no weights workout

Beach Body Bootcamp Workout! No weights needed!

My family and I just returned from an amazing beach vacation! This week we were all able to relax, focus, and recharge  and now we are ready to continue strong for the summer ahead. Restoration is so essential for whole body health and can give you renewed energy in all aspects of life!  Our health is such a gift! God has given us an amazing temple and in all areas let's honor Him with our bodies.

Matthew 11:28-29 “…Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” 

Here are a few pictures of our beach getaway below!

Soaking up some sun with the family!


Kaitlyn trying her hand out paddleboarding!

So much fun!  All the fun in the sun made me think about a workout that could be done in the the sand and could be done without the hassle of weights and gym equipment.  BEACH BODY BOOTCAMP WORKOUT!  Although it can be difficult to find time to exercise during family vacation, this workout will is one that the whole family can do together and you don't need to bring anything (no weights necessary)! Whether on the beach, at the lake, by the pool, a hotel or wherever you may be, complete this anywhere workout and feel GREAT the rest of the day! With Fourth of July right around the corner this will be an awesome workout to do before or after your family fireworks!


             For those of you at the beach here are some helpful sand tips:
  • Try exercising with bare feet to give your feet and ankles a workout. But, if you have a history of weak ankles, wear shoes.
  • Always wear sun protection.
  • Make sure to drink water!
  • Check your training area for any sharp or hidden objects.
  • Knock it out and enjoy a great workout with the family!

Blessings, Caroline