healthy meal planning

FOCUS for the holiday months!

Friends, I hope the start of November finds you ready to clean the slate from Halloween treats and ready to FOCUS on the holiday months ahead. As things begin to pick up for the holiday season, you may find yourself struggling to stay focused on your healthy goals.

"But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded."

2 Chronicles 15:7

Your hard work will pay off in the coming months if you hold yourself accountable and stay focused on your goals! Colleen Pruitt is evidence of this! She won the September Food Journal Challenge by becoming more organized and diligent when it came to her eating habits.  Colleen wrote in her food journal and turned it in for me to review every week!  Today she continues to try healthy, new  recipes for her family's meals and she encourages her children to eat more fruits & vegetables.

colleen pruitt

To help others follow Colleen's path and hold themselves accountable to healthy eating, I offer weekly meal plans for only $10. These meal plans can be customized to accommodate gluten sensitivity, vegetarians, etc. Just click the link on my website or email me at for more information.

Another way you can hold yourself accountable this holiday season is by participating in the Holiday Extravaganza! Many of you may remember last year's competition, where participants wager $20 that they will maintain or lose weight during the holiday season. Those who keep off the pounds get their money back after New Years, and get the chance to win a basket full of goodies from local Athens establishments, and the grand prize of CASH after the holidays!

More details will be revealed soon, but for now download the following calendar and start challenging yourself to a healthy, happy holiday season!

November2014 CALENDAR

