Healthy Halloween TIPS and TRICKS

 Healthy Halloween TIPS and TRICKS

Well it's that time of year again - Halloween! This fun holiday leaves our kiddos running around in their precious costumes, buzzing with the excitement of all the creative costumes and the candy they will be getting later. With all that sugar coming in the door, it can be easy to allow ourselves to slip and fall into consuming much more than we intended! However, with a plan and some cute, creative snacks, Halloween can be an incredibly fun, yet still healthy time!

We are had our own mini halloween party here when we carved our pumpkins this week! Here are some healthy and super fun snacks you can try around Halloween to get your kids excited for the day in more more sensible way! Plus, making and tring some healthier treats will help you all avoid the not-so-fun sugar stomache aches later! 

Mental Strength- Sticking to an "I will" Statement

Mental Strength- Sticking to an "I will" Statement

Beginning our days with an "I will" statement allows us to live intentionally. God calls us in Colossians 4:5 to "Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity." In order to truly make the most of every opportunity, we have got to live our lives with an "I will" mindset. We have to seek to find opportunities to share the love of Jesus in every moment of every day.

Kids get active! Family Couch to 5k Program!



Summer is a great time to be outside -running for fun, or training for a race. I love talking with mothers who are doing both, and they tell me how much their kids want to run with them. It's always a great idea to get your child to start a healthy habit, but we need to be cautious about the right way to do so. Just because children seem hyperactive and energetic, doesn't mean they'll be ready to run a few miles right off the bat! Kids need a plan, just as adults do, and they need incentives along the way. Download the chart below for a Kids Couch to 5k Program. This program is designed to gradually build up endurance through 10 stages until they are ready to run for 30 minutes straight! Add in games like a scavenger hunt,capture the flag, or dodge ball as fun running games! Start this program with your kids for some fun family bonding, and you may even spark a passion for a lifetime of running on the way!

kids couch to 5k

kids couch to 5k

Screen Shot 2019-07-17 at 11.03.20 AM.png

Even though this program is designed for children, it can be used by anyone to train for a 5k. If you find it hard to start the regimen by yourself or with your children Transfit offers customized running plans for people of all ages and levels- we love walkers too!!!

Please email me at if you would like to discuss a customized running program or visit

Remember to stay hydrated and to stretch with any physical activity for best results!



Happy running,


Totally Transform Your Arms! 5 best arm exercises to strengthen your arms!


Summertime is a perfect opportunity to show off those strong arms you've put such hard work into all year. If you're not quite there yet, don't despair because this amazing 30 minute TransForm Your Arms workout will whip your arms in shape in no time! Try doing these exercises two-three times a week in addition to your normal exercise routine and see the difference it makes in not only the appearance of your arms and shoulders, but your total upper body strength.

Final TransForm Your Arms Workout

The verse in Psalms reminds us to keep our bodies strong and able to serve.  "He trains my arms for battle, so my arms can bend a bow of bronze" Psalms 18:34

This TransForm Your ARMS workout would also be helpful to those participating in the July Push-up Challenge! Stronger upper body strength will help to increase the number of push-ups that you're able to do! Remember that the friend able to  show the most improvement in the number of push-ups by the end of July will receive one FREE session!

Plank alternating knees in!

Downward facing dog is a great exercise to qquickly snap those arms in shape!

Forward Lunge with Lateral Raise

Can't wait to see the improvement in all of you! Good luck!  I would love to hear your favorite arm exercise!



How to find True Freedom- body.mind. & spirit

Freedom in Him TF

July has officially arrived and the theme for this month is Freedom in Him! True freedom in Him means never losing hope. God promises us peace, joy, and eternal life when we trust in him. Nurture this hope by getting encouragement from friends and family and making time for prayer and mediation.

Isaiah 26:3 says "You, Lord, give true peace and freedom to those who depend on you-when they trust in you."

Let's find true freedom in Him and honor God in our bodies!

This July I would like to challenge all friends to a July push-up challenge! I would love to help you build arm and core strength, and we're doing that with a contest! This week take a video or picture  of how many push ups you can do in one minute, practice your pushups and maintain consistency throughout the month of July, and retest your one minute pushup challenge the last week of July. The freind able to show the most improvement in arm strength and  do more push ups than at the beginning of the month will receive a free session! Post videos of before and after videos on Instagram and tag @TransFitAthens to qualify and a chance to be featured on the TransFit Instagram page!  Good Luck!

The kids and I trying our hand at the push-up challenge!

Can't wait to your progress with increasing arm and core strength by doing   push-ups this month while you find Freedom in Him!



Turn Up the Heat: Light a Fire this June in YOU!


Time to turn up the heat! In the TransFit Studio, your homes or vacation destinations! I love the theme for the month of June! Turn Up the Heat- Light a Fire in Me!!!  My prayer for each of you this month is that we have a flame of passion for whole body health! Enjoying exercise, eating nutritious foods, drinking water and staying focused on what really matters in this life . I know many of you are in and out of town the next two months but try to get in 2 strength workouts, and 3-4 cardio workouts each week. I have many workouts posted on the blog you can do!

Please message me if you are in town and would like extra workouts in the TransFit studio! I am excited to see you this week as we light a fire- body.mind.spirit!





9:30am (TransFormers)



or by appointment

Summer Packages are a great way to stay committed to your health- you can start a package at anytime!


Photo by OneResult

Looking to jump-start your body, mind, & spirit for a successful Summer 2015??? The TransFit packages will provide you a healthy all- inclusive approach to help you achieve your fitness goals! The packages will get you on the right track to make 2015 the best year yet!


3 month commitment 3-Once-a- month- 25 minute consultations with body composition (body fat % & measurements)

TransFit Advanced Fitness Guide Binder

 4 weeks healthy meal plans & recipes 3 month exercise plan 2015 Spring/Summer Goal Sheet

Accountability Chart

Once a week at home checkin’s & accountability via email

Weekly Phone/Email Support

$95/ per month

Will be emailed directly to you in PDF format


3 month commitment

All of the above PLUS -  8 at home workouts per month (2 per week)

$115/ per month


All of the above PLUS - 2 Transformer in studio workout sessions

$215/ per month

Weekly Healthy Family Meal Planning


Email to sign up

Blessings, Caroline

​For our God is a consuming Fire.... Hebrews 12:29​

Kids Couch to 5K!


Last Thursday, my children's school held the Boosterthon Fun Run to raise money for new playground equipment! The Boosterthon Team went into the children's classrooms for one week and taught about fitness, character, and leadership. The kids "trained" for 2 weeks prior to the run in PE.  Watching the kids racing around the track (some panting, some sprinting, some walking) brought me to think about developing a running program for kids. There are so many 5k's coming up this fall and even 1 mile fun runs for entire families. As parents we can't just expect kids to go run 3 miles, even if they are hyperactive.  Kids need a plan just as adults do and they need incentives along the way! Below you will find a printable chart and instructions for a Kids Couch to 5K. This program is designed to gradually build up endurance through ten stages until they are able to run for thirty minutes! Try this program with your children, and who knows, you may spark a passion for running in them that can last a lifetime!



Click this link to print your own Kids Couch to 5K program!

Even though this program is designed for kids, exercising together is a great way to spend quality family time and this program can be used by anyone in the family - at any age! This past weekend, our family went to North Carolina so I could ride in the MS Foundation bike ride with my mom.  The event raised over 1 million dollars to support the MS Foundation and families ranging from 12 years to 80 years old were participating in this ride across the state!


If you are interested in an individual exercise plan for you, your family, or your child, please email me! Online training is now available! Contact me for details at

For more information on the Boosterthon Fun Run, go to or

Have a wonderful week and enjoy this beautiful fall weather!

Blessings, Caroline