New Personal Training Client Session

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New Personal Training Client Session


You will receieve:

  • 55 minute 1-1 session 
  • Body composition evaluation: Body measurements, Weight and Body Fat % & Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Consultation and discussion on how to reach your goals
  • Condensed (25 minute) workout for evaluation
  • Advanced Fitness Binder including exercise plan, tips, goal worksheet, recipes and more!

We will spend some time talking about workouts, nutrition, and getting to know what specific goals you have in mind.

Please wear exercise clothing, eat 1 - 1 & 1/2 hours before you come and drink plenty of fluids two- three days prior to our appointment

I would like you to keep a food journal of what you have been eating/drinking and if you have been exercising and I would like you to bring this to the 1st session.

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