Finish TransFIVE Strong!!!

Happy Thursday!

Thank you for joining us for the transFIVE Challenge! We are SO proud of you for accepting the challenge to eliminate sugar for 5 days to make the first week of October your best! Challenge yourself to workout daily and come join us in the studio for strength training, running, Bible study, Biblical meditation, or yoga! You can do 5 days with no sugar- we believe in you!! 


As we enter into Day 4, here is a great reminder- Release all your worries to the Lord! We pray that you are able to surrender all control to Him.  Rest in His peace and His love for you. The Lord reminds us in His word 365 times to not be afraid- one for each day. May we live in the freedom found in Christ! 

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

You are beautiful and made in His image! Shine today beautiful friend! Make today your best day and commit to eliminating sugar today! Take this journey just one day at a time! You will feel energized & revitalized at the end of the 5 days! Please read the daily inspiration for today in the eBook & remember your goal for this week! 


Keep these great tips in mind each day- 

  • Avoid simple carbohydrates, like processed breads and cereals 
  • Consume ALL your meals prior to 7:00 P.M. Then, brush your teeth for the night and avoid any food until the next morning when you eat breakfast 
  • Drink a minimum of 100 ounces of water DAILY
  • Try to eat less fruits and MORE veggies
  • Exercise for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon- one option would be to alternate your strength training and cardiovascular exercise

YOU ARE ENOUGH! The Lord has created you in His image! Be encouraged by His truth! Thank you for accepting the challenge! Stick with the meal plan today! You are strong and you can complete these FIVE DAYS! We believe in YOU! Download our app, TransFit to book sessions and find recipes, inspiration, and workouts! Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat @transfitathens, to keep up with what is happening in the studio, enter in great giveaways, and find new recipes or workouts to try! If you have any questions, please email us at 


Team TransFit