Check Out How You Can Come ALIVE in April!

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Can you believe April is here?! We are so excited to help you come ALIVE in April! We are encouraging each of you to come alive through this month's challenge- the April Arms Challenge! Challenge yourself daily with the exercises below! Get your family and friends to join you too. This is a great way to tone up your muscles and get in the habit of doing exercises daily. Click on the calendar to get this April challenge started! Check out all the new sessions happening this month at TransFit! 


Here is how you can come ALIVE in April:


A- Action. Take action on your health! 

P- Pray. Take time for reflection and be grateful for your blessings! 

R- Renew. Renew your goals! 

I- Ignite. Ignite a passion for exercise. Exercise is worship!

L- Love. Love the body you have and give your best! 


5 Transformation Tips for A-P-R-I-L:

1. Allow God to take ACTION and believe that He can and will work in you in big ways! Ask Him to guide you and your goals!

2. Be in PRAYER. Plan your quiet time and lay it out the night or day before! 

3. RENEW your goals. Rewrite your goals. Challenge yourself to set 2 specific goals for the month and set 1 goal for each day and proud around it! 

4. IGNITE a spark in your exercise and workout with a friend! Accountability is such an important part of living transformed!

5.  Believe that God LOVES you! He sees you as a chosen daughter- enough and beloved! 


NEW April HIIT Cardio Transformer Sessions

NEW sessions will be Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 for the month of April. The session will be a high-intensity interval cardio focused session for clients of all fitness levels. You will have a cardio warm-up, dynamic warm-up, cardio intervals on machines and on the floor, finishing with extra glutes and abs, with new stretching to fully renew your mind! 


TransUpLift Session

TransForm your Body- Elevate your Spirit- Renew your Mind! This session is on Monday's at 11:30

TransUpLift will inspire and challenge you while you release toxins and tension from your entire body. The 55-minute session will help you clear your mind by flowing in rhythmic, yoga-inspired movements. Activate your core, strengthen your arms, and tone your legs in the full body session. By allowing the body to gracefully move and flow, you will free yourself to be re-energized and lifted up! You will leave the session with renewed energy and total strength in body, mind, and spirit! This session will use only your body (not weights or machines) to UpLift your day! 

Bring your yoga mat or borrow one of ours for this new, inspiring session. 


April Lunch and Learn

Essential Oils for Health and Wellness

April Lunch and Learn we will enjoy a new transformer lunch from The Pine and hear from life and meditation coach, Valerie Langley. Valerie will lead us through a short meditation to begin and then we will begin to learn about essential oils. She will discuss the 5 most common oils to use for Health and wellness, covering Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, and OnGuard. She will explain how the oils heal your body physically and explain the different ways to use the oils, like diffusing, ingesting and topically. She will also teach how to make chemical free products with these oils that you can use around your home. Sign up on the FREE app under SPECIAL EVENTS. 

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TransFit Running Session

Our TransFit Running session is coming back! You will meet at TransFit and run or walk down to the UGA Track. Our running coach, Lisa Patton, will lead you through running intervals around the track and some bodyweight exercises! Come join us on Tuesday's at 5:30 AM! Sign up on the app, so we know you are coming! 


Middle School Girls Sessions

Our last middle school session will begin April 11 and meet every Wednesday until April 25. The three-week session will meet once a week, on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 PM. We will teach the girls about whole body health through mind, body, and spirit. We will focus on learning how to correctly perform exercises, the importance of nutrition, and how to feel your best on the inside and outside!  The sessions will allow the girls to work hard, laugh, sweat and finish with a time of stretching and inspiration in the 55-minute full body session. You can purchase the individual sessions or the three-week package on our FREE app HERE!


We hope to see you in the studio throughout the month! We are so excited to work with you and help you achieve your goals this month! Let's live transformed and come ALIVE this April! We believe in you! Sign up for all sessions and events on our FREE TransFit app HERE! 

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Revive Your Body, Mind, & Spirit This Week at TransFit! 🙋🏼💗

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Happy Sunday, sweet friend! 

We have an amazing week we planned for you in the studio, as we revive our bodies, minds, and spirits for Spring!

Our TransFormer sessions will be revived and supercharged this week, a new Uplift Session tomorrow at 11:30 AM and Thursday night will be amazing!  


We wanted to let you know about our FREE community workout THIS Thursday! This event will be on Thursday, March 22 at 6 PM and is specifically for Hope 139 house! This workout will be filled with lots of energy, fun, food, and fellowship as we sparkle together while supporting Hope 139! We want to invite you and any of your friends to come join us! The community workout is for all women of the Athens area, so we would LOVE to see you! The workout will be a transforming whole body workout for any age and fitness level! 


In case you missed our previous blogs about Hope 139, here is a quick overview of who Hope 139 is and the needs and services that they will provide! Hope 139 is near and dear to the hearts of the ladies at TransFit because our very own trainer, Shelley Tanner, started this non-profit organization! 


Hope 139 House, Inc. is a 501 (c)3 non-profit incorporation seeking to provide housing and support for women in crisis pregnancy and parenting situations.  This maternity and second chance home will provide hands-on training in many areas through a Christ-centered environment so that mother and baby have a better chance of staying together as a family unit and having hope of a beautiful future together.

Plans for the Home:

  • Provide adequate, comfortable housing for up to 16 women in crisis during or after pregnancy through maternity home
  • Housing for women and their young children for those at-risk of being separated due to various individual circumstances in the second chance home
  • Lessen the strain on the foster care system by providing women with alternatives to their current situations, where mother and child can remain together under supervision, implementing a plan for behavior change. 
  • Both mom and child will experience the extravagant grace and love of Jesus Christ and be forever changed by Him

Services Provided:

  • Education- traditional and skills training, GED
  • Bible study
  • Parenting and life skills training
  • Counseling services through partnerships
  • Mental and physical healthcare needs
  • Career training
  • Behavior modification strategies

Current Needs

  • Prayer
  • A building for the home
  • Funds
  • Staff
  • Van or other vehicle for transportation
  • Many other needs for furnishing the home when the building is secured

We are so excited to offer this FREE community workout to raise support and donations for Hope 139. Feel free to share our flyers with your friends! We hope that you will join us! Sign up on our FREE app under SPECIAL EVENTS

We wanted to remind you about our March Recharge Nutrition packages! We have three different packages that are fit to your needs! You can find them on our website HERE under SERVICES. Let us know how we can help you transform! 

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit 

Total Body Transformation Workout You Can Do Anywhere!


Hello friends!

We are so excited to share this awesome workout you can do at home or on vacation using only one resistance band to tone and strengthen your entire body!! 

We realize that changing your daily habits to incorporate regular exercise can be challenging --the key is to set small daily goals this will make your health a priority! One daily goal for March can be to do some type of exercise each day! 


To get you started, here’s a workout you can do anywhere, anytime! With spring break trips coming up and weekend travel as the weather warms, it’s good to plan ahead for your workouts as you would plan ahead what clothes to pack. Keep up your healthy lifestyle on your vacation to feel great and energized on your trip, then slip right back into your regular exercise routine when you return home!  Toss a band into your bag and you can do this workout on the go! Always be sure to warm up for at least 5 minutes before your workout, adding a cool down and stretch afterward. Check out the video for demonstrations of the exercises!

Cool down and stretch, or repeat workout! Let us know how you do! Remind yourself that while you are doing this you are worshipping with your whole body! Romans 12:2 reminds us to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. By moving your body everyday and viewing this as a form of worship, you are living transformed!

You can find more workouts on our website HERE and our Youtube account HERE

We are excited to announce our Night of Hope Community Workout! This event will be on Thursday, March 22 at 6 PM! This event is specifically for Hope 139! Check out our past blog post to learn more about Hope 139 and how TransFit is supporting Hope 139. We are so excited to offer this FREE community workout to raise support and donations for Hope 139. We hope that you will join us! Sign up on our FREE app under SPECIAL EVENTS


We look forward to seeing you in the studio for more amazing strength training and fat burning workouts. Book your sessions in advance, and commit to giving your best and honoring your body through exercise! Sign up for the Night of Hope Community Workout TODAY! If you have any questions, please email us at  


Team TransFit

Inspiring Generations of Women- Spotlight on Amazing Middle School Girls!

Hello Sweet Friends!

Today, we have the joy of hearing from one of our amazing Personal Trainers, Katie Lord, who supports our amazing middle school girls! She adores these middle school girls and comes alongside them to provide encouragement, support, care, and hope as they learn about whole body health! We are so thankful for Katie and our middle school girls who are learning what it means to live transformed! 


Think back to your years in middle school. What thoughts come to mind? Are all of your memories positive, or like me, do you also remember a lot of awkwardness and feeling uncomfortable with your body! I wish someone had come alongside me during middle school to offer encouragement and guidance in how to take care of my body and be confident in how God made me! 


At TransFit, we aspire to do just that for this generation of middle school girls through the TransFit Girls sessions! We teach the girls about whole body health and help them to love their bodies! We hope to empower each girl to be confident in who they are and know that they are beautiful, strong, and unique! 


In the 55 - minute TransFit girls session, we focus on making exercise enjoyable, learning how to correctly perform exercises, and the importance of nutrition and faith. Each week, the girls engage in an energizing and fun workout along with a cooldown time with stretching and inspiration. Some weeks the girls also complete simple crafts or hear a guest speaker that relates to the weekly theme. We help the girls set attainable goals each month and encourage them to stay committed to reaching those goals! We want the girls to give their best not just in the workout, but in everything they do! 


It is such a blessing to spend time with the middle school girls each week and teach them about living transformed! The girls have a blast during the workout! They work hard, all while smiling, laughing, and making new friends. God is changing the hearts of this generation of middle school girls! He is helping them to be confident, strong young women who are lights of kindness, love, and hope to the other girls in their community! Middle school is such an important stage in a young girl's life, and we pray that each of the girls finds inspiration to live transformed - body, mind, and soul. 


It is an honor and joy for us to welcome these sweet middle school girls into the studio. We are so thankful for the joy, sparkle, laughter, and energy each of these girls brings each Wednesday afternoon! If you know someone who would like to join us for our middle school girls session, they can sign up on our FREE app. The middle school girls sessions meet on Wednesday's from 4:30-5:30. We would love for your daughter or friend to join us! 

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

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Need a LIFT in Your Spirits This Week? NEW Session Added 11:30 Monday's!

Happy Sunday! 

We are all ready for a great new month of March! HOPE is in the air! Start your Monday with us at TransFit and lift your spirits! 


The new TransUpLift session will begin tomorrow (Monday) at 11:30.

TransForm your Body- Elevate your Spirit- Renew your Mind! 

TransUpLift will inspire and challenge you while you release toxins and tension from your entire body. The 55-minute session will help you clear your mind by flowing in rhythmic, yoga-inspired movements. Activate your core, strengthen your arms, and tone your legs in the full body session. By allowing the body to gracefully move and flow, you will free yourself to be re-energized and lifted up! You will leave the session with renewed energy and total strength in body, mind, and spirit! This session will use only your body (not weights or machines) to UpLift your day! 

Bring your yoga mat or borrow one of ours for this new, inspiring session. 

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We are excited to announce our March Lunch and Learn date! Mark the calendar for March 8 at 11 AM! We will meet at The National and hear from master chef, Peter Dale. We will enjoy a delicious and healthy Power Lunch, learn about the nutritional components of the power lunch, how to cook this fabulous lunch, and gain some insight on how to make your own healthy lunches at home with some of Peter's favorite recipes! You don't want to miss this! Sign up on our FREE app under SPECIAL EVENTSThe cost is $20 and it includes the power lunch, drink, and tip! 


If you need some ideas while meal prepping, check out our website under the HEALTHY LIVING TAB! Don't forget about our March Recharge Nutrition packages! You can find more details on our past blog and under SERVICES on our website

Sign up for our new TransUpLift session, Lunch and Learn, and other sessions on our FREE app! We hope to see you this week! Come join us! 

If you have any questions, email us at Let us know how we can help you live transformed! 


Team TransFit

Why YOU Need Strength Training to Transform Your Body! Awesome Olympic HIIT Workout!

Happy Saturday, sweet friends!

We love seeing each of your smiling faces in the studio! Each day is one step closer in the right direction when you are staying accountable to your goals! Continue to strive for progress- this weekend! Come join us this morning at 8 AM or at 10 AM for our NEW Saturday session! Today, we want to share about the importance of strength training and a fun Olympics workout!


Strength training is just what your body needs to fight the loss of muscle, bone mass and strength that comes with age. Resistance bands and balls, hand weights, barbells, and even your own body weight can be used as resistance when designing a strength-training program. Even better, all that new muscle and strength pays off in a long-term boost to your metabolism, which helps keep your body lean and sculpted. Suddenly, dumbbells sound like a smart idea! Below are some extra benefits to help explain why we as women need to build strength training into our weekly fitness plan. 

Benefits of strength training for women:

  • Improved body composition & increase lean body mass
  • Increased metabolic efficiency (burn fat!)
  • Increased bone density
  • Decreased psychological stress 
  • Increased energy levels and mood

Here is an awesome workout we want to share with YOU! This workout can be done anywhere and is great to take with you when you travel.

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Let's work to finish this February strong! We know that you can achieve those goals you set at the beginning of the month. For more workouts, videos, recipes, and inspiration check out our app and website under the HEALTHY LIVING tab!

We want to invite you to save the date for our March Lunch and Learn with Peter Dale! The Lunch and Learn will be March 8 at 11 AM and we will meet at The National to hear more about the delicious and healthy power lunch! We hope you will join us! Sign up on the app

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you! 


Team TransFit

Meet Mallory and Come Transform With Us!

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Happy Monday! 

We are so excited to announce that we are welcoming a new Personal Trainer to our TransFit Team! Meet Mallory Gilliam! Many of you have met this bright spirit in the TransFit studio over the past weeks and she starts her new sessions tonight! We are so excited to have Mallory on our team to encourage and inspire you and we are so thrilled for her to meet her! Mallory cheered at UGA and her contagious energy and bright spirit will propel you give your best inside her sessions and living transformed outside our #happyplace! 


My name is Mallory Gilliam, and I am so grateful to be a part of the TransFit community!  I am thankful to share my passions for health, wellness, and faith through TransFit!  I want to inspire, motivate, and encourage all women to trust the Lord with their hearts, minds, and bodies because that's when transformation unfolds.

While attending The University of Georgia, I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Advertising.  My love for Georgia Athletics came alive as I was fortunate enough to carry out my endeavors as a member of the UGA Cheerleading Team.  My time Between the Hedges, on the competition mat, and in the weight room lifted my passion for exercise.  I was named to the NCA All-American Team and honored as one of the Top 20 NCA Collegiate Cheerleaders across the nation.  After cheerleading ended, I moved to Dallas, Texas for my dream internship.  During this time, I truly began focusing on the foods I was putting into my body and I began overtraining.  I was left broken and tired.  This is when I knew it was time to focus on my faith.  I finished my last semester of college and later became a pharmaceutical sales representative.  God had blessed me with everything I wanted, but as I began focusing on my still moments, I felt Him leading me in other directions.  After trying a few other career paths, His purpose for me became clear.  I am passionate about helping others through exercise and nutrition, so I honored His gifts for me, and pursued group fitness and personal training.

I am excited to help TransFit ladies on their journey, and my goal is to encourage transformation through shifting thoughts of comparison and perfection to happiness and peace.


Some of Mallory's favorite things outside of TransFit include:

  • Cooking, especially for others
  • Taking walks around Five Points
  • Painting
  • Yoga
  • Georiga Athletics
  • Wednesday nights with my small group ladies
  • Dancing in my kitchen
  • All dogs, but I have a special place for big dogs
  • Sundays
  • Giving and wrapping gifts
  • Spending time with loved ones
  • Spreading kindness and smiles because we all need encouragement
  • Having alone time to pray

Mallory will be teaching our NEW Monday 7:15 PM session and Saturday 10 AM session! We hope that you will come meet Mallory and join us at these sessions! You can sign up on our FREE app


Keeping our hearts healthy is such a vital aspect of our whole body health! We look forward to seeing you in the studio soon! Let's kickstart this week and make it count! Continue to work hard towards your February goals! We believe in YOU!

Don't forget to sign up for our new sessions! We hope to see you soon! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Congrats to Our Holiday Extravaganza Winners!


After a wonderful holiday season, the 2017 Holiday Extravaganza has finally come to a close! We have been so encouraged by the stories from so many competitors, and we had a blast doing this again with you all! Over 100 people played and over 3/4 of the participants received their money back! That means they kept their weight the same or lost weight over the holidays! WOW- that is hard! Congrats to EVERYONE who played! You should be proud of yourself for being accountable over the holidays! Here are the final results: 

1. Brionne Antwine- 15.36%

2. Angie Sanders- 8.07%

3. Kelly Strickland-6.79%

4. Mary McKillip

5. Kathy Cousart

6. Catherine Warner

7. Kasey Dillard

8. Jennifer Rickard

9. Megan Melton

10. Melynda McCutcheon

We will do a spotlight on our top five winners throughout the month! We encourage you to read these spotlights and draw inspiration from these hard working ladies! We are so blessed by their words and we are so motivated by their transformations!  Our prayer is that the spotlights will light a spark in YOU to give your best this year! Way to go ladies! 


First Place Winner- Brionne Antwine

My name is Brionne, I am married to Jamie, and we have 4 kids, ages 5-12. While trying to balance kids at three different schools who are all playing sports, working part time as a nurse at Piedmont Athens Regional, and keeping up with my husband’s busy work schedule, nutrition and exercise was not the priority it should have been. It was all too easy to pick up a pizza or go though the drive thru between practices. When I stepped on the scale at the beginning of the Holiday Extravaganza, I knew something needed to change! The first step was to end my relationship with Dr. Pepper  The break up wasn’t as hard as I anticipated, and the more water I drank, the more I craved...water! I made it a priority to get in 96oz a day. I started keeping a food journal, and at first submitting daily to Caroline. Talk about accountability! I found ways to incorporate more vegetables in my diet, and spinach has found a permanent place in our fridge. I aimed for a salad a day, and added spinach and fruit smoothies into my morning routine. I found myself sautéing zucchini for lunch, which was a far cry from my ham and cheese sandwiches with a side of Chex Mix! 

The hardest week for me was attempting the “No Added Sugar” challenge. I almost quit before I even started! But I learned so much that week! Turns out that my “healthy” yogurt, wasn’t so healthy after all! It was loaded with sugar! I switched to the Dannon Oikos Triple Zero yogurt, which allows for a flavored yogurt with no added sugar. And I learned that most salad dressings have sugar (I honestly had no clue), but that a little olive oil and red wine vinegar still tastes delicious on my spinach, feta cheese, strawberry, and walnut salads!

I had fallen way out of routine with exercise, so Caroline encouraged me to aim for at least 30 minutes a day. Some days I would walk, some days I would jog, and some days I’d dust off an old workout DVD. Most importantly, I didn’t get discouraged when I missed a day. I planned exercise into my schedule, and my husband was very supportive to give me that “me time.” 

Now, I am looking forward to attending weekly Transformer classes. I love the accountability, and just because the challenge is over, I don't want this journey to end! Seeing results gives me the encouragement to continue! 


Well done to all contestants! We are so incredibly proud of everyone who competed! Remember that the January Jump Start can still be purchased! We would love to have you join us in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle this year! 


Team TransFit

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How can you Jump Start Your January & make 2018 the best year yet?

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Hello friends! 

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas spent with friends and family! Amazing ladies who are participating in the Holiday Extravaganza- let's finish strong and remember why you started this challenge! Remember the challenge is not a diet meant to restrict, but Holiday Extravaganza is meant to encourage you to treat your body as a temple and reward you for doing so over the holiday weeks! 

So many prizes for the top winners of the contest so give each day your best: drink your water, eat your greens, and get moving! 

We all have a clean slate going into this new year.....and we are excited to announce the new  TransFit January Jump Start Packages! These packages will provide you a healthy all-inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! The January Jump Start packages will get you on the right track to make 2018 the best year yet, body mind, and spirit! 


January Jump Start Package - $49

(4 week body, mind & spirit plan to jump start your transformation)

  • 4 weeks of healthy lifestyle meal plans, recipes, shopping lists (over 40 recipes)

  • Blank Meal Plan template for you to customize

  • 2 home workouts per week (8 total home sheet workouts) plus weekly inspiration

  • One month Transform Your Body Exercise Plan

  • January Jump Start Getting Started Guide and 10 New Year's Steps to Success

  • 2018 TransFit Goal Work Sheet

  • Transform Your Body Accountability Chart

  • TransFit January calendar with weekly challenges to keep you motivated

  • Weekly inspiration and email support **** Jump Start Package will be emailed to you via pdf on January 1st! This package can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below.


January Jump Start Package Elite- $85

January Jump Start Package Elite (all of the above) plus add in a 25 minute personal  consultation with body composition (body fat & % measurements) with any of our Certified Nutrition Consultants or Personal Trainers  to completely assess your body, help you set specific goals,  and come up with a specific plan to help you transform and reach your goals for 2018. This package can be purchased on our website by clicking the button below. 


January Jump Start Package Platinum (*awesome savings*)- $195

January Jump Start Package Platinum (all of the above) plus 10 TransFormer sessions to be used in January 2018!  You will have all the meal plans, recipes, home workouts, and consultation to develop your transformation plan and add in extra awesome strength, cardio, and flexibility sessions in the TransFit studio! This package can be purchased on our website HERE or on our app by clicking the button below, so you can receive and book your 10 TransFormer sessions, too!


January Jump Start Package ULTIMATE $395

January Jump Start Package ULTIMATE (all of the above) plus an additional weekly 30 minute session with Caroline Ward to customize your transformation and hold you accountable! You will reach your goals and reset your body, mind, and spirit. This package can be purchased on our website HERE or on our app by clicking the button below. You will find it under the 1-1 Personal Training tab on the app. 


If you have any questions about any of these packages, please email us at for more information! To purchase any of these packages, go to our app HERE! January Jump Start packages purchased on the app will be emailed out to you! We look forward to seeing you in the studio in the new year! We are so thankful for each of you and the blessing you are to our business! 


Team TransFit

Who Needs Some Tips on How to Navigate Holiday Parties?! 🙋🏼

Hello sweet friend! 

As we continue into this wonderful season, one of the most challenging things in our health journey can be staying on track when we go to holiday parties. We all know  parties are to enjoy friends, family but also there can be endless amounts of food. People gather and all bring dishes that are so tempting and we often go through a cycle of overeating and then feeling guilt after the party. Friend, let's not so this to yourself this holiday season!  Bring a healthy dish to share and choose wisely! 


Here are a few tips on how to have your best and healthiest holiday season yet.

  1. Focus on fellowship with family and friends! You are not there for the food. Yes, there will be a lot of food that only comes once a year but at the end of the day it is exactly that- food. Food was meant to nourish our bodies for service, not tempt us into over-indulgence and lead us to guilt. Go into your party knowing that this party is about fellowship and spending time with the ones you love. 
  2. Drink a large glass of water and eat a high-protein snack before the party.Now, you will be satisfied from a healthy snack going into the party and much less likely to reach for empty calories and mindless snacks. I know often people will not eat all day to "save their calories" for the big party or meal, however this leads to over-consumption of foods that are not going to satisfy or fuel you in the long run! Prepare before hand so you can enter and exit this party feeling healthy and nourished. Having victory! 
  3. Bring a healthy snack or treat that everyone can enjoy and so you will know you have a healthy option available. Some ideas are: lean meat and cheese trays, fruit and vegetable trays, homemade trail mix or glazed nuts. Below is an easy recipe that you can take that is sure to be a crowd favorite and leave everyone feeling great and not weighed down and guilty! 
  4. Keep moving! Stay on track with your fitness goals by continuing to schedule your workouts as usual. Block of these times in your schedule, so you don't skip a workout. When family is town, take walks together! Park further away from stores to get in extra steps! 
  5. Begin with the end in mind! Make everyday count! January is only a couple weeks away! Need some extra accountability? We're here for YOU and believe in YOU! The TransFit team wants to see you reach your goals! We want to see you get your $20 back in January at the end of our Holiday Extravaganza! Remember: consistency is key! Remind yourself daily to focus on Jesus the reason for the season. You can't control all of your circumstances, but you can control where you keep your focus-- on Him! 

Here are some great healthy recipes to take to your next holiday party!


Strawberry Edamame Salad

  • 2 cups organic baby spinach
  • 1 cup chopped kale
  • 1/2 cup chopped strawberries
  • 1/3 cup edamame
  • Tbsp. goat cheese (or feta or whatever your favorite is!)
  • 1/4 cup toasted, chopped pecans

Combine all ingredients together. Drizzle a tablespoon (or two) of your favorite dressing on top. I like a tablespoon of olive oil and balsamic vinegar! Don’t forget to make an extra salad or two for lunches this week!


Fruit Kabobs

Perfect kid friendly healthy snack! Add one marshmallow, strawberry, banana, and grape for the perfect Santa kabob! 

Holiday Grain Bowl 

  • 1 cup cooked wild rice
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa
  • 6 radishes
  • 1/2 cup roasted chickpeas
  • 1/4 cup roasted pumpkin seeds
  • 1/3 cup reduced sugar craisins 
  • 2 cups salad greens of choice
  • 1 shallot sliced
  • Fresh basil
  • Pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp green goddess dressing

First, make sure your rice and quinoa are cooked according to package directions. Slice your radishes and shallots. Arrange all ingredients into two bowls. Garnish with basil and pepper. Drizzle with green goddess dressing. 

Take this opportunity to practice your will power, and then notice how great your body and spirit feel after the party because you have experienced all of the great fellowship without overindulging. Parties should be filled with laughter, fun and time spent with the ones that you love. 

Now you may be wondering what to do if you do get off track and have one too many pieces or Christmas candy or dessert. Let it go- it is in the past. Clean the slate! Realize that this health journey you are on is not a diet. No friends, this is a lifestyle and sometimes you will face challenges! We encourage you in these times to remember why you started this lifestyle. Think for a second on all of the positive changes you made this holiday season in compared to your last. Think of how far you have come and all the progress you have made. Now with a renewed mind and spirit prepare to have your best and healthiest day tomorrow and drink plenty of water and green tea to help purify your body so you can feel your best! 

You can do this sweet friend! We are praying for you and can't wait to hear all the success that you all have and how God blesses your holiday season! 


Team TransFit

Are you ALL IN this Holiday Season?!


Happy Sunday, friends! 

Hope you are finding some rest and recovery and time to recharge today. Last week, the TransFit studio was buzzing with excitement and we loved seeing your hard work and dedication to your health! We had the privilege of recently hearing from our new TransFit Registered Dietitian, Kaeti Shurling at our Lunch and Learn. We wanted to share these two key takeaways with you to help you be ALL IN this Holiday Season-

  1. Drink 80 oz of water daily and add frozen fruit to make it more flavorful! 
  2. Try to eat at least 2-3 servings of fish a week!                                                                        - Fish is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that have a number of health benefits.   Eating a diet with omega -3 fatty acids can reduce memory loss, lower the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation, and can lower blood pressure! 

These are two tips that you can add to your weekly meal plan today, so that you can live transformed mind, body, and spirit. Kaeti has shared this incredible Grain Bowl recipe with us. Set aside time today to meal prep (download a FREE MEAL PLAN HERE) and plan out your workouts for the week will help you stay focused on your goals and help you stay committed to being ALL IN this Holiday Season! Holiday Extravaganza weigh-in's start this week so bring your $20 and join the transforming holiday challenge! 

Perfect Portions: Grain Bowl 

(500 kcal/portion)

Ingredients (4 Portions):

Perfect Portions Grain Bowl.png
  • 1.5 Onion
  • 10 oz Frozen shelled Edamame, thawed
  • 1.25 c Uncooked Quinoa
  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 tsp Minced Garlic
  • 2 Zucchini, diced
  • 2 cup Chicken Stock
  • 2 oz, Walnuts
  • 4 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • Pepper to Taste


1. In a medium pot, cook quinoa according to quinoa package instructions, using chicken stock instead of water.  

2. Finely dice onion. Zest, then halve lemon.

3. On a baking sheet, toss shelled edamame, diced zucchini, and a drizzle of olive oil. Season generously with pepper. Roast in oven until nicely browned, 15-20 minutes, tossing halfway through.

4. Saute onion and garlic until fragrant and onion is soft and translucent. 

We can tell that you are ready for Holiday Extravaganza! If you missed our last blog, check it out HERE. But, get's time for HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA! Grab your $20 and come join us! Weigh ins start TOMORROW! We hope that you are ready to compete for a chance to win the BIG prize! If you, someone in your family, or a friend own a business and would like to join us in the Holiday Extravaganza giveaway baskets and gifts, please email us at We would love any and all donations for prizes weekly and for the top 10 biggest losers!

We are so thankful for each of you! Let's get ready for an amazing Holiday Extravaganza! If you have any questions, please email us at Don't forget to use our app for inspiration, workouts, and recipes! Also shop all our inspirational products on our new TransFit Fashion Etsy Shop! Excited to see you in the studio this week!


Team TransFit

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Are you ready for the most TRANSFORMING Holiday Challenge?

Sweet friend, 

Are you READY to TRANFORM?  Don't let these holidays months fly by and your back to square one in January friends!  Thank you for participating in our October calendar challenge --we are SO proud of each of you! We are so excited to announce our winner, Ellen Sabatini! Ellen exercised everyday in October and had the goal of positive thoughts daily! Ellen and her whole family are the true TRANSFORMERS! Ellen is inspiring our community and teaching children about whole body health. Together, she and the Barrow Buddies at Barrow Elementary School are the winners in the race of life! Thank you, Ellen, for giving your best one day at a time and renewing your body, mind, and spirit- living transformed! 

BUT... now that October has come and gone it's time for everyone to compete for a chance in the BIG Holiday competition and win BIG!

You guessed it... it's time for HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA! 

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Time for the Holiday Extravaganza, the best holiday challenge to keep you accountable to your goals over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years!  If you would like to participate this year, please e-mail us,, to find a time for you to come weigh in or weigh in before or after a session! Feel free to invite friends & family to play as well. The pot will be huge this year, but hopefully everyone will take their money back! 


Starts the week of November 13th - Finish week of January 8th

Here's how it works: Challenge begins the week of November 13th. In order to play, any person who wants to play puts $20 in the bucket. You will weigh in (cinfdentially) and do your best over the holidays to eat right, exercise, drink water, and do our weekly challenges. On the week of January 8th we will weigh in again. 

If your weight stays the same- you get your $20 BACK! If you gain weight, your money stays in the bucket and you contribute to the biggest looser prize! 

If you are the biggest loser (we use % of weight lost) you get to keep all the money in the bucket! Our top five winners will also receive a special gift basket! The Holiday Extravaganzas is the best way to keep you accountable over the holiday season! Let's do it! 

Last year our 1st place winner won $950 cash!!


If you have any questions, please email us at We can't wait to enter into one of our favorite times of the year! Let's hold each other accountable and make this the best holiday season for our body, mind, and spirit. We believe in YOU! We hope you will join us! 


Team TransFit

AND Biblical Meditation the first Tuesday of every month from 12-1 PM! 

AND Biblical Meditation the first Tuesday of every month from 12-1 PM! 

"Let us RUN the race marked before us..." Why do you RUN?

Happy Wednesday, friends! 

Can you believe we are in our last week of September?! The month has flown by, and we hope that you have made this your best month yet and challenged yourself in our September squat challenge! Today, I am excited to share some stories that will inspire you to run or walk .... not just physically but run the race of life- well.  "Why would you ever want to do that to your body" many people have asked these past few weeks as we talk about a marathon. On September 19-  Lisa, Allison, Sara & I finished a marathon in Chicago.  Yes I emphasized finished because there were a few times where I wanted to stop and give up.  However, reflecting back on the marathon trip I realized we are all running marathons- daily - the marathon of LIFE! You have an easy pace one day, a race pace another, a natural high and a rock bottom low. We all have those feeling some days that we can't take another stop forward but with help from God, friends, and family yes we can! That is why I love a marathon!!! To have to fully rely on Christ to get me through seemingly impossible situations when I physically can not stand on my own. Exercise is worship! No matter how much you train in this marathon of life we will all be tested but when you trust in Him, you CAN and you WILL finish the race. 

I am excited for you to read these stories below.

Love and blessings, C

Sara Swann, Allison Cass, Lisa Patton, Caroline Ward

Sara Swann, Allison Cass, Lisa Patton, Caroline Ward

In Lisa's words: I trained for a marathon, but the Lord had a bigger plan for me. To prepare for the marathon, I carefully planned workouts, journaled food, added more water and was well hydrated for all workouts. I spent time focusing on scripture and positive thoughts in preparation for the mental challenge of the race. I felt confident and ready. I planned, prepared, and then performed, however my outcome was not what I had envisioned. A stomach virus had crept in and I was febrile and nauseated during the race and for the next few days. If I didn’t accomplish what I had set out to do, where was this peace and fullness coming from? As I reflect on the weekend, God presses on my heart the true race we are running. Our training plan is set for eternity. We are all running a marathon. Sometimes the outcome is exactly what we planned for and sometimes it takes a turn we never expected; even one we were careful to avoid. One of my favorite things about marathon training was the fellowship and accountability with my TransFit running partners. Yes, sweet friends, we need the accountability for physical fitness and wellness, but oh, how much more precious are these relationships that we are building for our marathon of life.

Sara's marathon story: I started running and still do, because I love being outdoors, feeling the breeze in my face and the feeling of joy it brings when I finish a run! Sometimes it's hard to get started; its cold or hot, I'm tired, or it's really early when the alarm goes off, but the feeling of pure joy and the fellowship of the wonderful women inspire me to "do it anyway". I love challenging myself to new goals and the feeling of accomplishment when I reach them, and the accountability partners that help me get there! Nothing like the feeling of finishing a race whether it's a 10k, half or full marathon. I think running is a lot mental for me- a good way to have some personal time alone with God, enjoying His beauty or the time to get to talk with other friends to encourage one another! It sets the tone for a great day to go out and sweat, release energy, spend time in prayer and surround yourself with encouraging women! This marathon was really special because I was able to enjoy it with some amazing women. The training is time consuming and difficult to work into your busy life but the reward is so much more than any sacrifices made!! I had to battle some obstacles going into the marathon with a foot injury and an upper respiratory infection the week before however the good Lord taught me some lessons in this and helped get me through the race- a feet I could not have done without His strength!! Because of that, the beautiful scenery, amazing friends and the strength of my God, I have never felt more close to God or had quite a feeling of elation after finishing this marathon! It was life changing and I would encourage everyone to do a 5K, 10k, half or full marathon so they can also experience this! Unbelievable! 

Allison's marathon story: If anyone had asked me this time a year ago if I had any interest in running a marathon, my response would’ve definitely been a huge NO , accompanied by bellowing laughter!  That seemed like a goal so unattainable that I wouldn’t have even considered it possible.  I have always loved running…but definitely short distances, usually 4-5 miles a few times a week. It wasn’t until after I ran my first half marathon in April that I truly realized how passionate I really was about running.  After the half, Sara and I continued to run with a running group on the weekends and it became something that I looked forward to each week!  I got to know some of the most precious ladies and established friendships that I will be forever grateful for. Many, many problems were solved and deep questions were answered on those early Saturday morning runs.  As our mileage crept up, it briefly entered my mind that I might could TRY…but it wasn’t until my husband gave me the little nudge of support I needed to really set the goal and say…YES, I can!!   I did, however, tell Caroline and Lisa that I felt like I’d probably lost my mind ;) !  But from that point on, I’d committed so I chose to not look back.  It was a journey in itself just to get to that weekend of Sept 17th.  So many miles logged, so many days checked off our training plan, so many questions and fears.  I just can’t express how instrumental Caroline and Lisa were in keeping us accountable and guiding us through the training process—soooo grateful for the instruction and support they provided through all of it.  The weekend itself was incredible!!  We saw God’s hand in so many things throughout the whole weekend.  We had such an AMAZING support group of both family and friends back home and we truly felt all the prayers lifting us up throughout our time in Illinois.  We had such a sweet, special time, enjoyed fellowship with one another and were able to focus on not only our physical health and readiness for the race but more importantly on our spiritual health and our relationships with the Lord.  It became so clearly evident the correlation between running this actual race and the race of life.  Race day was amazing! Those last 6 miles were TOUGH!! But we powered through and to finally see the finish line was so wonderful!!  While that day was the culmination of all the many weeks of training and hard work…I realized it was the time spent those couple days before that I am most grateful for.  The whole thing was such an empowering, spiritual experience that I will always treasure.  I learned so much, I grew so much…I’m just so thankful.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

~Hebrews 12:1-2

We each have a race set before us! May we look to the Lord for guidance while running the race marked before us! We would love for you to join us Friday at 12:30 at the TransFit studio for our Walking and Running Lunch and Learn! Please sign up on our app here! We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

How can you find true strength in September? 💪

Happy September, friends! 

Can you believe it?! Now that we are back into the swing of the routine with school, work, and activities settling into place, it's time to focus on your whole body health plan! This month we will be learning together how to "grow strong in our weakness". We don't want to just focus on our physical strength, but whole body strength-- in mind, body, and spirit. We all have our own weaknesses and imperfections and the way we grow stronger each day is to depend on the Lord in those times of difficulty. Having hope  and leaning on Him rather than your own understanding is how YOU can grow strong in your weakness. 

We love this verse in Isaiah 40-

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One way we can increase our body strength and stamina is to set a new goal and work towards achieving that goal. In the month of September, we are going to reach for new goals through our monthly challenge! We want to use this challenge as a means to reach new personal goals and get stronger in the month of September! We are challenging each of you to take on our squat challenge and to add at least 30 minute of movement into your daily routine! We believe in you and know you can do it! 

Not only is this a great way to tone and strengthen your lower body and glutes, but the clients who complete the challenge will be entered in a raffle to receive a MONTH of FREE sessions! Each day you successfully complete the day's challenge, check the calendar attached!

This month, we want to focus on strengthening TransFit, too! We would love it if you would take a few minutes to fill out this survey about your experiences here at TransFit. Your feedback is so important to us and we want to be able to best serve you! You can fill out the survey HERE or by clicking the button below!

If you need a mental reset for September or want to have a 1-1, thirty minute or hour session with one of our personal trainers or nutrition consultants please email us at or book the session on our TransFit app! We want to help you reach your goals! Remember accountability is the key to unlocking your success! 


Team TransFit

Check out our new TransFit Fashion Etsy Page HERE


ACTIVATE! Let's Get Active this August!

Happy August!

Wow, we can hardly believe August is here! Our TransFit Team is so excited to share our August theme with you! This month we are going to ACTIVATE! In all that you do, whether it is your exercise, your nutrition, or a your spiritual journey we want to help you to activate your goals and dreams this month! As our summer schedules come to an end and the school year beings, we want you to activate your mind, body, and spirit to make August the best month yet! Our goal in AUGUST is to be ACTIVE EVERYDAY! Even if it is a quick jog around the neighborhood, a nice walk with the family, swimming with the kids, yoga, or stretching, anything counts! Just get up and move for at least 30 minutes each day! Click on the calendar below to download the August ACTIVATE challenge to help keep track of your exercises and progress! Fill in each day with you activity and then email it to us at the end of the month for a chance to win a month of FREE sessions!

Exercise is such an important part of our lives. It benefits us more than just in the way that we look and feel. Here is the importance of getting a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise daily:

  • Activity can improve your quality of life and can have immediate and long-term health benefits, especially when it is done daily.
  • If you are regularly physically active, you may:
    • reduce your risk of heart attack
    • manage your weight better
    • have a lower blood cholesterol level
    • lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers
    • have lower blood pressure
    • have stronger bones
    • lower your risk of falls
    • improve heart-lung and muscle fitness
    • feel better - with more energy, a better mood, feel more relaxed and sleep better!
  • Daily activity of up to 30 minutes can lead to a healthier state of mind.
  • Prevent weight gain, promotes weight loss (when combined with a lower-calorie diet), and helps keep weight off after weight loss.
  • Having a daily exercise routine can increase motivation to slowly increase your exercise period each day. Starting at 30 minutes is a great place to start!

We can do it! ACTIVATE your whole body in August! Starting this month, we will now offer a 4:15 PM Transformer session on Monday's! Our middle school girls session will meet at 4:30 PM on Wednesday's! Additionally, our Bible Study/Prayer time will begin on Thursday, August 17 at 12:00 PM!

We have encouraged our staff and encourage you to join us in reading through the book of Romans this month! We would love to inspire one another, as we ACTIVATE our August! We are so thrilled about our new sessions and starting our Bible Study and Middle School sessions, again! We hope that you will join us!   

If you have any questions, please email us at Send us your July push up challenge calendars to be entered into a raffle for a MONTH of FREE sessions!


Team TransFit

Congrats to our June Squat Challenge Winner!


Wow- it's been such a great week in the studio! Let's be grateful that we can find freedom through exercise! We hope that you feel a new found sense of encouragement and peace this month. Enjoy each day and make the most of each hour just as you do in your TransFit workouts! Each month, we have challenged you to take on our monthly exercise challenge. June Squats, and now July push-ups! We want you to get into the habit of making exercise a daily habit! One little change in your day-to-day routine can lead to life long changes! Today, we are excited to share our June Squat Challenge Winner!


Congratulations, Tessa Hall! 

Tessa has truly challenged herself to live transformed. Tessa did her squats each day and said she was using the foam roller to roll out those sore leg muscles! Transforming those legs by doing squats daily! Tessa is an inspiration to many! We are so proud of you and your daily commitment to your exercise goals! 

We hope that each of you join us this month for our Freedom in Him- July Push-Up challenge! Let's transform those arms for the remaining weeks of summer!

If you have any questions, please email us at   We are looking forward to encouraging you in the studio this coming week! 


Team TransFit

Congrats to our May Challenge Winners!

Happy Sunday, friends! 

We hope that you have had a great week! May quickly came to an end, and we were so thrilled to see all of your total transformation May challenge calendars! Thank you! WOW each of you worked so hard and were truly devoted to living transformed!!! We are excited to announce our WINNERS! 

First place- Pam Adams! Our first place winner receives a FREE month of sessions! 

Second place- Melynda McCutcheon! Our second place winner receives a FREE week of meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists, and 1 free session! 

3rd place melynda mccutcheon.jpg

Third place- Tessa Hall! Our third place winner also receives a FREE week of meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists, and 1 free session! 

We are so proud of each of you who completed our May Total Transformation challenge! We hope that you will join us for our June Light a Fire in You squat challenge! 

We can't wait to see YOU in the studio tomorrow morning! We will reopen tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM and hope to see YOU! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

New Transformation Home Workout for YOU!

Sweet friends, 

Each of you have been working so hard this May! You have taken our total transformation challenge for May and are achieving your points each day! We are so proud of you! Last week, we had such a fun week for our Celebrate Women Week! Thanks so some incredible sponsors we were able to hand out fun prizes throughout the week and we ended with an amazing community Transformer session. Thank you for joining us throughout the week!

Today, we are sharing a perfect at home workout just for you! As May is quickly coming to the end and the summer is about to kick off, our schedules can become even more "full"  and it may seem harder to find time to workout! We want to encourage you to make the time for a workout. Remember exercise is worship! Whether you are in the studio or doing an at home workout, we hope that you are challenging yourself to exercise daily! Check out the exercise and video below for an at home workout made just for you! 

Let's commit to giving each hour and each day our best! We believe in you and know you can do it! We would love for you to join us tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM for our FREE Outdoor Body Blast session! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit 

Join Us For Celebrate Women Week!!! 💪🏼🤸🏼‍♀️🎉

Sweet ladies, 

We are SO excited about the Celebrate Women Week that will take place at our TransFit Studio Monday May 8th-Saturday Mary 13th!  Mothers day is right around the corner; let's celebrate being women in this amazing community! We would LOVE for you to come join us! At each session, we will be giving away prizes and have fun workouts just for you!!! 

We love getting to host this event with lululemon Athens! We want to thank each of these businesses and people for their donations to help us celebrate this week! 

We are also offering a Yamuna Body Rolling session on Thursday, May 11 from 11:30 AM- 1:30 pm. Sign up on MindBody before Tuesday at noon! Here is a little more information about what Yamuna Body Rolling is! 

"A ball is just a ball without the right education."

Get on the ball with Michelle Arington, certified Yamuna® Body Rolling and Foot Fitness practitioner, and get the education and tools you need for fitness and Body Sustainability. Don't let your daily activities and fitness goals be derailed by foot pain, knee pain, hip or back pain! Get on the ball and discover the tools you need to easily keep your body healthy, flexible and pain-free at any age or fitness level.

Yamuna® is about Body Sustainability. We teach life- long self-care solutions for strength, balance, flexibility and ease of motion. Yamuna® Body Rolling & Foot Fitness routines help you avoid common injuries caused by repetitive movements, muscular tension and structural misalignments. Yamuna® will help you quickly improve your posture, and the core strength to support it with ease.

This intro to Yamuna® Body Rolling class will cover a few basic routines for hamstrings, quads, hips, and back so that you have the education and the tools you need to build a personal home practice.

We can't wait to see YOU this week at our sessions! Whether it's your first session or you are a regular TransFit member, we can't wait  for you to join us!!! We hope that this week you will feel loved, as we celebrate who you are and celebrate by making exercise our medicine! Make sure to sign up for sessions through our app, HERE! Sign up in advance. Win a giveaway prize and come celebrate with us!

If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Are You Ready for Total Transformation May Challenge?

Can you believe May is almost here?! We are getting ready for our total transformation challenge this month and we want you be encouraged that your can reach your goals! Remember that exercise is medicine! Regular exercise can help you control your weight, boost your energy levels, improve your mood, and even fight some diseases. Join us in the total transformation challenge starting Monday! 


We are challenging each of you to keep track of your exercise and nutrition this month. The calendar below will be used to keep track of your points. Keep track of your points daily and at the end of the month, the person with the most points will win a free month of sessions. Here is how the challenge will work- You will keep track of your exercise, nutrition, water, and more each day through points. You can gain up to five points each day.

  • One point for 80+ ounces of water
  • One point for 3 servings of vegetables
  • One point for 2 servings of fruit
  • One point for 30 minutes of exercise
  • One point for reflection time.

 Write down your points for each day  on your calendar and at the end of the month we will tally up all points to see who our winners are! Use this free Total Transformation Meal Plan to jump start your May! Download here! 

In addition, we are offering two deals just for you! 

Our TransFormer unlimited sessions package will be offered for $199. 

In order to kickstart your month, we are also offering you a FREE week meal plan! You can find the meal plan HERE! The recipes for the meal plan are also on our website, under the TRANSFORM tab. You can find them HERE! If you would like the monthly meal plan, you can purchase it on our app or website for $50! 

Let's focus on making exercise our medicine this month! We believe in each of you and know that this will be your best month yet. Our schedule will remain the same this month, but please take note that we are moving the yoga sessions to noon on Wednesday's and Friday's! We would love for you to join us!

 If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit