October Client Spotlight: Paige Colquitt

Hi sweet friends! 

We are almost though the month and our October Challenge is going strong! Activity daily and one positive statement is the October Challenge! We hope you are trying to get in some type of movement everyday and recording it on your October calendar! Also, it's not to late to start the challenge, or restart the challenge! Make every day count this month! Today, we have the joy of introducing you to our October client spotlight- Paige Colquitt!

Paige radiates inner and outer beauty and shines her bright spirit on everyone she meets! Paige is transforming daily in body, mind, and spirit and we LOVE Paige's daily goal "to take it one hour, one day at a time!"  YES, that is what living transformed is - resetting, restarting, refocusing one hour at a time- giving your best with what you have! Not comparing yourself but being grateful for your little blessings! 

Thank you Paige for that reminder! We are so proud of you!  


My journey to good health began after the birth of our second child in 1998. I had lots of baby weight to lose, so I started running... and running... and running. Running still continues to be my favorite cardio exercise. Running combined with less eating helped shed all those pounds.  

As I aged, I continued to exercise regularly. In addition to running, I love to swim, hike, bike and have just taken up paddleboarding with my husband! I LOVE the way exercise makes me feel...strong, confident and ready to tackle the day! Although I felt like I had the exercising part down pat, I quickly realized that I was missing a key component in to my health routine, that of good nutrition. I began to understand that eating the same types/amounts of food as a 50-year-old didn't yield the same results as when I was a 30-year-old. I began to feel frustrated. I was still exercising as much as ever. Why was I gaining weight? That's when I discovered TransFit. The timing was perfect.

I made an appointment with Katie Woodall, nutrition specialist at TransFit, who explained to me that the food choices I make should be looked at as a way of fueling and energizing my body. I had always looked at it as depriving myself of tasty foods and missing out on good food. This was a huge paradigm shift for me ... one that I desperately needed. Katie instilled in me four nutrition goals that I try to adhere to each day. 1) Drink lots of water daily. 2) Eat more protein. 3) Consume more greens. 4) Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Everyday is not perfect by any means, but I've realized by doing these four things, I feel so much more energized and happier!  


At the same time, I also enrolled in Caroline's Transformer classes. I had been doing some exercise "boot camps" at home, but knew I needed to change things up. After taking Caroline's first class, I knew it was different. The strength/interval training was just what my body needed. The class itself challenged me, kept my body guessing and had me coming back for more. I loved it and continue to enjoy it twice a week. Losing some weight, decreasing body fat, and increasing muscle mass have all been positive results I've seen. I sweat like I've never sweated before and leave each session ready to tackle the day! Another plus is that all the teachers are so encouraging and truly want you to succeed. TransFit has helped change my mindset as well. I've always been really hard on myself and expect perfection at times. I've learned not to beat myself up when I make mistakes and that God doesn't expect perfection from me... all He asks for is my dependence on Him. He loves me just as I am and asks that I trust Him daily. My favorite part of each TransFit class is when Caroline prays a closing prayer to lift us up and remind us that God's love is unfailing.

Lastly, a huge part of my health journey has been the fun of sharing it with my husband, Steve. He, too, is on board with making healthy food choices for himself and exercising daily. He is an awesome accountability partner and encourager. We've learned that we work so much better together as a team and strive to enter each day with positivity. 


Paige, we are so incredibly proud of you! We hope that Paige's story inspired and encouraged you! We love how Paige shared about the importance of whole body health through exercise and nutrition and accountability!  

Ladies, we can finish this month strong! Let's make it count and give it our BEST! We believe in you! If you have any questions or would like to schedule a 1-1 appointment with any of our trainers or dietitian and nutrition consultants, please email us at transfitathens@gmail.com or register on our website or FREE app


Team TransFit
