Transformer small group training program

00017cassiewrightphotoEverything is better with friends! When it comes to exercise, statistics have proven that working out with a friend increases your commitment to getting fit. Statistics also show that working out with a trainer increases your ability to get results by a factor of ten!What if you took the power of the group dynamic and the affordability that sharing the cost of personal training with friends can provide and mold it to fit your personal fitness goals?

Try the new TransFormer SMALL GROUP TRAINING-not only is it more affordable, but it can be more fun when in a small group, increasing the chances of reaching success 10-fold! This high intensity workout should be a BONUS to your regular workouts. You should keep your regular aerobic, running, swimming, or personal training sessions weekly and add in a special TransFormer session for optimal results! The TransFormer is for those individuals who want to push themselves beyond what they think their body can handle!

In small group training, you experience the motivation of a small group of other members who share similar goals, giving you the energy of others to push you through workouts and completing exercises that you would never dream of accomplishing on your own.

The workout involves functional, core, strength, and plyometric training--you will press with medicine balls, hang on the jungle-gym, swing with Kettlebells, slide with gliding disks, squeeze with resistance bands, and jump to new heights.

And, in TransFormer Small Group Training, you will move like never before--and it will make you smile while getting fit. I look forward to you checking out one of these TransFormer sessions soon!

Tentative TransFormer Small Group Training Schedule Wednesday 9:30 am Thursday 5:15 pm Saturday 7:30 am

Session beings January 14th. Cost is $15 per session - please email me if you would like me to add in this TransFormer session into your week!

Blessings, Caroline