
🙏 But How… How Do We Transform Our Minds? #5InspirationalPodcasts


Sweet friends,

We talk often about living transformed. But “how” is the question we get asked a lot— how do you transform not only your body, but your mind? It’s truth that truly transforms and getting it in various different forms all throughout the day.

As  someone who spends at least two hours commuting to and from work, school & activities each day, I don’t know how I would get along without the manna that I received from incredible podcasts. The sonic ministry of the ones I’ve subscribed to over the past few years has provided me with many occasions to be inspired, encouraged, learn, and rejoice. We can use media for our good to help us make the most of every day and transform our minds!

In TransFit, we discuss “as she thinks, therefore she is.” These podcasts below can be a great help in keeping your thoughts fixed on “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable” (Phil. 4:8). Here are some incredible podcasts you should try! 


Our blog today is brought to you by Katie David, a runner, educator, wife, mother, and avid podcast listener. She has a page called Podcast for Purpose dedicated to sharing podcast recommendations. The premise is to stir souls, sharpen focus, cultivate creativity, and expand minds! We are so inspired by Katie and grateful that she shared this knowledge with us!

“Listening to podcasts has become a huge part of my life over the past few years. Project Podcast for Purpose is just that— a project. It's a creative outlet where I can express my thoughts and reflections on podcasts episodes that impact my heart and mind and invite others to join me. I'm always looking to redefine myself, stretch comfort zones, learn something new and understand all of God's people better! I believe the quality of my life is largely connected to what I pay attention to. I hope you enjoy this collection of Faith Based Podcasts specifically designed with TransFit listeners in mind.” -Katie


Annie F. Downs on “That Sounds Fun” Podcast

The PROMISE: If you think Christianity can’t be synonymous with fun, then you haven’t met Annie! She brings her genuine personality and contagious laugh each week as she sits down to talk with authors, singers, athletes and so many others. Annie is an accomplished author and speaker who is well informed on today’s world as well as grounded in her beliefs. The upbeat nature of this show leaves you feeling energetic and cheerful!

Essence of an Episode: Amy Byrd; Next Gen Episode: 1. Step into Amy’s shoes to hear what it’s like to dive in head first into the hearts and minds of today’s teenagers. Amy’s first-hand accounts of ministering to teenage girls sheds light on 21st century teens. Sge educates the listener on a wide range of teen topics; from the hours they keep, how social media is seemingly woven into their DNA, and the Bible studies she has written specifically for them.


Jamie Ivey on “The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey”

The PROMISE: This show will feel like cozy coffeehouse talk. Jamie is an excellent communicator and interviewer. Each week she hosts a world-changer to share their story.  You may find yourself finishing an episode in tears or smiling wide, as some shows expose voice-shaking vulnerability while others are just too precious for words. The conversations always find their way to Jesus and how He provides and loves us.

Essence of an Episode: Ep: 213: Jessica Turner. Jamie and Jessica sit down to discuss Jessica’s new book “Stretched Too Thin: How Working Moms Can Lose the Guilt, Work Smarter, and Thrive.” Hot topics included in this episode: mental load, mom guilt, shame, and juggling ALL the things. This episode empowers!


Alli Worthington on “The Alli Worthington Show”

The PROMISE: Alli conveys her authenticity through a microphone— now that’s hard to do! She is an author, speaker and business leader. Her guests offer stories that meet at the intersection of Life, Faith and Business. Sit down and grab a notebook when listening to Alli; she dishes out well-thought questions and always produces an insightful show that entertains and educates.

         Essence of an Episode: Francesca Battistelli on family, balance, and how to own it. Alli goes live with the Grammy-winning, talented singer/songwriter, wife, mother, and all-around relatable woman Francesca Battistelli. Francesca is well known for her presence in Christian music. In this episode, the ladies discuss the process behind songwriting, raising a big family, Christmas routines and more. With so many plates spinning, Francesca dishes on some of the ways she lets Jesus ‘in’ and finds peace.


Emily P. Freeman on “the NEXT RIGHT THING”

The PROMISE: The podcast tagline, “Creating space for your soul to breathe so you can discern the next right thing,” sums up this show perfectly.  Emily’s approach to making decisions – the big and little ones- allows the listener the freedom to create space, seek the wisdom of God and feel at peace with their choices.  She walks the listener through scenarios and illustrates the correlations of her discernment with the Lord’s will.

         Essence of an Episode: Ep:65: Take Off Your Crown.  Emily exposes her own vulnerability while sharing a story of how she seeks to control, measure, manipulate, maintain and figure out the answers to her life, living in her kingdom, instead of the Kingdom of God. Need a reminder about who’s kingdom you are in? Practice taking off your crown, it’s not all up to you.  “You are one in whom Christ dwells and delights. You live in a strong and unshakeable Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is not in trouble and neither are you.”


Lisa Whittle on “Jesus Over Everything with Lisa Whittle”

The PROMISE: Meet your daily dose of spiritual renewal! Lisa provides short (approximately 5 minutes), powerful episodes to jump start your day. Her wit and intelligence will make it a routine listen.

     Essence of an Episode: S1E2: My Will for Thy Will with Lysa Terkeurst. Lysa elaborates on what it means to exchange our will for God’s will.  Amid questions of ‘why me’ and ‘why now,’ Lysa learned to seek verses on raw and relatable words in scripture that met her right where she was – broken and scared.


We’re so excited we still have our TransFit Girls sessions Wednesdays at 4:15! It’s never too late to sign your girls up! You can purchase the sessions on our website HERE or our free app HERE.

Check out our website for more blogs, inspiration, recipes, workouts, and more!

Let us know how we can serve you! We’re so excited to finish February stronger together with you! Email us at transfitathens@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to schedule a on-on-one!


Team TransFit