The Ultimate Runner's Workout

Fall In Love With Running- The Ultimate Runner's Workout!

Fall is an amazing time of the year for running or brisk walking. The early start of the day is now bright for morning runs. Thankfully, here in Georgia, the afternoons are still warm and sunny, making quick lunchtime runs or brisk walks a treat!

Lyla & Ayn Paker at a local run having a blast!

Fall is also the season for a lot of races, from 5ks to marathons, and it's the perfect time to start training for spring races. While training for running races, it's easy to just focus on building up mileage or doing interval training. However, it is also beneficial to include some strength training to properly develop your muscles and help prevent injuries. With that in mind, I've developed a workout designed with runners in mind.  You can do this workout at home, all you need is a stability ball, dumbbells, and a bench or a step! Have fun with this full body runner's workout!

Ultimate Workout for Runners

One way to make running more rewarding is involve your family. My kids love going on short runs and participating in fun runs. However, just because kids seem full of energy, doesn't mean they're ready to jump right in to a full 5k. Properly training for a race is just as important for kids as it is for adults, if not more so since kids are still growing and developing. Practice good habits with your children like developing a good post run stretching routine and slowly increasing the amount of time spent running or walking. The following plan is one that my children and my friends have used with great success.


The most important part of running is having fun! So try the strength workout, go for a walk or jog with your kids, and get outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. Fall in love with running or walking to enjoy your healthy lifestyle!

