
🎄 5 Tips to Manage Holiday Parties This Year

Sweet friends,

The holiday season brings so many wonderful things to our lives! We get to spend time with our families and friends and celebrate the birth of our Savior. There’s so much to get excited about!

However, with these holiday celebrations comes holiday parties where we are surrounded by endless amounts of food! Often, we are surrounded by such homemade goodness that we can’t help but over eat, and then we feel guilty afterwards! Let’s not feel that way this holiday season!

Below are FIVE tips to help you navigate holiday parties this Christmas season!

  1. Drink a large glass of water before the party.

Drinking water can help you feel full for longer. Drink 1-2 glasses of water before you go to the party to help eliminate mindless snacking. You can also carry a glass of water with you at the party to give you something to hold and drink without reaching for unhealthy snacks!

2. Keep moving!

Go to the party with the mindset that the party is for fellowship and spending quality time with friends or family and isn’t about food! Make your way around the room talking and enjoying others’ company, and you won’t think about the treats!

Make sure you are exercising regularly! Stay on track with your exercise goals during the holiday season. Block off workout times in your schedule and don’t miss! When you are exercising regularly, you won’t want to undo all of the hard work that you have put in!

3. Eat a high-protein snack before the party.

A high-protein snack can help you curb your cravings and help you be full before you arrive at the party! After eating your snack, you will be full and satisfied and will be less likely to mindlessly snack while you are there. Often, people eat less in preparation of a big party to try to “save calories”, but this usually leads to overeating foods that will not satisfy or fuel your body in the long run! Good examples of high-protein snacks are:

  • 1/4 cup of nuts

  • 1/2 cup of trail mix

  • 1 cheese stick

  • 1 hard boiled egg

  • 1/2 cup of cooked edamame

  • Kind bars

  • Turkey roll-ups

  • Rice cake layered with nut butter and chopped walnuts

    4. Chew sugar free gum.

    Chewing sugar-free gum is a great way to stop those sugar cravings! It will give you something to chew, but will save you the calories! Instead of reaching for that piece of chocolate or sweet treat, pop in a piece of sugar free gum!

    5. Bring a healthy snack or treat!

    Bring something to the party that you know you can munch on without feeling guilty. Your friends will thank you, too! Some great options for healthy dishes are:

  • Lean meat and cheese trays

  • Fruit or vegetable trays

  • Homemade trail mix

  • One of our TransFit winter recipes!

  • Strawberry Edamame Salad


Don’t forget about our Favorite Things Luncheon this Thursday, December 13th from 12-1 in the TransFit studio! It will be a wonderful time of fellowship with our TransFit community! Think of something that you LOVE (valued around $15). Bring ONE of your favorite items. We will draw names and everyone will go home with a NEW FAVORITE THING!

The cost of attendance is $12 to cover lunch from The Pine. Sign up on our app at the link below under “Special Events.”

December Lunch and Learn.jpg

Thank you to everyone that has brought in a gift for our Giving Tree! There are a few ornaments still left on our tree if you would like to participate. Just bring your wrapped gift, put it under our Giving Tree by Friday, December 14th.

We also invite you to come help deliver these gifts to Downtown Academy next Tuesday from 12-1! We will be meeting at the studio at 11:30 a.m. and then going to Downtown Academy! You can also meet us at Downtown Academy!

Believe in December Flyer.jpg

We only have two more Tuesdays in 2018! Can you believe it?! We want to encourage you to finish out 2018 strong and reach your goals and dreams! Come join us in the studio for a session! Over the next few weeks, please sign-up for sessions in advance as we are operating on a holiday schedule. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at transfitathens@gmail.com. We can’t wait to see you soon!


Team TransFit