
Merry Christmas from TransFit! Holiday Schedule & Delicious Christmas Recipes

Hello, sweet friends!

The Christmas season is flying by! As we get closer to the big day, our days will no doubt be filled to the brim with shopping, holiday parties and family gatherings. Need a last second gift for a friend or family member? Don’t forget that TransFit has gift cards! Give your loved one the gift of health, and a renewed body, mind and spirit! Of all the gifts we give and receive over the next few days- let us remember one of the best gifts God has given us --our body! He has given us the ability to move, eat well, and treat our bodies with respect, so let’s focus on honoring the amazing body you have more than ever in the coming days!

I want to thank all of my wonderful clients who put in such great work in the studio these  past few weeks! You have given it your absolute best and it has showed! I want to remind you all that our studio will be closed this week and next week for the holidays. But don’t forget there are plenty of workouts posted on the Recharge & Transform  section of the website as well as in the ebook that you can take with you wherever you go over the holidays!

Looking forward to January, we wanted to get feedback from you on what your desired times and days for workouts are because in January we will be adding some new personal and group training session times!

Please give us your feedback at this link

Please email me about your desired workout days as January sessions will be filling up fast!

Many of us have traditions at Christmas, and I know one of those is waking up on Christmas morning and having a big breakfast! Here is a delicious recipe from the 14 Day Recharge ebook that you can make for the entire family and that everyone will absolutely love! 

Lyla loves this recipe! Can't wait to see this sweet little face on Christmas morning! 

Lyla loves this recipe! Can't wait to see this sweet little face on Christmas morning! 

Holiday Baked French Toast

8 slices Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin Bread (or use whole wheat bread & sprinkled it w cinnamon) 1 1/2 cup almond milk (SILK no sugar added, vanilla)
1/4 cup maple syrup + extra for drizzling
1 TBSP vanilla extract
6 eggs
2 TBSP cinnamon

pomegranate seeds for a holiday topping

Cube bread into pieces and put in 8 in square pan. Whisk together almond milk, eggs, vanilla and maple syrup. Pour egg mixture over bread cubes, sprinkle with cinnamon and let soak for about 3 hours or overnight. Bake at 375° for about 45-55 minutes, until eggs are set. Let set on the counter for 5 minutes  Cut into 4 -6 pieces, drizzle with maple syrup and serve. Serves 4

For later in the day when your little ones need a healthy snack, here is another recipe you can make that is fun to make and eat! Watch out – these cute energy bites are dangerously delicious for moms and kids alike!! 

Lyla, Kailtyn, and I had a fun time making these treats  for an afternoon snack and fun Christmas craft! The Frosty the Snowman Energy Bites can provide you with a quick boost of carbs and protein! Energy Bites are a wonderful, nutrient-packed snack any time of day! Enjoy! 

Frosty the Snowman Energy Bites


2 cups raw cashews
1 cup dates, pitted (I soaked mine in water for 10 minutes to soften)

 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes(Pulse in blender to make a snow-like flakes)
1/4 cups mini chocolate chips (for eyes & buttons) 
1 baby carrot cut small (for nose)

Any pretzel or creative food for arms or hat! 


Using a Vitamix blender or food processor for 3-5 minutes, blend together the nuts, dates, cinnamon, oats and vanilla extract until they become a well combined "dough". Transfer the dough to a bowl for easier use. Refrigerate for a few minutes if necessary.

Pick up enough dough for a walnut sized ball. Knead it in your hands a bit to get it to stick together well. Roll the balls in the coconut flakes and stack them. Use mini chocolate chips for the eyes and a tiny little strip of carrot for the nose and whatever else you think would make the snowman look like Frosty.  Just have fun and enjoy a healthy, tasty Christmas treat! 


Finally, I wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas from my family and the TransFit family to yours. You all have been the biggest blessing in my life year after year, and being able to love and serve you has been the biggest pleasure. I pray that you will have a wonderful time with your families and friends, and spend time thanking God for all of the many blessings and most of all for the birth of His son! See you in January!

