Healthy Halloween TIPS and TRICKS

Well it's that time of year again - Halloween! This fun holiday leaves our kiddos running around in their precious costumes, buzzing with the excitement of all the creative costumes and the candy they will be getting later. With all that sugar coming in the door, it can be easy to allow ourselves to slip and fall into consuming much more than we intended! However, with a plan and some cute, creative snacks, Halloween can be an incredibly fun, yet still healthy time!

Now, of course, still allow the kids to have a few pieces of their FAVORITE candy in the pile. This could be a good activity to do with them- have them lay out all of their candy and organize it into their favorites, counting and even make a game of letting them trade each other for their favorites. Then, allow them to pick a few of favorites to eat then. Store the rest away to give for rewards for cleaning the house, choosing healthier options throughout the week, or give to local food banks or shelters. Reminding them and ourselves that we should do all things in moderation.

We are had our own mini halloween party here when we carved our pumpkins this week! Here are some healthy and super fun snacks you can try around Halloween to get your kids excited for the day in more more sensible way! Plus, making and tring some healthier treats will help you all avoid the not-so-fun sugar stomache aches later! 


"Candy Corn Dessert Fruit cups"


Add in colorful fruit with a TruWhip topping for a fun, lighter dessert! And top with the real thing, of course!

Layer cut pineapple, cut oranges, top with TruWhip! 



"Jack-O-Lantern Tortillas"

Allow the kids to make their own jack-o-lantern faces on one tortilla (like a craft)!  Place the bottom tortilla on the skillet and sprinkle with cheese, chicken, and what other topping you like. Place the cut tortilla on top and cook 2 minutes! Serve with black beans, salsa, side of carrots for a healthy, fun Halloween lunch or dinner! 

You can also microwave them for 30 seconds- 1 minute. Add some greek yogurt (as sour cream) on top for a stem or get as creative as you can with other toppings! Enjoy!

Have a healthy and happy Halloween with your little ones! Enjoy this sweet time and take in every moment! How precious they are! We had so much fun making all of these treats and getting into some other Halloween fun as well! 

We can't wait to see all of your sweet pictures of costumes and creative healthy treats! Please send them to us at or tag us on Instagram @transfitathens! 

