Exercising While Pregnant - Yes!!!


Carinne Hardin & family

There are many wonderful benefits of pregnancy exercise! One of my amazing clients, Carinne Hardin, has been exercising at TransFit for almost 2 years! I have been most proud of her accomplishments and how she is taking care of her body these past 9 months! Carinne was eating clean nutritious foods and was exercising consistently until the day she gave birth! Carinne is an inspiration to many women and she is a wonderful example of the many benefits exercising while pregnant! To know more about Carinne or exercising while pregnant, message me and I would love to share in more detail!


Here are some wonderful benefits of pregnancy exercise: 

1. Boost your energy
Pregnancy can sap your energy, but regular bouts of exercise will help you get through your daily tasks or cope with a demanding schedule: Exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system, so you don't tire as easily. With muscles that are strong and toned, you need less effort to engage in any activity, whether that means grocery shopping or sitting through meetings at the office.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), you can safely take part in 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise every day, as long as you don't have a medical condition or complication that your doctor or midwife has told you rules out exercise or limits your activity level.
2. Sleep better
When you're carrying an extra 15 pounds (or more!) in front of you, finding a comfortable sleeping position can be a real challenge. But exercise will help you work off any excess energy and tire you enough to lull you into a more restful sleep.
3. Reduce pregnancy discomfort
Overall, regular exercise stretches and strengthens your muscles, which helps your body cope better with the aches and pains of pregnancy. Stretches ease back pain, walking improves your circulation, and swimming can strengthen your abdominal muscles.
4. Prepare for childbirth
Giving birth is akin to running a marathon, which requires stamina, determination, and focus. Though it hasn't been well researched, training for childbirth through exercise may ease labor and even shorten the time it takes to deliver your baby.
5. Reduce stress and lift your spirits
Having a child is a life-changing, momentous experience that can leave you feeling simultaneously ecstatic, overwhelmed, and anxious. One study found that exercise boosts levels of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to mood, putting you in better spirits.
6. Improve your self-image
Watching the scale inch its way up to numbers you've never seen before can be disheartening. Staying active helps you feel better about yourself and improves your odds of gaining a healthy amount of weight.
My hope for is for all women to know how important exercise is in every phase of life! If you have any questions about exercising while pregnant please contact me! Have a healthy day!  Caroline