The Official Push up Challenge Winner- Mary Hardman!

It’s official…Mary Hardman is the winner of the July Push Up Challenge!

Mary Hardman, son, & grandson  Push up Challenge Winner

Mary is one of the most active, beautiful women in Athens, Georgia. I have had the pleasure of working with her since January of 2013 and she never ceases to amaze me! Mary is determined to never grow old and has proven that fact this summer! In January we started working on planks and now Mary has perfected to plank for almost one minute! The first week in July, Mary started out doing 15 push-ups in 1 minute  and after 4 weeks of daily practice with planks, push ups, and other weight-bearing exercises she knocked out 36 push ups in 1 minute! 21 more push-up that originally done! An unbelievable improvement! Hard work does pay off and now Mary feels strong and confident in her daily activities!

In Mary's words "A push-up is a representative of life. Lying face down on the floor, we meet the challenge with tremendous heart and determination only competing with ourselves, we can defy our age, and find confidence through inner and outer strength."  Congratulations Mary! You won two free sessions and some strong bragging rights!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the July Push-up Challenge. Meg Parker did the most push ups in the minute - 51! Great job, Meg! Most people improved their one minute push-ups significantly and now have stronger, sleeker arms. Check out the sleek, summer arm workout for a quick way to tighten those arm muscles.

One of Mary's favorite high energy breakfasts is a delicious smoothie with Kefir. Please see the delicious, highly nutritious recipe below!

Energizing Kefir Smoothie

Energizing Kefir Smoothie

1 Cup Kefir (probiotic high protein, drinkable yogurt)

1 Cup frozen strawberries (or other favorite berry)

1 Cup Spinach

1 Cup Crushed ice

¼ Cup Orange or Carrot juice

Blend until smooth! Enjoy a high protein, low-calorie, nutrient dense smoothie!

Blessings, Caroline!