no sugar challenge

👊 Get Ready! The TransFIVE Day Challenge Starts Tomorrow!

Sweet friend,

We hope you had a wonderful weekend, relaxing and spending time doing what you love! We wanted to remind you to join us in our TransFIVE day challenge, which starts TOMORROW! Your transformation starts tomorrow and we are so excited to take this journey into a healthier lifestyle with you! To help kickstart your transformation, come workout with us! You can schedule sessions on our free app HERE!

This ebook includes a getting started guide, meal plan, grocery list, recipes, tips, daily inspiration, and more! Plus, this year we updated it with our favorite spring recipes!

Download the challenge for free NOW! This incredible deal will not last long!

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This week, meditate each day on Luke 10:27, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” Together, let’s take our minds off sugar for five days, and instead relay our focus on the source of our inner strength. 

Our team is doing the challenge with you! We’ll be checking in on our Facebook and Instagram to encourage you, so make sure you’re following us! Let’s motivate one another to give our best to the challenge this week!


Fit for a Miracle 5K

The 5K is this Saturday, so make sure you register! You can download the mail-in registration form and bring it into the studio or register at the race. The registration cost is now $30! Are you interested in volunteering for the 5K? Click HERE to find out how you can help!


We are so grateful for these amazing sponsors! Their generous donations will help ESP build the Miracle League Complex, which provides inclusive play for children and families of all abilities! We are so excited to continue raising money for this cause through 5K and Miracle Mile registrations— don’t forget to register!

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The Saturday following the 5K, we are so excited to host a FREE Mother’s Day run and workout with lululemon! This fun event is for mothers, daughters, and all women in the community. There will be a card station, refreshments, shopping, and fellowship! The event will be held on May 11, 2019 from 9:00-10:30 am.

You can register on the MindBody app HERE or Transfit app HERE!

We have exciting news for May!

To help you finish April strong and start a new month, we are offering our monthly All-Access pass for only $175! Don’t miss out on this awesome deal— purchase sessions today on the TransFit app HERE!


We want your feedback! Please help us continue to improve by taking 5 minutes to complete the survey below!

Check out our website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

🔥 Are You Ready to Kickstart Your Transformation? Try Our TransFIVE Challenge!

Sweet friend,

We have had such an incredible week in the studio with you! April is almost over— make sure you turn in your April Arms Challenge calendar to win a prize! You can bring it into the studio, text a picture to our staff, or email us a picture to

Get excited! It’s time for our TransFIVE Challenge! Join our TransFit community as we revive our bodies, minds, and spirits by eliminating sugar for 5 days! The TransFIVE Challenge includes a getting started guide, meal plan, grocery list, recipes, tips, daily inspiration, and more! We’ve updated the TransFIVE program using our favorite spring recipes, so whether you’ve participated before or this is your first time, you can benefit from the challenge!

This week only, you can download the challenge for FREE! Click the button below to download the Spring TransFIVE challenge.

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What is the TransFIVE challenge? It’s simple. Five days of eating clean, whole foods. You focus on eating lean protein, lots of vegetables and fruits, and healthy fats. You avoid foods with any added sugars and simple carbohydrates like potatoes, breads, and pastas. We believe you can do anything for five days! These five days will allow you to reset your mind, shifting your focus back to your transformation goals! Let’s start May feeling our very best!

Next week, meditate each day on Luke 10:27, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” Together, let’s take our minds off sugar for five days, and instead relay our focus on the source of our inner strength. Focus on our Creator and love Him with your WHOLE self. 

Our team will be doing the challenge with you! We’ll be checking in on our Facebook and Instagram to encourage you, so make sure you’re following us! Let’s motivate one another to give our best to the challenge next week!

Are you ready to crush your summer goals? We want to connect with you!

We are offering 10% off of our 1-1 sessions to keep you accountable! To schedule a 1-1, use code “TRANSFORM10” at checkout on our free app!

Additionally, we are available for FREE 20 minute-check ins (to help you set new goals, assess body fat and measurements, or anything else you specifically want help with) on Monday and Tuesday afternoons! If you aren’t available or don’t live in town, these meetings can be done via phone call as well! Email us HERE to schedule a meeting!


Fit for a Miracle 5K

TODAY is the LAST DAY to pre-register for this event at the reduced cost!

After today, registration will increase to $30 and you will not be guaranteed a t-shirt. You can register for this event online HERE or download the mail-in registration form.

Are you interested in volunteering for the 5K? Click HERE to find out how you can help!


We are so grateful for these amazing sponsors! Their generous donations will help ESP build the Miracle League Complex, which provides inclusive play for children and families of all abilities! We are so excited to continue raising money for this cause through 5K and Miracle Mile registrations— don’t forget to register today!

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The Saturday following the 5K, we are so excited to host a FREE Mother’s Day run and workout with lululemon! This fun event is for mothers, daughters, and all women in the community. There will be a card station, refreshments, shopping, and fellowship! The event will be held on May 11, 2019 from 9:00-10:30 am.

You can register on the MindBody app HERE or Transfit app HERE!

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We want your feedback! Please help us continue to improve by taking 5 minutes to complete the survey below!

Check out our website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit

🔥 New Total Body Workout for #MondayMotivation!

Sweet friends,

We hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family celebrating Jesus’ resurrection! This week, we encourage you to finish April strong! Keep filling in the April Arms challenge and submit them to us in order to win a prize. Let’s do it!

Get excited about our spring TransFIVE Challenge coming up next week! Join our TransFit community as we revive our bodies, minds, and spirits by eliminating sugar for 5 days! The TransFIVE Challenge includes a getting started guide, meal plans, grocery lists, recipes, tips, daily inspiration, and more! Check your email later this week for an updated Spring version of the challenge.

You only need a bosu ball and a set of dumbbells for this incredible total body workout! To do the 4th exercise in this workout (Bosu Ball Transformer), do a plank holding the ball, jump your legs to outside of the bosu, then lift the bosu above your head. This workout will get your heart rate up and ignite your core muscles!

We are still offering 10% off of our 1-1 sessions to keep you accountable! To schedule a 1-1, use code “TRANSFORM10” at checkout on our free app!

Additionally, we are available for FREE 20 minute-check ins (to help you set new goals, assess body fat and measurements, or anything you specifically want help with) on Monday and Tuesday afternoons! If you aren’t available or don’t live in town, these meetings can be done via phone call as well! Email us HERE to schedule a meeting!


Fit for a Miracle 5K

Friday is the LAST DAY to pre-register for this event! After Friday, the cost will increase to $30 and you will not be guaranteed a shirt.

This week, registration is $25 with a t-shirt for the 5K and $15 with a t-shirt for the Miracle Mile. You can register for this event online HERE or download the mail-in registration form below. All of the proceeds from this event will be donated toward Extra Special People and help to fund the new Miracle League Complex.


We are so grateful for these amazing sponsors! These generous donations will help ESP build their Miracle League Complex, which provides inclusive play for children and families of all abilities! We are so excited to continue raising money for this cause through 5K and Miracle Mile registrations— don’t forget to register today!

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The Saturday following the 5K, we are so excited to host a FREE Mother’s Day run and workout with lululemon! This fun event is for mothers, daughters, and all women in the community. There will be a card station, refreshments, shopping, and fellowship! The event will be held on May 11, 2019 from 9:00-10:30 am.

You can register for FREE on our app HERE!

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We want your feedback! Please help us continue to improve by taking 5 minutes to complete the survey below!

Check out our website for blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! Email us at if you have any questions or want to schedule a one-on-one.


Team TransFit


Curb Your Sugar Cravings With These 5 Tips!

Sweet friends,

We are halfway through our TransFive 5-Day No Sugar Challenge! You’re almost there, and we are so proud of you! In the challenge, we are reviving our body, mind and spirit by eliminating sugar! The eBook includes a meal plan, recipes, tips, a getting started guide, daily inspiration and more! It’s not too late to join the challenge! Download our FREE eBook below!

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As we know, eating refined and processed sugar can have a negative impact on your health! As we reach the halfway point of our TransFive No Sugar Challenge this week, you may be starting to crave sugar and being tempted to reach for that pack of candy! Be STRONG! Here are three tips to satisfy your sweet tooth and curb those sugar cravings this week!

  1. Brush your teeth

    Brushing your teeth can help stop those sugar cravings! Not only will you have fresh breath, but you won’t want to eat any sugar after brushing!

    2. Drink hot tea

    Drinking hot tea can not only help you curb your sugar cravings, but it can also help fill you up. If you’re reaching for sugar for a boost of energy, grab some green tea! You can also try mint tea, lemon balm tea or carob tea.

    3. Chew sugar-free gum

    Chewing sugar-free gum is a great way to stop those sugar cravings! Step out of your comfort zone, and break that habit! Instead of reaching for that piece of chocolate or sweet treat after dinner, pop in a piece of sugar free gum!

    4. Reach for fruit

    Grab some fruit when you are tempted by sugar cravings! Sugar is a source of natural sugar and will keep you from reaching for processed sugar while also giving your great fiber and nutrients. You can eat raw fruits, put fruits in your morning smoothie or infuse your water by adding a few berries to stop cravings!

    We have great smoothie recipes in our TransFive No Sugar Challenge eBook! It’s not too late to join us! Download it HERE.

    5. Go for a walk

    When you start craving sugar, go for a walk around the neighborhood or get a change of scenery to keep your mind off the sugar that you are craving. Not only will this curb your sugar craving, but it will help you reach your daily goal of exercise! It’s a win-win! (2).jpg

You can do this! You’ve already made it halfway through the challenge, and we are so proud of you! Please reach out to us to tell us how you are doing with the challenge at and use the hashtag #TransFit5 on social media!

If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment with one of our registered dietitians, please email us at You can also sign up for sessions on our app HERE and our website HERE!


Team TransFit

Your 5 Day Plan to Transform Your Nutrition!

Sweet friends,

What an amazing month celebrating strength in September! We’re gearing up for our last full week of the month, and our team would like to challenge you to strengthen your nutrition!

Nope, we’re not talking about bicep curls using cans of black beans (although we should try that!) We’re talking about committing to better nutrition just as we commit to our workouts!

So, what exactly are we committing to? Five consecutive days of no sugar! That’s not even a full week — just five days!

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As your personal trainers and nutritionists, we know the effort you put into each workout! We see the sweat and the hard work you put into every single rep. We want you to feel just as good on the inside!

For this 5-day challenge, we encourage you to reach for clean, unprocessed foods, and carefully choose wholesome foods that will fuel your body without any added sugars!

Of course, you can eat fruit or foods that naturally contain sugar. But for five days, avoid processed foods that contain any form of sugar in its ingredients!


If you’re already wondering how you can manage this or you’re feeling like this is way out of your comfort zone, remember — it wouldn’t be a “challenge” if it didn’t challenge you!

Let’s remember the second part of our September theme: Stronger Together! So ladies, remember that we’re taking this challenge with you! We’re right alongside of you, cheering for you as always!

The first thing we want you to do is pick up your phone and text or email a friend, family member or one of us at TransFit. Let someone know that you’re taking the challenge for extra accountability! We believe in you and know that accountability is KEY!

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in various forms. (1).jpg

5-Day Challenge Steps to Success

1. Clean out.

Take a few minutes over the weekend to clean out your pantry and fridge. Get rid of any foods that might be a temptation. 

2. Plan.

It’s hard to be successful without a plan, and we made it easy for you — follow this link to download our 5-day challenge meal plan. Every meal, including snacks, are already planned for you! The dinners are quick and family-friendly. Simply print it out and keep it posted on your fridge! Extra accountability, right?

3. Prepare.

We made this step easy for you, too! Along with your meal plan, we’ve included a grocery shopping list! Once your shopping is done, take a few minutes on Sunday to wash and cut up any produce you’ll need for snacks and salads. You can also prepare a few salads so they’re ready to grab and go!

Adjust your meal plan to fit your family’s activity schedule. We understand that fall schedules are full of sports and other after-school activities. If you know that a particular night is super late, plan accordingly by preparing your salad or meal in a to-go container so you avoid a late-night drive thru. You can also pack a cooler of healthy snack options!

4. Keep moving.

Stay on track with your exercise goals during the challenge! If you feel hungry between meal times, take a short walk to get your mind off food. Most likely, you’ll forget about being hungry and you’ll gain some extra steps. 

5. Stay hydrated.

Keep a water bottle with you at all times! Drink at least 1 cup of water as soon as you wake. And drink 1-2 glasses of water before meals to help keep you feeling full. Your goal during the challenge is 100 ounces of water each day! If 100 sounds like a lot, break it into smaller water goals — 25 ounces before 10:00 am and at least 50 ounces before lunch. (1).png

Don’t forget about our lunch and learn/service project coming up this week on Wednesday, September 26 from 12-1! We can’t wait to SERVE with you!

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We believe in YOU! And we are so proud of you for working hard during September! Let’s take this 5-day challenge, one day at a time — and remember, we’re stronger together!

If you have any questions about this challenge or want to set up an appointment with one of our nutritionists, feel free to email us at We can’t wait to be #StrongerTogether!


Team TransFit

Let's Finish March Strong! Revive Your Body With The 5 Day No Sugar Challenge!


Happy Saturday! 

We had an amazing week in the studio and look forward to finishing March strong with you! Today, refocus your mind on those goals you set at the beginning of the month. We can finish March stronger than we started! 

We hope that you have been exercising daily for our Maximize your Motivation in March challenge! Bring in your calendars at the end of the week, to be entered for a month of free sessions! Today, we want to challenge you to take our Spring TransFive challenge. What better time to start, than the last 5 days of March?  YES, YOU CAN! 

Our TransFive challenge is a five-day SUGAR elimination challenge. We will send you our Spring eBook that is filled with a 5-day meal plan, recipes, tips, and daily scripture to help you conquer the challenge! As you accept this challenge keep these tips in mind: 

  • Avoid simple carbohydrates, like processed bread, cereals.
  • Avoid added sugars in foods, artificially sweetened desserts, and candy.
  • Consume ALL your meals prior to 7:00 P.M. Then, brush your teeth for the night and avoid any food until the next morning when you eat breakfast.
  • Drink a minimum of 80 ounces of water DAILY.
  • Try to eat fewer fruits and MORE veggies!
  • Exercise each day for a minimum 30 minutes- one option would be to alternate your strength training and cardiovascular exercise.
  • Find an accountability partner for the 5 days.
  • Beleive in yourself - we believe in you! 

Avocado Strawberry Spinach Salad

  • 6 cups fresh baby spinach
  • 1 pint strawberries, hulled and sliced
  • 1 avocado, diced (or you can double this to 2 avocados!)
  • 4 ounces crumbled gorgonzola or goat cheese
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted
  • Half a small red onion, thinly sliced (optional)
  • Strawberry Vinaigrette (recipe below)

Strawberry Vinaigrette 

  • 1/2 pound fresh strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

To prepare the strawberry vinaigrette, place all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth. Toss all salad ingredients together with your desired amount of dressing until combined. Serve immediately.


Thank you to all the sweet ladies who came out to support our Night of Hope event! We enjoyed getting to sparkle, fellowship, and celebrate with each of you! Hope 139's website has officially launched! Click HERE to go to the website!

Through the Hope 139 website, you can learn more and make donations! If you have any questions, please email It is an honor getting to see how the Lord is moving within our community of TransFit ladies to lift up and encourage women who are less fortunate!  THANK YOU! 


ACCEPT the challenge!  5 Days will revive your body, mind, and spirit!  You are strong and you can complete these FIVE DAYS! We believe in YOU!

We look forward to encouraging you this week! Book sessions today so you have the days and times that are best for you and to help keep you accountable for reaching your goals!

Download our app, TransFit to book sessions and find recipes, inspiration, and workouts! Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat @transfitathens, to keep up with what is happening in the studio, enter in for great giveaways, and find new recipes or workouts to try! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Finish TransFIVE Strong!!!

Happy Thursday!

Thank you for joining us for the transFIVE Challenge! We are SO proud of you for accepting the challenge to eliminate sugar for 5 days to make the first week of October your best! Challenge yourself to workout daily and come join us in the studio for strength training, running, Bible study, Biblical meditation, or yoga! You can do 5 days with no sugar- we believe in you!! 


As we enter into Day 4, here is a great reminder- Release all your worries to the Lord! We pray that you are able to surrender all control to Him.  Rest in His peace and His love for you. The Lord reminds us in His word 365 times to not be afraid- one for each day. May we live in the freedom found in Christ! 

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

You are beautiful and made in His image! Shine today beautiful friend! Make today your best day and commit to eliminating sugar today! Take this journey just one day at a time! You will feel energized & revitalized at the end of the 5 days! Please read the daily inspiration for today in the eBook & remember your goal for this week! 


Keep these great tips in mind each day- 

  • Avoid simple carbohydrates, like processed breads and cereals 
  • Consume ALL your meals prior to 7:00 P.M. Then, brush your teeth for the night and avoid any food until the next morning when you eat breakfast 
  • Drink a minimum of 100 ounces of water DAILY
  • Try to eat less fruits and MORE veggies
  • Exercise for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon- one option would be to alternate your strength training and cardiovascular exercise

YOU ARE ENOUGH! The Lord has created you in His image! Be encouraged by His truth! Thank you for accepting the challenge! Stick with the meal plan today! You are strong and you can complete these FIVE DAYS! We believe in YOU! Download our app, TransFit to book sessions and find recipes, inspiration, and workouts! Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat @transfitathens, to keep up with what is happening in the studio, enter in great giveaways, and find new recipes or workouts to try! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit

Are you up for the Challenge? TransFive No Sugar starts Monday! Download the FREE Ebook!

Happy October sweet friends!

Each of you worked so hard in September, gaining whole body strength! Thank you!

Optimism in October is our theme this month as we work to transform not only our bodies but our minds too!  Each new month can be a fresh start with renewed motivation and willpower to reach new goals and follow a healthy lifestyle. As the month progresses and the "fullness" (aka craziness) of the holiday season begins, we often struggle to remain as dedicated and focused. Please understand this is normal- let our TransFit Team help you transform- not only in body but in mind and spirit too!

Here's a goal for you...stating tomorrow, Monday, 5 days no sugar!  How about trying our TRANSFIVE  --no sugar challenge? We believe in you and YES you can give it your best! 

Download the free guide here.  Let's do this as a strong community and hold each other accountable to having no sugar for 5 days! 

Part of your accountability can be to encourage one another through our October challengeThis October we are challenging each of you to exercise DAILY, and say one positive statement whether it be a workout here at TransFit, running or walking for your cardio, yoga and stretching, or trying one of our workouts on the app!

To help you with this we want to OFFER our ALL ACCESS PASS for the month of October for a special of $185 !

We want you to use this calendar to write down your workout each day! At the end of the month, bring in your calendar for a chance to be entered into a drawing for a MONTH of FREE sessions! If you want to share with your friends your challenge, use the hashtag #TFoctoberchallenge to see what others are doing and to encourage one another! 

We are so excited to take this challenge together and look forward to seeing all that you can accomplish. If you need any ideas for workouts, check our app or our website under HEALTHY LIVING! If you have any questions, please email us at

Enjoy encouraging one another and unlocking the key to total transformation! 


Team TransFit
