Kids Couch to 5K!


Last Thursday, my children's school held the Boosterthon Fun Run to raise money for new playground equipment! The Boosterthon Team went into the children's classrooms for one week and taught about fitness, character, and leadership. The kids "trained" for 2 weeks prior to the run in PE.  Watching the kids racing around the track (some panting, some sprinting, some walking) brought me to think about developing a running program for kids. There are so many 5k's coming up this fall and even 1 mile fun runs for entire families. As parents we can't just expect kids to go run 3 miles, even if they are hyperactive.  Kids need a plan just as adults do and they need incentives along the way! Below you will find a printable chart and instructions for a Kids Couch to 5K. This program is designed to gradually build up endurance through ten stages until they are able to run for thirty minutes! Try this program with your children, and who knows, you may spark a passion for running in them that can last a lifetime!



Click this link to print your own Kids Couch to 5K program!

Even though this program is designed for kids, exercising together is a great way to spend quality family time and this program can be used by anyone in the family - at any age! This past weekend, our family went to North Carolina so I could ride in the MS Foundation bike ride with my mom.  The event raised over 1 million dollars to support the MS Foundation and families ranging from 12 years to 80 years old were participating in this ride across the state!


If you are interested in an individual exercise plan for you, your family, or your child, please email me! Online training is now available! Contact me for details at

For more information on the Boosterthon Fun Run, go to or

Have a wonderful week and enjoy this beautiful fall weather!

Blessings, Caroline