check out the video below!  

Olympic HITT Workout- TransFit Athens

Dee is pictured doing the squat with shoulder press here! 

Let's work to finish this August strong! We know that you can achieve those goals you set at the beginning of the month. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you! 


Team TransFit

TransFit Middle School Girls!

Hi sweet friend! We hope you are off to a strong start this August and are focusing on your goals you have set for this month. Goals are so important and can be used in all areas of life, including faith, friends, family, and fitness. We are excited to give you the opportunity to help middle school girls set goals and gain strength in body, mind, and spirit at TransFit Athens!  The 55 MINUTE training session for girls will help them to love their bodies and to empower them to feel confident, beautiful, and strong! 

Our first middle school session will begin August 15- September 23. The six week session will meet twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 PM. We will teach the girls about whole body health through mind, body, and spirit. We will focus on learning how to correctly perform exercises, the importance of nutrition, and how to feel your best on the inside and outside!  The sessions will allow the girls to work hard, laugh, sweat and finish with a time of stretching and inspiration in the 55 minute full body session.

Here is a brief outline of the topics to be discussed during the workouts each week! 

  Week 1:

Theme: Your life is a gift!

Discussion: How can you honor your body?

Through exercise, nutrition, and rest.

Set goals

Week 2:

Theme: Power of Positive Thinking/ Encouragement

Verse: Philippians 4:8

Discussion: What you think is how you act. How can you encourage others?

Try a 1 day no negative words challenge!

Importance of breathing & relaxation

Week 3:

Theme: You are strong. Have confidence!

Female Speaker from UGA College Sports Team

Verse: Ephesians 6:10 Be strong in the Lord….

Discussion: How can you be strong?

Best strength exercises for specific sports.

Week 4:

Theme: Commitment/Nutrition

Don’t compare your self to others

Discussion: You are what you eat. Healthy snacks.

Set specific nutrition goals for week ahead

Week 5:

Theme: Perseverance/Discipline/Trials

Verse: James 2:4 Consider it pure joy when you face trials…

Discussion:  We have to know that everything happens for a reason in His perfect timing. When have you had a trial or something bad happen? What would you do differently next time?

Week 6:

Theme: Endurance

Verse: Hebrew 12:1 Run the race with endurance….

Discussion: Never give up on your goals. Review goals and discuss never giving up on your goals- set new ones for future! How can you live transformed each day?

Partner exercises for our middle school girls! 

Partner exercises for our middle school girls! 

If you or someone you know is interested, please have them sign up at or on our our new TransFit app! You can purchase the full package, allowing her to come twice a week for the session or you can purchase the half package, allowing her to come once a week for the session! 

We are extremely excited about this opportunity to extend our TransFit community to all generations of women and look forward teaching them about whole body health! If you have any questions, please email us at


Team TransFit 

The Truth About Flexibility

We had another great week of sessions in the TransFit studio this week! Thank you each for bringing your best energy and positive attitudes each time you come to exercise! 

Flexibility and stretching are such an important part of our TransFit workouts! We love getting to spend our last five minutes together in the studio after a full body workoutlengthening our bodies and allowing our minds to focus on how to live transformed each hour of each day.  

Our new TransFlex instructor, Melynda McCutcheon, is a certified yoga instructor, and she wants to share with you just a few of the many benefits of stretching and flexibility.

Meylnda McCutcheon and Caroline Ward

Meylnda McCutcheon and Caroline Ward

 To stretch or not to stretch?  And how often?  What is the answer?  Before I get to that, let’s take a stroll down old memory lane... Do you remember how you felt when you first started at TransFit?  Do you remember a goal you had that you thought was too difficult to reach, and yet now that you have accomplished it, you realize that it just took that daily progress toward better choices to achieve what seemed impossible? 

When I began Transfit, I knew that water intake was something I had to address immediately.  Trying to reach that goal of 100 ounces a day was tough!  I felt like I spent all day filling my water cup and running to the potty...and there were lots of days I didn’t reach 100 ounces, but I kept trying new things...a new cup, fatter straws, a pitcher of lemon lime water in the fridge...I tried every tip anyone gave me, and guess what?  Most days, I easily surpass 100 ounces a day and truly feel strange and lethargic if I don’t fuel my body with enough water, so that goal that seemed difficult at first is now a habit.

What about stretching?  When I tell you that it is vital to our physical health, it seems daunting to begin from scratch, doesn’t it?  But the answer is in leaning into progress, ladies.  The answer is in the effort to prioritize it for long enough for it to become a habit, a part of the routine of our summer days.  Here is some helpful information and tidbits to get you going on your journey toward more flexibility and better form in all of your workouts:

Studies have shown that daily stretching works better than one LONG stretch session once a’s just like drinking water... I can’t drink all of the water I need for the week on Monday and satisfy my water goal that way.  As we stretch or workout, we tear our muscles, little tiny tears, but tears nonetheless, and the way our body gains strength in our workouts of any kind is through healing and repairing those tears.  In turn, we end up with strengthened, lengthened and more flexible muscles.  Our stronger muscle tissue is also less prone to injury or strains.  This happens, though, a small amount at a time, so daily practice is the best and quickest way to see results in your flexibility and strength.

Here are 3 reasons why stretching is essential for whole body health:

1. Stretching improves your flexibility and range of motion. Exercising can cause muscles to become tighter than normal, so your range of motion decreases. As a result, your body can become more prone to injuries. Therefore, it is crucial to increase your flexibility to help improve your body's strength, balance, and health.

2. Stretching can improve your mobility and your performance in multiple activities. As you stretch, you are lengthening your muscles and increasing the blood flow to your muscles. It will then become easier to work those muscles while exercising and will allow your muscles to work effectively.

3. Stretching allows you to clear your mind and thoughts. It is easy to recognize stress, but sometimes we forget about the toll stress can put on our bodies. Stretching daily will allow your mind to focus on something other than your to-do list or schedule for the day. Your body is able to concentrate on what is important, allowing the mind to recharge.

Melynda McCutcheon

Melynda McCutcheon

To condition your muscles, attempt for 15-20 minutes a day of flexibility work.  We will post a few yoga workouts for you here soon, but in the meantime, you can work through 3-5 rounds of sun salutation followed by a flow through poses like Warrior I, II, III, and triangle pose.  After you complete that standing sequence, take a seat on the floor in a pike position and stretch for your toes with a flat back 2-3 times (Use a towel around the bottom of your feet and hold each end).  Finish up with some twists on your can use the twists that our trainers guide us through at the end of TF sessions or any supine twist that feels good for your back.  My favorite is to lie down with my knees bent, feet on the floor about hip width apart.  I let me knees fall together to one side and turn my head to the other side with my arms out to my sides in a “T.”  Repeat on the other side.  As you go through this stretch routine, match your breath to each movement, inhale when you raise your arms, exhale when you forward fold, etc.  Through this attention to your breath, your body relaxes and warms up in the poses, not to mention the bonus benefits of a calmer mind and spirit.


Come join Melynda on the mat at the studio at a Transfit Flex class soon! TransFlex meets Tuesdays at 7:00 PM and Thursdays at 11:30 AM.  

On Your Mark, Get Set, RUN!

Happy Friday beautiful friend- we made it! Enjoy and give your best the last day of this beautiful week! Make each and every day count on your journey to total body transformation! Exciting Friday 6 am come join us for our new Free Runners Workout! Please sign up for this session on Mind Body so we know you are coming! We will meet at TransFit parking lot at 6am next Friday! All friends are welcome to join! The TransFit Team wants to help you reach your whole body health goals and getting in extra cardio is always essential! All you need is your running shoes and a smile! 

If you are not a "runner" walking and jogging is just as important for your transformation. Meet below, Lisa Patton, our new TransFit Running Coach and Lisa tells us her Top 10 Reasons to Run below! Come out of your comfort zone and try out this new workout- walkers, joggers, runners, sprinters are all welcome as we encourage & inspire each other to be our best! 

Car                                            Caroline Ward & Lisa Patton

Car                                            Caroline Ward & Lisa Patton

As we dive into summer, I am thrilled to come alongside you in your whole body fitness journey. I have meet many of you at early morning TransFit sessions and look forward to seeing more of your smiling faces during our Runners Workout. I am TransFit’s Running Coach, Lisa Patton, and running is my favorite way to get my cardio!

We are combining running with specific strength exercises that focus on glutes, legs, and core to get the ultimate cardio and strength workout. TransFit’s ideal location allows us the opportunity to take advantage of the UGA track. Our Runners Workout will start at TransFit with a walk/jog to the track. Using body weight strength exercises we will fire up muscles groups needed to be healthy runners. On the track we will get our hearts pumping as we build a strong cardiovascular foundation for our healthy lifestyle. A walk/ jog back to TransFit will cool us down and have us ready for essential stretches. 

Why run for cardio? Here are my top 10 reason’s Running is my FAVORITE CARDIO! 

Lisa’s Top 10 Reason’s to RUN! 

Hebrews 12:1-2

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

10. To achieve goals! 

There is a variety of goals to be set for a run; finishing a workout, going farther, going faster, and more. As an added bonus, setting and achieving goals boost your confidence and self esteem!

9. To tone legs and butt! 

Not only is running an awesome heart pumping workout, it also serves as strength training for your legs and booty! When running your lower body carries your entire body weight and with each run your bones and muscles get stronger.

8. You can do it anywhere. 

At the park, in the city, in the neighborhood, or on the beach you can run. If the weather doesn’t allow, hit the treadmill.

7. Running burns serious calories. 

Typically running can burn an estimate of 100 calories per 10 minutes depending on pace. Jogging/Running helps us keep a healthy body weight. After a run be ready to fuel your body with healthy food choices.

6. Running gets you outdoors to enjoy God’s beautiful creation. 

God has giving us such an incredible world to enjoy. Even if your not going to stop and smell the flowers during your cardio workout, you can look around and smile and thank God for His awesome work.

5. Running reduces stress! 

Not that any of us have stress in our lives, but just in case please note: Minutes into your run your brain begins to release hormones that naturally improve your mood, making you calmer and more relaxed....YES, PLEASE.

4. Running can be family time. 

Your run can include the kids biking beside you or a chat with your husband about weekend plans. A run can look like a fun game of chase with the entire family. When its race time the family can be there cheering you on or running beside you.

3. Running is SOCIAL! 

It is amazing how much better you feel after a run with your friends. It’s a time to encourage each other, sometimes vent, and then encourage again. It’s a recipe swap and family activity planning. It’s also a chance to get to know someone new and make friendships that will always share a special bond.

2. Alone time. 

I know I just raved about running being fun with family and friends, but sometimes it also a time to be alone. A time to clear your mind, to be quiet, to think, to daydream, to pray, to listen.



God has giving us such amazing gifts; our bodies, our friends, our health, our minds, our world, our family. These are just a few of the things we are reminded of and can praise Him for on a run! 

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous” Psalm 139:13-14

We would love to see you at our next running session! In addition to the running session, you can get your whole family involved in running! Try our new ebook- Kids Couch to 5K. This ebook features a couch to 5K program, runner's workouts, healthy snacks and recipes, and more! You can purchase the ebook online at the TransFit Athens shop. Email us at if you have any questions! 

Enjoy your weekend! Remember the June goals you have set! 

Try the runner's workout this weekend! Let us know how we can help you! We can't wait to see you in studio or on the track next week! 


Team TransFit



TransFit Spring Break Travel Workout!!

Hello friends! We know Spring Break is just around the corner and so I've teamed up with our newest trainer to bring you a GREAT travel workout! 

Shelley is certified with American College of Sports Medicine and she is eager to start inspiring ladies to live transformed!   We hope you enjoy this awesome workout and will join us in praying for Shelley as she becomes a part of Team TransFit! Please see our new schedule to add in new sessions for March ! 

Changing lifestyle habits to incorporate regular exercise can be challenging at first, especially when there’s always something that disrupts our routine.  The key is to set goals and make your health a priority! Start right where you are with what you can do, and make weekly goals to progress.  If you would like some guidance in this journey, we are more than willing to help you set specific goals and reach them here at TransFit! To get you started, here’s a workout you can do anywhere, any time! With spring break trips coming up and weekend travel as the weather warms, it’s good to plan ahead for your workouts as you would plan ahead what clothes to pack. Keep up your healthy lifestyle through your vacation to feel great and energized on your trip, then slip right back into your routine when you return home! Toss a resistance band into your bag and you can do this workout on the go! Always be sure to warm up for at least 5 minutes before your workout, adding a cool down and stretch afterwards.

Set an interval timer for rounds of 45 seconds with a 30 second cardio interval. It will take you 20 minutes to complete. You’ll get cardio and strength training in this workout by alternating through each! Pick a cardio option for those rounds. Challenge yourself here! Stick with one cardio or rotate through a few to work different muscles and challenge your body. Check out the video for demonstrations of the exercises!

Cool down and stretch, or repeat workout! Let us know how you do! Tag us on Instagram @transfitathens! A video of this workout can be found in the Transform section of our website as well as here on YouTube!




Also as we move into March (can you believe it?!) here is the calendar for the studio! If you are interested in becoming a client, email us! In the mean time, be sure to check out the Live Transformed bible study and our other ebook or meal plan options, as those are the next best thing! You can find the study and others in the shop here:


So thankful for Shelley and so thankful for all of you! Let's get excited for the warm weather headed this way and give extra thanks today for the One who has given us the beautiful spring weather! Have a wonderful weekend, precious friends! 

Team Transfit

5 Tips to get your kids back on track for a healthy New Year!

Hey sweet friends!

Many of you, like me, sent your sweet little muffins back to school this week after a wonderful holiday season with them! For many of us, the holiday season is a time full of Christmas cookies, desserts and LOTS of sugar! With all the yummy treats, we also tend to move and exercise much less during the holidays! While the time of rest is much needed, now is time to get our families back on track as school and work start back again. We have started the January Jump Start here in the TransFit studio, but  I wanted to take the time to offer some advice on jump-starting the New Year for your sweet little ones! Teaching them about the importance of nutrition and exercise from a young age will make a lasting impression on them as they grow up, and lead them on the right path in having their best  life! To start this week and month, here are 5 ways you can begin to help your children choose health and see that fit is FUN! I hope you enjoy these tips, recipes and our printable TransFit Kids "Fit is Fun food Journal"!

5 Tips to get your family on track with whole body health:

1. Plan AheadWhether you're eating on-the-run or running out to eat, you can find healthy food for the kids (and yourself) if you make advance plans. Meal plan and prep for the week! Get your kids involved and let them plan to have some of their favorite recipes this week! Maybe let them try helping you make some of these dishes too! Find a few great kid-approved recipes below they will want to plan in every week!

2. Make time for breakfastGive your family a good start with the most important meal of the day. Breakfast helps boost concentration in the boardroom or classroom, may aid in maintaining a healthy weight, and provides the energy needed for morning activities. Try a quick smoothie, healthy cereal, Kind bar or energy bites! Get ready the night before! Set out bowls, spoons, and cereal boxes. Or put out plates and forks, then whip up a few eggs first thing in the morning. If you're in a rush, take something with you! Toss pre-sliced fruit and cheese into a plastic container, top a toasted bagel with peanut butter, or blend up a fruit smoothie.

3. Keep Quick and/or Car-Friendly Snacks on handPack healthy snacks for after school that kids can manage themselves, including shelf-stable foods and fresh foods (pack a cooler if you have the time). Kid-friendly, healthy foods can include:

  • Fresh, easy-to-eat produce like apples, bananas, grapes
  • Dried fruit such as cranberries, raisins, apricots, apples, and pineapple
  • Trail Mix with nuts, dried fruit, and whole grain cereal
  • Whole-grain crackers with peanut/almond/sun butter
  • Low-Sugar granola bars
  • Turkey and cheese roll ups
  • Single serving yogurt
  • Cheese sticks or wedges
  • Ready to eat veggies with hummus

4. Eat out smarter - Find restaurants that serve healthier options for kids by knowing where you're going before you get there. Focus on places with healthy options like locally-owned restaurants, spots with salad bars , and fresh seafood restaurants. Luckily, many places now offer healthy swaps in kids meals such as fruit in place of fries, water in place of soda, and grilled nuggets instead of fried. 

5. Get the kids involved in your health journey - Your little ones are always watching you to see what you do. If they see you making healthy choices and doing it with excitement and joy, they will want to too! You- being a good role model for your children  is the best teacher of whole body health.

It may sound obvious, but kids need to be taught about eating right. It's not necessarily obvious why an apple is a better snack than a candy bar, so talk kindly with your kids about nutrition. Discuss subjects like why some foods are part of everyday healthy eating, and why other foods are a special treat.Teach kids where their food comes from with a visit to a local farm or farmer's market. Show them how to read and follow a recipe. Help your kids plant and tend a garden, then teach them to prepare the food they've grown. Show your children how to read nutrition labels, how to compare prepackaged foods in the supermarket, and how to shop. Us momma know it is not always easy to change your children's diet and win kids over to healthier foods. But it comes with a great bonus: once they're eating right, it's likely that you are, too! A few favorite recipes below and page on healthy lunches!

Strawberry Love Smoothie

  • 1 cup almond milk 1⁄2 frozen banana
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt or 1 serving vanilla protien powder 1 tbsp ground flax seed
  • **1 tsp maple syrup or stevia drops (optional)
  • 1 cup crushed ice
  • (top fresh strawberries and unsweetened coconut flakes)

No Bake Energy Balls

  • 1 cup oatmeal (I put this in the blender 1st)
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (or other favorite nut butter or sun butter)
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1 cup coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup ground flaxseed (GO FIBER!)
  • 1⁄2 cup chocolate chips (optional) 1 tsp vanilla

Directions: Stir all ingredients together in a medium bowl until thoroughly mixed. Let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour. Once chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you would like. (Mine were about 1′′ in diameter.) Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.

Get your kids excited about their health! Make it like a game! Print off this sheet and hang it up somewhere where your kids can plan out and track their meals, fruits, veggies, water and exercise! Sit down with them at the beginning of the week and get ready to have your best week yet! They will love getting to plan their week out and it will be a great habit to get them into early!! 

Send pictures of your recipes, filled out sheets and fun times to we would love to see! If you post them tag us @transfitathens!! If you want the pdf version of this chart, email us and we will be glad to send you one! Have a wonderful, healthy week with your sweet kids this week! 



10 Practical Ways to start 2016 healthier than ever- body, mind and spirit!

10 Practical Ways to start 2016 healthier than ever- body, mind and spirit!

I am so looking forward to this new year with you friends. Let’s make the most of every single day we are given, and make the most of every opportunity we have to be healthier in every area of life. Don’t wait another second, realize that you CAN change any area of your life that you want to. I want to take this journey with you and can’t wait to see how much you achieve!