cardiovascular exercise

On Your Mark, Get Set, RUN!

Happy Friday beautiful friend- we made it! Enjoy and give your best the last day of this beautiful week! Make each and every day count on your journey to total body transformation! Exciting Friday 6 am come join us for our new Free Runners Workout! Please sign up for this session on Mind Body so we know you are coming! We will meet at TransFit parking lot at 6am next Friday! All friends are welcome to join! The TransFit Team wants to help you reach your whole body health goals and getting in extra cardio is always essential! All you need is your running shoes and a smile! 

If you are not a "runner" walking and jogging is just as important for your transformation. Meet below, Lisa Patton, our new TransFit Running Coach and Lisa tells us her Top 10 Reasons to Run below! Come out of your comfort zone and try out this new workout- walkers, joggers, runners, sprinters are all welcome as we encourage & inspire each other to be our best! 

Car                                            Caroline Ward & Lisa Patton

Car                                            Caroline Ward & Lisa Patton

As we dive into summer, I am thrilled to come alongside you in your whole body fitness journey. I have meet many of you at early morning TransFit sessions and look forward to seeing more of your smiling faces during our Runners Workout. I am TransFit’s Running Coach, Lisa Patton, and running is my favorite way to get my cardio!

We are combining running with specific strength exercises that focus on glutes, legs, and core to get the ultimate cardio and strength workout. TransFit’s ideal location allows us the opportunity to take advantage of the UGA track. Our Runners Workout will start at TransFit with a walk/jog to the track. Using body weight strength exercises we will fire up muscles groups needed to be healthy runners. On the track we will get our hearts pumping as we build a strong cardiovascular foundation for our healthy lifestyle. A walk/ jog back to TransFit will cool us down and have us ready for essential stretches. 

Why run for cardio? Here are my top 10 reason’s Running is my FAVORITE CARDIO! 

Lisa’s Top 10 Reason’s to RUN! 

Hebrews 12:1-2

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

10. To achieve goals! 

There is a variety of goals to be set for a run; finishing a workout, going farther, going faster, and more. As an added bonus, setting and achieving goals boost your confidence and self esteem!

9. To tone legs and butt! 

Not only is running an awesome heart pumping workout, it also serves as strength training for your legs and booty! When running your lower body carries your entire body weight and with each run your bones and muscles get stronger.

8. You can do it anywhere. 

At the park, in the city, in the neighborhood, or on the beach you can run. If the weather doesn’t allow, hit the treadmill.

7. Running burns serious calories. 

Typically running can burn an estimate of 100 calories per 10 minutes depending on pace. Jogging/Running helps us keep a healthy body weight. After a run be ready to fuel your body with healthy food choices.

6. Running gets you outdoors to enjoy God’s beautiful creation. 

God has giving us such an incredible world to enjoy. Even if your not going to stop and smell the flowers during your cardio workout, you can look around and smile and thank God for His awesome work.

5. Running reduces stress! 

Not that any of us have stress in our lives, but just in case please note: Minutes into your run your brain begins to release hormones that naturally improve your mood, making you calmer and more relaxed....YES, PLEASE.

4. Running can be family time. 

Your run can include the kids biking beside you or a chat with your husband about weekend plans. A run can look like a fun game of chase with the entire family. When its race time the family can be there cheering you on or running beside you.

3. Running is SOCIAL! 

It is amazing how much better you feel after a run with your friends. It’s a time to encourage each other, sometimes vent, and then encourage again. It’s a recipe swap and family activity planning. It’s also a chance to get to know someone new and make friendships that will always share a special bond.

2. Alone time. 

I know I just raved about running being fun with family and friends, but sometimes it also a time to be alone. A time to clear your mind, to be quiet, to think, to daydream, to pray, to listen.



God has giving us such amazing gifts; our bodies, our friends, our health, our minds, our world, our family. These are just a few of the things we are reminded of and can praise Him for on a run! 

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous” Psalm 139:13-14

We would love to see you at our next running session! In addition to the running session, you can get your whole family involved in running! Try our new ebook- Kids Couch to 5K. This ebook features a couch to 5K program, runner's workouts, healthy snacks and recipes, and more! You can purchase the ebook online at the TransFit Athens shop. Email us at if you have any questions! 

Enjoy your weekend! Remember the June goals you have set! 

Try the runner's workout this weekend! Let us know how we can help you! We can't wait to see you in studio or on the track next week! 


Team TransFit



Kickin' It Into High Gear For Summer: A Brand New Total Body Workout

Happy Friday sweet friends! We made it though another awesome week in the TransFit studio! Many of you have met our amazing new trainer Demertria Hunt and if you haven't yet you are in for a treat this summer! "D"  has the most most beautiful smile, a heart that loves the Lord, and a passion for whole body health. Her favorite type of exercise is to incorporate kickboxing in with her strength training for a total body fat blasting session! Below she explains her favorite exercises! Join "D" this summer in a total body TransFit kickboxing session Tuesday and Thursdays at 7:30 am or Wednesdays at 11:30! Hope to see you knocking it out in the TransFit kickboxing rink! 

What a  blessing to meet and familiarize myself with so many new faces these past few weeks in the TransFit studio! I am so excited to connect and share a little bit about myself as I continue to build relationships with each one of you! I truly cherish everyday that I get the privilege to come in contact with such amazing and faith driven ladies and hopefully this blog will be a great way for you all to get a feel of how I love to live transformed!

Many times with a busy schedule or a cardio routine that tends to stay the same it can become easy to get bored, or even make it difficult to challenge ourselves daily. As a former athlete, I have become very comfortable with having a specific set schedule and specific workout regimen, however with a change of schedule and new responsibilities it has been a blessing in that I now have the opportunity to foster my love for learning new ways to put a twist on my cardio routine. More specifically I have fallen in love with cardio kickboxing. There are so many different approaches to getting in your cardio each day and week, so why not switch it up from time to time?

Kickboxing can serve as an amazing outlet to free yourself of any judgment, and really let loose. When you are working out you can find your special place, give it everything you've got, or even challenge your self to step out of your comfort zone! Kickboxing also functions as a great source of cardio and muscle endurance work on a busy day when you may not have enough time for a full cardio session. Although it is exciting to have an official punching bag, all of these exercises can even be done without a punching bag! Kicking, punching, and plyometric repetition can become your new secret weapon in the gym, or at home just like it has become mine! I would love to share and let you all take a peak into some of my favorite kickboxing mini circuits!


1.Jab Punch, Cross Punch, Round Kick, Cross punch -- repeat for 3 min


2.            Right Hook high, Right Hook low (10x) - 2 Front Kicks, 1 Burpee -- repeat for 3 min

3.            Squat to Jab punch, Cross punch (10x)- 10 Plank Punch Outs - 5 Sit Up to Punch -- repeat for 3 min


As with any high intensity workout be sure to pay close attention to your breathing as you complete these exercises. Focusing on inhaling and getting oxygen into your lungs and exhaling as you execute the exercise! Most of all let loose, have fun with it, and get your sweat on! Looking forward to seeing you in the TransFit studio to kickbox that stress out! 

Here is a preview of our June schedule! Please email with any questions. All sessions can be scheduled on our new Mind Body App or online at


Caroline & "D"





Holiday Extravaganza Game!



 Friends! Holidays are around the corner and it is that time of year when we may be stressed and thinking negatively about our bodies and what temptations may lie ahead. This month let’s focus on being thankful for the bodies that we have and taking care of what God has given us! Focus on the positive in both ourselves and life is a reminder we could all use a little more often. Accountability is the missing piece for many people over the holidays. This year, stay accountable to yourself with the Holiday Extravaganza Game!

Details are below! Email me when you would like to come in to weigh! Don’t forget the cardio challenge this week (30 minutes of your favorite cardiovascular exercise) Email me by the end of the 7 days that YOU DID IT and you will be in a drawing for a weekly prize!! Printable calendars are available here.


It’s that time of year again…
Time for the Holiday Extravaganza and time to weigh in BEFORE Thanksgiving! If you would like to participate this year please call or e-mail ( and we can find a time for you to come weigh in!   Please feel free to suggest the game to friends & family. The Game is open to EVERYONE!  The pot could be huge this year… but hopefully everyone will take their money back!
Start: week of November 18th    Finish: week of January 8th
To Play: 1. Any person who wants to play puts $20 in the bucket
2. WEIGH IN (Kept completely confidential)
3. Do your best over the holidays (eat right, exercise, etc.)
4. WEIGH IN the week of Jan 8th...
***If your weight stays the same -- you get your money back! SUCCESS!
***If you gain weight -- your money stays in the bucket.
If you are the biggest loser (I take the % of weight lost) you get to keep ALL the money in the bucket!!! OH YEAH!!! Last year Brionne Antwine won $400 CASH- AFTER Christmas!!
2nd place & 3rd place this year will win an amazing gift basket full of fun fitness prizes!
The National gift certificate
Journey Juice gift certificate
Pure Barre gift certificate
Plane Jane Coupons
Fire & Flavor goodies & cookbook
Nuance Skin Boutique gift certificate
Georgia Cycle Sports gift certificate & goodies
Fresh Market gift certificate
Thirty One bags & coupons
HomeMade gift certificates
Fleet Feet coupons
Fresh Market Gift Certificates & goodies
Earth’s Best Coupons
And many more!
There will also be weekly challenges and prizes for winners!
is the best way to keep YOU accountable over the holiday season!  Let’s DO IT!
Can't wait to see you soon! Blessings, Caroline