It’s that time of year again…
Time for the Holiday Extravaganza, and time to weigh in BEFORE Thanksgiving! If you would like to participate this year, please call or e-mail me (my contact info is below) to find a time for you to come weigh in! Feel free to invite friends & family to play as well. The pot will be huge this year, but hopefully everyone will take their money back!
Starts November 11th (week) - Finish January 5th (week)
Any person who wants to play puts $20 in the bucket.
1. WEIGH IN (I know this could be scary for some but completely confidential)
2. Do your best over the holidays to eat right, exercise, etc.
3. We will weigh in the week of Jan 5th...
***If your weight stays the same -- you get your money back! :) SUCCESS!!
***If you gain weight over the holidays your money stays in the bucket.
If you are the biggest loser (by percentage of weight lost), you get to keep ALL the leftover $$ in the bucket!!! OH YEAH!!!
Last year, Sara Bennett won $250 AFTER Christmas!!
The game is the best way to keep YOU accountable over the holiday season! Let’s DO IT!